Reflection Papers UTS PDF

Title Reflection Papers UTS
Course Undestanding the Self
Institution Arellano University
Pages 7
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DIGITALREFLECTIONPAPERSUNDERSTANDINGPOLITICAL SELFANGELITA YSABELLE ASAGCAS 08 MON 10;30-1:SPIRITUAL SELFMATERIAL SELFPHYSICAL SELFSEXUAL SELFThe Physical SelfThe Physical self refers to the body –something that is inseparable to the self. It involves our physical growth and development as we go thr...








The Physical Self

The Physical self refers to the body –something that is inseparable to the self. It involves our physical growth and development as we go through the different stages of life, among that stage is puberty where huge changes happens to our body due to the secretion of different hormones. Another thing tackled in this topic is body image, how we perceive, feel and think about our body and physical appearance, and how one’s body image can affect their physical and psychological well-being. As stated in the lesson, individuals who have a positive body image are said to be happier while those who don’t have that tend to be sad and frustrated. And some lead to body modifications like tattooing, plastic surgery, etc. Although, I support those who undergo cosmetic surgery I don’t think I’ll go that extra mile just so I can be pretty in someone else’s eyes. I completely understand that whatever they’re doing to their bodies are their call and it’s what makes them happy so there really is no reason for us to judge them. This topic was discussed by us, the group one. With this lesson we were able to understand the different aspects of our body, how it slowly change through time and also how we see ourselves or think about how others might see us. I believe that the physical self plays a major role with regards to the self since it deals with our outer form, which can be touched and seen by the naked eye. One part of this lesson left me kind of sad is the Philippines standard of beauty, we are too absorbed by the western look that we find our own beauty as ugly or not in the standards. With this lesson I was able to admire my own physical self and understand that we are all unique in many different ways and beautifully different too.

The sexual self

The Sexual self-deals with self-talks about our sexuality and sexual identity. This part of the unpacking the self, examines the different aspects of one’s human sexuality such as: historical perspectives, biological, psychological, etc. It also tackled the different theories of psychologist like Freud’s stages of development and Stenberg’s Triangle of love also the different methods of contraceptives. Another thing I remembered being discussed is sexual orientation, it refers to a person’s sexual identity anchored to what gender they’re attracted to. Nowadays, numerous sexual orientation and gender identity are introduced, just like the LGBTQ+ Since we are a religiously inclined country it is still hard for some that other individuals are not like them, and I think being different from the normal is not that bad as long as they are not hurting someone. As the world change so does its people and I guess rather than contradicting it we should embrace it because after all they still are human just like anyone of us. Contraceptives and sexual organs were also discussed in this long topic, and I believe that sex education still being a taboo in the country and seem like many are still uncomfortable discussing such topics. Filipinos are known for being religious and conservative and so we consider topics about sex as something taboo. But the youth should learn as early as now the bad things they’re getting themselves into when they engage themselves in an unprotected intercourse. Through this topic, I was enlighten a lot more of my own sexuality and does of others, and how unprotected sexual behavior can result to sexually transmitted diseases or worse unplanned pregnancies.

The material self

According to William James the self as everything that and individual considers to be his or hers, not only his or her body and material possessions but also his or her reputation and beliefs. And so the self is the manifestation of one’s identity through his material possessions. We are defined by the clothes we wear, our houses, and cars can serve as our identity. It is obvious and clear in today's society that many individuals’ value material things more than the essences of life, such as family, friends, and even peace of mind. Most of the time, people judge you based on the brand of your clothes, and we are often concerned with whether the shoes we are wearing are authentic or counterfeit. All of these material things became our sole priorities and sadly that’s how our life runs. And although people who possesses their wants and needs tend to be happier, I still don’t think that material possessions should be a way to find happiness because not everyone is financially capable to buy everything they wanted so it is important to have a proper mind set on things to avoid unnecessary problems like large debts caused by shopping. MATERIALISM is known as more likely to be an individual characteristic of a person while CONSUMERISM refers to the overall characterization of the mode of buying in a modern society. A consumer don’t have to be materialist and luckily most of them are not. But always bear in your mind that a materialist person will be a consumer, indeed passionate consumer. This lesson though me that rather than buying expensive thing to brag others, It is better to have a clear set of priorities to avoid being caught up in this world full of materialistic people. It is fine whatever you wear, you don’t have to have expensive clothes to fit in in a group. Simply put, one must be responsible enough when buying something. We should be able enough to budget our money and always think twice that we should prioritize our needs in life rather than our wants. My mom often say you can't afford something yiu cannot buy twice.

The Spiritualself It is said that, spirituality can be understood as the search for the sacred, a process through which people seek to discover hold on to, and, when necessary: transform whatever they hold sacred in their lives. It generally refers to meaning and purpose in one’s life, a search for wholeness, and a relationship with a transcendent being. Spiritual self is the mixture of the mindbody-spirit connection. It talks about meaning and purpose that go beyond the physical realities of life, and on person’s connections to different aspects of his/her existence. I am among who reported this topic and as an agnostic, I don’t really engage in spiritual or religious stuff, but with this lesson I’ve learned that, you can be spiritually invested and still not have a religion, as religion is defined as an organized system of ideas about the spiritual sphere or the supernatural along with associated ceremonial practices by which people try to interpret and/or influence aspects of the universe otherwise beyond their control. By engaging in religious activities, you are flourishing your spirituality. Although this lesson still didn’t change my belief in religion, I still do respect other peoples belief and spiritual activities and I am certain that is what’s important, respecting regardless of their beliefs of religion, if only that is applied by all and there is no judgement then our country can prosper.

The political self Politics is social institution through which power is acquired and exercised by people and groups. You see, it exists not just in the government but in all aspects of life such as the primary group - family. In our family, just like in a traditional set-up our father holds the highest position and serves as the leader of our family. It is also explained that family is the only institution who plays a major role in building an individual’s political self, the church, the school, and any other social group one belong to, also is a part of establishing ones political self. Humans want power, we like to be the one controlling the flow of things. No one wants to be controlled and for that we strive for power and fights hard to get it -man after all is a political animal just like what Aristotle described. It is said that political self is a central component of the self, it constitutes knowledge about the Constitution, government, and governance. The political self helps in defining the structure and functions of the government, in telling and understanding the relationship between the state and the citizens and in describing their rights, freedom, and obligations as citizens. With this lesson I was able to learn that the political community where people belong offers an opportunity for them to define themselves and provides opportunities to satisfy their needs for affiliation. Political self organizes one’s beliefs, attitudes, and affiliations and use their political values and belief systems to define themselves as unique individuals of society. Based on the social learning theory, a person can acquire learning through observation and imitation. In order for government to work in any group or society, a covenant of mutual trust and respect should definitely exist. Each and everyone of us should be aware of what is happening around us. This will be a good practice for self-awareness is really helpful for optimal daily life activities, as it allows adapting individual behavior to different situations according to one’s actual abilities.

The Digital self It is undeniable that digital technology has now become part of the digital self or rather became an essential of our lives. Based on the lesson, the digital self is the aspect of the self that is expressed or shared with others through online interactions on the internet, specifically in social networking sites. People often use technology as a way for communication with other people just as the use of technology is becoming important for individuals, it is also developing to be important for the development of society. The internet became a world that is used as a platform of numerous movements as it is easy to connect with people through it and it has a wide range which allows you to reach a large population without exerting much effort. Although it is convenient and has many benefits to offer, it is also has its own share of disadvantages and negative effects. Just like cyber bullying, cat fishing or worse sexual harassment and exploitation People tend to edit their photos to look slim and impress their social circle online. The online world has become a huge lie. While social media made making friends easier, it also made it easier for predators to find victims. The anonymity that social networks provide can be used by the perpetrators to gain people’s trust and then terrorize them in front of their peers. These online attacks often leave deep mental scars and even drive people to suicide in some cases. You’ll be surprised to find out that cyber bullying isn’t just affecting kids, but also full grown adults. With this lesson, I was able to understand the different parts of my digital self and how can i manage it to avoid experiencing any harmful scenarios in the internet. The internet is as dangerous as the outside world and what we post or say in any platform would forever stay there, therefore we should be careful and always think before you click....

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