OD Analysis 26th 585 PDF

Title OD Analysis 26th 585
Author Needra Peter
Course Human Development
Institution New York University
Pages 12
File Size 292.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 46
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The Company Case Analysis

Case Analysis Form – Ivey (use this template to organize your research and thoughts)

Background Information or synopsis (use point form)  Select the most relevant facts from the case which have a direct bearing on the issue at hand: Background of the Study Based on the background check and recent changes in the organization, the organization is looking forward to a change and resolvement of the on going issues. The current ongoing issues are summarized and analysed below for better understanding. Background and General information  Adhikar is a Human Rights based non government organization founded in 1985.  The organization has been grow up to 200 employees working for them  Most of the coordinators had been with the organization since its inception and all of them have strong and commitment work towards organizations.  Organization’s turnover is based on the fund programs. Some Minor and Major Issues of the Organization Issues Related to Leadership There has been a ongoing issues with leadership style in the organization, since there is no fromal leader at the organization Rajan Mishara is taking care of the role and with some additional responsibilities that he has for a different sector. Organization Development will be mainly focuses on the leadership since that is the basement for the quality work provided by other employees. A proper leader should be qualify areas like resolving issues, taking proper decisions that are not biased, taking more responsibilities etc. Issues Related to Purpose and Organization structure    

Contradictions on the objectives of the company between coordinators and the management The vision and the future of the organization is not clear Lack of clarity in the organization’s structure Employees confused with the relationships with higher management and whom to report their problems  Poor relationship and lack of trust between coordinators and they are competitive to each other. Issues Related to Rewards  New Coordinators tend to receive higher wages compared to old coordinators  Introduced discriminatory practices which affected their performances negatively


The Company Case Analysis

Immediate Issues/Symptoms Explain (list from most Who is involved? Impact on costs, to least severe) What is their role and quality, customer responsibility in service, or creating or resolving innovation? this issue? Lack of Leadership within the Organization

Conflicts and poor relationship between coordinators

Poor Management and confusing structure

Discriminatory Rewards

 Mr. Rajan Mishra let left the organization for his own reasons  Disappointment were expected for appointing new future leaders  Poor relationship between them, competitive to each other and less team work  Confilicts between new and old coordinators  New coordinators felt left out  Coordinators confused with whom to report and who is the immediate responsible person for the issues  Unequal pay among employees  New employees got paid more compared to old employees

 It affected the organizations structure and the clarity  Management is disrupted

 Competitive environment  Less of team work leads to unnessary confusions  Teams have been formed by old and new

 Due to this organization lost the culture and proper management  Issues have been unresolved  New and old teams have been formed  Conflicts among employees  Senor employees may unsatisfied with work and they wont give their best


The Company Case Analysis

Root Cause/Basic Underlying Issues Explain (list from most Who is involved? Impact on costs, to least severe) What is their role and quality, customer responsibility in service, or creating or resolving innovation? this issue? Not given priority on employees work Relationship

Old members and new members felt certain way about the job, the management did not make any effort to make them a team player rather than making competitive, due to the poor wage and poor structural style.

Quality of work affected Competitive environment Unnecessary tensions and complaints among Senior employees


The Company Case Analysis

Analysis of Case Data Causes & Effects



 The main root causes of the organization is poor structure and the lack of proper leadership in Adhikar, unclear vision and mission, problems between coordinators, poor structural and differences in the reward system which negatively impacting the organization and organizations overall outcome, productivity, performances etc but that can be fixed by having a proper leader and make some amendments in to the organization.

 Lack of proper leadership and leadership role is absence in the company.  Employees are not sure with the higher management level and no good relationship with the co workers  NGO is running based on the external resource which is not consistent

 Some coordinators and members who are committed to work  Accepting they need a change within their environment  Well performed employees with less of team work which could be build eventually.

Quantitative Data

 The number of the employees work for the organization  The resources and external income that derives for the organization

Qualitative Data

 Employees perspective about the job role and the organization  Data gathered during discrimination  Data gathered for mission and vision statement

Course Concepts Relevant to Case

 The Bruce Truckman theory can be implied to create a successful team building exercises within organization,  Also power delegation strategy can be implied in order for all the management level people involve in decision making


The Company Case Analysis


The Company Case Analysis

Describe alternatives to resolve root cause/basic issues. Issue Leadership Style

Creating the mission and vision or values or rebuilding the company structure

Implementing Reward Methods

Considerations/Support An alternative suggestion is Rajan Mishra focuses his concentration on the organization without stumbling on both or appoint the perfect fit is leader based on the collecting the votes from the co coordinators and employees.  It is evident that employees have contradict view regarding vision and mission, making that in clear and explaining that to everyone would give positive impact  Rebuilding the company structure letting everyone know who are the immediate supervisors, who they should report to would also impact in a positive way, letting everyone know the proper company structure is important

 Correct and discriminatory rewards.  Making a non competitive, environment where everyone could receive reward which boost their performances.

Decision Criteria What are the criteria that are Justification for choosing this important to making this criterion decision? Cost Mission and Vision


 Clear idea of what amount is survival for the organization is necessary.  Organization should know they have done from the previous years are necessary  The organization relays on the external perception and reputation. Setting clear vision will have a positive impact on the organizations growth  Employees needed to be treated without any discrimination for better productivity  Equality is a must for the growth and quality of the work


The Company Case Analysis


 Someone needs to be there as a backbone for the employees  Proper leadership will motivate the employees when it comes for the productivity and quality of the work


The Company Case Analysis

Alternative Assessment Note: You are not required to use 4 criteria or identify 5 alternatives; alter the table as required for your analysis.


Decision Criteria Method

Working Environment Conducting Since it was Planning and surveys and planned based Assessment focuses group on their votes, among employees employees may regarding a find it a positive concern, based working on the result environment implement the process After conducting Good Leader will Creating a surverys, votes a motivate the Structure proper structure employees to do and leaders can better be nominated Issues will be according to resolved on time employees wish Compare the Employees will Planning the Annual income be paid on time finances every year and rewards will Implement be given for the practices to job they do double up the which may income increase the job satisfaction Enabling Team  Implementing  Employees team building will work as a building exercises team which exercises and could resolve between communication many things coordinators within the organization  It will lead to  Letting them a positive know the working importance of environment team work

Introducing non discriminate pay

 Paying everyone

 Teams wont be formed,

Reputation Employees statification will postively impact on the reputation of the organization

Quality of Work/Productivity The quality and the productivity will be increased

Leaders always make a change when it comes to Reputation of the organization

The quality and the productivity will be increased

Organization will make more money with the reputation they build.

Employees personal life and work quality will be increased

 Team work  Good lessen the working confusions environment and tensions will attract among many employees candidates to apply the  Employees organization will have less will grow competitive even bigger to each other and start helping each other  Having a  Increased good productivity


The Company Case Analysis system

equal for the same job when it comes to rewards  Implementing reward system that will actually increase the productivity

Old and new coordinators will have a good relationship

relationship with co workers will impact the organization in a positive way

 Quality of work  Being recognized for the hard work


The Company Case Analysis

Recommendations Recommendation Justification for choosing this alternative Building better relationship Increasing old coordinators' between the organization and compensation and introducing team employees building activities are two good choices for improving the company's performance, but Adhikar will have to spend additional amount on arranging events and raising old coordinators' wages. Removing the geographical division appears to be a positive solution, as it will aid Adhikar in increasing overall productivity and growth. The ideal option, however, is to promote Pia Mishra to the role of CEO, as she will most likely participate actively in numerous activities and make beneficial improvements to the organizational structure. This move will strengthen people's willingness to collaborate and improve mutual understanding between the coordinators since Pia Mishra used to be a coordinator herself, and therefore she knows how everything works in Adhikar.


The Company Case Analysis

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