Unit 6.Time clauses (Key) PDF

Title Unit 6.Time clauses (Key)
Course Inglés
Institution Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Pages 2
File Size 68.1 KB
File Type PDF
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a. Mark the best choice in the following sentences. 1. The shopkeeper waited __________all the customers had left the shop. H e then put up a 'closed' sign and started cleaning up the shop. a) before

b) as soon as

c) until

d) when

2. Mrs. Riggs rushed to the hospital ________ she heard about the accident. a) by the time

b) until

c) afterwards

d) as soon as

3. ________ my brother joined the army, he had never been abroad. a) Since

b) While

d) Until

c) During

4. It wasn't _________ she left college that she realized how much she had enjoyed her time there. a) as soon as

b) meanwhile

c) until

d) when

5. It really wasn't such a revolutionary idea as it had seemed ___________. a) while

b) until

c) by the time

d) before

6. The teacher will not begin the lesson _______ al l the students a re quiet. a) until

b) when

c) after


b. Complete with a word or expression from the list. 1. I mu st write the date in my diary before I forget it. 2. Let’s wait under the tree until it stops raining. 3. This job is very urgent so please do it as soon as you can. 4. We won’t get a table in the restaurant if we don’t book. 5. I’ll pay you back when/as soon as I get my first salary. 6. I can’t go unless you pay for my ticket. I’m broke. 7. They’ll be really happy when they hear your news. 8. I want to go on working until I’m 60. Then I’ll reti re. 9. I mu st renew my passp ort before I go to New York. 10. Unless you work harder, you won’t pa ss the fin al exam. UNIT6. TIME CLAUSES.ANSWERS

c. Complete with the present simple or will. E.g. I’ll give him your message when I see him. (see)

1. Don’t forget to turn o ff the lights before you leave. 2. Go to bed when the film finishes. 3. They won’t get married until they find a place to live. 4. If I see Emma, I‘ll tell her you are looking for her . 5. I’ll call you as soon as I arrive at the hotel. 6. You won’t be able to park unless you get there earl y. 7. As soon it stops raini ng, we’ll go out. 8. She won’t li ke curry if she doesn’t like spicy food. 9. Don’t write anyt hing until I tell you. 10. When she fi nds out wh at he’s done, she’ll be furious.


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