UTS essay about physical self, material self, and sexual self PDF

Title UTS essay about physical self, material self, and sexual self
Course History of the Philippines
Institution University of the Philippines System
Pages 2
File Size 27.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Maurice D. EvangelistaWhat is your understanding of your Physical Self and how do you value your own physical self? Is there anything particular dislike and love about it? And why?“My Dear Friend Don't ever allows yourself to forget how incredibly special you are, even for a single second. Without y...


Maur i ceD.Ev angel i s t a Whati sy ourunder s t andi ngofy ourPhy s i cal Sel fandhowdoy ouv al uey ourown phy s i cal sel f ?I st her eanyt hi ngpar t i cul ardi sl i k eandl ov eabouti t ?Andwhy? “ MyDearFr i endDon' tev eral l owsy our sel ft of or gethowi ncr edi bl ys peci al y ou ar e,ev enf oras i ngl esecond.Wi t houty ou,t hewor l dwoul dnotbeasmagni ficent .Let y our sel fr emembert ol ov eagai n,s t ar t i ngwi t hy oul ov i ngy ou. ” y aYamanouchi- Mi Phy si cal sel formyout ersel fandt hi si st heonet hatal way ss eenbymostpeopl e. Iv al uemyphy si cal sel fbypamper i ngi t ,byt aki ngcar eofi t ,andbymak i ngl ookgood.I don’ thav epar t i cul ardi sl i k ei nmyphy si cals el fbecauset hi si swhoIam andt hi s phy s i cal sel fi swhatIl ov et hemos tbecauset hi ssel fwhof acesdi ffer entki ndsofpeopl e wi t hdi ffer entc har act er i s t i cs,want s ,ands oci al st at us .Thi sphy s i calsel fal s o,who exper i encemanyt hi ngsl i k edownf al l ,ands uccessandi ti st heoner eas onwhyIam her eencour agi ngal l peopl et obeconfi dentwhet herwhatt heyl ookphy si cal l y .Thi sl ook ort hi sper s onwhos et al ki ngi nf r ontofy ouhasal sobeenbul l i edbecaus eofmy phy s i cal sel fbuty ouk nowwhat ’ smor ei mpor t anti swes houl dknowar ephy si cal sel f , weal soshoul dknowwhower eal l yar e,andwhat ’ sourpur pose. Whati sy ourunder s t andi ngofy oursex uals el fandhowdoy ouv al uey ourownsexual s el f ?I st her eanyt hi ngy oupar t i cul ardi sl i k eandl ov eabouti t ?Andwhy ? “ Oursex ual i t yaffec t sev er yt hi ngwedo,andev er yt hi ngaffect soursexual i t y .The s amei st r ueofours pi r i t ual i t y-t hatwhi chi smostdeepl ymeani ngf ul t ous .Wec an denybot h.Butdenyi ngt hem doesnotmeant heyar enotbot hal i v ei nev er ybr eat hand hear t beatofl i f e. ” - Ti naSc her merSel l er sSexualsel fi sourknowl edgeonwhowear eorwhatwear e.Iv al uemysexual s el fbymeansofknowi ngwhoIam andbyr espect i ngmys exual sel fandot herper sons orot hersexualc har act er .Weshoul dhav eequal r i ght swhet herwhowear eorbel ongs t oanyki ndsofsex ualc har act erbec auseweal l l i v edi nt hi ski ndofdi v er seandbeaut i f ul wor l d.Ev er ydi ffer entpeopl e,andev er ydi ffer ents exual char act erhaspur pos ei nl i f e andhaspur pos ei nt hi ss oci et yandweshoul dnor mal i z eal l ki ndsofsexual char act eror s el f .Di s l i k ei nt er msofdi scr i mi nat i onbec auset heyal s ohav er i ght st ol i v et hei rl i f e wi t houtdi sc r i mi nat i onorhat r edt heyar eal s opeopl eandweneedt oaccepti tand nor mal i z ei t .Thet hi ngt hatIl ov ei speopl enowaday sgr adual l yac ceptot hersexual c har act erandt heyal sor es pectt hem.

Whati sy ourunder s t andi ngofy ourMat er i als el fandhowdoy ouv al uey ourown mat er i al sel f ?I st her eanyt hi ngy oupar t i cul ardi s l i k eandl ov eabouti t ?Andwhy? “ Themat er i alwor l di snotbad;i tsi mpl yhol dsnot r uev al ue.I fy oui ns i s tgi v i nga mat er i al wor l dav al ue,i t sact ual v al uei sf orust oex per i encei tl ongenought o r ecogni z et hati thol dsnot r uev al ue. ” - J amesBl anchar dCi sner os Mat er i al sel fi sasel fwhov al uemat er i alt hi ngs.Mat er i als el fi swhoper t ai nst o t heobj ect s ,andpl acet hati smi neorwecancal l our s.Iv al uemymat er i al sel fby knowi ngt hi ngst hatIwant ,andt het hi ngst hatIneed.Weshoul dknowhowt ol i mi t our s el v esi nmat er i al t hi ngsbutsomet i mesi t ’ sgoodf orusbecausei tcanr educeour s t r es sorpr obl emsj us tl i k eCi s ner oss ai d.Mypar t i c ul ardi sl i k eher ei swhenIcan’ t cont r olmymat er i alsel fi nbuy i ngsucht hi ngs.Whi l e,whatIl ov edi swhenIboughta t hi ngst hati sf r om mywal l etorhar dwor k. Amongt hedi ffer entper s pect i v esex pl ai ni ngsel f( phi l osophi cal ,ant hr opol ogi cal , s oci ol ogi cal ,cogni t i v e/ ps y c hol ogi cal )whi c hdoy our el at ewi t ht hemostandwhy? Phi l osophi cal per spec t i v esr epr esentat t i t udesandv al uest hati ndi v i dual suset o ev al uat eal t er nat i v eact i onopt i onsanddeci dewhi chonesar epr ef er r edbecauseIam a per s onwhowant st ohav emanypl ansbecaus ewedon’ tknowwhatwi l lhappennext t hat ’ swhyIpr ef ert ohav emanyc hoi ces ....

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