Task 5-Pragmatics -Adriana peña.docx frh PDF

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Task 5 - PragmaticsTutor: Andres Orlando BlancoEstudiante: Adriana Natalia Peña SanchezCódigo: 1098739516Grupo: 518017_Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNADEscuela de Ciencias de la EducaciónLicenciatura en lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en InglésCurso: Introduction to Linguistics Bucaram...


Task 5 - Pragmatics

Tutor: Andres Orlando Blanco

Estudiante: Adriana Natalia Peña Sanchez Código: 1098739516 Grupo: 518017_30

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación Licenciatura en lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en Inglés Curso: Introduction to Linguistics Bucaramanga – 2021


In this work we can find an overview of what pragmatic is. We can say that it is the study of the use of language, although, it can also be defined as a discipline that is interested in analyzing how the speaker generates and interprets sentences in the context; therefore, it considers the extralinguistic factors that determine the use of language, and grammatical research as interlocutors, communicative intentions, and background of the world of knowledge. Understanding the meaning of pragmatics, we can define dialect as a linguistic system thatsciendes from another but not sufficiently differentiated from those of common origin. Therefore, dialects are generally considered in relation to the set of several linguistic systems of the same trunk or are located on the same geographical boundary. Another definition of dialect creates reference to linguistics that does not achieve the social category of language. Adapting the concept of dialect in the way we speak in Colombia we can say that Colombian Spanish is a variety of the Spanish language to a set of regional discourses with specific characteristics of pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary, mainly, that allow its clear difference from other national modalities. It has its own characteristics, the product of development and various inter-language influences. The most spoken Colombian dialects are the paisa, the costeño, the Isleño, the Santandereano, the Cundiboyacense, the rolo or bogotano, the Tolimense or opita, the Vallecaucano or valluno, the Andean or pastuso, the Amazonian, the chocoano and the llanero. According to statistics, Colombia is one of the most linguistically homogeneous countries, as a majority of the population speaks Spanish, which is the language of the nation.

Regional and social dialects A dialect is nothing more than a prestigious local variety of a real language. The first is a regional variety of a language that has an associated literary tradition. A regional dialect is distinct from a language spoken in a specific geographic area. It is also known as a regiolect or topolect. The paisa: dialect is characterized by the use of "voseo", which is the use of the pronoun "vos" instead of the pronoun "tú". This is accompanied by the conjugation of verbs typical of Argentine voseo, for example: vos sos (instead of tú eres), vos sabés (instead of tú sabes), among others. Examples: Ave María Pues, Acarajada, Achilado, Alcanzao, Veni pues, Vos si sos linda, Parcero, Que chimba. The Costeño: As for its pronunciation, the Costeño dialect is characterized by the gemination of consonants when the "r" comes before a consonant. This phenomenon consists of eliminating the "r" and pronouncing the following consonant as if it were two. For example, the words "Cartagena", "verdad" and "cerca" would be said "Cattagena", "veddá" and "cecca". Examples: Ay Ombe!!!!,Prendemos el foco, Nos zampamos, Nos pegamos la motilá, El chaco, Eche no joda, Pelaitos, Bollitos. The llanero: The llanero dialect is distinguished by the aspiration of the "s" and by the elision of the "d" when it is between consonants (from "dado" to "dao"). Examples: Cabrestero, Aguajal, Nepes, Berrinche, Charapo, Ñongo. The rolo o bogotano: This is observed in the pronunciation of the postvocalic "s", which is never aspirated or deleted. There is also a distinction between the pronunciation of "ll" and "y". The use of the pronoun "usted" is common even among friends. However, in some areas of Boyacá "tú" is used in informal situations and "usted" in formal cases. Examples: Ala, Bizcocho, Boleta, ¡Carachas!, Guiso The Santander: A characteristic element of this dialect is the differentiation in the pronunciation of "ll" and "y". The pronoun "usted" is preferred to "vos" or "tú". Examples: Jarto, jincho, Jeta, Sute, Arrecho, Chingua. Andean or Pastuso The Andean dialect is spoken in southwestern Colombia. In terms of pronunciation, this dialect is characterized by the differentiation between "ll" and "y". In addition, the "rr" is pronounced fricatively, which is typical of the Andean areas of Latin America. Examples: Chichirimico, Cacha, Asolapado, Juepuchica, Líchigo

Conclusions  We can conclude that in Colombia there is great diversity and richness in vocabulary, as well as varied accents depending on the regions of the country.  There are departments with accents so unique that they are exclusive to the place. That is why we cannot affirm the existence of a Colombian accent.  Several experts affirm that Colombia is one of the countries with the greatest diversity of accents in Latin America. APA References. 1. Accents in Colombia. Recuperado el 29 de diciembre de 2017, de dialectsarchive.com 2. Colombian Dialects. Recuperado el 29 brighthueducation.com

de diciembre de 2017,


3. Colombian Spanish. Recuperado el 29 de diciembre de 2017, de wikipedia.org 4. Dialect Studies and Dialects of Spanish in Colombia. Recuperado el 29 de diciembre de 2017, de scholarsarchive.byu.edu 5. Interesting and confusing aspects of Colombian Spanish. Recuperado el 29 de diciembre de 2017, de fluentin3months.com 6. The Colombian Spanish Dialect. Recuperado el 29 de diciembre de 2017, de thetranslationcompany.com 7. The Languages spoken in Colombia. Recuperado el 29 de diciembre de 2017, de studycountry.com 8. Martinez, Catherine. (31 de August de 2020). Los 12 Dialectos Colombianos Más Hablados. Lifeder. Recuperado de https://www.lifeder.com/dialectoscolombianos/. 9. Huang, Y. (2007). Pragmatics. Oxford University Press. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V1-uMQcKkcUXp8N6CroaEiebHlNDeKv/view...

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