Trắc nghiệm Marketing PDF

Title Trắc nghiệm Marketing
Author Thư Nguyễn Thị Anh
Course Principles of Marketing
Institution Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân
Pages 48
File Size 394.3 KB
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An American cola-manufacturing company that primarily targets rebellious andadventurous people most likely uses ________ segmentation.a b. occasion c. benefit d. geographicSparex Inc. is a manufacturer of metal bolts that are used by Boilex Inc. tomanufacture heavy machineries. In this ins...


An American cola-manufacturing company that primarily targets rebellious and adventurous people most likely uses ________ segmentation. a.psychographic b. occasion c. benefit d. geographic

Sparex Inc. is a manufacturer of metal bolts that are used by Boilex Inc. to manufacture heavy machineries. In this instance, Sparex acts as a ________. a. supplier b. financial intermediary c. local public d. customer

Donna wants to buy a new coat. During the ________ stage of the buyer decision process she will ask her friends to recommend stores that sell good quality winterwear clothing. She will also go through newspapers and magazines to look out for offers and sales on coats. a. product evaluation b. alternative evaluation c. information search d. purchase decision

Banks ask their employees to wear uniforms, male staff to cut their hair short and female staff to put on make-up as well as decorate their offices nicely. They try to reduce the problem of service __________. a. variability b. intangibility c. inseparability d. perishability

________ markets buy goods and services for further processing. a. Wholesale b. Retail c. Business d. Reseller

Choose the correct statement. a. Personal interviews can be used to collect large amounts of information at a low cost per respondent. b. Data ages quickly c. Internal databases usually are more expensive than other information sources. d. Internal information is almost always sufficient for making marketing decisions.

GameStop sells only video games and systems, offering a narrow product line with a deep assortment within that line. GameStop is a(n) ________. a. specialty store b. category killer c. convenience store d. off-price retailer

Sanguine Services is a small company that uses a marketing strategy in which its limited resources are employed to target a large share of two small market segments. Sanguine most likely uses which of the following marketing strategies? a. one-to-one marketing b. trigger-based marketing c. concentrated marketing d. mass marketing A ________ is a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct a person to seek satisfaction. a. motive b. perception c. stimulus d. culture Mai loves fashion and is always seen wearing the trendiest fashion outfits. She actively shares her knowledge with a wide group of friends and colleagues about where to shop for the latest fashion at great deals. Most of her friends and colleagues follow her fashion tips. Mai portrays the inv of a(n) ________. a. opinion leader b. surrogate consumer c. lagging adopter d. social networker Jonathan works for a firm that assists companies in promoting, distributing, and selling their products to end consumers. The firm Jonathan works for is a ________. a. general public b. local public c. licensor d. marketing intermediary Which of the following variables are the most popular for marketers to use in segmenting customer groups? a. behavioral b. psychographic c. demographic d. geographic An invitation to go skiing over the weekend forced Donna to look at her current wardrobe. She realized that she required a warmer coat. Which of the following stages of the buyer decision process does Donna exemplify? a. information search b. situational analysis c. need recognition d. product evaluation Choose the wrong statement a.Wants are not created by marketers. b. Wants are human needs that are shaped by culture and individual personality. c. A market is the set of actual and potential buyers of a certain product or services. d. Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships. When marketers set low expectations for a market offering, they run the risk of ________. a. failing to attract enough customers

b. incorrectly identifying a target market c. disappointing loyal customers d. failing to understand their customers' needs Which of the following is NOT a cue to consumers about whether a price is high or low? a. "Coming Soon!" signs b. location in the store, especially at the entry c. prices of surrounding, similar products d. signs such as "Clearance" Which stage in the product life cycle is characterized by rapid market acceptance and increasing profits? a. introduction b. decline c. maturity d. growth What is the value proposition of Coopmart? a. the same for less b. more for less c. more for more d. less for much less All of the following are ways a company can differentiate itself or its product EXCEPT ________. a. people b. services c. price d. channels ________ is the practice of tailoring products and marketing programs to suit the tastes of specific individuals and locations. a. Micromarketing b. Concentrated marketing c. Differentiated marketing d. Trigger-based marketing Which of the following statements is true of social classes? a. People within a social class tend to exhibit similar buying behavior. b. Income is the single factor that determines social class. c. Members of a social class have unique and distinct values, interests, and behaviors. d. Social classes universally exhibit identical product and brand preferences. The information sources that are the most effective at influencing a consumer's purchase decision are ________. These sources legitimize or evaluate products for the buyer. a. personal b. commercial c. attitudinal d. public James has decided to buy a new vehicle. His brother John has recently purchased a new truck and recommends the same model to James. James finally decides to buy the same truck. Which of the following sources of information has most likely influenced James' purchase decision?

a. public sources b. commercial sources c. personal sources d. experiential sources Greg Williams now has the buying power to purchase the desktop computer that he has wanted for the last six months. Greg's want now has become a(n) ________. a. demand b. exchange c. need d. transaction Cost-plus pricing ________. a. is a value-based pricing method b. is a complex pricing method c. involves adding a standard markup for profit d. involves pricing that accurately reflects production costs Distribution channel decisions frequently require long-term commitments between firms. A primary reason is that ________. a. when they set up distribution through franchisees, independent dealers, or large retailers, they cannot readily replace these channels with company-owned stores or Internet sites if conditions change b. old products are difficult to discard and new products are difficult to introduce c. advertising is not easy to change d. management does not want to be constantly changing the method of selling and distributing its products Which of the following is a disadvantage of using a differentiated marketing strategy? a. Customer loyalty is negatively impacted and difficult to obtain. b. The costs of doing business increase. c. Product safety decreases. d. It generates far lower sales compared to an undifferentiated marketing strategy. Which of the following marketing orientations calls for aggressive promotional efforts and focuses on creating transactions rather than long-term customer relationships? a. the product concept b. the marketing concept c. the production concept d. the selling concept Which of the following is true of market-penetration pricing? a. It results in drawing in large numbers of buyers quickly, winning a large market share. b. It results in the company making fewer and less profitable sales. c. It involves setting a high price for a new product to appeal to the elite in society. d. It is best used in conjunction with a market-skimming pricing strategy. Arrange the following needs in the right order from the top to the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy. a. Success, respect, intimacy, house, hunger b. Hunger, house, intimacy, respect, success c. Achievement, respect, house, intimacy, hunger d. Hunger, intimacy, house, respect, achievement

Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of modern marketing? a. Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs. b. Marketing is building value-laden exchange relationships with customers. c. Marketing emphasizes selling and advertising exclusively. d. Marketing involves managing profitable customer relationships. Which of the following statements characterizes the introduction stage of the PLC? a. Promotional expenditures are zero. b. The company incurs minimal expenses. c. Profits are nonexistent. d. The product achieves acceptance by most potential buyers. Samsung Mobile plans to launch a new phone with a unit cost of $270 and wants to earn a 10 percent markup on its sales. Samsung's markup price is ________. a. $295 b. $275 c. $300 d. $335 Needs include all of the following EXCEPT ________. a. the newest iphone b. food c. belonging d. knowledge ________ are consumer products and services that customers usually buy frequently, immediately, and with minimal comparison and buying effort. a. Specialty products b. Unsought products c. Shopping products d. Convenience products Generally, the consumer's purchase decision will be to buy the most preferred brand, but two factors can come between the purchase intention and the purchase decision. Which of the following is one of these factors? a. cognitive dissonance b. economic risks c. attitudes of others d. alternative evaluation Choose the false statement. a. Prices have a direct impact on a firm's bottom line. b. Cost-based pricing is often product driven. c. Price is the most inflexible of the marketing mix elements. d. Customer perceptions of the product's value set the ceiling for prices. ________ involves actually distinguishing the firm's market offering to create superior customer value. a. Differentiation b. Market segmentation c. Targeting d. Mass customization A market segment that is large enough or profitable enough to serve is ________.

a. profitable b. measurable c. accessible d. substantial For which of the following products would the intensive distribution strategy most likely be used? a. high-end cameras b. lawn mowers c. furniture d. soft drinks Midnight Magic, a perfume manufacturing company, plans to release a new fragrance during the holiday season at $99 per bottle. The company intends to bring the price down to $49 within six months of its release to attract buyers who couldn't afford the initial price. Which of the following pricing strategies is Midnight Magic using? a. product-line pricing b. market-skimming pricing c. competitive pricing d. market-penetration pricing Which of the following questions is most important for product designers to consider while developing a product? a. Which specific features of the product do customers like most? b. How can the product be packaged to stimulate instant purchase? c. What are the product's technical specifications? d. How would customers use and benefit from the product? Even when competing offers look the same, buyers may perceive a difference based on ________ differentiation. a. services b. image c. price d. people Marketing stimuli include which of the following? a. price stimuli b. economic stimuli c. cultural stimuli d. social stimuli Most products in the marketplace are in the ________ stage of the product life cycle. a. maturity b. development c. decline d. growth The discount offered by Glamor Gifts to customers who bought Valentine-themed merchandise the week following Valentine's Day is an example of a ________. a. seasonal discount b. functional discount c. time-based discount d. cash discount

Which of the following statements is true of cultural factors that influence consumer behavior? a. Subcultures include nationalities and racial groups, but exclude religions. b. Subcultures are groups within which each individual has a unique and distinct value system. c. Cultural influences on buying behavior are identical across countries. d. Social classes show distinct product and brand preferences in areas such as clothing and travel. Dan has been directed to study the forces close to a company that affect its ability to serve its customers, such as the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics. In this instance, Dan has been directed to study the ________ of the company. a. demographic environment b. microenvironment c. macroenvironment d. political environment A(n) ________ is a person's relatively consistent evaluations, feelings, and tendencies toward an object or idea. a. lifestyle b. belief c. motive d. attitude For which product would a company use an exclusive distribution strategy? a. chewing gum b. luxury cars c. fridges d. dairy products

Which of the following marketing management orientations focuses primarily on improving efficiencies along the supply chain? a. production concept b. product concept c. selling concept d. marketing concept e. social marketing concept

Which of the following marketing management concepts is most likely to lead to marketing myopia? a. customer-driven marketing b. customer-driving marketing c. societal marketing d. marketing e. product The ________ concept is aligned with the philosophy of continuous product improvement and the belief that customers will choose products that offer the most in quality, performance, and innovative features. a. product b. production

c. customer d. marketing e. promotion Which step of the marketing process lets the company reap the rewards of its strong customer relationships ? a. Building customer relationships. b. Understanding the marketplace and customer needs. c. Capturing value from customers. d. Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy. e. Construct and integrated marketing program that deliver superior value What is customer equity? a. The total combined customer lifetime values of all of the company's current and potential customers b. The present value of the future cash flows attributed to the customer relationship c. The difference between what a customer gets from a product, and what he or she has to give in order to get it d. Customer's perceived opinion of a product's value to him or her Which of the following depends on the product's perceived performance relative to a buyer's expectations? a. Customer-generated marketing b. Customer-managed relationships c. Customer-perceived value d. Customer satisfaction e. Customer lifetime value Which is the first step in the marketing process? a. Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy b. Preparing an integrated marketing plan and program c. Understanding the marketplace and customer needs d. Building customer relationships e. Capture value from customers The _____ concept questions whether the pure marketing concept overlooks possible conflicts between consumer short-run wants and consumer long-run welfare. a. responsibility marketing b. societal marketing c. Selling d. Product e. Production Marketing is the process by which companies __________ and build strong customer relationships to capture value from customers in return. a. advertise their products b. introduce new products c. create value for customers d. sell their products e. attract potential customers

________ are human needs as shaped by individual personality and culture. a Exchanges b. Wants c. Demands d. Values A(n) ________ is some combination of products, services, information, or experiences offered to consumers to satisfy a need or want. a. market offering b. value proposition c. demand satisfaction d. need proposition e. evoked set Which of the following refers to sellers being preoccupied with their own products and losing sight of underlying consumer needs? a. selling myopia b. marketing management c. value proposition d. marketing myopia e. the product concept ________, which divides the market into segments based on variables such as age, life-cycle stage, and gender, is the most commonly used approach to segmenting consumer markets. A. Niche marketing B. Behavioral segmentation C. Demographic segmentation D. Psychographic segmentation E. Micromarketing ________ divides buyers into different segments based on social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics. A. Behavioral segmentation B. Psychographic segmentation C. Cross-market segmentation D. Undifferentiated marketing E. Benefit segmentation P&G markets at least six different laundry detergent brands in the United States (Tide, Gain, Cheer, Era, Dreft, and Bold), which compete with each other on supermarket shelves. P&G further segments each detergent brand to serve even narrower niches. This is an example of a(n) ________. A. concentrated marketing strategy B. local marketing strategy C. differentiated marketing strategy D. individual marketing strategy E. value proposition A ________ illustrates consumer views of brands versus those of competing products on important buying dimensions. A. unique selling proposition B. positioning map

C. target market D. market segment E. competitive advantage A brand's ________ represents the full mix of benefits on which a brand is differentiated and positioned and is the answer to the customer's question, "Why should I buy your brand?" A. positioning B. competitive advantage C. value proposition D. target market E. positioning map _______ consists of evaluating each market segment's attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. A. Differentiation B. Market segmentation C. Market targeting D. Mass customization E. Positioning When marketers at Fair & Leigh Inc. selected the Millennials, a demographic group that includes many college students, as an untapped group of potential customers for their new line of products, they were engaging in ________. A. market diversification B. market targeting C. product positioning D. local marketing E. occasion segmenting ________ segmentation divides buyers into segments based on their knowledge, attitudes, uses, or responses concerning a product. A. Psychographic B. Age and life cycle C. Behavioral D. Geographic E. Gender Teen Mania Inc., a company marketing adventure sports merchandise for teenagers, targets the world's teenagers, who have similar needs and buying behavior even though they are located in different countries. Which of the following market segmentation is evident here? A. occasion segmentation B. income segmentation C. psychographic segmentation D. intermarket segmentation E. gender segmentation When an effective program can be designed for attracting and serving a particular segment, the segment is best described as ________. A. measurable B. competitive

C. differentiable D. accessible E. actionable A cosmetics firm selects seven different segments to target with five different brands and product lines. The firm has embraced which targeting strategy? A. Niche marketing B. Mass marketing C. Differentiated marketing D. Micromarketing E. Concentrated marketing The department store chain Macy's has rolled out a localization program called "My Macy's" in which merchandise is customized under 69 different geographical districts. Due to climate and taste differences, the firm markets brands and promotions specifically to the needs and wants of local customer groups. Which marketing strategy is this? A. Niche marketing B. Individual marketing C. Micromarketing D. Local marketing E. Mass customization The full mix of benefits on which a brand is differentiated and positioned is known as the brand's ________. A. demand chain B. supply chain C. service life D. value proposition E. value stream ________ marketing is more suited for uniform products, such as grapefruit or steel. A. Trigger-based B. Undifferentiated C. Local D. Niche E. One-to-one ________ positioning involves providing the most upscale product or service and charging a higher price to cover the higher costs. A. Same for less B. Less for much less C. More for more D. More for less E. More for the same Traditionally, marketing was not focused on specific buyers but marketers were scattering their marketing efforts through ________, which is more of a "shotgun" approach. A. target marketing B. positioning C. mass marketing D. market segmentation E. differentiation

Modern communication technologies enable consumers to connect across many of the traditional segmentation bases. Increasingly, firms will employ ________ segmentation...

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