Vce subject study designs - Google Docs PDF

Title Vce subject study designs - Google Docs
Author Vilara Perera
Course Maths Methods
Institution Glen Waverley Secondary College
Pages 8
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compact study design notes for the subjects Maths Methods, Literature, Economics, Health and Human Development and Biology...


LITERATURE Unit 3: form and transformation

Aos 1: adaptations and transformations -

The ways the form and conventions of a text affect the making of meaning Differences in meaning that may be created when a text is adapted or transformed The ways creators of adaptations may present assumptions and ideas about aspects of culture and society that reflect or are different from the original text The ways that perspectives of the creators may inform or influence adaptations texts

Comparison: dramatised version v. original text Print text v. text adaptation into a different form Performance of a substantial text v. original text

Aos 2: creative responses to text - Point of view, context and form of the original text - The ways the central ideas of the original text are represented - The features of the original text - Techniques used to create, recreate or adapt a text and how they represent particular concerns or attitudes Creative: original piece / reworking of the text + reflective commentary Unit 4: interpreting texts Aos 1: literary perspectives -

The ways that literary criticism presents assumptions and ideas about aspects of culture and society and how these inform readings of the text Contexts that may influence the construction and reading of the text The ways in which the text may reflect or question aspects of human behaviour through characterisation, imagery, style, point of view and structure The ways that contemporary views and values influence interpretation

Written interpretation with two perspectives Aos 2: close analysis -

The effects and nuances of language Significance of key passages in interpreting a text Connections between features of a text in developing an interpretation Views and values suggested in a text Conventions appropriate for presenting an interpretation

Two written interpretations supported by close analysis

HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Unit 3: australia’s health in a globalised world Aos 1: understanding health and wellbeing - Dynamic and subjective nature of the concepts of HWB - Benefits of optimal HWB - Importance as a resource individually, nationally, globally - Prereqs for health determined by WHO - Health status indicators - Biological, sociocultural and environmental factors contributing to variations in health status between: - Males and females - Indigenous and non-indigenous - High and low SES - Those living within and outside Australia’s major cities - Burden of disease Aos 2: promoting health and wellbeing - Improvements in australia’s health status since 1900 and reasons for improvements, focusing on policy and practice - Australia’s health system - Role of health promotion in improving population health (smoking/road safety/skin cancer) - Initiatives to bring about improvements in Indigenous HWB and how they reflect action areas of Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion - Initiatives to promote healthy eating

Unit 4: health and human development in a global context Aos 1: health and wellbeing in a global context - Characteristics of high-, middle-, low-income countries - Similarities and differences in health status and burden of disease and factors that contribute to them - Dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, economic) - Human development and HDI - Implications for HWB of global trends - Climate change - Conflict and mass migration - Increased world trade and tourism - Digital tech that enables increased knowledge sharing

Aos 2: health and the Sustainable Development Goals - Rationale and objectives of UN’s SDG - Key features of SDG 3 - Relationships between SDGs that illustrate collaboration between health and other sectors working towards health-related goals - Priorities and work of WHO - Different types of airs (emergency, bilateral, multilateral) - Australia’s aid program - Role of NGOs in promoting HWB and human development - Features of effective aid programs that address the SDGs - Ways individuals can engage with communities/organisations to take social action that promotes HWB

MATHEMATICAL METHODS Aos 1: functions and graphs - Graphs and key features of power functions, exponential functions, circular functions - Graphs of polynomial functions - Transformations from y = f (x) to y = A f ( n ( x + b )) + c - Inverse transformation - Relationship between the graph of an original function and that of a corresponding transformed function - Graphs of sum, difference, product and composite functions Aos 2: algebra - Review of algebra of polynomials - Use of simple functional relations to characterise properties of functions such as periodicity and symmetry and to specify algebraic equivalence, including exponent and logarithm laws - Functions and their inverses - Conditions for the existence of an inverse function - Use of inverse functions to solve equations involving exponential, logarithmic, circular and power functions - Composition of functions - Solution of equations of the form f (x) = g (x) over a specified interval - Solution of literal equations and general solution involving a single parameter - Solution of simple systems of simultaneous linear equations Aos 3: calculus - Review of average and instantaneous rates of change, tangents to the graph, derivative function - Deducing the graph of a derivative function and that of an anti-derivative function - Derivatives of x^n, e^x, log e (x), sin (x), cos (x), tan (x) - Derivatives of f(x) +/- g(x), f(x)g(x), f(x)/g(x), f(g(x)) - Application of differentiation - Anti-derivatives of polynomial functions - Informal consideration of the definite integral as a limiting value - Informal treatment of the fundamental theorem of calculus - Properties of antiderivatives and definite integrals - Application of integration Aos 4: probability and statistics - Random variables - Discrete random variables - Continuous random variables - Statistical inference, including definition and distribution of sample proportions, simulations and confidence intervals

ECONOMICS Unit 3: australia’s economic prosperity Aos 1: an introduction to microeconomics: the market system, resource allocation and government intervention - Relative scarcity: needs, wants, resources, opportunity cost - Perfectly competitive markets - The law of demand, the demand curve and factors likely to affect it - The law of supply and the supply curve and factors likely to affect it - Effects of changes in supply and demand on equilibrium prices and quantity traded - Role of relative prices on resource allocation and living standards - Price elasticity of demand and supply and factors affecting it - Economic efficiency - Allocative efficiency, productive efficiency, dynamic efficiency, inter-temporal efficiency - Effect of competitive markets on the efficiency of resource allocation - Reasons for market failure - Role and effect of government interventions Aos 2: domestic macroeconomic goals The nature and purpose of economic activity - MLS and NMLS and factors that influence them - Circular flow model of income - Nature and causes of business cycle - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply - Effects of changes in AD and AS on economic growth, employment and price levels Australian government’s domestic macroeconomic goals - Meaning of the goal of low inflation (price stability) - Measurement of inflation rate using CPI - Causes of inflation - Consequences of a high inflation rate - Meaning of the goal of strong and sustainable economic growth - Measurement of the rate of economic growth using GDP - The goal of full employment and classifications within the labour force - Types, causes and consequences of unemployment - AD and AS factors that have influenced inflation, economic growth, unemployment and living standards Aos 3: australia and the world economy - Relationship between trade and living standards - Balance of payments and its components - Causes of australia’s current account deficit - relationship between current account and capital and financial account - Composition and cause of net foreign debt and equities - Effect of movements in the terms of trade - Factors affecting the value of the exchange rate and effects of the exchange rate - Factors influencing Australia’s international competitiveness - Effect of trade liberalisation of Australia’s international competitiveness, domestic macroeconomic goals and living standards

Unit 4: managing the economy Aos 1: aggregate demand policies and domestic economic stability - Need for AD policies to stabilise the business cycle Budgetary policy - Sources of government revenue - Types of government expenses - Budget outcome - Ways the government may finance a deficit or utilise a surplus - Relationship between budget outcome and level of government debt - Role of automatic and discretionary stabilisers in influencing AD and stabilising business cycle - Effect of automatic and discretionary stabilisers on budget outcome and government debt - Stance of budgetary policy (expansionary or contractionary) - Effect of budget initiatives on domestic macroeconomic goals - Strengths and weaknesses of using budgetary policy Monetary policy - Role of the RBA - Role of open market operations in altering interest rates - Transmission mechanisms of monetary policy and influence of AD levels - Stance of monetary policy (expansionary or contractionary) - Focus on monetary policy on levels of AD and domestic macroeconomic goals - Strengths and weakness of using monetary policy Aos 2: aggregate supply policies - Nature, operation and aims of AS policies and relationship to domestic macroeconomic goals - Relationship between efficient resource allocation and AS - Aspects of budgetary policy to influence AS and achievement of domestic macroeconomic goals - Welfare tax reform policies influence AS and living standards - Effect of immigration policies on labour market and AS - Strengths and weaknesses of using AS policies

BIOLOGY Unit 3: how do cells maintain life? Aos 1: what is the role of nucleic acids and proteins in maintaining life? Relationship between nucleic acids and proteins - Nucleic acids - Structure of DNA, three main forms or RNA - Comparison of respective nucleotides - Genetic code and steps in gene expression - Structure of genes - Basic elements of gene regulation - Amino acids - Proteins - Protein secretory pathway; role of RER, golgi apparatus DNA manipulation techniques and applications - Use of enzymes to manipulate DNA - Function of CRISPR-Cas9 - Amplification of DNA - Use of recombinant plasmids to transform bacterial cells (human insulin) Aos 2: how are biochemical pathways regulated? Regulation of biochemical pathways in photosynthesis and cellular respiration - General structure of the pathways - General role of enzymes and coenzymes - General factors that impact enzyme function Photosynthesis - Inputs, outputs, location of light (in)dependent stages in C3 plants - Role of Rubisco - Factors that affect rate Cellular respiration - Inputs, outputs, locations of glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain - Location, inputs and difference in outputs of anaerobic fermentation in animals and yeasts - Factors that affect the rate Biotechnological applications - Potential uses and applications of CRISPR-Cas9 to improve photosynthetic efficiency and crop yields - Uses and applications of anaerobic fermentation of biomass for biofuel production Unit 4: how does life change and respond to challenges? Aos 1: how do organisms respond to pathogens? Responding to antigens - Physical, chemical and microbiota barriers - Innate immune response including steps in inflammatory response - Characteristics and roles of macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells, eosinophils, natural killer cells, mast cells, complement proteins and interferons - Initiation of immune response Acquiring immunity - Role of lymphatic system


Characteristics and roles of adaptive immune response against intracellular and extracellular threats - Difference between natural and artificial immunity and active and passive strategies Disease challenges and strategies - Emergence of new pathogens - Scientific and social strategies to identify and and control the spread of pathogens - Vaccination programs - Development of immunotherapy strategies Aos 2: how are species related over time? Genetic changes in population over time - Causes of changing allele frequencies in a population’s gene pool - Biological consequences of changing allele frequencies - Manipulation of gene pools through selective breeding - Consequences of bacterial resistance and viral antigenic drift and shit Changes in species over time - Changes in species over geological time - Evidence of speciation as a consequence of isolation and genetic divergence Determining the relatedness of species - Evidence of relatedness between species - Phylogenetic trees Human change over time - Shared characteristics between mammals, primates, hominoids, hominins - Evidence for major trends in hominin evolution from the genus Australopithecus - Human fossil record as an example of a classification scheme - Using fossil and DNA evidence to explain migration Aos 3: how is scientific inquiry used to investigate cellular processes and/or biological change? Investigation design - Biological concepts specific to the selected scientific investigation - Characteristics of the methodology - Techniques of primary quantitative data generation - Accuracy, precision, reproducibility, repeatability, validity of measurements - Health, safety and ethical guidelines Scientific evidence - Nature of evidence that supports or refutes a hypothesis - Identifying patterns and relationships - Authentication of generated primary data - Assumptions and limitations of investigation methodology Science communication - Conventions of science communication - Conventions of scientific poster presentations - Key finding and implications of selected scientific investigation...

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