Persuasive Speech Outline PDF

Title Persuasive Speech Outline
Course Fundamentals of Speech
Institution Belmont University
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Persuasive Speech Outline AGD: *slide* In 2008, the center for economic and policy research provided an analysis of 21 developed country’s policies on parental leave. The United States was ranked twentieth in this list of countries. It was also one of the only two developed countries to not provide paid parental leave. Relevance: *slide* In a day and age where the United States is a top economic powerhouse, it’s strange that it fails to use such an economy to provide a single cent for new mothers and fathers raising their newborn children. Credibility: *slide* After observing our own mothers and fathers go through the task of caring for younger siblings while at the same time maintaining their jobs, we have our first-hand views on the necessities for new parents and children. Thesis: *slide* The implementation of parental paid leave would lead to positive economic and educational changes in families, as well as economic benefits for companies implementing the policy. Preview: With a positive increase in parent-child relationships, lowered divorce rates and guaranteed financial stability, paid parental leave could show a wide variety of benefits.

MP 1/transition: Families will be able to see these benefits in a tangible and non-tangible sense. *SLIDE* Claim 1: The policy would aid families economically. Ground 1: The current law in the US provides up to 12 weeks leave, but is unpaid. According to Quentin Fottrell of, “Without the guarantee of paid leave while caring for a child, many new parents are faced with the choice between economic hardship and returning to work prematurely.” (BI) The parent is left with no choice but to continue working because of the lack of funds necessary to provide for their family. *SLIDE* Warrant 1: If paid parental leave is instated, parents can not only supply money for basic living expenses but can also make an economic plan for childcare costs such as baby sitters and day care. As well, it will provide motivation for parents to use all of their leave time, leading to more needed time with their children. Children this early in development require constant care, and having both parents on hand will help with attentiveness. *SLIDE* Trans: It’s interesting to see as well how the child can be benefited from paid parental leave. Claim 2: Early childhood is the most important time for learning for a child, and the current law detracts from this crucial time period. *SLIDE* Ground 2: With the current law, children are shorted the time that they intuitively need at the beginning of life. This time has been shown to be impactful. According to, research published from The Institute for the Study of Labor “indicates higher education, IQ, and income levels in adulthood for children of mothers who used maternity leave… …this [is] a significant discussion for policymakers to have, as it could reduce the existing gap in education and income in the US.” (BI) Warrant 2: If paid parental leave is instated, parents will be able to observe and influence the growing process of their children, furthermore helping with their future success. The time spent with children early in life is important when it comes to learning from both parents. If adequate

time is given for the policy, the educational and economic future of those children will be impacted positively as well. *SLIDE* MP 2/transition: Paid Parental leave also sees positive effects on companies. Claim 3: Companies can see economic and social benefit from paid parental leave. *SLIDE* Ground 3: Many would not assume that this policy would end in favor of the companies when it comes to money. According to CNN, Ariane Hegewisch, a study director for the Institute for Women's Policy Research, “When it comes to the economic benefit of paid leave, researchers have found it benefits women economically because they tend to go back to work and stay with the same employer, which means their wages grow at a faster rate afterward.” (CNN) Warrant 3: With the initiative, we see that companies can actually profit from paying parental leave to their employees, a rather counter-intuitive idea. The company would see happier, for committed employees, as well as a raise in profits. *SLIDE* Trans: As well, with companies aiding employees, their employees will feel much more inclined to stay at their job. Claim 4: Paid parental leave can also lead to a faster turn around rate for parents coming back to work. *SLIDE* Ground 4: Paid parental leave would allow guaranteed of sustainability, giving parents time to plan for when they start employment. According to Rutgers University, “research conducted by the Center for Women and Work at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, finds that women who use paid leave are far more likely to be working nine to 12 months after a child’s birth than those who do not take any leave.” (news.rutgers) Warrant 4: If companies invested in paid parental leave, they themselves could see much more money returning to their pockets than once before. Employees would be motivated to come back to work, assisting economically for the business. This policy works hand in hand, and would see nothing but benefit on both ends. *SLIDE* MP 3/transition: Finally, paid parental leave will assist child health Claim 5: Paid parental leave would benefit the health of the child. Ground 5: According to, “a study of European leave policies by the University of North Carolina found that paid-leave programs can substantially reduce infant mortality rates and better a child's overall health.” (The Age) Parents can spend more time caring for and paying for their child. Warrant 5: With more money and time to be given to the child, the health of the child will be directly positively influenced. Claim 6: Both mothers and fathers are parents. Ground 6: According to, a study done by The Pew Research Center “found that 50% of men and 56% of women find it difficult to balance work and family. Likewise, 48% of men and 52% of women said that they’d rather stay home with their children than work.” (Adecco)

Warrant 6: Furthermore, both sexes need to be represented. If both sexes are represented, a larger percentage of both will more so want to stay and care rather than not.

After informing all of us on these points of pure benefit from paid parental leave, it is apparent that we must support for the legalization of such. With stronger emotional connections of families, larger economic stability, and furthermore assisting the greater good of life, it is easy to see that we must all agree. By voting and making your voice heard, as well as contacting your congress member, we can see huge beneficial change.

Works Cited Gillett, Rachel. "The Science behind Why Paid Parental Leave Is Good for Everyone." Business Insider. Business Insider, 05 Aug. 2015. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Manas, Steve. "Rutgers Study Finds Paid Family Leave Leads to Positive Economic Outcomes." Rutgers Study Finds Paid Family Leave Leads to Positive Economic Outcomes | Media Relations. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Miletic, Daniella. "Paternity Leave Delivers Dad a Hands-on Benefit - and a Surprise." The Age. N.p., 11 Oct. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. "Paid Leave Benefits Children and Families, Studies Say." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. "The True Benefits of Paternity Leave." Adecco. N.p., 2016. Web. 25 Nov. 2016....

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