TB concept map new PDF

Title TB concept map new
Course Acute & Chronic Health Problems
Institution Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
Pages 1
File Size 108.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Concept map about TB...


RI SKFACTORS ( Li f est yl e&Medi cal )

Those in constant contract with infected TB Those who have decrease immune function with HIV Who live in crowded area prison, mental health, older homeless people Abuser inject drug or alcohol Lower socioeconomic groups Foreign immigrant

PATHO:Descr i bet hePat i entCondi t i on


TB is caused by bacterium called Myobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs but also can attack other part of the body as spine, brain, and kidney. Not everyone infected with TB bacteria becomes sick. TB has two types: latent TB and Active TB. TB need to be treat properly if not it can be fatal. TB spread by sneezing, coughing, singing but TB does not spread by shaking hand, sharing foods, touching bed lines or toilet, sharing toothbrush, kissing.


Tuberculin Test (Mantoux test) Sputum culture Blood test: Quntiferon –TB gold T. Spot –new test Chest xray

Persistent cough Weight loss Anorexia Night sweats Hemoptysis SOB Fever or chill Fatigue, lethargy Nausea, vomiting Cough frosty, pink sputum, non productive cough in the early morning Chest tightness

POTENTI ALCOMPLI CATI ONS PASTMEDI CALHI STORY:Rel at edt oPr i mar yDi agnosi s Past exposed to TB, country of origin or travel to high risk countries, results of previous tests, Prior BCG vaccine

Meningitis Heart problem Kidney problem Spinal pain Liver problem


Goal for treatment is eliminate all tubercle mycobacteria First line agents: Isoniazid (INH)-PO Rifampin-PO, Pyrazinamide (PZA)-PO Ethambutol (EMB)-PO Second line of agents: Amikacin-IM Aminocylicylic acid-PO Capreomycin-IM Ciprofloxacin-PO Ofloxacin-PO Steptomycin-IM

References with Page Numbers: Ignatavicius, D. & Workman, M. (2018). Medical-surgical nursing patient-page 345, 357, Ackley and lawid page 125, 127, 129

Priority Medical Diagnosis Tuberculosis

NURSI NG DI AGNOSES( TopThr ee) Infection Fatigue Deficient knowledge Social isolation Imbalance nutrition: less than body requirements relate fatigue, adverse drug effects 6) Noncompliance, related to adverse drug effects, deficient knowledge, length or treatment, cost medication 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


Teach patient to compliance with medication taking Instruct patient patient recognize side effect of medication and characteristic of Rifampin will make urine have red/orange color Patient need to have lab test done regular for liver function, CBCD, Renal function. Teach patient need to take medication at least 6-12months. Try to avoid crowed area and avoid sick people. Family member need to be tested if they live the same house Increase fluid intake. Avoid alcohol during on therapy. Be aware of interact with other medication as acetaminophen, oral contraceptive and warfarin...

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