Lesson Plan & Resources PDF

Title Lesson Plan & Resources
Author Kathryn Smith
Course Introduction To Teaching Social Studies
Institution University of Northern Iowa
Pages 6
File Size 109.4 KB
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We had to come up with a lesson plan for an entire social studies course(whether it be history, sociology, psychology, etc.) and come up with sources for videos or websites we would use for that unit....


10th Grade World History I

Beginning to 1648(All Year) Units 1.

Mini Unit First Civilization--Mesopotamia

2. Ancient Egypt 3. Ancient Greece & Rome 4. Fall of the Big 3(Egypt, Greece and Roman Empire) 5. Age of Exploration 6. The Renaissance 7. The New World 8. The Enlightenment Part I 9. Mini Source Citing Lesson--Teach Chicago Footnote Citation

Unit I: First Civilization Intro Question: What do you know about The first Civilization? Lesson: a. Mesopotamia ❏ Watch couple clips on Mesopotamia


Unit II: Ancient Egypt Intro Question: What do you know about Egypt? Lessons: b. Egyptian Mythology ❏ Group Presentation Project--Choose an Egyptian God or Goddess that appeals to you make a Prezi, PowerPoint, or Google Slides presentation must be at least 5-10 minutes b. Cleopatra & King Tut c. Alexandria--The Library of Knowledge, Lighthouse one of the 7 Wonders of the World--Find virtual tours d. Alexander the Great and the conquering of Egypt

Unit III: Ancient Greece & Rome Intro Question: How did The Greek and Roman Empire change the world? What were the differences between cultures? Lessons: a. Greek & Roman Mythology--Compare & Contrast, possibly talk about the planets’ names ❏ Group Presentation Project--Choose either a Roman or Greek God or Goddess that appeals to you make a Prezi, PowerPoint, or Google Slides presentation must be at least 5-10 minutes a. Colosseum--Rome’s Entertainment, First Olympics b. Pompeii


Unit IV: Fall of the Big 3 Intro Question: Why did Egypt, Greece, and The Roman Empire fall? What can we learn from their triumphs and downfalls? Lessons: a. The Trojan Horse & Battle 300--Possibly watch Troy/300 or at least clips b. First historians, historiography--Look at primary sources--Watch Video What is Historiography c. Julius & Augustus Caesar, Possibly team up with English/Drama Department--Changing of the Calendar

Unit V: Age of Exploration Intro Question: How did those who traveled the world affect our different cultures today? How different would the world be if the Americas weren’t discovered? Lessons: Watch Crash Course on Unit a. Race for the claim of the Route to India b. Silk Road(Going back in time) c. Native Americas ❏ Group Presentation Project--Choose An Early Native American Group(South, Central, and North America) that appeals to you make a Prezi, PowerPoint, or Google Slides presentation must be at least 5-10 minutes d. Christopher Columbus--Isabella & Ferdinand, Genocide e. Hernando Cortez--Watch El Dorado, Fountain of Youth, discovery of Florida



Magellan--First circumnavigation

Unit VI: The Renaissance Intro Question: What are the lasting effects or inventions from the Renaissance? Lessons: a. Da Vinci--Mona Lisa, Very Early depiction of an airplane, Autopsies beneath Catholic Church(controversial) b. Michelangelo--Sistine Chapel, Statue of David c. Galileo--Discovered Sun was center of Universe, controversial

Unit VII: The New World Intro Question: What made people want to go to the new world? Lessons: Watch Crash Course first day of unit a. The Mayflower--1609 b. The Triangle Trade--Slavery c. The Failure of Roanoke d. Cash Crops--Tobacco, Sugar e. Disease


Unit VIII: The Enlightenment Part I Intro Question: What is the common theme that some of the writers from the Enlightenment were trying to convey? Lessons: Worksheet & John Green Crash Course first day of unit a. Locke--Tabula Rasa ❏ Class Discussion--Are we born good/evil? Or do we develop what we think of as good/evil over time through experiences(Nature/Nurture) b. Voltaire--For the greater good ❏ Class Discussion--What would you do? c. Rousseau--Live in the woods, forget about society ❏ Class Discussion--Do you agree/disagree? Are you in the middle? Why?

Cumulative Assessment ❏ Pick three points from a unit to write a 5-6 page paper. 12 font double spaced times new roman. Please use footnotes instead of a works cited page. Two to three people can do the same unit as long as they pick different topics. You can use the clips and movies we watched as sources.

Sources Used a. The Enlightenment: The Age of Reason. (n.d.). Student Handouts. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from https://www.studenthandouts.com/00/200703/EnlightenmentOutline.pdf

b. Green, J. (2019, September 9). The Enlightenment: Crash Course European History #18. Youtube. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnoFj2cMRLY


c. AncientVine. (2013, April 6). The Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Ancient Port of Alexandria. Youtube. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRTPugHpUho

d. Casual Historian. (2018, October 1). What is Historiography? History Essentials. Youtube. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=an638BPO4oE

e. Green, J. (2019, May 3). The Age of Exploration: Crash Course European History #4. Youtube. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOclF9eP5uM


Green, J. (2012, March 29). The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10. Youtube. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPf27gAup9U


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