Notatki - KAOJ PDF

Title Notatki - KAOJ
Course Kultura i literatura: moduł 2, Kultura angielskiego obszaru językowego 1
Institution Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Pages 33
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Notatki do egzaminu z zakresu "Kultura i literatura: moduł 2, Kultura angielskiego obszaru językowego 1"....


Great Britain: England + Wales + Scotland! United Kingdom: Great Britain + Northern Ireland (England + Wales + Scotland + Northern Ireland)! Ireland: Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland! British Isles (geographical) - United Kingdom + Republic of Ireland (England + Wales + Scotland + Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland) +The Orkney and Shetland Islands + The Isle of Man + The Innej and Outer Hebrides + The Isle of Wight + The Scily Island + Lundy Island + The Channel Island (Ireland - primitive colony, the Irish aren’t happy to be called a part of the British Isles)! The British Islands (legal, administrative) - United Kingdom + The Isle of Man + The Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey) - three crown dependencies (states which have their Wong governments but are dependent on the Crown) Atlantic Archipelago - British Isles - political overtone’ Irish vs British version of the history !

11.10.2017! Sir Peter Blake (One of the best known British pop artists, Blake is considered to be a prominent figure in the pop art movement) - there was a significant work of art made for his 80 birthday.! He was called the Godfather of Pop Art


-1967 - cover for a record - The Beatles „Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”.! Jann Haworth - Blake’s ex-wife played an important role in creating this cover. She made these sculptures. She fought for feminist rights especially for women representation in the art world.! Jann Haworth made a mural with her daughter’s help. There are only FEMALE figures - to pay homage to women innovators and to the fight for gender equality.! !

- 2012 - for his 80th birthday, he took inspiration from his famous Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover to create a new artwork. He included on it iconic figures from British culture like Amy Winehouse, J K Rowling, Damien Hirst, Dawid Bowie and more! # ~ foot from Monty Python in the left corner! # ~ he chose people who he admired!

Jeremy Paxman (a British broadcaster, journalist, and author) - author of the book „The English: A Portrait of a People”; national identity crisis; one Britishness doesn’t exist.! British sense of superiority, complexity. ! George Mikes from Hungary „How to be an alien”

18.10.2017! 1. Census (spis ludności) - a list of all of the households and people in the country, a statistic document, head count! - „Senchus for n’Alban” 7th-10th century (The history of the men in Scotland)! - Dál Riata/Dalriada - was a Gaelic overkingdom of western Scotland and northeastern Ireland there was the first kind of a census! Domesday Book - a medieval census of much England and parts of Wales ordered by William the Conqueror, completed in 1086! Censuses in the past were organised for taxation, economic and military purposes (to know how many people can fight in wars and what tax rate can be introduced)! Today, we use them for research, business marketing and international comparisation! 2. Thomas Malthus „An Essay on the Principle of Population” 1798 - a priest and economist, he was concerned about the future of the globe. He was interested in the connection between the number of the people in the world and the amount of food produced! • Arithmetic growth 2-4-6-8-10 : Malthus said that the amount of food grows like that! • Exponential growth 2-4-8-16-32 : Malthus said that the number of people grows like that!


# -> more and more people but less and less food! 2 people → 2 loafs of bread, ! 4 people → 4 loafs of bread, ! 8 people → 6 loafs of bread, ! 16 people → 8 loafs of bread, ! 32 people → 10 loafs of bread.! Suffering from overpopulation and starvation, people needed to control the growth of population. National survey raised the public consciousness. 3. The Census Act 1800 John Rickman is credited with drafting it, introduced it. He said that this survey on people (census) should be held on normal basis (every 10 years or sth) in Britain. He introduced this idea to Parliament. ! The Census Act 1800 was also known as the Population Act 1800 - was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which enabled the first Census of England, Scotland and Wales to be undertaken. The census was carried out in 1801 (first „modern” census) and then every ten years. The 1801 census estimated the population of England and Wales to be 8.9 million, and that of Scotland was 1.6 million. Ireland was not included in the census until 1821.! „The ultimate knowledge of any country must form the rational basis of legislation and diplomacy”. Some people thought that census would make God angry, that it was something against Him.! 4. 1801 - the first national survey held in Great Britain, since that census is organised every 10 years. The last one was on 27 March 2011. There were 56 questions: 42 individual habitant of the household, 14 about household overall.! There was no census in 1941 because of the war.! Census is a duty. A fine for not participating in a national census may be up to £1000.! There were separate surveys for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.! Number of people born outside the UK living in Wales and England raised considerably from 2001 to 2011 due to the opening of the borders connected with EU.! Polish was the most common non-UK nationality here (558 000 residents); Irish, Indian followed Polish. Together they make up 30% of all non-UK nationals.! Christianity - the largest group - 59% in 2011, 72% in 2001. ! No religion increased.

5. Changes in census! In 2011 there were few new questions in the questionnaire. ! # 1) what it your legal marital or same-sex civil partnership status? - this question was introduced after Civil Partnership Act 2004 which allowed civil partnerships with rights and responsibilities similar to civil marriages


The next census will probably have different question because of Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013.! # 2) how would you describe your national identity? Tick all that apply.! # # - Scottish! # # - British! # # - Northern Ireland! # # - English - Welsh last 2 were added! The board responsible for organising census said that the 2011 one was the last of its kind will it be modernised?! 6. Controversy! • It is expensive - the one in 2011 costed £482 mln! • „out of date almost before it’s done” - it can’t keep the pace with the changing reality! • data security - info tends to leak out - theoretically info should be kept unknown for 100 years after the survey but what if something happens and it leaks out?! • no other country demands such detailed information! • It is not reliable because people often don’t tell the truth in the questionnaire ! # -> in 2011 the census said that Britain’s 4th biggest religion is Jedi Knights! • Lockheed Martin - an American weapon manufacturer. It is also a company which is responsible for developing the systems used to process census data. It may be dangerous that the weapon manufacturer has got so much information about the nation.! 7. William Beveridge: The Beveridge Report 1942 - diagnosis of condition of British society. Thanks to this document, the government could start working in order to improve society.! It was supposed to show the Government which areas of life should be taken care of. Beveridge identified 5 major problems in these areas:! - poverty! - ignorance (education)! - squatter/squalor (ubóstwo) - a person who unlawfully occupies an uninhabited building or unused land! - disease! - unemployment (idleness)! Ignorance was taken care of first! A. The Butler Education Act 1944 - introduced 3 part system of education:! # 1) primary! # 2) secondary# ! # 3) further education! Since then anyone could study at secondary level, it was free of charge for all. It was revolutionary change especially for working class, because before this Act they couldn’t afford education. The fact that they started education was significant for British literature. In 60s, new voices of people from working class, which was then educated, appeared.!


Post-war Britain! 8. Reconstruction! The process of reconstruction of the economy started before the war finished. The idea of it was already during the war.! 9. General election 1945 - the Labour Party Clement Atlee wins ~ nationalisation - ship building, coal mining, gas, electricity etc. controlled by state. Became Government owned ! ~ Welfare State (państwo opiekuńcze) - state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the social and economic well-being of its citizens; introduced insurances against sickness, old age, unemployment; created to make people feel safe; extended social services - it became characteristic feature of Britain! Post-war years were years of poverty, food rationing (porcjowanie); bad weather - very cold winters and then floods. British needed something to reconstruct their spirits, something to make them believe in the glorious future:! * Olympic Games 1948, London - to show people that after war it’s possible to lead a normal life (first olympic games after war), to reconstruct this sense of normality.! * Festival of Britain 1951 - national exhibition and fair that reached millions of visitors;! (Crystal Palace 1851 - cast-iron and plate-glass structure in Hyde Park built to the Great Exhibition) to celebrate the centennial of the Great Exhibition; focused on Britain and its achievements entirely! # ~ The Skylon - (sky pylon - impression of being suspended) people compared it to state of ! # British economy! # ~ Royal Festival Hall - royal legacy!

- The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II - June 2, 1953 as Westminister Abbey! First broadcasted world event by TV - everyone could participate in this spectacular, magical, fairytale-like event. World of splendour, richness, presented in the TV gave people faith.!

- The British Nationality Act 1948 - an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that created the status of "Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies" ( CUKC) as the national citizenship of the United Kingdom and its colonies. ! Passed by the British government; people who lived in the former British colonies got British passports and citizenship. People felt invited, so they came to the UK. Britain needed very cheap labour from colonies. The largest group came from West Indies - chain of islands that separate the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. They consist of 3 main island groups: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles and Bahamas.!

- Dilip Hiro „Black British, White British” (Barbados)! A book showing the picture of Britain in colonies - it was seen as a paradise.! - Caryl Phillips „The Final Passage” 1985! A bookk. Magical transformation - from criminal thief and alcoholic to a businessman.! (


- June 22, 1948 - mass migration Empire Wind Rush - liner that brought about 500 hopeful settlers from Kingston, Jamaica: (492 was the official figure, but there were several stowaways as well) to the port Tilbury - symbolic beginning of mass migration to England. First generation of the colonists to settle in Britain. Among them were artists and writers

- Louis Bennet „Colonisation in reverse” !

8.11.2017! - 1950s - the raffling (rich) society Called the years of affluence. There was a massive increase in a private sector, 40% increase in wages - more money to spend. 60s - dealing with the consequences of this affluence.!

- 1960s and 1970s 60s - the „swinging sixties” - one of the most colourful, hedonistic time in British culture ! ~ April 1966, Time Magazine: „In a decade dominated by youth, London has burst into bloom. It swings; it’s the scene”.! ~ Explosion of culture - significant group of young people leave their footprints. They have money and want to spend it. It’s a generation of people who were born after war and they didn’t want to live in the shadow of the past. They wanted to enjoy life.! ~ Energetic development of music, art and fashion - explosion of creativity.! „Sex, love, rock’n’roll” - London was a centre of it.! ~ Sexual liberation, political activism, anti-nuclear movements.! ~ First generation of people who wanted to protest against the war.! ~ King’s Road, Kensington and Carnaby Street - symbols of consumerism of the 60s. All those, who had money, would go to these places.! ~ Fashion - Mary Quant’s mini-skirts - symbol of new fashion and sexual liberation - model Twiggy.! ~ Pirate radios - illegal radio stations which would broadcast rock and roll - most popular „Caroline” - playing dirty music on the vessels; „The Boat That Rocked”! ~ Music - creativity; The Who, The Kinks, The Small Faces, The Rolling Stones! ~ „The Sixties” Jenny Diski!


- The loss of influence in the world affairs. Position of Britain is getting smaller and smaller. It used to be the most powerful Empire in the world. Economic standstill (decline) in 1970s.! • 1973 - Britain joins European Economic Community - national referendum; ! „We are in but without fireworks” - The Guardian, 1 January 1973( • 1975 - Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson had a referendum on Britain’s membership in EEC small majority decided that Britain would stay (66% voters)!

- The Thatcher Revolution - 1980s • 1979 - the first woman to become PM in British history! „I’m not a consensus politician (…). I am a conviction politician”.! „Iron Lady” - she left a mark on British politics and economy.! „The sixties, they say, was a decade of one long party. The 70s languished in their wake as a kind of hanger. The 80s has been the time when half the nation has woken up, started to feel better and gone out for another party. The other half of the nation has stayed in - too broke to set foot outside the house”.! The culture of private business. Economic polarisation of the society; those who earn a lot and those who don’t.! „Thatcherism gave birth to a society of Filofax and cellar phone - yielding Yuppies, a new class drawn from a cross section of other classes, background and education.”! ~ Yuppie - Young Urban Professional – dosłownie: „młody wielkomiejski przedstawiciel wolnego zawodu” albo Young Upwardly Mobile Professionals – dosłownie: „młodzi, pnący się w górę profesjonaliści”! Welfare State - Clement Attlee - a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the social and economic well-being of its citizens.! • 1990s - The New Labour and Cool Britannia - Tony Blair - conservative government is gone.! Prime Ministers who followed Thatcher:! ~ John Major! ~ Tony Blair (L)! ~ Gordon Brown (L)! ~ David Cameron! ~ Theresa May!

- Monarchy! Symbol of British culture.! • Constitutional monarchy - type of government in which a monarch acts as the head of state within the parameters of the constitution (unwritten constitution) - monarch is limited by the constitution - parliamentary system.! There are some monarchies in the Europe, not only in Britain.! • Primogeniture - the order of succession;! # ~ male preference primogeniture - older son precedes the rights of the throne!


# #

~ absolute primogeniture - form in which sex is irrelevant for inheritance - brought to force ! in March 2015 (The Succession to the Crown Act 2013)!

- Windsor! The history of the name Windsor is relatively short.! • 1714-1901 The Hanoverian Dynasty (1714 The Dynasty of Stuarts ends - German speaking Queens and Kings step in)! • Act of Succession 1701 - very important document; it prepared Britain for situation in which the Stuart monarch dies without earl: Sophia, electress of Hanover or her Protestant descendants.! Sophia was a granddaughter of James I (1st Stuart)! • Hanoverian Dynasty 1714:! ~ George I - couldn’t speak English! ~ George II! ~ George III! ~ George IV! ~ William IV! ~ Victoria! Queen Victoria was married to Albert Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Dom Sasko-Koburski)! 1901 was the end of Hanoverian dynasty; next was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.! After 1914, Europe was shaken after the hours of WWI.! On 17 July 1917, George V (1910-1936) changed the name of dynasty from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor, because they didn’t want their name to be connected with Germans.! Edward VIII - wasn’t born to be a king. He left the university, was interested in parties, women. He fell in love with the American woman (Wallis Simpson) and abdicated. He held Nazi sympathies.! George VI + Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (The Queen Mother)! George VI on the English throne (father of Elizabeth II) - he had to help the British to recover from the shock after abdication of his brother. He had to reconstruct the sense of the continuity of the British Royal Family.! Elizabeth II + Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh! Elizabeth was born on 21 April 1926, on 20 November 1946 she married Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. Her father, George VI died on 6 February 1952 and one year later (1953) on 2 June there was a coronation of Elizabeth.! She is called Elizabeth the Second, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.! The Queen reigns but doesn’t rule; she has the authority but no power. Her power is limited by the constitution.! Queen’s duties:! - Head of State - she opens Parliament with the speech, gives Royal Assents to bills (bill can become a law only if it’s signed by the Queen), appoints Prime Ministers, she is the Head of the Commonwealth (former British colonies), she is the Supreme Governor of the Church, commander-in-chief, she has the power to conclude treaties, declare war, to make peace.! - Head of Nation - she is a walking symbol; when people see her, they think about a certain continuity, she provides a focus for national identity, she gives a sense of stability, recognises success, achievement and excellence.!


15.11.2017! Queen is the Head of State (official status) and the Head of Nation! 2 types of her duties:! 1) official: e.g. opening of the Parliament, appointing Prime Ministers, signing bills before they become law - Royal Assent! 2) She gives people sense of stability, continuity! The Queen reigns but she doesn’t rule!! Prime Minister is always a leader of a winning party and the Queen appoints him (she doesn’t choose him)! Distance - a key world for this topic! Distance that one feel when looking at the monarch - distance between us - nation and the Monarchy! The power of representation: Monarchy in portraits! !

16th century - painting

19th century - photography

1937, 1953, 1995 - television

Queen Elizabeth I was the first who realised, knew the power of representation. She made sure that the number of great portraits were created during her reign; the range of iconography was made. These are paintings full of symbols. Now we have a full gallery of her portraits.! Portraits of monarch were bought by the richest - it was the representation of their status! ! 1. Quentin Metsys the Younger :! The Sieve Portrait (1583) - portrait of Elizabeth I! In ancient times the sieve (sito) was used as a symbol of purity - It goes back to ancient times, when ancient vestals wanted to prove their purity by carrying the water in the sieve. The sieve on his portrait is a symbol of the Queen Virgin’s purity.! !

2. Nicholas Hilliard:! Pelican Portrait (1574)! The pedant (wisiorek) has a pelican which in Western tradition is a symbol of sacrifice. In western tradition, a bird ready to feed its children with its own blood. In portrait - woman ready to sacrifice her life to the other people. Pearls - symbol of purity.


3. Isaac Oliver Non Sine Sole/Iris =no rainbow without sun (around 1600) - no peace without the precence of the Queen.! She holds the rainbow in her hand which is the symbol of peace She has eyes and ears embroidered on her gown - it means that the queen is the one who sees and hears it all - it also shows that the queen is a divine creature.! The snake on her sleeve is a symbol of wisdom connected with her ability to supress the sexuality because she is married only to England. She’s shown like a goddess, in a mask.! One linking thing between these portaits - the queen is always shown ageless (we never see her age on portraits), which is another feature of a divine creature! Glorian...

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