Revelly Gestalt Psychotherapy PDF

Title Revelly Gestalt Psychotherapy
Course Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Institution Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Pages 1
File Size 46.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 61
Total Views 156


Prof Toni Sholty...


Gestalt Psychotherapy TheEmpt yChai rAct i vi t y Dur i ngt hi sex er c i s e,t hec l i ents i t sac r os sf r om anempt yc hai randi magi nest hat anot herper soni ss i t t i ngi nt heot herc hai r .Thec l i entt heni sas k edt oengagei na di al oguewi t ht heempt yc hai rs ot het her api s tcanl ear nt hec l i ent ’ st hought s ,emot i ons , behav i or s ,andot herhel pf ul i nf or mat i on.Somet i mest heper s oni nt her apywi l l t ak eon t her ol eoft heper s oni nt heot herc hai r .What ev eri si magi nedi nt heoppos i t ec hai r t ypi c al l yi sanunr es ol v edc onfl i ctorpai npoi nt . Setupt wochai r sf ac i ngoneanot her .Thi nkofsomeonewhohas / i scaus i ngy ou di s t r es sandT apey our s el fdoi ngt heEmpt yChai rt echni quewher ey ouar eex pr es sy our t hought s ,&emot i onsandt al kaboutanybehav i or st hatappl yoranyot herhel pf ul i nf or mat i ont hatr el at est ot hes i t uat i on.Af t er ,r ev i ewt het apeandanal y z ehowt he ex per i encewasengagi ngi nt heGes t al tt ec hni queandhowy out hi nkandf eel af t eri t .

Anal y s i s : I sat in a room facing an empty chair. In the empty chair, I pictured one of my roommates with whom I am experiencing a conflict regarding cleaning the utensils in the kitchen. Then, I started speaking to the empty chair. I starting explaining that I am not ok with the things in the kitchen, it is very irritating to see all the uncleaned utensils that he used and I am the one who is cleaning the utensils all the time and how he is unhelpful and disorganized in the house. Using this technique, it brought me to the “here and now” of my present experiences. As I was verbalizing of what is going on in the apartment, the abstract became more concrete and i gained an insight into my own perspective of the conflict that I have been experiencing. I think this technique is engaging and it can help the clients and bring them into present or immediate experiences, and it will help them to experience and discover various aspects of their own conflicts in a new manner through this empty-chair technique....

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