Study Notes For US History Quiz PDF

Title Study Notes For US History Quiz
Course United States History Ii
Institution Northern Virginia Community College
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Study Notes For US History Quiz # 1 Identification 1 Bacon’s Rebellion Who: Governor Berkeley, the settlers and the Native Americans. What: it was a rebellion against the corrupt regime of governor Berkeley. There were a lot of social tensions and resentment of Berkeley’s policies. The settlers wanted all native American’s killed in order to take their land Where: Colonial Virginia When:1676 Why: Accelerated shift to African Slavery. There was not enough land to give indentured servants after their servitude - land is extremely scare. Lower taxes, end of power for the elite. This also resulted in the burning of Jamestown 2.) Seven Years War (also known as the French and Indian War) Who: Battle is between the French and the British What: lasted longer than 7 years but the peek time was a span of 7 years. Where: Dislodged the French from Pennsylvania When: 1754 - 1763 Why: Decisive turning point in British colonial relations, which in turn ended a period of solitary neglect. Peace Treaty of 1763 changed the map of North America. Provided great Britain numerous territorial gains. There were disputes over policy and paying the wars expenses led to colonial discontent 3.) A Discourse Concerning Western Planting Who: What: Where: When: Why: 4.) Opechancanough: Who: powhatan brother vs. the english What: Advocated military service – led a brilliantly planned surprise attack that in one day wiped out one-quarter of virginia’s settler population Where: Colonial Virginia - Jamestown When: approximately 1618 when powhatan died and 1622 when the Virginia massacre occurred.

Why: it became clear that the English were interested in establishing a permanent and constantly expanding colony, not a trading post conflict began to erupt. The unsuccessful uprising in 1622 fundamentally shifted the balance of power in the colony. Virginia forced a treaty on the surviving coastal Indians that acknowledged the subordination to the government at Jamestown and required them to move to reservations to the west and not enter European settlements without permission. Opchancanough died in the last battle 5.) Pequot War Who: pequots against a coalition of English settlers from massacheutts bay with the narragsetts allied with the english What: the start of the war was because a fur trader was killed by the pequots. Where: colonists waged war at the village of mystic When:1637 Why: in 1638 treaty of Hartford was signed which ended Pequot sovereignty Roger Williams Who: Roger Williams vs. puritans What: his beliefs put him at odds with the puritans. He believed everyone should be able to choose which religion they wanted to follow. He believed that the native Americans had rights and the England was depriving them of their rights by taking their land away. Additionally, he believed in a separation between church and state. He got kicked out the massachuett Bay colony in 1636 due to a difference of opinion. He eventually moves to the rhode island colony Where: Massachuetts Bay Colony When: 1636 Why: established the colony of rhode island which eventually receives charter from London. It has no established church and no religious qualificiations for voting and no requirement that citizens attend church. This frame of government was more democratic 6.) Stamp Act Who: between the British and the colonies (9 colonies attended the congress What: Direct tax on printed material Where: America When: 1765

Why: first time taxes used to raise revenue. The colonist had no issue with the taxes, however, they felt that they should have been consulted prior to its implementation. This ultimately offended every colonist and made them feel as though they were no better than slaves 7.) Bartolome de Las Casas Who: was a Spanish religious person What: he did not agree with the doctrine. There was a huge debate over the treatment of Indians which was led by de las casas. He outlined the strange cruelties that were done to the indians Where: The New World When: 1537 approximately Why: this brought about new laws and the repartimiento system which recognizes that Indians cannot be enslaved, but that they are required to work for the Spanish for a certain number of months a year, but they would be paid for their labor. He suggested that importing slaves from African would help protect the Indians from exploitation. Las Casas writings which were translated into several different languages contributed to the spread of the black legend 8.) “First American Revolution” Who: Peublo Indians and the Spanish What: Rebellion leader was a pueblo medicine man by the name of pope Where: They destroyed every church in New Mexico When: 1680 Why: their independence was short lived. When the pueblos revolted they target ministers, priest and churches. They endup killing a total of 21 priest. The impact was that the Spanish reduced demands for labor and adopted a more tolerant approach to the pueblos traditional religion 9.) Encomienda Who: Spanish and the Indians What: the Spanish crown attempted to define the status of the Indian population in the American colonies. System under which officers of the Spanish conquistadores gained ownership of indian land Where: colonial Spanish america When: 1492 Why: the first settlers had been granted authority over conquered Indians lands with the right to extract forced labor from the native inhabitants

10.) Columbian Exchange Who: New and Old Worlds (Indians and Europe What: the transatlantic flow of goods and people that began with columbus’s voyage in 1492 Where: initially started in Hispaniola (Dominican republic) and cuba When: began in 1492 Why: these fruits, veggies and people transported sickness from area to another. The introduction of technology and goods transformed Indian and European ways of life. This exchange led to advancements in agricultural, evolution of warfare, and increased mortality rates 11.) “Liberty Song” Who: written by John Dickinson What: a song that was written to reflect on the Townshend act, which was the latest in the series of taxes imposed on the colonies by the british crown, without first consulting the colonies Where: New England, Boston Area, first published in the Boston Gazette When: 1768 Why: this was the first song to express American patriotism. It was an important song for its time. It was sung at political meetings, dinners and celebrations 12.) King Philip’s War Who: English settlement and the wampagnogs originally What: due to the death of john sassamon started a controversy because it was believed he died under mysterious circumstances – drowned in a lake Where: New England Area When: 1675 Why: formed Indian coalition with wampagnogs, narragansetts and the nipmucks. 13 english settlements were destroyed. English believed they had the right to try the Indians for any issue even on their own soil. Indian coalition will lose war due to food shortages etc. King Philip was eventually captured and beheaded, his wife and kids were captured and sold into slavery in the west indies 13.) Middle Passage Who: The Slaves What: Men, women and children were crammed as tightly as possible onto vessels to maximize profits along with other items such as guns and brass dishes Where: The voyage across the Atlantic, known as the middle passage because it was the second or middle leg of the triangular trading route linking Europe, Africa and America. From West Africa to the New World

When: Why: many Africans did not survive the voyage. There was lots of disease on the ship such as smallpox. About one in every five slaves perished before reaching the new world. Ships captains were known to through the sick overboard to prevent the spread of disease. Many of the slaves went to brazil and the west indies...

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