Course Community Health
Institution Western Governors University
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Sentinel City is a decent sized standard city with current population of 663,862. Majority of the population belongs to the age group of 1865 years, followed by the group less than 18 years, and finally the age group of over 65 years. Female to male ratio of the city is almost 1:1 of the total popul...



Task 1 C228

Azim Hossain College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Instructor Name: Denise Edge Date: 07/16/2021


Needs Assessment Demographics Sentinel City is a decent sized standard city with current population of 663,862. Majority of the population belongs to the age group of 1865 years, followed by the group less than 18 years, and finally the age group of over 65 years. Female to male ratio of the city is almost 1:1 of the total population of t. The resident of Sentinel City is primarily Caucasian 80.6%, African American 10.4%, Asian and American Indian 3.7%, Alaskan Native 2.0%, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.2%, and Two or More Races 3.1%. The median household income is $49,091 with 18.9% of residents are living below the poverty level (Sentinel U, 2020). Sentinel City consists of four neighborhoods-Industrial Heights, Nightingale Square, Acer Tech Center, and Casper Park District. Industrial Heights has a population of 38,885 residents with a median household income of $24,672 and people without health insurance under the age of 65 are 37.5%. Nightingale Square has a population of 103,974, residents with a median household income $269,550 and uninsured resident rate are 0.7%. Acer Tech Center has a population of 168,390, residents with a median household income are $166,300 and uninsured resident rate is 1.5%. Lastly, Casper Park District has a population of 352,643, with median household income of $80,134 and 22.7% among them are without health insurance (Sentinel U, 2020). Neighborhood Safety Assessment While traveling the city by walking and by bus, the neighborhood safety inventory was conducted, many safety hazards was observed on the way. The most safety hazards were observed on the Industrial Heights neighborhood area. Different kinds of hazards such as graffiti


on the building, trashes in the streets or sideroads, rodents and stray animals were found throughout the city. Different types of crimes are committed throughout the Sentinel City. The city’s crime rate is 3,605 per 100,000 population and violent crime rate is 311 per 100,000 population. Common arrest charges are related to warrant, controlled substances, battery, criminal trespassing, reckless conduct, public intoxication, and others. Gang-related crimes are accounted for 100 aggravated assault, 40 robberies, 38 simple assaults, and 20 incidents of homicide. The EMS response times for Sentinel City are fire response team 6.33, EMS 7.46, advance life support 7.54, and time to shock 6.37 minutes. There are 145 cardiac arrest cases were reported in the city (Sentinel U, 2020). Scavenger Hunt Sentinel City Department of Par and Recreation offers different services, such as swimming lessons, nutrition courses, gardening courses, kids summer programs, city sports leagues, adult fitness courses, and after school programs. Healthcare system offers services include medical care advocates, government entitlement assistance, senior transportation, service animals, community centers, meals on wheel, and elder abuse prevention advocates. Senior living unit options include independent living, assisted living, senior living, nursing home, skilled nursing care, and long-term care. Social services available by the city hall include protective services for child and adults, healthcare assistance, WIC, and SNAP program. Better Health Clinic offers services include contraceptive services, pregnancy testing and counseling, basic infertility services, sexually transmitted disease services, breast cancer and cervical cancer screening, and other preventive health services. Interfaith church offered service “soup kitchen” provides supplemental nutrition to the homeless and less fortunate population in the community.


Affordable housing project offers studios, one- or two-bedroom apartments to the low-income people of the Sentinel City in an affordable price (Sentinel U, 2020). Windshield Survey Sentinel City is an urban city consisting of both residential and commercial area. The houses both old and new built, are constructed mostly with brick and cement. Industrial Heights and Casper Park areas have more building erosion compared to other two areas. More scrabble and broken door and windows are seen in Nightingale Square. There are no visible solar panels or windmills present. Houses are detached, but not much space in between them. Very little open space present in front or behind of the houses. Only one park exists for kids in the whole city. There are very little lot lines present. Very little greenery present throughout the city. Before entering and leaving the neighborhood, always a sign present. There is also some aesthetics changes present from one neighborhood to another one. Nightingale area has more curb side area, has tennis court, updated housing, and grocery store as well. On the other hand, Industrial Heights area has multiple housing projects, homeless shelter, and food banks. There are bookstores, art galleries, restaurants, grocery stores, coffee shops and school yard present in the Sentinel City. People use all types of transportation such as walking, running, biking, driving private vehicle, using public buses. The streets and roads are conducive to good transportation and bicycle use and to community life. But in Industrial Heights and Casper park areas, some cars are parked on the side of the roads. No major highways observed when travelling the neighborhood. Public buses are available every 60 minutes. There are train station and multiple gas stations are present in the city.


Many services are offered in the Sentinel City, such as hospitals, doctors offices, dental offices, senior centers, park and recreation center, church services. Public awareness billboards and other billboards are present in the city. The city has its own radio station FM96.5. Multicultural and diverse age range of residents can be seen while travelling the city. Populations are mostly white, but African American, Asian, and other races people can be seen as well. Wheelchair bound older people are seen near the hospital, children are seen walking and playing near the school yard. Police cars and officers are seen in the city. Many stray animals are seen on the street, rodents, and open trash are seen around the garbage piles in some lower income areas. Near the City Hall area there was a peaceful demonstration to tax the rich. B1. Data Analysis As I am exploring and researching within the Better Health Clinic, I learned that teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases are concerning in Sentinel City. The city is working to reduce STD, teen pregnancies, and other health screening works, but it needs to make affordable and easy access to all the vulnerable population to improve the situation. Solid waste removal is a major concern throughout the city. So many trash piles are visible on the roadside, which leads to increase in rodents and stray animals. There was another health concern, alcohol, and illegal drug abuse. Gang related crime is another major concern in the city. Law enforcement personnel were present on duty, but I believe that was not enough to reduce the crime in the city. It needs to increase the police number with proper training. And side by side counselling and increasing the recreation option will help to improve the infrastructure and well-being of the population (Sentinel U, 2020). C. Sentinel City Health Concerns


C1. Three Problem Areas As a Nurse when I travelled through the Sentinel City, I noticed the largest three problems were healthcare related. There are issues like health care access, increased teenage pregnancy rate, and STDs are major concerns and areas of opportunity to improve the overall healthcare of Sentinel City. Industrial Heights and Casper park District are low-income areas in the Sentinel City. Healthcare access are limited in these two districts. There are 37.5% residents in Industrial Heights and 22.7% residents in Casper Park District have no health insurance. That means this high percentage of population have no access to healthcare system. Healthy People 2020 goal is to make easy access to quality healthcare for all residents which is not fulfilled in this situation (Sentinel U, 2020). In the last year, number of teenage pregnancies have increased between ages 15-17 years from 199 to 219. Teenage pregnancy has direct effect on economy and healthcare system of the community. Teenage mothers are less likely to complete their graduation or go for higher studies. They depend on federal or state aid, which becomes a burden for the society (Sentinel U, 2020). Syphilis primary and secondary new cases are growing concern for the Sentinel City. The rate is 8.9 per 100,000 population which is way higher than the Healthy People 2020 goal which is 1.3. Overall, the city needs to work more on STDs. This is a very important health measure (Sentinel U, 2020 & Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2020). C2. Discussion of Community Resources Sentinel City offers some community services to improve the health system. Sentinel City Public Health Department provides STDs data. This is very important first step to resolve a


problem. Depending on this data Better Health Clinic offer services namely Sexually Transmitted Disease Service, preconception health, and other preventative health services. Better Health Clinic also offers contraceptive services which also plays crucial role to reduce the STDs. That is how SC Public Health and Better Health Clinic participate in collaboration to get rid of the STDs. C3. Primary Prevention Topic Primary prevention is the best way to reduce the incidence and prevalence of a disease, because it prevents the disease before it develops. Sentinel City’s Better Health Clinic offers some community programs as a primary prevention of STDs. They offer contraceptive services and STDs service to aware the citizens. If the population are educated about STDs, they will take proper precaution of safe sex practices. Teaching the people about STDs, its burden for individual, family or as a community, they will understand, and participate in reduction of STDs. D. Application of Assessment Strategies I used many assessment strategies while I was traveling the Sentinel City. First, I rode the bus with slow speed, so that I could have more time to look around. Whenever I saw any crowd or building with name, or any unusual issue, I got off the bus, took some picture. I listened to the people, that way I learned what is the problem that person is facing, what kind of services around. It was not easy for me to talk to someone that I do not know. I checked condition of building or houses and did not found any renewable power supply. To know more about the available community services, I got off the bus, investigated the statistical data regarding community outreach.


I think this assessment strategies will help me to improve me as a bedside nurse as I better understand the impact of community and living standard on the patient’s health. This will also help me making more realistic plan for my patients in daily basis. And finally, this assignment teaches me to expand my perceptions beyond the textbook lessons, which will lead me to focus not only to the disease or patients, but the whole community.

References Sentinel U. (2020). Sentinel City (Version [Computer software]. https://sentinelworld.healthcarelearninginnovations.com/Simulation/SentinelCity31/Start Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2020). Sexually transmitted diseases. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives/topic/sexually-transmitted-diseases...

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