UNV-104 T3 Expository Essay Outline PDF

Title UNV-104 T3 Expository Essay Outline
Author suha alkhatib
Course University Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
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Name: Course: Date: Instructor:

Expository Essay: Outline Directions: 1. Please review your Topic 3 readings and the “Planning and Getting Started” section of “The Writing Process” media piece. 2. Fill in the outline and references sections below. Use a minimum of three peer reviewed resources to support your subtopics (one resource per supporting paragraph). Make sure to use complete sentences when completing the outline.

Expository Essay Topic: Three Ways Bullying can negatively impact children. Essay Title: I. Introduction: (Begin with a hook sentence to capture your audience’s attention, then provide a brief background of the topic and end with your thesis statement.) a. Hook: Bullying has become a growing problem that is not limited to those who have been bullied, but rather to society as a whole. Bulling has many victims who are still hiding not telling anyone about their problem, and that is the most dangerous form of bullying. b. Additional background information: Bullying has been on the rise for the past decade but has increased by almost 25% in the past four years alone. This includes face to face bullying and online bullying. Something needs to be done. As parents we need to make sure our kids are safe from the effects of bullies.

c. Mapped Thesis statement (review Topic 3DQ1 for feedback from instructor): Bullying among children, victim or perpetrator, is an ongoing issue that if continues may cause emotional, psychological and academic issues.


Support Supporting Point #1 (subtopic 1): _): Emotional Problems ___________________ a. Topic sentence for this first sub-topic: The most harmful to bullying is the emotional and sensitive aspect shown by the victims that causes depression, anxiety, distancing from friends and even family at times.

b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations  Supporting paraphrase 1: Anxiety is already an issue for some children before you even bring in the effects of bullying. Anywhere from one to eleven percent of children and adolescents already suffer from anxiety. This percentage will only increase if we add any kind of bullying.

Supporting paraphrase 2: Anxiety can increase when children and adolescents are subject to peer victimization. Peer victimization can happen through bullying. Studies show that nearly twenty five percent of children and adolescents are subjects of peer victimization and that nearly seventy five percent of adolescents admit to being bullied.

Supporting Point #2 (subtopic 2): ___ Academic Issues _________________

a. Topic sentence for this second sub-topic:

Being bullied, especially in the academic setting can make it hard to concentrate on you studies.

b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations  Supporting paraphrase 1: Children and adolescents who are bullied may tend to skip school. Where adolescents may choose to just stay home children may play sick and pretend to be sick so parents will allow them to stay home from school. If a bullied child avoids school, they will avoid being bullies for that day.

Supporting paraphrase 2: Grades will start to decline. If a child or adolescent is bullied to the point where they are resorting to skipping school they are not getting the benefits of being in class and getting their assignments done properly. They are missing crucial information during the class lecture therefore they will not do as well on the assignments as the students who make it to class every day.

Supporting Point #3 (subtopic 3): _ Psychological Problems ________________ a. Topic sentence for this third sub-topic:

Psychological issues are another concern with bullying and may come with grave consequences

b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations  Supporting paraphrase 1: Low self-esteem and high levels of stress caused by bullying can lead children and adolescents to do unimaginable things. Children and adolescents may turn to drugs and alcohol because they do not know how to deal with the acts of being bullied.


Supporting paraphrase 2: Lack of interest in activities with friends. Poor communication with parents and shutting parents out completely may be signs of suicidal thoughts. Chronic bullying may leave children and adolescents feeling worthless and make them feel like they have nowhere to turn, leaving them feel helpless and possible suicidal.

Conclusion: (Paraphrase your thesis statement, summarize main points, and make final remarks.) a. Paraphrase thesis statement:

There are many things effects of bullying on children and adolescents. Many serious side effects of bullying may occur.

b. Summarize main points: Behavior problems like children acting out or adolescents starting fights or arguments may be due to them being bullied. Psychological problems may come with grave consequences so adults need to be aware of this and know what signs to look for.

Suicide is a result that may occur due to bullying and is irreversible. Academically children and adolescents may start to slip in their studies and this too will affect them leading into their adult years. It will affect what colleges they will be able to attend and what kinds of jobs they will be able to get.

References Organize all references you will use in the essay and list them in the space below in alphabetical order based on author’s last name. Be sure the reference page is double-spaced and formatted to have hanging indents by ½ an inch, with the first line hanging and all others indented. See the GCU Style Guide for help with formatting references and citations. Within the essay, this reference page will be on its own page at the bottom of your essay.

Boivin, Michel. Department of Psychology, Laval University, Quebec City, PQ, Canada, Brendgen, Mara. Department of Psychology, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, PQ, Canada, [email protected], Dionne, Ginette. Department of Psychology, Laval University, Quebec City, PQ, Canada, Guimond, Fanny-Alexandra. Department of Psychology, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, PQ, Canada, Vitaro, Frank. Ste Justine Hospital Research Centre, Montreal, PQ, Canada. J Abnorm Child Psychology (2015) 43:1095-1106 Sandhu, Damanjit1, Kaur, Shubhdip2 [email protected]. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research (2016) Volume 31 No. 2, 383,401 Aggression and Violent Behavior, Vol 25(Part B), Nov-Dec, 2015. pp. 363-372....

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