Psych 150 Final Exam notes PDF

Title Psych 150 Final Exam notes
Author Summer Serino
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution California State University Northridge
Pages 4
File Size 40.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Complete notes from both powerpoint presentations and oral lectures from Dr. Howard lee....


Psych 150 Final Exam notes

Cr i t i cal Thi nki ng Sy s t emat i c al l yev al uat i ngi nf or mat i ont or eac hr eas onabl econcl us i onsbests uppor t ed byev i dence Ps y c hol ogy t hest udyofment al act i v i t yandbehavi or ,whi char ebas edonbr ai npr oces ses Hy pot hesi s Aspeci fi cpr edi ct i onofwhatshoul dbeobser v edi fat heor yi sc or r ect Cent r al Ner v ousSy s t em Thener v ouss y s t em t hatc onsi s t soft hebr ai nandspi nal cor d Sy napse Thel ocat i onwher et heneur onsc ommuni cat e Medul l a Basi cs ur vi v al f unct i onssuc hashear tr at eandbr eat hi ngar econt r ol l edbyt hehi ndbr ai n s t r uct ur ec al l edt he___( ?) ___ Cer ebel l um I mpai r mentoft he___( ?) ___mi ghtcausepr obl emswi t hcoor di nat i onandbal ance Tempor al Audi t or yi nf or mat i oni spr oces sedi nt he___( ?) ___l obesoft hecer ebr alcor t ex Occ i pi t al Vi sual i nf or mat i oni spr oc essedi nt he___( ?) ___l obesoft hecer ebr al cor t ex Pl as t i ci t y Thei deat hatt hebr ai ni sext r emel ymal l eabl eandi sc ont i nuousl ychangi ngasar es ul t ofi nj ur y ,exper i ences ,orsubst ances I ncr eas e Whathappenst ot heper c ent ageofREM sl eepr el at i v et oot hers l eepst agesasy ou pr ogr es st hr oughani ghtofs l eep? Ps y c hoact i v eDr ugs Subst ancest hatal t ert hemi nd St i mul ant s Dr ugswhi c hact i v at et heSympat het i cNer v ousSy s t em Al cohol ,Ni c ot i ne,andCaffei ne CommonTer at ogens I nconsol abl eBehavi or Ther es ponseachi l dwi t hambi v al entat t achmentwoul dhav et oanewbaby si t t er Acc ommodat i on Howdochi l dr endev el opmor ecompl exsc hemasov ert i me ? Ov er r egul ar i z at i on Thet endencyf ory oungc hi l dr ent oi ncor r ect l yusear egul argr ammarr ul ewher et hey s houl duseanex c ept i ont ot her ul e Ov er r egul ar i z at i on( Ex . ) Addi ng" ed"t ov er bswher ei ti sunneeded

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