THEA-Jurassic Park - The professor I don\'t remember awesome class though PDF

Title THEA-Jurassic Park - The professor I don\'t remember awesome class though
Author Tatum Sargent
Course Introduction to Film
Institution Utah Valley University
Pages 2
File Size 71.3 KB
File Type PDF
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The professor I don't remember awesome class though...


ANSWER KEY Rev JURASSIC PARK 20 Study Questions 1. John Hammond is supposed to be at the meeting between Juanito and Gennero. Who is he with AND why? He is the owner and he missed the meeting to be with his daughter who is getting a devours 2. According to Gennerro, the family of the dead worker has brought suit against Hammond. What are the TWO resulting problems that may cause the park to close down? They might pull the funding and slow the project down. 3. What do we learn about John Hammond from this conversation AND how could this negatively affect the park? He hates inspections because they slow everything down. 4. What does Juanito hold in his hand at the end of the scene AND why is it important? Amber, it was important because there was a mosquito in it which would most likely have blood from dinosaurs and they would use it to clone them. 5. Why does Hammond need Drs. Grant and Sattler to come to the Park? They are the top minds in their field so people would respect their opinion and invest in the park. 6. Ian Malcolm is a mathematician with an unusual specialty. What is it AND why do you think it has he been invited to the island? He uses the chaos theory and I would say he was invited to the island to predict accidents that could happen and help prevent them. 7. Explain the history/contents of “amber.” Mosquitos would drink dinosaur blood and be fossilized in tree sap becoming amber. They collected the blood from the fossilized mosquito and used the DNA to clone them. 8. How do Hammond and company control the gender of the dinosaur population? They deny them of the extra chromosome that is required to be a male so they will all be female and that way that can’t reproduce and the park will be able to control population. 9. According to the hunter--Muldoon--what is wrong with the dinosaurs AND what should be done to solve the problem? They are too smart and they need to be fed in cages so they don’t attack the cages. 10. At the end of the dinner scene it becomes evident that the scientists are NOT on Hammond’s “side”--why not? The dinosaurs and humans lived in completely different worlds and it would be difficult to try to combine them. 11. Upon their arrival at the park, Hammond’s grandchildren gravitate to Dr. Grant. Why do

they do this AND why is it a problem for him? They gravitate to him because the grandson has read his book and admires his work. This is a problem for Dr. Grant because he is there for business purposes and not to play around with kids. 12. The amber at the top of Hammond’s cane is a cinematic symbol of both his power AND his weakness. Explain. It shows his power because it is a constant reminder to him of what he has created because the DNA of the dinosaurs came from the mosquitos inside the amber. This also shows his weakness because the same thing is what became his weakness, everything that he created was greatest downfall. 13. Earlier in the film, Dr. Grant had used a raptor claw he carries to scare a little boy. Now, while sitting in a tree with Timmy and Lexie he drops the claw. Implication is that he no longer ‘needs’ it to ward off children. Why not? He no longer needs to ward off children because he had become attached to the children after protecting them and looking after them and he now likes children. 14. What does Dr. Grant find that leads him to conclude that the dinosaurs ARE breeding-AND how is it possible? He finds a dinosaur egg. Frogs are known to change gender in a single gender environment, by mixing the DNA of the frogs with that of the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs are now able to change gender. 15. Explain the “lysine contingency?” If the dinosaurs aren’t supplied with lysine they will die. 16. Who is Grant sitting with on the helicopter--ANY why is this significant? He is with Timmy and Lexie. It is significant because before the trip he didn’t like kids of anything and didn’t want any. And now he is comfortable enough with them that he wants to reproduce like the dinosaurs learned to reproduce. ____________________________________________________ “The Making of JURASSIC PARK” 17. When did Spielberg begin storyboarding? Before the screenplay. 18. What are “animatics?” 3D storyboarding. 19. According to Spielberg’s crew, which creatures are the closest living links to dinosaurs? Birds. 20. What was the “classic” film which most inspired Spielberg in making JURASSIC PARK? King Kong....

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