UNIT 2. Make the grade. Conditionals PDF

Title UNIT 2. Make the grade. Conditionals
Course Inglés II
Institution Bachillerato (España)
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UNIT 2: LIVING WELL: Grammar: Conditionals “unless/if” / wish clauses/ Time clauses Vocabulary: Medicine/ nouns and prepositions/ phrasal verbs (I) Connectors: Cause/ result/ purpose Phonetics: consonants and dipthongs

CONDITIONALS ndo la oración de IF va al pririncipi pio,, se se separ ara con una coma dee la princ ncipal al * cuand First conditional: Condición posible IF: (presente simple) ------------- O.P. (WILL+V-inf) Example: ie: If you study, you´ll pass your exam (si estudias, aprobarás el examen) If she doesn´t do her homework, she won´t go out.

UNLESS = IF NOT. Es una partícula negativa, por lo tanto siempre va seguida de una oración en afirmativa y equivale a una oración de IF en negativa. Se utiliza con la 1ª condicional. Ex: If you don´t study, you won´t pass your exam = Unless you study, you won´t pass your exam

OTHER CONNECTORS USED IN FIRST CONDITIONAL: AS LONG AS / SO LONG AS/ ON CONDITION THAT: “si y sólo si…/ siempre y cuando…” ‘I’ll let you go as long as you come back early’ (te dejaré ir siempre y cuando vuelvas pronto) PROVIDED THAT / PROVIDING THAT: “si y sólo si…/ siempre y cuando…”. Más formal que “as long as”. ‘I’ll let you go provided that you come back early’ (te dejaré ir siempre y cuando vuelvas pronto) IN CASE: “Por si…/ en caso de que…” ‘I’ll buy a present IN CASE he wants it’ (compraré un regalo por si lo quiere) ACTIVITIES 1. Rewrite the following conditional sentences without changing the original meaning. These are conditionals of the first type. Use IF or UNLESS 1. I´ll go to the cinema tomorrow if I don’t have to work late. ................................................................................................................................................ 2. I´m going to phone your father if your behaviour doesn’t improve. ................................................................................................................................................ 3. Barbara usually walks to work if no one gives her a lift. ................................................................................................................................................

4. He is going to fail the test unless he studies seriously ................................................................................................................................................ 5. You won´t pass the exam unless you work harder ................................................................................................................................................ 6. She won´t be able to help me unless I arrive early in the morning. ................................................................................................................................................ 7. The rock star won´t appear unless the reporters are there ................................................................................................................................................ 8. Andrew never believes anything if he doesn’t see it with his own eyes. ................................................................................................................................................ 9. If you wear warm clothes, you won´t be cold (as long as) ................................................................................................................................................ 10. I will buy a new car when I have money (as long as) ....................................................................................................................................................

2. Rewrite the sentences using “unless”. Ie: We won´t go to the party if we don´t get an invitation. We won´t go to the party unless we get an invitation. 1. I´ll phone you if you don´t phone me first. ................................................................................................................................................ 2. If the weather doesn´t get worse, we´ll go out for a walk. .. ................................................................................................................................................ 3. If you don´t stop making that noise, I´ll kill you! ................................................................................................................................................ 4. She won´t understand if you don´t speak slowly. ................................................................................................................................................ 5. If he doesn´t speak to me, I won´t speak to him. ................................................................................................................................................ 6. You´ll fail your exams if you don´t work harder. ................................................................................................................................................ 3- Join the two parts of the sentences using “as long as” or “provided(that) Ie: I´ll be able to finish the job today provided that/as long as I don´t stop for lunch. 1. I´ll be able to finish the job today 2. I´ll let you borrow my camera 3. I´ll forgive him 4. I´ll buy the book 5. I´ll be able to get the train 6. I´ll lend you some money 7. I´ll accept the job

it isn´t too expensive. you pay me back tomorrow. they offer me a good salary. I leave straight away. you´re careful with it. I don´t stop for lunch. he apologizes to me.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Second conditional: Condición imaginaria/hipotética o poco probable IF: (pasado simple) ------------- O.P. (WOULD+V-inf) Example: If I had money, I would buy a car (imaginaria) (si tuviera dinero, compraría un coche) If Mary studied more, she would pass the exam (poco probable) (Si Maria estudiara más, aprobaría el examen), pero como no estudia, es poco probable que eso ocurra. NOTA: En la 2ª condicional, se puede usar “were” o “was” en la 1ª y 3ª persona del singular pero en la expresión : Si yo fuese tu, usamos siempre “were” en lugar de “was” Ex: If I were you, I would go to the doctor PODEMOS USAR “could” en lugar de “would”: If I had money, I could buy a new car

4. Rewrite the following conditional sentences without changing the original meaning. These are conditionals of the second type. 1. Colin doesn’t buy a new car because she can´t afford it ................................................................................................................................................ 2. Wendy doesn’t see more films because she had to work so hard ................................................................................................................................................ 3. There are a lot of accidents because drivers are not considerate. ................................................................................................................................................ 4. I don’t carry your suitcase because I´m not strong ................................................................................................................................................ 5. I´m very busy. So I don’t go out. ................................................................................................................................................ 6. You shouldn’t do that ................................................................................................................................................ 7. I don’t fix my own bike because I don’t know how to do it. ................................................................................................................................................ 8. Penny doesn’t get bad marks because she studies very much. ................................................................................................................................................ 9. I don’t watch this film until the end because it isn´t interesting. ................................................................................................................................................ 10. Alan doesn’t get good results because he is very nervous. .....................................................................................................................................................

Third conditional: Condición imposible porque se refiere a algo que ya ha pasado

IF ( past perfect=Had + participio) ------------- O.P. (WOULD HAVE +PARTICIPIO) Example: If I had known you were ill, I would have visited you (si hubiese sabido que estabas enfermo, habría ido a visitarte)

5. Rewrite the following conditional sentences without changing the original meaning. These are conditionals of the third type. 1. The driver fell asleep at the wheel and caused the accident. ................................................................................................................................................ 2. He couldn’t finish his maths work because it was too difficult. ................................................................................................................................................ 3. I left five minutes later than usual and had an accident ................................................................................................................................................ 4. I didn’t know how to change a flat tyre and so I had to wait for the mechanic. ................................................................................................................................................ 5. I couldn’t visit you last night because I had a meeting. ................................................................................................................................................ 6. I didn’t get the message because I was eating out. ................................................................................................................................................ 7. Rose got drunk because she felt lonely. ................................................................................................................................................ 8. I didn’t go to John´s party because I didn’t feel well. ................................................................................................................................................

Mixed conditional

IF + Past Perfect-----O.P. (Would + infinitive) (mezcla entre la condicional 2 y 3). Indica que un hecho pasado tendría una consecuencia presente

If I had found my keys, I would be happy. (Si hubiese encontrado las llaves, sería feliz)

Try these sentences 1. I feel bad because he shouted at me IF………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. He didn´t phone me, so I am pretty sad IF………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. I am sleepy because I didn´t sleep well last night IF…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ALL CONDITIONALS TOGETHER 6. Rewrite the following conditional sentences without changing the original meaning. These are conditionals of the first , second or third type. 1. I don’t know how to relax. That´s why I ´m not a happy person. ................................................................................................................................................ 2. I wasn’t angry because Julian didn’t tell me a lie. ................................................................................................................................................ 3. Don´t take Henry´s advice or you´ll be in trouble. ................................................................................................................................................ 4. Everybody knew the story because Dan revealed it. ................................................................................................................................................ 5. John has got many traffic fines because he isn´t careful. ................................................................................................................................................ 6. Don´t phone me because I will be in a meeting. ................................................................................................................................................ 7. Study more or you won´t go to Clare´s party. ................................................................................................................................................

I WISH / IF ONLY = OJALÁ PASADO: I wish I were rich / if only I were rich (ojalá fuera rico) ( Cuando sientes algo con mucha intensidad. El sujeto es el mismo) CONDICIONAL: I wish you wouldn´t make so much noise (ojalá no hicieras tanto ruido) If only they would stop that terrible noise (ojalá ellos pararar ese horrible ruido) Sugiere enfado con la situación presente y por lo tanto cambiar esa situación. El sujeto es diferente PASADO PERFECTO: I wish I had never married him (ojalá nunca me hubiera casado con el) If only I had studied harder at school (ojalá hubiera estudiado más en el colegio) La persona se lamenta sobre un pasado que ya no puede cambiar

EJEMPLOS: I don´t want to live in a big city: I wish I didn´t live in a big city I want to have a lot of money: If only I had a lot of money 7. Rewrite the following sentences using “I wish” or “if only” 1. My English is not as good as my French. ................................................................................................................................................ 2. I think the weekends are very short. ................................................................................................................................................ 3. The weather is cloudy and cold. I want the weather to get better. ................................................................................................................................................ 4. I have to go out but I still haven’t done my homework. ................................................................................................................................................ 5. I don’t have a house because I spent all the money I earned. ................................................................................................................................................ 6. When we were in Moscow, it snowed very much and we couldn’t visit so many places. ................................................................................................................................................ 7. I don’t want you to spend so much time watching TV. ................................................................................................................................................ 8. I would like to be blonde and beautiful ................................................................................................................................................ 9. Sara wanted to go to Thailand with her brother. Sara wishes she ...................................................................................................................... 10. I would like to be like Gene. ................................................................................................................................................ 11. Be quiet I wish……………………………………………………………………………. 12. I´m sorry I can´t play tennis If only…………………………………………………………………………… 13. I have to go to school but I don’t want to I wish……………………………………………………………………………. 14. I missed the train because I didn’t hurry If only……………………………………………………………………………. 15. I want to be taller If only……………………………………………………………………………. 16. He doesn’t love me

I wish……………………………………………………………………………. 17. Helen is upset that she quarrelled with her boyfriend Helen wishes ……………………………………………………………………. 18. I can´t go out. It´s raining I wish………………………………………………………………………….. 19. She didn’t tell me the truth IF only ………………………………………………………………………….. 20. Tommy, don’t cry so much I wish………………………………………………………………………. 21. It´s a pity that you don’t want to stay for dinnerI wish……………………………………………………………………….. TIME CLAUSES. http://adelinaacosta.blogspot.com/search/label/TIME%20CLAUSES Existen 3 tipos de "Time Clauses". Los dos primeros no suelen plantearnos dificultades. a) Past Time Clauses: When I got home, I phoned the shop (Cuando llegué a casa, llamé a la tienda). b) Present Time Clauses: en las que ambas oraciones hacen referencia al presente. When I get home, I always take off my shoes (cuando llego a casa, siempre me quito los zapatos) c) Future Time Clauses: en las que, a pesar de que el verbo de la "time clause" hace referencia al futuro, no irá en ningún caso conjugado en futuro simple (will + infinitivo) - When (cuando): When you arrive, I´ll tell you something (Cuando llegues, te contaré algo) - Before (antes de): Should I tell her before she leaves? (¿Debería de decírselo antes de que se marche?) - After (después de): After you get to work, drink a glass of water - Until / Till (hasta): I won't leave until you tell me. (No saldré hasta que me lo digas) - As soon as (tan pronto como / en cuanto): As soon as I hear from her, I' ll give you a telephone call. EXERCISE . Fill in the blanks with when, before, after, as soon as, or until. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1) Roberto Carlos will stay in Turkey ____________ he finds a new club. 2) Jack’s going to keep on working _______________ he finishes it. 3) Book a table ____________you go to the restaurants in the Bosphorus. They’re always full. 4) ____________ I chat with him tonight, I’ll ask the reason of the argument. 5) Remember to buy some batteries ____________you’re in the kiosk. 6) We can go for a walk ___________we’ve eaten something. 7) The captain will wait for the other sailors _____________it gets dark, and then he’ll leave. 8) Don’t forget to call your manager about the sales _____________ you get to the hotel. 9) I hope she’ll phone me ______________ she’s found the files I need. 10) They’ll wait ______________it stops snowing, and then they’ll go out. 11) ___________you see your sister, give my regards please.

2. Rewrite the following sentences using a time connector 1. May usually washes the dishes. Then she watches TV Before……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Clare ate a snack. Then she brushed her teeth After……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Mary arrived at six. Her mum was cooking When……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. The teacher came in. The students were speaking noisily When……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. I arrive home. Then I cook supper I don´t cook supper……………………………………………………………………………… 6. She went out, but before that she finished her homework Before……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. I´ll email you when I arrive As soon as……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. She´ll return soon. We´ll be here by then We´ll ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. I studied all the books. Then, I took the exam Before …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11. I phoned Mary. She was working While………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12. He washed his car. Then, he went to the cinema After……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13. My mum comes at nine. I have to tidy my room before that I have……………………………………………………………………………………………… 14. When you read her a fairy-tale, she will sleep. She won´t sleep………………………………………………………………………………….. 15. I was walking along the road. I saw a rabbit. As…………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Because (porque), Since (puesto que),

+ Oración

As (como/ya que)

Because of (por causa de) As a result of (como resultado de/por causa de)

+ Noun/ V-ing

Due to (debido a) RESULT: Therefore / As a result/ Consequently/So (por lo tanto) Todo...

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