RICE Lettorato Inglese PDF

Title RICE Lettorato Inglese
Author Ludovica Palì
Course Lingue e Culture Moderne
Institution Università degli Studi di Genova
Pages 27
File Size 539.3 KB
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Two prisoners have managed to break out of a maximum security unit in the north of England. His family had left the country just before war broke out. She broke off their engagement after discovering that he was having an affair. She started to speak, then broke of while a waitress served us coffee. Last year, a group of employees broke away from Microsoft and formed a rival software company. I’m sorry to break in / on your conversation, but I have an urgent message for you. The washing machine has broken down so I’ll have to wash all our clothes by hand. When they told her the terrible news, she broke down and cried. The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations and it is likely that war will soon be declared. He started drinking heavily after he broke up / with his wife. When do the local schools break up for the summer holidays? Someone has broken into my car and stolen the radio.



This wine really brings out the spicy flavour of the meat. The war brought about huge social and political changes in Europe. The exhibition is open to everybody, so bring along your family and friends. A crisis often brings out the best in people. There are several problems I’d like to bring up at the next meeting. Whenever I hear that song, it brings back happy memories. They are hoping the agreement will bring peace back to the country. Opposition parties are threatening to bring down the government. The meeting was originally planned for 21 June but it has been brought forward to 15 June. The government is expected to bring in new immigration laws. His heart attack was brought on by stress and hight blood pressure . Since it was brought out last year, the new software has been very popular. He was unconscious so we splashed water on his face to try and bring him round. Competition between airlines has brought prices down dramatically. After his parents died, he was brought up by his grandmother.


- Peter couldn’t come to the meeting. He was called away on urgent business. - “I’m afraid my husband’s out at the moment.” - “Could you ask him to call me back as soon as he gets -

home.” The present international crisis calls for decisive leadership. The company has called in the police to investigate the theft. Rescuers had to call off the search for the missing climbers because of bad weather. I’m going to the theatre tonight. Paul is calling for me at eight o’clock. While I was visiting the area, I decided to call on a friend I hadn’t seen for years. Although he was only 18, he was called up to play in the national football team. I called round to see John yesterday, but he wasn’t in. During the war, most men under the age of 40 were called up for military service. Peace campaigners have called for an end to the war. The human rights group has called on the US to end the death penalty.


- The plan for a new motorway will probably come up against opposition from local residents. - I came across some old photographs last week while I was tidying the attic. Pagina 1 di 27


I don’t feel very well. I think I’m coming down with a cold. She came into a lot of money when her grandparents died. I picked up the old book and it just came apart in my hands. When she came round after the operation, her mother was sitting by her bed. We were discussing who would be suitable for the job, and your name came up. We’re going to the cinema. Do you want to come along? I’m sorry I got angry with you. I don’t know what came over me. A good leader has to be able to identify problems and come up with solutions. The discovery of penicillin came about entirely by chance. When his new book comes out, it will probably be a best-seller.



While I was talking to my mother on the phone, we were suddenly cut off. It only takes ten minutes to get to the village if you cut across this field. Spending on education has already been reduced to a minimum. It cannot be cut back any further. During the earthquake, the city’s electricity supply was cut off. I’m on a very strict diet. I’ve cut out chocolate completely. He’s always been very lazy. I’m not sure he’s cut out for the army. He used to be a heavy smoker but he’s managed to cut down a lot. He’s in the garden cutting up wood for the fire. A number of the original scenes had been cut out of the film. Internet banking can cut out the need to visit your bank. Some villages were cut off by heavy snow for several weeks. The car started to make a strange noise and then the engine cut out completely.



Before moving to America, she gave away all her furniture to her family and friends. The government has refused to give in to the terrorists’ demands. The wood gave off a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned. The back door of the house gives onto a small garden. He had to give up playing football after the accident. I’ll never trust her again. I told her a secret and she gave it away. Two of the escaped prisoners have given themselves up to the police. She gave up her job in Edinburgh and moved to London. She was trying to look calm but her face gave her away. Her patience finally gave out and she started shouting at the children. Fluorescent lamps give out a brighter light for the same amount of electricity. They searched for their dog for hours but eventually gave up and went home. In the end, he gave in and paid her the full price for the painting.



When you're going through a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone. The President had promised not to raise taxes but the crisis has forced him to go back on his word. “Can I help myself to a drink?” - “Yes. Go ahead.” We can’t go on pretending that everything is fine when it clearly isn’t. Twenty years had gone by since we had last seen each other. The dog started barking and I was afraid it was about to go for me. I’ve been invited to join the golf club but I don’t really go in for sports. My mother is always going on at me about keeping my room tidy. I think this milk has gone off. I’ll get another bottle out of the fridge. Apparently he’s left his wife and gone off with someone he met at a conference last year. Pagina 2 di 27


Many women go off coffee during pregnancy. Yesterday’s match went ahead despite the terrible weather. He says he’s going to resign but I don’t think he’ll go through with it. I’m afraid we can’t afford a holiday this year. We’ll just have to go without.



I don’t think he’s ill. He’s just trying to get out of going to school. I’ve always wanted to go to America but I’ve never got round to it. I had a really heavy cold. It took me two weeks to get over it. It’s always difficult to get back to studying after the summer holidays. The whole family usually get together at Christmas. Successful advertisers manage to get their message across very effectively. The kids are very quiet. I’d better go upstairs and see what they are getting up to. The boy was being really rude but his mother just let him get away with it. I’ve still got some work to do but I should get through it quite quickly. Her mother wouldn’t lend her any money but she managed to get round her father. John is getting along really well in his job. His boss thinks he’s wonderful. My French isn’t very good. I know just enough to get by. Richard is a very difficult person. I find it impossible to get along with him. Being unemployed is rather depressing. I’m afraid it’s beginning to get me down.



I'm trying to keep up my Spanish by going to evening classes. My mother told us to keep out of the kitchen while she was cooking. Although it will be difficult, the government’s priority is to keep inflation down. Police have warned people to keep away from the area at night. There was a sign saying “Keep off the grass”. The little girl had to walk very fast to keep up with her father. Let’s keep to the plan that we made. It’s too late to change it now. She was taken to hospital and the doctors decided to keep her in overnight. She decided to keep on walking until she came to a phone box. If I tell you a secret, will you keep it to yourself? The prime minister admitted that salaries had not kept up with inflation in the past few years. The noise from the party kept us up most of the night.



George was the only person who knew the secret so he must have let it out. I opened the curtains to let in as much light as possible. I don’t know why she’s marrying him. She doesn’t know what she’s letting herself in for. The rain seems to have let up, children, so you can go out and play. I’ve got a key so I can let myself in. He promised he’d take the children out yesterday but he let them down again. Many of my neighbours were letting off fireworks to celebrate the New Year. Our cats don’t like to stay in at night so I always let them out before I go to bed. Children who are caught stealing are often let off with just a warning. Shall I let you into a secret? I'm getting married next month.


- Could you look through this report and tell me what you think of it? - They had a lot of problems last year, but things are now looking up. - I’m really looking forward to seeing all the family at Christmas. Pagina 3 di 27


I wrote a letter of complaint, and the airline promised to look into the matter. Literary critics tend to look down on romantic novels. They don’t really regard them as literature. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary. Most people look back on their school days with affection. They spent the morning looking around the old part of the city. Children usually look up to their older brothers and sisters. It’s important to look ahead and think about what you want to do after university. It’s hard work looking after three children all day. She promised to look me up the next time she came to London.



As soon as the film finished we got up and made for the exit. My next-door neighbour is very strange. I don’t know what to make of him. Thieves broke into her house and made away with all her jewellery. I was ill last week, so I have to work this weekend to make up for lost time. I didn’t feel like going to the party so I made up an excuse. I could hear some people talking but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. They often have arguments but they always make up in the end. Let me buy you lunch to make up for being late. The police are trying to make out what the murderer's motives were. She's been extremely kind and helpful. We must find a way of making it up to her.



These traditional stories have been passed down from one generation to the next. It was so hot at the concert that I thought I was going to pass out. She passed the photos round so that everybody could have a look at them. Could you pass the book on to Laura when you've finished reading it? Our dog barks at anyone who passes by the house. Although he had never studied medicine, he tried to pass himself off as a doctor. He had been ill for a long time and passed away at the age of 95. Somebody who was passing by noticed that the window was broken. I don’t think many actors would pass up the opportunity to work in Hollywood. She claims that she was passed over for promotion because she was pregnant.



If we all pull together as a team, we’ll get the project finished on time. The Olympic champion injured his knee and had to pull out of the race. I’d better pull in at the next garage and buy some petrol. Mary was frightened but she knew she had to pull herself together for the children’s sake. A car pulled up outside my house and two men got out. Last year, our local football team pulled off a surprise victory in the cup final. There used to be a theatre here but it was pulled down a few years ago. When we got to the station, our train was just pulling out so we had to wait for the next one. Even though he’s very ill, the doctors are confident that he’ll pull through. On the final lap of the race, Smith managed to pull ahead and win.



The meeting scheduled for tomorrow has been put off till next week. It took the firemen two hours to put out the fire. We wanted to visit Westminster Abbey but we were put off by the long queues. I called the police station and asked the operator to put me through to Inspector Smith. Pagina 4 di 27


The committee rejected the proposal that I had put forward. What a horrible man, I’m surprised his wife has put up with him all these years. The gallery often puts on exhibitions of work by local artists. Every month she always tries to put some money aside for her holidays. He doesn’t usually misbehave. One of the older boys must have put him up to it. I know you’ve had a frightening experience but you should try to put it behind you. Some friends have offered to put us up for a couple of nights while we’re in London. I can’t manage on my salary any more. I’m going to put in for a pay rise. You have to make a decision soon. You can’t put it off any longer.



The government has run up against a lot of opposition to its plans for education reform. When she was young, she wanted to run away from home and join the circus. I’ve been running around all morning trying to get everything ready for the party. While she was studying in London, she ran up a huge phone bill. The old man was run over while crossing a busy street. He abandoned his wife and children and ran away with his secretary. I feel very sorry for her. He’s always running her down in front of other people. The company has run into serious financial difficulties during the current recession. Don’t let your imagination run away with you. I’m sure there are no ghosts in this house. While I was in town, I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen for ages. Would you mind going to the supermarket for me? I’ve run out of milk.



Any attempt to open this door will set off the alarm. Try to set aside an hour each day for learning new vocabulary. When the war was over, people set about trying to rebuild their lives. The police set up roadblocks to stop the robbers trying to escape. Winter is setting in and the villagers are facing food and fuel shortages. A war would inevitably set back the process of political and social reform. I’m planning to set off early in the morning to avoid the heavy traffic. In his programme, the Presidential candidate has set out his plans for political reform. After losing his job, he got a loan from the bank and set up his own company. Humans ‘ ability to use language sets them apart from other animals.



My parents taught me that I should always stand up for my rights. I can't concentrate if you stand over me like that when I’m working. They want to ban cars from the city centre but I don’t think people would stand for it. She was supposed to meet him outside the cinema but she stood him up. Do you remember what the letters SPQR used to stand for? The chancellor has decided to stand down in favour of his deputy. Don’t let the boss see you standing around doing nothing. Several people appear to have stood by and done nothing while the robbery was taking place. His parents stood by him during his recovery from drug addiction. There were many candidates for the job but one girl in particular stood out from the rest. My assistant will stand in for me while I’m on holiday.


- Jane took over as company director after Richard retired. - This song always takes me back to my childhood. Pagina 5 di 27


The clock stopped working, so he took it apart and fixed it. Charles is such a nice person. I first met him at a wedding and took to him immediately. Thank you for agreeing to see me. I hope I haven’t taken up too much of your time. If you want to keep fit you should take up swimming. I take back everything I said about George - he's been really nice to me recently. She’s very good at music. She takes after her mother. The assistant told me the plane was expected to take off on time. I’m afraid we’re not taking on any new staff at the moment The police took down my address and phone number in case they needed to contact me. Don't be taken in by products claiming to help you lose 10 kilos in a week.



Some drug addicts turn to crime to finance their habit. I haven’t found my watch yet, but I imagine it will turn up sooner or later. Only 40% of the electorate turned out to vote at the last election. I think we’ve come too far up the motorway. We should have turned off at junction 26. We were surprised when she failed to turn up for work on Monday. Paul was turned away from the nightclub because he wasn’t wearing a tie. The old manor had been turned into flats for old people. The holiday turned out to be the best we’ve ever had. By now it was clear that public opinion had turned against the Republicans. She felt very desperate and there was nobody she could turn to for help. It’s a fantastic job opportunity. I can’t possibly turn it down. On our way to the mountains, the weather was so bad that we decided to turn back.


- I want to go to university this years. (interested) I’m interested in going to university this years. - “Have you been on holiday recently, Jane?” asked Tony. (been) Tony asked Jane if she had been on holiday recently. - I was too tired to go to the party. (that) I was so tired that I couldn’t go to the party. - The union claims its members will only return to work if the company agrees to a meeting. (not) The union claims its members will not return to work unless the company agrees to a meeting. - We demanded to see the hotel manager immediately. (seeing) We insisted on seeing the hotel manager immediately. - Because it snowed heavily during the night the motorway is closed. (due) The motorway is closed due to the fact that it snowed heavily overnight. - Did you manage to get in contact with David today? (getting) Did you succeeded in getting in contact with David today? - I don’t care what you do. (concerned) As far as I am concerned you can do what you like. - The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice. (such) It was such a nice meal we had in the restaurant. - He was ordered to leave the field for arguing with the referee. (sent) The referee sent him off for arguing.


- That’s the garage where I left my car for repair last week. (repaired) That’s where I went to get my car repaired last week. - You can’t bring food into this room. (supposed) Pagina 6 di 27

You are not supposed to bring food into this room. - “Why don’t we go to the theatre at the weekend?”, he asked. (suggested) He suggested going to the theatre at the weekend. - His boss won’t tolerate lateness. (put) His boss won’t put up with lateness. - The last school I studied at was better than this one. (good) This school is not as good as my last one. - Although the weather was terrible we had a good time. (spite) We had a good time in spite of the terrible weather. - Being rude is inexcusable. (no) There is no excuse for being rude. - She regrets leaving her boyfriend. (wishes) She wishes she hadn’t left her boyfriend. - The police are interviewing the suspects. (interviewed) The suspects are being interviewed by the police. - I was never allowed to read comics when I was a child. (let) My parents didn’t let me...

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