UNV-104 T3 Expository Essay Outline(1) PDF

Title UNV-104 T3 Expository Essay Outline(1)
Author Connie Stewart
Course University Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
File Size 377.5 KB
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Expository Essay Oiutline...


Name: Connie Stewart Course: UNV 104 Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 Instructor: Carrie O’Donnell

Expository Essay: Outline Directions: 1. Please review your Topic 3 readings and the “Planning and Getting Started” section of “The Writing Process” media piece. 2. Fill in the outline and references sections below. Use a minimum of three peer reviewed resources to support your subtopics (one resource per supporting paragraph). Make sure to use complete sentences when completing the outline.

Expository Essay Topic: Essay Title: I. Introduction: (Begin with a hook sentence to capture your audience’s attention, then provide a brief background of the topic and end with your thesis statement.) a. Hook:

Bullying is a huge problem that is not just a neighborhood matter. Bullying is a national issue that affects more than simply the person who does the bullying. Bullying has many victims, including those who are tormented, those who bully others, and even the parents of both. b. Additional background information:

Bullying has been on the rise for many years, but it has risen by about 25% in only the last few years. This is both in-person and online bullying. It’s time to take some actions. As parents, we must ensure that our children are protected from the impacts of bullying a well as from being the bully. c. Mapped Thesis statement (review Topic 3 DQ1 for feedback from instructor):

Bullying can have a significant influence on a child's physical well-being, emotional response, and academic success.


Support Supporting Point #1 (subtopic 1):

Mental Health Issues

a. Topic sentence for this first sub-topic: Depression and anxiety in teens may be linked to peer bullying, which has a psychological impact. b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations  Supporting paraphrase 1: Bullied children experienced feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and insecurity, all of which harmed their connections with family and friends (Wagner, 2016).  Supporting paraphrase 2: Bullying was linked to self-injurious behaviors, as well as feelings of suicidal thoughts and attempts, according to Wagner (2016).

Supporting Point #2 (subtopic 2): Bully and Academic Struggles a. Topic sentence for this second sub-topic: Bullying is a major issue that impacts many children's and youth's life, and it has a negative impact on their academic performance. b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations  Supporting paraphrase 1: Bullying has a negative impact on students' grades and performance at school, resulting in poor academic accomplishment (Franks, Rawana & Brownlee, 2013). 

Supporting paraphrase 2:

Bullying in the classroom contributed significantly to an increase in school absences, as well as a rise in the victim's behavioral issues at school (Wagner, 2016)

Supporting Point #3 (subtopic 3):

Bullying and Social Isolation

a. Topic sentence for this third sub-topic: Bullying affects many children and adolescents around the world, with social rejection from peers being a serious issue. b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations  Supporting paraphrase 1: School bullying is defined as a pattern of bad behaviors that occur over time and are directed towards a vulnerable individual with damaging intentions, leaving the victim feeling socially rejected and unaccepted by their peers (Olweus, 1993).  Supporting paraphrase 2: Because they are helpless and easy prey, the perpetrator takes advantage of the victim socially by utilizing their ability to violate the victim physically and verbally, undermining their integrity and character, resulting in future peer isolation (Olweus, 1993; Smith & Sharp, 2006).


Conclusion: (Paraphrase your thesis statement, summarize main points, and make final remarks.) a. Paraphrase thesis statement: Children and young adults who have been bullied at school have shown destructive feelings that have harmed them mentally, socially, and academically, affecting their performance in school and life in general. b. Summarize main points: Bullying's social, mental, and academic implications include an increase in emotional and behavioral problems, difficulties in social interaction, and overall decreased education achievement, all of which have a significant impact on the child or adolescent.

Final Remarks: According to research findings, steadily increasing depression in children and teens is thought to be related to bullying in the academic setting, and it is essential to design and incorporate bullying prevention in classrooms to reduce occurrences and soaring depression in adolescents, allowing them to feel accepted by society by their peers and relatives and succeed in their academic achievement and lives.

References Organize all references you will use in the essay and list them in the space below in alphabetical order based on author’s last name. Be sure the reference page is double-spaced and formatted to have hanging indents by ½ an inch, with the first line hanging and all others indented. See the APA Style Guide located in the Writing Center of the GCU Student Success Center website for help with formatting references and citations. Within the essay, this reference page will be on its own page at the bottom of your essay. Dineen Wagner, K. (2016). CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY. Bullying and Depression in Youths. Psychiatric Times, 33(2), 26-28

Franks, J., Rawana, E., & Brownless, K. (2013). The relationship between strengths in youth and bullying experiences at school. Educational & Child Psychology, 30(4), 44-58. Saarento, S., Garandeau, C., & Salmivalli, C. (n.d). Classroom and School Level Contributions to Bullying and Victimization: A Review. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 25(3), 204-218....

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