Pioneer Memorial Church PDF

Title Pioneer Memorial Church
Author Anonymous User
Course English Composition I
Institution Andrews University
Pages 3
File Size 61.4 KB
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Write an essay about what you experience at Pioneer Memorial Church...


Short Essay #2: PMC Analysis

Andrews University is a place to find many beautiful examples are architecture. There’s the Howards Performing Arts Center, and Buller Hall to name a few. However, I think that one of the most beautiful pieces of architecture that one can find on the campus is the Pioneer Memorial Church, or PMC. It is situated a short walking distance directly in front of the James White Library. Between these two buildings is a beautiful grass plain filled with flowers in a wide array of different colors. To the ends of these plains are flagpoles, each with the flag of a different country. This helps to show that though we come from all different places and nations, we can all come together as one body, one people. The church is surrounded by trees at its sides, and also appears as though it has a rough texture. From a distance, the church appears to be made of a khaki-colored stone brick, and the roof is colored gray. You can also see a statue at the front, and four stained-glass windows. One of the stained glassed windows is small, circular, and located at the top of the front of the church. The other three are in the shape of a lance, and are lined up in a row below the circular window. At the bottom of the church, there are three doors spaced out about 10 feet from each other. The center doorframe is in the shape of an arch with a stainedglass window inside that same arch. These doors appear as though they are silver in color. There are also two spear-like figures at the sides of the center of the church. Another thing I notice is that it’s hard to judge exactly how large the church is when looking from a distance. As one begins to move closer, they may notice that the bricks of the church aren’t all khaki. Some are grey or light brown. Getting closer to the stained glass, one notices that they form a picture, which depicts something that is from the Bible, or an aspect of worship. One can also see that part of the middle wall of the church is not rough, but very smooth in comparison to the other walls. Standing up to it, it seems that PMC is the size of 10 or 12 people, standing on one another’s shoulders.

Short Essay #2: PMC Analysis

But enough details about the outside. It’s time we took a stroll inside of PMC, because there’s a lot to see inside, it’s really a beauty to behold. When you first step inside, one of the first things you’ll probably notice is how big the church is. You might even get the feeling that you are small, maybe even unimportant or inferior. I think that this may have been done so that you realize you are in God’s house. It’s not about you. It’s about the almighty God who created you and desires your worship and attention. You’ll also notice that all of the windows in the sides of the church have the same “lance” shape as the ones on the outside. This shape is also repeated all over the church. It’s in the widows in the rear of the balcony, the windows at the front, and in the wood below the organ pipes. Another dominant aspect of the church is its high sense of symmetry. Everything on one side of PMC is almost exactly reflected on the other side. It gives a sense of balance and unity. It makes me reflect on the idea that everyone is equal. No one person is more special or more important than the other. There are many different similarities and differences inside PMC. One similarity is that the center window at the rear and the top window at the front, both depict Jesus, but in different aspects. One depicts him as a shepherd, the one who has saved us and is always looking out for us. The other window, which is in the shape of a rose, seems to depict Jesus as a king, who is welcoming us to dwell with Him. The “arch” shape and the symmetry of the church both seems as though they are pointing toward this rose-window of Jesus, as is they were designed to help you remember to focus on Him. A difference that one can notice is that though the side windows have the same shape and many of the same colors, they each tell a different story. This reminds me that even though we are all humans, all equal in God’s sight, we all have our own experiences, our own stories, and very likely different reasons why we have become followers of Christ. Also, the vibrant colors used by these windows keep the church “alive,” and it heavily adds the beauty of the church. Something that I think contrasts

Short Essay #2: PMC Analysis

in PMC is the high-tech equipment that is surrounded by the old, gothic look of the church. It almost seems to obstruct the overall look of the church, but it just goes to show that people and times are always changing, and that a place doesn’t have to be or look new for it to be used or look beautiful. Looking at everything in the church together, I would have to say that it gives PMC an overall look and feel of reverence, holiness, and religion. I say this because of the Biblical scenes depicted in the windows, the calm and silence inside, and the beauty of everything. The words on the banners at the front also reflect this in what they say. The circular window in the rear is shows praying hands and is almost directly across from the rose-window of Jesus, reminding us to daily pray, always keeping in touch with our Savior. If a stranger were to stumble upon this place, it probably wouldn’t take them too long to realize that this is indeed God’s house....

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