Persuasive speeches PDF

Title Persuasive speeches
Course Fundamentals Of Speech
Institution Southeastern University
Pages 3
File Size 37.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Persuasive speeches Claim- is a truth statement an assumption about the world/universe/ reality The attempt to influence the beliefs Persuasive speech has controversy Persuasion = defendant support for controversial 3 types of claims = facts some type of truth or reality Welfare is equals unplanned pregnancy Facts- Assert Some type occupational Truth /reality Past present future Claims of Value assert some “ethical truth” Claims of policy proposes/abolishes some course of action Not doing personal policy u shouldnt smoke 1. Your speech topic should be controversial which good people dispute ● The united states should invade canada 1. Should make things different implicate a change in the status flow ● If u wanted to change or abolish the speed limit florida ● The state of FLorida should abolish the speed limit ● ●

It should be relevant to this class You have to pass florida law 1. 2. 3. 4.

It should be serious It should be fresh (something that people are discussing) Your thesis should be true single declarative sentence very clear Cant have to thesis

Persuasive Speeches Before we leave for thanksgiving: November 13th 16th 18th 20th When you make a claim people demand proof Proofs my mother loves me She cooks special meals when I home for a couple days She drives 3 hours to watch me play She does my laundry She makes sure I’m taken care of financially Aristotle We demand proof

Inartistic Proof - oaths laws contracts and tortures Absolute Indisputable Not available to Artistic proof - is not absolute and it is disputable and is available Ethical proof- Ethos or credibility Prior ethos Internal ethos or derived ethos Pathos - emotional proof Logos- mean logical proofs Reasoning by example Aristotle- on rhetoric and on logic Not decisions based on authority but on logic Example ( introduction) / / Specific \ \ General / / Inductive leap The quantity of our examples -quantity -volume -quality -qualify your claim Enthymeme- a kind of idea that has power (deduction) \ \ \ General / / / Specific \ \

All persons are mortal. Xanthippe is a person. X is mortal Proof ! Evidence ! Examples Statistics Authority (expert test) Reasoning Argument by assura A hasty generalization hasting through two examples Straw man fallacy You make a compelling argument An important or less important question Ad Hominem means to the man You attack the person when the person is the issue Appeals to ignorance just because u can't prove doesn't make me right Post hoc ergo proctor hoc therefore because of the fact- false cause Correlation does not equal causation 3x5 paper dolls problem Well that's just my opinion If we just save one life it will be worth it...

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