Public speaking ch 12 outline PDF

Title Public speaking ch 12 outline
Author Duncan Robertson
Course Public Speaking
Institution Boise State University
Pages 4
File Size 46.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Detailed public speaking notes based off of lecture and chapter...


Duncan Robertson Ch 12 Outline 2/22/17

Introduction I. Uses example of a girl who was nervous with bad nonverbal cues II. Says how she improved by the middle of the semester III. We see that public speaking practice can lead to great speeches IV. That’s what this chapter is about – preparing you for presentation by helping you develop two great resources, your physical voice and your body language. V. The power of presentation, developing your physical voice, developing your body language, developing versatility in presentation Body I. The power of presentation A. Pitch 1. Habitual pitch a. Level at which we speak most b. Comfortable 2. Optimum pitch a. Level allows us to produce our strongest voice b. Minimal effort B. Rate 1. Speed you speak 2. Rhythm is variations at which you speak C. Volume 1. Size of room depends on level 2. Speak at a comfortable level for audience a. Be sensitive to listeners’ responses b. Use good breath control

D. Vocal Problems 1. Articulation is the way to pronounce each speech sound 2. Enunciation is pronouncing words in context 3. Pronunciation is saying words correctly a. Makes it easier for audience to understand b. Mispronunciation of common words discredit you 4. Dialect is speech pattern of typical region which reflects your origin [The way you present your speech helps develop your body language into a way that helps you] II. Developing Your Body Language A. Facial expression and eye contact 1. Eyes are easiest to tell what person is thinking 2. Look at audience to see how they’re reacting to certain parts B. Movement and Gestures 1. These should be consistent in everything you do 2. Body language should always appear natural and spontaneous a. Gestures shouldn’t look fake b. Let gestures become natural as speech flows 3. The distance between you and the listeners tells them how comfortable you are 4. Elevation is where you are in height in regards to audience C. Personal Appearance 1. Dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself 2. Dress according to your speech, relate to the topic [Body language shows audience what you’re thinking, and versatility shows the variety you can provide] III. Developing Versatility in Presenation A. Impromptu speaking

1. This is responding to unpredictable situations 2. Important for on the spot adjustments to questions or points B. Extemporaneous speaking 1. Practiced and prepared but delivered conversationally 2. Focuses on ideas and listeners C. Responding to feedback from your audience 1. Feedback that signals misunderstanding is seen by confused facials 2. Feedback that signals loss of interest a. Listeners become fidgety and move around b. Restate info to gather attention again 3. Feedback signals disagreement when audience shakes their heads D. Memorized text presentation 1. Word for word can be good for intro and conclusion 2. Avoid memorizing anything more than a couple minutes to avoid confusion IV. Practicing for Presentation A. Privacy 1. Allows speaker to adjust parts without pressure 2. Think about speech while doing daily tasks for repetition B. Classroom 1. Practicing in the classroom helps prepare for the actual day 2. Practice in a setting similar to classroom to give yourself the best prep

Conclusion I. Knowing how to properly prepare and deliver your speech will benefit you and the audience come time to present II. Understand possible risks and how to avoid them at all costs

III. Prepare in a setting that best prepares you for the big day, this will allow the most comfort for the presenation...

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