Model Examb 2 - esempio esame d\'inglese b2 PDF

Title Model Examb 2 - esempio esame d\'inglese b2
Course Economia Aziendale
Institution Università telematica Universitas Mercatorum di Roma
Pages 4
File Size 118 KB
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esempio esame d'inglese b2...


MODEL EXAMINATION B2, 6 credits. Corso di Laurea Triennale, Sede Latina. (Prof. Janet Bowker) PART 1. GRAMMAR There are 40 questions in this section in the exam. Here are 20 examples to practice. 1. Only ______ people who have a regular visa can stay in America permanently. a) those b) that c) this 2. _______ fast trains to Naples almost every hour from Rome. a) They are b) There is c) There are 3. These days most people _______ a smart phone. a) are having b) have c) has 4. Nowadays, companies _________ to recognise that brands are their most valuable assets. a) begin b) are beginning c) beginning 5. What ______ to do when you finish university? a) you are going b) are you going c) will you go 6. The micro-credit bank _______________to lend money at commercial bank rates to poor women. a) was formed b) has formed c) formed 7. Social networking ________considerably in a very short time. a) has grown b is grown c growing 8. Getting a good job depends ____ many things, not only qualifications. a) for b) on c) from 9. People with gas-powered cars ____________ to worry about the price of petrol. a) shouldn’t b) no need c) don’t have 10. They were repairing the main road ______ we had to take a long detour on a minor road. a) because b) and so c) so that 11. When you ____________________ writing the report, please tell me. a) have finished b) will finish c) finished 12. When he arrived at the airport, he realized he _________his passport at home. a) had left b) was left c) has left 13. My computer is not ____________ to run that program. a) powerful enough b) almost powerful c) quite powerful

14. If you ________ a lot of money, where would you live? a) would have b) will have c) had 15. Mobile devices make it much ________ than before to communicate. a) easier b) easily c) as easy 16. If I __________ make reservations online, I would waste a lot of time. a) weren’t able to b) am not able c) won’t be able to 17. The challenge for new business is to create an environment _____ workers can feel comfortable and risk free. a) who b) where c) which 18. We stopped at a bar ______ lunch on the way to the car ferry. a) having b) have c) to have 19. I would like to apologize ________ the appointment. a) to not keep b) for not keeping c) that I don’t keep 20. The company won’t survive the crisis unless it _____ credit from the bank. a) will get b) gets c) won’t get

PART 2. VOCABULARY There are 20 questions in this section in the exam. Here are 10 examples to practice. 1. If you want to move to another EU country to study, you must have sufficient _____ to live there. a) revenue b) turnover c) income 2. Nowadays a large proportion of job seekers send a(n) ______ for a job on the internet. a) demand b) application c) request 3. Coca cola’s biggest ______ is still probably Pepsi Cola. a) competitor b) concurrence c) comparison 4. Many people who _____ investments in high risk markets lost a lot of money during the financial crisis. a) made b) put through c) did 5. Unemployment has ______ by 2% this year. a) raised b) reached c) risen 6. Although ______ is falling in traditional manufacturing, the Shared Economy will create new jobs. a) job b) employment c) occupation

7. Political instability in the developing world affects the _____ of raw materials to the rest of the world. a) supply b) demand c) offer 8. The market _____ for frozen convenience foods is largely made up of young single people. a) share b) price c) segment 9. The sales figures for the first quarterly suggest that the sales _______ for the year are unrealistic. a) forecasts b) provisions c) previews 10. Italy does not ______ enough pork to meet the domestic demand for ham and other pork products. a) products b) production c) produce

PART 3. READING Read the text and decide on the most appropriate answer a, b, or c from the ideas below. The flexibility to work where and how you want is a key benefit of employee empowerment. The Telecottage Association represents home workers and notes a number of reasons why people prefer to work this way: “Cutting out the commute and being able to spend the time saved with your family are probably the benefits that appeal most to people”. Richard Thwaite, TCA executive director, encourages staff to work remotely and use the company’s knowledge systems from wherever they are: “The important thing is to create a culture that makes it easier for people to ask for the information and the support they need, without feeling inadequate or stupid”. “A lack of blame” culture is fundamental to effective flexible working, as it means that everyone is focused on a common goal. Again, employers can expect to see an increasingly motivated workforce as a result. Given the changing employer-employee interpersonal scenario, promoting empowerment, and so engagement, makes good business sense. Organizational research confirms the direct correlations between high levels of engagement and business outcomes. 1. People find the idea of remote-working attractive because a) it allows you to work less b) you can save the time travelling to work c) you can connect with the Telecottage Association. 2. When people work remotely a) they are supported by company-centred information b) they must contact their bosses in the office c) they have to set their own goals. 3. Remote-working encourages workers to a) feel inadequate b) admit they don’t always know everything c) blame the company for their inadequacies. 4. Empowerment produces a) more good business sense b) more business ideas c) better business results ANSWER KEY GRAMMAR: 1.a 2.c 3.b 4. b 5.b 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. b 11. a 12. a 13. a 14.c 15. a 16. a 17. b 18. c 19. b 20. b VOCABULARY: 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. a 8.c 9. a 10.c READING: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. C

ORAL PART As explained in the programme, students must pass the written test before being admitted to the oral test. This is a presentation, using slides or other aids, of around 10 minutes, on a subject of your own choice, relevant to your studies in the Faculty or your work , if you have a job. Students can use the presentations they gave during the course, updated and improved, or choose from the topics discussed in the course book, or even something completely different. During the interview, the commission will ask you questions and ask you to elaborate on what you have chosen to talk about, in the form of explanations, descriptions and opinions. As you are speaking and listening to questions you will be assessed according to:    

How accurate you are, that is how frequent and how serious are the mistakes you make. How fluent you are, that is how much hesitation, pausing and uncertainty there is in production. How much and how appropriate is the vocabulary and expression you use to talk about your subject. How communicative you are, in terms of communicative manner – how natural are you, are you an independent and confident user of English?

Here is a list of some of the subjects students have presented in previous exams. You will see the range is quite broad: 

Digital marketing / Microcredit / E-commerce / The story of telephony /China’s Coin Reform /Brexit SMEs in Italy / Made in Italy / The Green Economy / The Blue Economy / The Shared Economy /ECO-Tourism / Globalization and Development / Oil prices / The market for luxury goods/ EU economic and political integration / crowdfunding /subliminal advertising / smart cities /sports sponsorship.

But there are many, many more to choose from! Janet Bowker...

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