Writer\'s Statement PDF

Title Writer\'s Statement
Course English
Institution South Australian Certificate of Education
Pages 3
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Wrtier statement for english journey...


Writer Statement In my English journey, which I embraced this semester, I have learned to create three different texts, a persuasive piece to convince my readers that even though they are meat-eaters, they still can save our planet Earth; a creative writing piece using Tom Wait’s song What is He Building? to illustrate my take on life of the idiom, “Curiosity killed the cat”, and lastly my TED talk which serves my interest to raise awareness of the weakness in Vietnamese sex education and a call to action for a better future in sex education in Vietnam that I hope to see.

My exposition was written to influence my readers to change their perspective in terms of being a vegetarian is not the best choice in saving the Earth. The conventional structure is applied in this written essay which includes an introductory paragraph, several body paragraphs, and lastly, a conclusion. In each body paragraph, to better convince my readers, I employed a rhetorical triangle: logos (logic), ethos (credibility) and pathos (empathy) through several techniques such as using a credible source from the United Nations, to build up my trustworthiness and listing several statistics such as “ [...] 2050, the human population will have increased to 9.7 billion, and to a mind-boggling 11.2 billion by 2100“ to better appeal with readers’ logic, and enhance my credibility. To provoke my readers’ empathy, I used several rhetorical questions with some emotional adjectives such as, “Are tomatoes grown with the support of plenty of chemicals instead of natural growth still edible?” In additional, the overall essay is following the cause and effect essay type to better illustrate my view in becoming a vegetarian will harm the planet Earth more rather than the expected help. Currently, global warming has become a hot topic surroundings all the countries since the global warming process is happening too fast, therefore, my text is topical and will gain my readers’ attention. Lastly, my written text aims for readers that are young adults and above with some level of education, in which most of the diction I used are in the high school English level.

The purpose of my TED talk is to engage my readers about the unfortunately current situation that Vietnamese sex education program is facing, and then take action for a better future where talk about sex is just normal conversation, not a taboo topic like the current situation in many Asian cultures. A conventional structure is used in TED talk but in a more informal way with an introduction, several body paragraphs illustrating some main key points, and conclusion with a call to action since the format is in a form of a speech. The use of analogy (my personal experience) as

the beginning of the talk captures my audience' attention and relates my emotions toward them. Next, I used several questions to interact with my audience to create some interactions and maintain the audiences attention. In addition, I employed repetition to emphasize my important points, which in effect, improved the audience’s take away. Similarly to my persuasive text, I also include several statistical figures from a credible newspapers to better appeal to my audience’s logic. Moreover, comparison and contrasting techniques are employed to highlight the weakness and negligence of Vietnamese sex education as compared with Australian sex education. Being a Vietnamese girl, the topic of sex is taboo, which is my motivation for choosing this topic. Moreover, my intended audiences for my TED talk are general public; therefore, my diction usage is within the daily conversation to avoid the big, technical words; and is more effective in getting my message through.

My narrative is written to serve my view on the old idiom “Curiosity killed the cat”, and main purpose is for entertain the audiences. As a result, this piece does not follow the conventional structure but rather it uses the plot structure which are setting and characters, problems, rising action, climax, and falling action. For this creative piece, the first person point of view is used by using the pronouns “I”; which is better for my readers to have connection with my protagonist; and a first-hand in knowing my protagonist emotions, and thoughts (Mr. Louis Griffith). Several adjectives such as “deserted,” “decaying,” “decrepit,” “sorrow,” “sickly,” and “ghoulish” are used to set up a mysterious, gloomy tone and attitude; which is a hint that my story will not have a happy ending. As a result, my main character dies because his curiosity leads him to find a secret that the owner of the house is hiding. Next, by incorporating a mysterious, dark setting and characters, and the use of first person point of view that limits my readers to know others characters’ thought; which in return, the suspense tone is created in the story. Moreover, the main character’s internal conflict is clearly portrayed to help illustrate my view on the idiom “Curiosity killed the cat” which the house owner gave out warnings not to let curiosity take over, or else bad consequences will occur. Unfortunately, the main character does not win the internal conflict and his demise is as expected. For this piece of writing, my intended audience is for adult readers due to the tone of the story, and a taste of life experience to understand my story.

For my TED talk and persuasive essay, my purpose is quite similar to convince my readers into my perspective. Both of these pieces employ the rhetorical triangle: logos, ethos, and pathos; but the intended audience is different for each. TED talk aims for general public; therefore, the word usage

is in a simple, and daily conversational term; whereas, persuasive essay language usage is more advanced, and coupling with the usage of complex sentence structures to better serve the intended readers, which are people with at least high school education level. Moreover, the creative short story follows a narrative style and sets up a gloomy, suspense tone; and clearly have the message “Curiosity killed the cat” through.

Wordcount: 998...

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