Lesson PLAN Modification Table PDF

Title Lesson PLAN Modification Table
Author Caitlyn Campbell
Course  Theory and Practice of Teaching ESOL Students in Schools
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 17
File Size 550.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 100
Total Views 138


Modifications to lesson plan every level ...


1 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION TABLE Original lesson plan URL: http://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewResourceLesson/Preview/74567 SLIDE/TREAD







Read the book


Beginner: Student

Beginner: Blend Non-Verbal

The Penny Pot


might have trouble

and Verbal Support –

by Stuart J.

understanding all

Gestures, photos in book, using


words, needs it

expressions, defining words

translated and

when needed, reading in a


certain tone/reading voice and stopping half way through to provide a summary.

Intermediate: Blend Non-Verbal Intermediate: Student

and Verbal Support –

might need assistance

Gestures, photos in book, using

with words, might not

expressions, defining words

understand the concept when needed, reading in a of the book, might need certain tone/reading voice and

2 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION some words translated

stopping half way through to provide a summary. Advanced: Blend Non-Verbal

Advanced: Student

and Verbal Support –

might need assistance

Gestures, photos in book, using

understanding the

expressions, defining words

entire book, should be

when needed, reading in a

able to get a good

certain tone/reading voice and

understanding of the

stopping half way through to

Tell the


book Beginner: Student will

provide a summary. Beginner: Will need Non-verbal

students that


not understand just

support such as providing an


example on how to make the

they will be making the

amounts show on the card.


Showing them what they will be

shown on the

doing will help them be

card on their

successful. Students will need to


connect some words to

(desks work

background knowledge, such

fine too) using

as the money amount on the

play money.

card to the amount they need to buy lunch. Provide graphic organizer such as Coin Chart (see attachments).


Intermediate: Student

Intermediate: Students will need

will need some

to connect some words to

clarification on certain

background knowledge, such


as the money amount on the card to the amount they need to buy lunch. Provide graphic organizer such as Coin Chart (see attachments).

Advanced: Student

Advanced: Students will need to

may need a few

connect some words to

definitions of words.

background knowledge, such

For the most part they

as the money amount on the

should understand the

card to the amount they need to


buy lunch. Provide graphic organizer such as Coin Chart

Beginner: Student may

(see attachments). Beginner: Interaction (Partner

created the

have trouble writing

Work) - Might want to pair ESOL

model, they will


with an advanced ESOL

After they have


record it on an

students or Native English

exit slip.

speakers to assist them in recording their findings.


Intermediate: Student

Intermediate: Interaction

might have trouble

(Partner Work) - Might want to

expressing their

pair ESOL with an advanced

answer into words on

ESOL students or Native


English speakers to assist them in recording their findings.

Advanced: Interaction (Teacher Advanced: Student

Check In) – Teacher could

should understand and

check in on the student to

be able to record on

ensure they are on the correct

exit slip. Beginner: Student

track. Beginner: Non-Verbal Support

need to draw

might have a hard time

– Show student how to copy

the coins they

copying the amount

their model to paper.

used in their

they have created.

Interaction – Group students in


Might not understand

groups of 4-6 so they can help

what is being asked of

each other.

Student will


them. Might need an example.

Intermediate: Student

Intermediate: Non-Verbal

5 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION might have a hard time

Support – Show student how to

understanding the

copy their model to paper.

directions, might need

Interaction – Group students in

an example.

groups of 4-6 so they can help each other.

Advanced: Student

Advanced: Non-Verbal Support

should be able to

– Show student how to copy

understand and follow

their model to paper if needed.

directions, might need

Interaction – Group students in

an example to get them groups of 4-6 so they can help going. Beginner: Student will

each other. Beginner: Modified

create an

have trouble creating a

Assessment – Allow student to



answer two questions instead of

They will also



writing a sentence. Leveled


Questions – 1. Is .50¢ greater

the coins they

than .25¢? 2. Is .75¢ half a


dollar? Intermediate: Student might have trouble

Intermediate: Modified

forming a sentence

Assessment – Allow student to

with correct grammar

answer two questions instead of

and proper words.

writing a sentence. Leveled

6 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION Questions – 1. What amount does the model represent? 2. What amount would we add to . 50¢ have a total of .95¢? Advanced: Student might misspell a few

Advanced: Modified

words or have

Assessment – Allow student to

grammar issues.

answer two questions instead of writing a sentence. Leveled Questions – 1. How should we add to .50¢ to have $3? 2. If you have .50¢ and you give Lee .

Students will


Beginner: Student

38¢ how much do you have? Beginner: Verbal Support -

need to write


might not be able to

Allow the student to verbally

an explanation

express their reasoning explain their reasoning.

of how they

in writing.

Technology Component -

came to their

Allow student to use the website


http://www.abcya.com/counting_ money.htm to practice/assess their counting skills on level 1.

7 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION Intermediate: Student

Intermediate: Verbal Support -

might not be able to

Allow the student to verbally

express reasoning fully

explain their reasoning.

in writing.

Technology Component Allow student to use the website http://www.abcya.com/counting_ money.htm to practice /assess their counting skills on level 1 or 2.

Advanced: Student

Advanced: Verbal Support -

should be able to

Allow the student to verbally

express their answer

explain their reasoning if

pretty accurately.

needed. Technology Component - Allow student to use the website http://www.abcya.com/counting_ money.htm to practice/assess their counting skills on level 2 or higher.

Exit slips will


Beginner: Student

Beginner: Verbal Support –

be evaluated


might need more time

allow student to verbally answer.


doing assessment or a

Allow student more time to finish


different assessment.


Intermediate: Student might need more time

Intermediate: Verbal support –

doing assessment or a

allow student to verbally answer

different assessment.

once they have tried to write their explanation. Allow student more time to finish work.

Advanced: Student should be able to do

Advanced: Verbal Support –

assessment, might

allow student to verbally answer

need some assistance.

if they want to after they have written their answer. Allow student more time to finish work.

List of Materials:

The Penny Pot by Stuart Murphey


Cards with various amounts written on them (see attachment)

Coin manipulatives (play money)

Coin Chart (see attachment)


The Coin Counting Book by Rozanne Lanczak Williams

For those who have Smart Boards a Smart Document is found here: http://exchange.smarttech.com/details.html?id=b50d786b-de94-43aa-ae56611360d53a78

Website: http://www.abcya.com/counting_money.htm

Attachments: 

Coin Chart (created by me)

Cards with Coins (with lesson plan)

Coins with Amounts (with lesson plan)

11 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION Original Lesson Plan: 

Lesson Plan Template: General Lesson Plan

Learning Objectives: What should students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson? The student will be able to identify the value of a penny, nickel, dime and quarter. The student will be able to use addition to determine the value of coin combinations (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters) with sums within 100.

Prior Knowledge: What prior knowledge should students have for this lesson? Students will need to know single digit and double digit addition with sums within 100

Guiding Questions: What are the guiding questions for this lesson? What is the value of a penny? What is the value of a nickel? What is the value of a dime? What is the value of a quarter? If the value of a nickel is 5, what is a quicker way to count multiple nickels? If the value of a dime is 10, what would be a quicker way to count multiple dimes? How can we show money amounts in a different way?

12 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION Teaching Phase: How will the teacher present the concept or skill to

students? Students will watch this music video as an introduction to counting money. (If the link does not work, copy and paste the following URL: http://safeshare.tv/w/baisTwkEPs) After the video, ask: Why is it important to know the value of coins? (sample response: knowing the amount of money you have is important in order for you to buy the things you want) Read aloud the book titled The Coin Counting Book by Rozanne Lanczak Williams (Lexile: 310 DRA: 16). Read the book all the way through. After you have read the book, read the book a second time stopping to add coin combinations described in the book. (ex: On one of the first pages there is a poem that reads "One penny, two pennies, three pennies, four. What will we get when we add one more?") Do not read this book under the document camera or show the students the pages until after you complete the activities. Use this process while doing the activity. Instruct students that in their journals, they will draw 5 pennies. Then write the values next to each coin. Then write addition sentences to add the amounts. (ex: 1 + 1+ 1+ 1+ 1 = 5) Remind students that there is another coin that holds the same value. Ask them to find and identify it (nickel). Record this on paper as well. Discuss with the students the differences in the two representations of 5 cents. Repeat steps in #9 and #10 using the coin combinations described in the poems and pictures throughout the book. There is

13 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION no need to record every combination of coins in their journals. Teacher will circulate around the room to provide guidance and feedback where necessary. Create a chart that includes a picture of the coins and the value.

Guided Practice: What activities or exercises will the students complete with teacher guidance? Read the book The Penny Pot by Stuart J. Murphy (Lexile: 240 DRA: 18) Pass out a set of play coins to each student and display a set of coins on a document viewer or smartboard. Remind students that in the book The Penny Pot Jesse wanted to have her face painted for 50¢. Say "Let's find a way to make 50¢ using the coins under the document camera" (or SmartBoard if you have one). Give the students time to think of different ways that we can show 50¢. Have them work with a partner showing one way to make 50¢. Call on students to explain their answers. Record the different ways to show 50¢ on paper (if using the document camera) or in the SmartBoard document.

Independent Practice: What activities or exercises will students complete to reinforce the concepts and skills developed in the lesson? Distribute index cards with various amounts on them to the students. coin-amount-flashcards.pdf

14 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION Tell the students that they will be making the amounts shown on the card on their workmats (desks work fine too) using play money. After they have created the model, they will record it on an exit slip. Student will need to draw the coins they used in their model. They will also create an addition sentence representing the coins they used. Students will need to write an explanation of how they came to their answer. Exit slips will be turned in for assessment. 

Closure: How will the teacher assist students in organizing the knowledge gained in the lesson? As a class we will review the chart we created at the beginning of the lesson to discuss how we are able to add various combinations of coins to make new amounts. Within their groups, students will answer the question in a think-pair-share style strategy, on why it's important to know how to add coins which is the question we started the whole lesson with. Some acceptable responses would be: "to know how much money we have" and "to know how much money we need to buy something". Call on a few students to share their group's answers.

Summative Assessment Exit Slip Student will use the exit slip listed in the independent practice section for their summative assessment. They will follow the instructions given in the independent practice section, also. They will be assessed using the scale below: 2 points - All answers required are correct.

15 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION 1 point - One or more answers provided are correct. 0 points - None of the answers provided are correct. Formative Assessment

1. Students will be given coin flashcards coinflashcards.pdf (flashcards created at Mathaids.com) This link to the US Mint has some images that may be copied and glued to cards. US Mint 2. Through an individual learning activity the students will identify the coins and their value. 3. Determine if students have an understanding of each coin: Do students know the value of each coin? Do students know the name of each coin? 4. Teacher will be circulating around the room during guided practice observing the models the students are creating with their manipulatives and asking the questions listed in the guiding questions section as they work with their partner. 5. If there are students who do not understand the concept, provide them with more time to practice with manipulatives. 6. Afterwards, have students turn over their index cards and with instruction from the teacher, students will complete a few single digit and double digit addition problems. Teacher will provide feedback as needed. 

Feedback to Students

16 LESSON PLAN MODIFICATION During the initial formative assessment teacher will observe students and provide feedback as needed. during the teaching phase, the teacher will ask and answer questions as necessary. During the guided practice, teacher will observe students and provide corrective feedback as necessary. See the lesson for more specific feedback to students. ACCOMMODATIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Accommodations: 1.

Students will use coin manipulatives and receive additional practice.


This website at NCTM"s Illuminations may be used for additional Practice. Coin Box


Students will be given a resource card showing the coins. They will be labeled with the names of the coins and their values. Students will be allowed to use manipulatives to assist in counting. Seat students closest to the front so that you have access to see their work as frequently as needed.


Challenge students by providing other money amounts and the number of coins that are available. For example: Can you make 18 cents using exactly 10 coins? (2 nickels and 8 pennies)


REFERENCES Noseworthy, Elizabeth. (2009). Classroom Accommodations for ESL and ELD Students.

Retrieved from https://www.ed.gov.nl.ca/edu/k12/curriculum/guides/esl/classroom_accommodati ons.pdf

Nutta, Joyce. Strebel, Carine. Mokhtari, Kouider. Mihai, Florin. Crevecoeur-Bryant, Edwidge. Educating English Learners. Cambridge: Harvard Education Press.

2014. Nutta, J., Strebel, C., Mihai, F., Crevecoeur-Bryant, E., & Mokhtari, K. (2018). Show, tell, build. Harvard Education Press....

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