UGEC2945 Lecture 09 Mac Lehose Era Note PDF

Title UGEC2945 Lecture 09 Mac Lehose Era Note
Author Steven Lam
Course History of Hong Kong
Institution 香港中文大學
Pages 21
File Size 829.5 KB
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UGEC2945 香港史:從殖民地到特別行政區 (2015-2016 上學期) 1 第九講 麥理浩時代 (一) 再思「麥理浩時代」  麥理浩(Murray MacLehose, 1917-2000),蘇格蘭出生,畢業於牛津大學  1939 年加入殖民地部,先後派駐馬來西亞、廈門等地領事機構工作,後調回英國外 交部(殖民地部於 1968 年併入外交部) 1971 年被委任為香港第 25 任港督,是香港殖民地時代任期最長的總督(1971 年 11 月-1982 年 5 月)   麥理浩出任總督的十年被視為香港社會飛躍發展與香港身份認同形成的時代,因而 被稱為「麥理浩時代」  關於「麥理浩...


UGEC2945 香港史:從殖民地到特別行政區 (2015-2016 上學期)


第九講 麥理浩時 麥理浩時代 代

(一 一 ) 再思「 再思「麥理浩時代 麥理浩時代 麥理浩時代」 」

麥理浩(Murray MacLehose, 1917-2000),蘇格蘭出生,畢業於牛津大學 1939 年加入殖民地部,先後派駐馬來西亞、廈門等地領事機構工作,後調回英國外

交部(殖民地部於 1968 年併入外交部) 1971 年被委任為香港第 25 任港督,是香港殖民地時代任期最長的總督(1971 年 11

月-1982 年 5 月) 麥理浩出任總督的十年被視為香港社會飛躍發展與香港身份認同形成的時代,因而 被稱為「麥理浩時代」

關於「麥理浩時代」,我們除了要問: 香港社會在當時有何發展?香港本土意識如何形成?

更要問: 為甚麼這一切要在英國管治香港百多年後才發生? 為甚麼偏偏在這時發生? 而「六七暴動」既然是港英政府百多年來面對的最大的一次危機,為甚麼社會 改革似乎要在麥理浩上任後才出現? 戴麟趾任內做了甚麼?

(二 二 ) 動亂過後

1966 年的「天星小輪加價事件」中,參與者大都為年青人 而事後葉鍚恩拒絕公開消息來源,但引述被補者示威時的觀察,暗示警隊腐敗,甚

至可能插贓嫁禍  在欠缺資料的情況下,我們無法證明真偽 但問題是:

為甚麼參與者大都是年青人?「插贓嫁禍」? -為甚麼市民會有這樣的臆測? 1967 年發表的《九龍騷動調查委員會報告書》,仔細對被補者進行了調查:

Survey of detainees at Begonia Road (註:海棠道男童院) At our request, a group of social workers made a survey of those younger prisoners who were held at Begonia Road Boys Home for offences arising out of the disturbances. As only 24 boys were interviewed, these workers stressed that they could not be


UGEC2945 香港史:從殖民地到特別行政區 (2015-2016 上學期)

considered as sufficiently representative of the hundreds of youths who actually took part in the riots...... Whilst accepting these reservations, we think the answer received are of sufficient interest to merit quoting some of them. They are given for their qualitative rather than quantitative value…… Social background. The boys ranged from 13 to 17 years of age. The majority (18) had been born in Hong Kong. Most had left school at the time of the riots and the majority (14) had been away from school from two to three years. Ten gave ‘lack of interest’ as their reasons for leaving school and six ‘financial difficulty’……. Three of the boys did not know their parents’ income; four gave figures between $101 and $200, five between $201 and $300, the remainder being above $400 a month. Twenty-one of the boys were working at the time of the riots in the following capacities: Kitchen hand 7 Apprentice 5 Delivery boy 4 Bar boy 1 Hawker 2 Unskilled labourer 1 No information 1 Ten claimed they had chosen their jobs themselves. More than half that they worked very long hours. Including the apprentices, their monthly salary range from Below $50 2 $51-$100 3 $101-$150 6 $151-$200 7 $201-$250 3 …… Regarding prospects, half of them did not feel that they had very much future in their present jobs, while six felt a bit more hopeful. Seven of them aspired to be motor or electrical mechanics, four to catering and restaurant work. Other would like to be seamen (two), clerk (one), radio-worker (one), carpenter (one), construction worker (one) and hotel boy (one). One hoped to have his own garage and be his own boss. Five had no plans……. Attitudes to Government and public utilities. Four of them were unable to make any comments about the Government. Six were indifferent. Two felt the Government was good. Six felt it was satisfactory. Six felt it was bad. Eighteen of the boys felt there was no equal treatment for the people in Hong Kong and sixteen of them that there was no justice in the Courts. Others had no opinion on these topics. Sixteen of them considered the police force bad. One said it was very bad. Five were indifferent and two were unable to make any comments.

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Twenty-one of the boys had no knowledge of who owned the public utilities such as the Star Ferry Co. etc. Only two knew the correct answers. One was indifferent. In spite of their lack of knowledge, eleven of them positively state that it was unfair to raise fares; twelve of them were indifferent and only one said that it was fair to raise fares and then salaries, in general, should be raised. To illustrate their lack of knowledge about public affairs, two boys said that the Star Ferry belonged to Mrs. Elliot. 調查委員會如何解讀這份報告? 從報告的總結可見,委員會將問題歸納為「青年問題」(youth problem)

 

委員會認為「青年問題」如何造成? - 在經濟發展的同時忽略了工人階層的利益,勞資關係緊張

年輕人缺乏上流機會,積累不滿,容易被煽動 年輕人對香港缺乏歸屬感 官民間欠缺良好溝通


政府事後採取的相應措施 1. 「年青人對香港缺乏歸屬感、容易被煽動」-提供青少年活動 

委員會報告指出「要利用青少年活動疏導青少年過剩的精力,作為預防社會騷 動方法之一」

1968 年,政府成立指導委員會,研究為香港安排一星期的娛樂的可能;委員會 獲 200 萬元撥款,籌辦「香港節」,活動籌辦了 7 個月,最終耗資 400 萬元

「香港節」(1969 年 12 月 6 日-15 日) 活動包括:各類展覽(古董、郵票、書畫、花卉)、花車巡遊、嘉年華會、舞 會、時裝表演、歌唱比賽、選美比賽

參加人數達 500,000 人 1971 年及 1973 年亦舉辦過「香港節」 ,但規模比不上第一屆,而政府亦認為「香 港節」已達到它的目的,所以往後停辦

2. 「忽略工人階層利益」-改善勞工權益 

1971 年,戴麟趾通過了一系列的勞工法例,包括: 工時限制:規定工人每天工作 8 小時,每週工作 48 小時 -

(即變相把星期日定為假期) 婦女享有產假 調高工勞賠償金額

設立「勞資審裁署」,作為解決勞資糾紛的中介機構 戴麟趾的努力不應被高估,因為歐洲主要國家(包括英國)早在第一次世界大戰時,

已有每天工作 8 小時的規定 戴麟趾不過是香港勞工一直被壓榨的勞工權益,回復至國際社會的合理水平

UGEC2945 香港史:從殖民地到特別行政區 (2015-2016 上學期)


3. 「缺乏上流機會」-改善教育 1971 年,推行六年強迫「義務教育」 ,更立法規定,不送子女入學的家長需受罰  政府花資源提供教育機會,是否一定可以改善問題? 「義務教育」只能改善:「因為經濟原因而無法升學」的問題

 

從《九龍騷動調查委員會報告書》受訪者的答案中可見,青年人輟學的另一個 原因:「因為對教育沒有興趣」

年青人為甚麼對學校教育沒有興趣? 我們要看另一份報告

1969 年,香港大學的心理學家 Eric Kvan 發表了一份有關香港雙語教育的研究報 告 – ‘Problems of bilingual milieu in Hong Kong: strains of the two -language system’

研究邀請了 100 位學生參與實驗,分別來自中文學校 與英文 研究結果發現: ‘It seems clear that the students who had used Chinese as a medium of instruction but had studies English as a subject, were showing greater originality of thoughts and greater maturity in general than those who had used

English as a medium and had Chinese as a subject only…….the pupils in the Chinese-medium classes are more responsive, more interested in their surroundings both in and outside of the school.’ 甚麼有這樣的差異? ‘A possible explanation of this difference seems to be the change of language in Form 1 of the secondary school when the pupils are about 12-13 years old.’ ‘To the difficulties created by the change of language in school must be added the

peculiar difficulties springing from the many languages which are involved: for the Matriculation examination these pupils work mainly with texts in the classical language…… It would be therefore appear that their language used for the description of the phenomena of everyday life…… does not develop on a par with their interests and general academic progress.’ 


亦以古文為主,與生活脫節 年青人自然在教育制度下感到挫敗,升學困難  無法提高學歷,談何有向上流的機會?


「年輕人對香港缺乏歸屬感」、 「官民間欠缺良好溝通」 這兩個「成因」的成因又是甚麼? -

「年輕人對香港缺乏歸屬感」  教育制度上問題、經濟上與社會上的挫敗感有一定影響


「官民間欠缺良好溝通」  這個我們從來沒有解釋到底怎樣發生

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事實上,兩者出於同一根源: 香港政制由此至終都是「由上而下」的決策,政府僅依賴小數華人精英吸納「民 -

意」 低下階層沒有機會參與,意見無法表達  官民間欠缺良好溝通,對政府感到 陌生,對香港缺乏歸屬感

 

戴麟趾 (Sir David Trench) 任內到底做了甚麼? 戴麟趾早在 1950 年便在香港政府任職,對香港事務非常熟悉

戴麟趾於 1964 年 4 月 15 日成為香港總督,但似乎在「六七暴動」之前,並無重大 「政績」

戴麟趾任期初年到底忙於甚麼? – 檢討政制改革的可能性

為甚麼戴麟趾的「政制改革」很少被提及? 因為戴麟趾沒有像楊慕琦那樣正式推出一份政制改革方案,而是以私人信件方式與 英國政府有關人士進行討論

戴麟趾 4 月 15 日上任後沒多久,在一封 4 月 27 日,給 W. I. J. Wallace (Assistant Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office, 負責香港事務) 的信中表示: ‘Would you, I wonder, welcome an occasional letter of this kind? Provided I can stipulate that what passes is merely intended to be informative, and I may have changed my mind by the time it comes to communicating officially, I would be quite ready to do so, and happy to receive any comments that strike you on the same understanding.’

W. I. J. Wallace to Sir David Trench, 21.5.64, CO 1030/1591 CONFIDENTIAL AND PERSONAL Many thanks for your personal letter of the 27th April. It was good to write so soon after your arrival and give us your first comments on the re-visited scene. I am glad you have settled in happily, but very sorry that your daughter got ill; I do hope she is now fully recovered……. On the question of nominations to the Legislative Council we agree that “indirect elections” are not to be encouraged. Presumably you will, if opportunity offers, try to get the Justices of the Peace, as well as the Chamber of Commerce, to give up their privileged position? We wholeheartedly agree with you about the desirability of trying for a couple of “imaginative” appointments, one of which, one would hope, might well

 

be of a woman. Appointments of this kind would be particularly important so far as Parliamentary interest here is concerned…… What do you think? 從信中內容可見,有人 有人 有人主張立法局增加「間接選舉」議席 Sir David Trench to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 20.1.65, CO 1030/1607 …… In this paper one of the “immediate and long-term aims of the Civic Association on constitutional progress” was stated to be “to expand the Urban Council into a form of

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Lower House of Representatives by increasing the number of elected Urban Councilors and by including the Education, Medical and Health, Fire Services and Social Welfare Departments under the Council.”…… ……However, as the record of the December Urban Council meeting shows, Mr. Cheong Leen, the Association’s Secretary-General at that time, again used the term “House of Representatives.”…… 

張 有 興 (Hilton Cheong-Leen) 於 1954 年 成 立 香 港 公 民 協 會 (Hong Kong Civil Association) ,1957 年加入市政局,任副主席

1957 年,張有興於倫敦會見殖民地部官員時,要求立法局會有常設機制,委任兩位 市政局的民選議員出任立法局議員,並希望擴大市政局的職能,讓市政局有朝一日 能夠發展至有如英國下議院一樣

Sir David Trench to W. I. J. Wallace , 26.5.65, CO 1030/1620 …… Contiguity might excuse the inclusion of Tsuen Wan in the Urban Council area; but once having swallowed Tsuen Wan …… the elected members’ appetite for Castle Peak and Shatin would be well whetted; and to extend the scope of the Council to this extent might, by making a nonsense of any pretence that the Urban Council is a local government organization, quite seriously risk a Colony-wide take-over by the Urban Council……. The system I would, on first thoughts, like to see instituted therefore would be based on the enactment of an enabling Ordinance permitting other local authorities to be set up in the New Territories…… One must therefore attempt to assess the Chinese reaction……it is possible that they might see in this the beginning of an unwelcome desire on our part to move the Colony towards self-government or independence……on the other hand, they have accepted the extension of the Urban Council’s authority into New Kowloon…… I would myself guess

(and it is only a guess) that they would probably not react unfavourably…… 戴麟趾考慮到香港社會的發展,認為政制改革是無可避免,但對於是否擴大市政局 的管轄範圍,讓其日後發展至有於有如管理整個香港的自治機構則有保留,但建議 考慮在新界另設機構,並請英國政府有關人等小心評估中國政府的態度

W. S. Carter (Colonial Office) to M. H. Morgan (Foreign Office) , 18.8.65, CO 1030/1620 SECRET …… I now enclose the letter. You will see that the Governor is concerned about the Chinese attitude to changes in the local government structure of the kind contemplated,

although he feels that unfavourable reaction would be unlikely…… E. Bolland (Foreign Office) to W. S. Carter (Colonial Office), 26.8.65, CO 1030/1620 SECRET …… I am inclined to agree with the Governor when he says that the Chinese Government

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is unlikely to object to the proposals ……   

戴麟趾的「私人信件」在英國殖民部與外交部傳閱 殖民部與外交部對中國政府的反應頗樂觀 Sir David Trench to Secretary of State, Commonwealth Office, 18.3.67, FCO 40/42 PRIORITY CONFIDENTIAL The two leading Hong Kong left-wing papers of 17th March devoted much attention to an alleged “plot to turn Hong Kong into a country.” The argument is that…… the “British authorities in Hong Kong” have lately been claiming Hong Kong as a “country.” Examples by the papers given are:…… (c) Hong Kong participation in many international fairs, e.g. the 1964 Trade Fair in Milan, as a “country”;

(d) references by unofficial members in the Legislative Council budget debate to Hong Kong “as a country” and to Hong Kong residents as “nationals…… 隨著中國內地政治氣氛的變化,戴麟趾指出香港政制改革問題變得非常敏感

W. S. Carter (Commonwealth Office) to P. H. Johnson (Ministry of Overseas Development), 25.11.68, FCO 40/237 …… We shall have certain political considerations very much in the forefront of our minds when framing our views, e.g. the probable reaction of the Chinese People’s Government, the dangers of a communist take-over of local authority institutions because of the apathy of the electorate…… With these considerations in mind, my preliminary reaction is one of doubtfulness about giving greatly enhanced authority to an Urban Council retaining the same area of jurisdiction and about the proposal to hand over responsibilities in the extremely delicate field of primary and secondary education (where the communists are very active). I suspect that on full reflection the Hong Kong Government will have similar reservations.


最後的改革結果: -


市政局 • 市政區繼續管理市區範圍,荃灣地區另設地方行政機構 • 市政局會有 22 位民選議員,20 位委任議員,議員自行選出主席 • 財政方面,賦予更大的自由度,讓市政局有更多資源改善地區設施 戴麟趾另推行「民政主任計劃」(District Officer Scheme) •

將市區劃為十區 ,每區設民政主任;荃灣亦設民政主任;新界其餘地區 仍歸理民府管理

民政主任之下有諮詢機構,成員由政府委任 20-25 位地區人士出任

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為避免與市政局職權重疊,「民政主任計劃」主要是處理「政治問題」 改善官民溝通  收集民意,接受投訴,並向市民提供諮詢服務 


(三 三 ) 「麥理浩 「麥理浩時代」 時代」 - 是怎 是怎樣鍊成的 樣鍊成的 ?

戴麟趾任內的政制檢討與結果,影響了麥理浩政府的取態- 社會問題,社會解決  社會改革 (即使問題的根源可能在政制 ) 戴麟趾亦嘗試進行社會改革 (勞工法例、教育),但改革要在任期差不多完結前才出

現 (1971 年) 為甚麼戴麟趾無法進行大刀闊斧的社會改革? – 錢

戴麟趾出任總督期間適逢威爾遜(Harold Wilson)的工黨政府上台(1964-1970),工黨 政府普遍更關心社會問題,有利香港進行社會改革

但 1961-1971 年出任香港財政司的郭伯偉(John Cowperthwhite) 相信自由放任政策 (laissez faire policy),堅守「審慎理財」 雖然郭伯偉任內的實質工資上升了 50%,貧窮家庭比例從 50%下降至 15%,但大多

數的福利改革計劃,不是被拖延,便是被擱置 接任的財政司夏鼎基(Philip Haddon-Cave, 1971-81 年出任財政司 , 1981-85 年布政司)

已略為偏離郭伯偉的理財政策,政府開支增加 夏鼎基能夠增加政府開支,與英國政府於戰後給予香港殖民地更大的財政自主有關


1951 年,議員羅文錦就油麻地小輪的專營牌照提出質詢,財政司霍勞士(Charles G. S. Follows)如此回應: ‘The government system of auditing is a complicated one. We have an audit not only here, but the Director General of Colonial Audit in London comes into this question and Honourable Members will be quite surprised at the wide variety of audit queries that are raised in the course of the year, and the Audit Department, quite naturally, feel it their duty to look into all details of every sort of agreement into which the government enters……’

1958 年 3 月,總督柏立基(Robert Black)在立法局上表示: ‘I have to report a decision recently taken by the Secretary of State. He has approved a considerable relaxation in the financial control which he exercised over Hong Kong. In 1948, the Colony was released from Treasury control and given a large measure of

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autonomy over its own finances. The control which the Secretary of State still retained at that time was his approval was required for the annual Estimates, for supplementary provisions exceeding $1 million in the case of capital expenditure and $1/4 million in the case of recurrent expenditure, for the issue of any loan and for any expenditure involving important points of principles. The Secretary of State has now informed me that, in view of the good standing, financial and administrative, of the Colony, he will further relax his control and will no longer require the Estimates to be submitted for his approval; nor will he require supplementary provisions to be authorized by him…… This is a very important and considerable extension of our financial independence, and of course it brings with it its responsibilities.’ 

1971 年,香港審計署署長(Director of Audit)在報告中表示: ‘In December 1971, legislation was enacted which made statutory provision for the audit of the public accounts of the Colony, conferred upon the Director of Audit, Hong Kong, the independence normally accorded to Government Auditors, and provided for his appointment, tenure of office, duties and powers.’

麥理浩亦是香港戰後少數無須為香港與中國的關係憂心的總督 -

麥理浩上任之初,中國內地的文化大革命已進入尾聲 希思(Edward Health)出任英國首相期間(1970-1974 年)致力改善中英關係;1972 年,中英兩國正式建交


(四 四 ) 建設福利 建設福利社會 社會 香港過去的社會福利策略 

英國人長久以來,以各種理由拒絕在香港建立社會福利制度 (例如:殖民地政府財政緊絀、香港居民為難民不會在香港久留等)

殖民地政府與行政、立法兩局內的外籍及華人精英,拒絕擔當社會福利的規劃者, 也拒絕以擴大公共開支承擔社會福利服務 香港開埠以來的教育、醫療等眾多社會服務,均是由教會或華人團體所發起和推動

 

個別總督任職期間,偶有推出改善社會福利的措施,但傾向被動,目標僅為針對已 有的社會問題,欠缺前瞻性以及長遠的整體規劃

UGEC2945 香港史:從殖民地到特別行政區 (2015-2016 上學期)


麥理浩:建設福利社會 

香港在「六七暴動」之後,開始發表一連串有關教育、醫療及社會福利發展的政策 白皮書;麥理浩上任後,關於社會福利的政策白皮書達到空前的紀錄,例如: -

1974 年「香港未來十年內之中等教育白皮書」 1978 年「高等及專上教育發展白皮書」 1981 年「小學及學前服務白皮書」


1974 年「香港醫療衛生服務未來發展白皮書」 1973 年「香港社會福利未來發展計劃白皮書」


1977 年「群策群力─協助弱能人士更生白皮書」 1979 年「追入八十年代的社會福利白皮書」

麥理浩在 1975 年的年報中,以「社會任務」(Social Commitment) 通稱各項社會服 務;反映出香港政府在社會服務上態度的轉變

十年建屋計劃 

1971 年,香港人口約四百零六萬;大多數居住在寮屋或政府早期設備簡陋的徙置區 或廉租屋

麥理浩在 1972 年 10 月宣讀的首份《施政報告》中,提出其任內最宏大的「十年建 屋計劃」

目標在十年內,在不加稅的前提下,從政治的各項收益(主要為賣地)投放 80 億港元, 為 180 萬香港居民提供居所 有別於早前葛量洪的徙置區計劃與戴麒趾的廉租屋計劃,麥理浩的房屋計劃在追求

居所落成量之餘,也開始注意公共房屋的質素,希望提供更完善的社區設施及更舒 適的居住環境 公共屋邨 

 

麥理浩將負責房屋事務的原有部門改組: 屋宇建設委員會  房屋委員會 徙置事務處 + 市政事務署下的房屋科  房屋署 房委會及房屋署負責規劃和推行公營房屋計劃,興建公共屋村 將原有的廉租屋村歸類為「甲類屋村」 、徙置屋村歸類為「乙類屋村」 ,由房委會及 房屋署管理;從 1970 年代開始,陸續拆卸及重建

發展新市鎮  當時香港市區的居住環境非常擠迫,在 1960 年代已開始在市區的邊陲興建「衛星 

城市」(satellite town),包括:荃灣、葵涌及官塘 麥理浩認為政府不應只在市區邊陲興建大型公共屋村作為市區的延伸,而需要開發 新界建立「新市鎮」(new town),進一步紓緩市區的人口壓力

UGEC2945 香港史:從殖民地到特別行政區 (2015-2016 上學期)


新市鎮的發展階段: 第一代

1973 年



1970 年代後期



1980 年代



1990 年代


英國本土早在 20 世紀初為解決工業化所帶來的居住環境問題,建築師霍華德 (Ebenzer Howard)提出了花園城市(Garden City)的概念,認為應該在郊區建設低密度 的社區,與市中心有交通網絡連繫,著重綠化帶

雖然低密度的城鎮並不符合香港的實際需要,但英國在城鎮設計和規劃方面亦不斷 改進,這些概念亦影響到香港的新市鎮發展

麥理浩認為政府建設的不單止是「房屋」 ,更是「社區」 ,在規劃新市鎮時,興建相 應的公共設施、休憩用地、醫院、學校及交通網路等配套設施,讓建構「社區」的 理念得以實踐

居者有其屋計劃  1976 年 10 月,政府為收入不足以買私人樓宇,但又未能申請入住公共屋邨的人士 

提供「居者有其屋計劃」(Home Ownership Scheme) 大多數居屋與公屋設計類同,甚至是改裝而成,旨在由政府提供一些價廉實用、且 具一定水準的住宅屋苑 首批推出的居屋包括:悅麗苑(葵涌)、順緻苑(觀塘)、翠苑(柴灣)、俊民苑(何文田)、 漁暉苑(香港仔)、穗禾苑(沙田)

「十年建屋計劃」的成效 

麥理浩任內發展了 6 個新市鎮、興建了 33 個公共屋邨、16 個居屋屋苑、重建了 11

個舊式屋邨,受惠人數達 96 萬 由於仍未達標,1982 年把計劃順延 5 年;1987 年計劃結束後,共建成可供 150 萬 人居住的單位,仍與最初的目標(180 萬)相差 30 萬

建屋計劃未能達標,主要因為: 經濟受 1970 年代的兩次「石油危機」短暫影響,拖慢了建屋進度 -

內地的偷渡潮持續,加重了香港的住屋壓力,至 1980 年代初,香港的寮屋人 口反而較 1972 年的 35 萬人增加至 75 萬人,被界定為擠迫家庭的並有 25 萬個


麥理浩任內經歷多次寮屋區大火(例如:1976 年的筲箕灣愛秩序灣大火、1981 年的秀茂坪安樂村大火、1982 年的油塘長龍田村大火等等),帶來數以千計無 家可歸的災民,加重政府房屋政策方面的壓力


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