THEA-Pay it Forward - The professor I don\'t remember awesome class though PDF

Title THEA-Pay it Forward - The professor I don\'t remember awesome class though
Author Tatum Sargent
Course Introduction to Film
Institution Utah Valley University
Pages 3
File Size 46.5 KB
File Type PDF
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The professor I don't remember awesome class though...


PAY IT FORWARD 1. As Mr. Simonet irons in the opening shots of the film, we become conscious of the idea that while his face is permanently “wrinkled” he is obsessed with his clothes looking perfectly unwrinkled. While this is ironic, it also tells us about him as a character, so besides irony, what other tool of screenwriter is being used here? Characterization is being used because it is showing us parts of his personality 2. These opening scenes give us background information about the setting and characters. Which part of plot structure would this fall under? Set up 3. Since the film flashes back to the first day of school when Trevor encounters Mr. Simonet, what type of narrative is involved here? What is the other type of narrative? This is a non-linear narrative because it jumps around and doesn’t go in order as a linear narrative would. 4. In the scene when Trevor is walking on to the school grounds, he looks small, suggesting that he is also powerless. What about his appearance emphasizes this idea? Trevor is very short and has very skinny arms. He is also wearing a big backpack that emphasizes that he is small. 5. As Trevor goes through the metal detector at school, he notices another kid throwing a knife down and then picking it up on the other side, undetected by the authorities. This is an important piece of information that will be used later in the film when this character uses this knife to kill someone. What tool of the screenwriter is being used here? Pay-off is being used here 6. What is the assignment Mr. Simonet offers the class as extra credit? Think of an idea to change our world and put it into action 7. Inspired, Trevor comes up with the ‘pay it forward’ plan. Explain it in detail. Trevor was inspired to do good things for 3 people and get them to return the favor by helping 3 other people out. By doing this not only is he doing kind things for people but he is able to change other peoples life. 8. This makes Trevor the PROTAGONIST, and the plan becomes his GOAL. In which part of plot structure do we learn this information? We learn this information while the set up is still happening 9. However, in pursuit of this goal Trevor ongoing problems cause him to doubt his ability to achieve it. What is the term that describes the problems within the character that gets in their way of achieving their goal? Inner conflict

10.Trevor’s first action in pursuit of his goal is to help the homeless Jerry by bringing him to his house for a meal and shower. Since it is starting the story, this action would qualify as which part of plot structure? This is the inciting incident 11.After helping Jerry, Trevor goes to his house to find him again but a drugged out Jerry refuses to respond. This is an OBSTACLE for Trevor. Which kind AND what part of plot structure would it fall under? I would say that this is an external conflict because it wasn’t anything that Trevor (the protagonist) had any control over and it would be a part of the rising action 12.After his efforts to help Jerry seem to fail, Trevor then decides to bring his mother and Simonet together romantically. DECISIONS made by the protagonist fall under which part of plot structure? They would fall under the rising action 13.At one point Simonet kisses Arlene, and then staggers away and takes off in his car. She later comes to his house for an explanation—what does he tell her? His life is familiar and manageable, he has a routine that he does everyday and if he doesn’t have that then he is lost 14. In addition to fixing Arlene’s truck, how else does Jerry ‘pay it forward?” Convinced someone not to jump off of a bridge and commit suicide 15.How/why was Simonet burned? His dad covered him with gas and lit him on fire 16.How is Trevor connected to Grace, the old lady in the station wagon? She is his grandma 17.Trevor’s decision to help Adam—in spite of the fact that the gang member confronting them has a knife--proves to be Trevor’s last ‘test.’ Is this the crisis or the climax AND why? I think that the decision to help Adam would be the crisis because it was his last big decision and when he is stabbed is when he is defeated so that would be the climax 18.As a result Trevor is killed—ending the conflict. Is this the crisis or the climax AND why? This is the climax because this is when he is defeated and he also overcomes his fear and achieves his goal

19.How has Trevor achieved his GOAL? He overcame fear and decided that it was more important to help someone in trouble than to

protect himself 20. After Trevor’s death, we see that many people have shown up for the candlelight vigil —indicating the effect he has had in their lives. What is this part of plot structure-when the ‘loose ends’ are ‘tied up’ and explained? This is the falling action...

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