Actividad 5 PDF

Title Actividad 5
Author Tito Vazquez Lara
Course Ingles Intermedio
Institution Universidad TecMilenio
Pages 2
File Size 67.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Activity 5 While watching the video, answer the following questions: 1. Phoebe and Monica meet a handsome man at a newsstand. What does Monica do to catch his attention? She whistles him

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2. What happens next? With a partner, think of three possible alternatives to what will happen next. Write your ideas down. He returns to talk with the girls He has an accident with the ambulance He invites him to a date 3. Watch what happens and check if you were right. ---Fold here--4. Monica and Phoebe take care of the man during his hospital stay. Check on the list below the things you think they’ll do for him, then watch and check with a partner: __Y___ read the news to him ___Y__ bring him flowers _____ bring him a tree ___Y__ write him a get-well card _____ cut his hair _____ knit him a sweater _____ sing to him

_____ do his nails ___y__ shave him _____ make up names for him _____ kiss him _____ fight over him _____ change his pajamas __Y___ bring him balloons

5. If you were the man, what would you do when you woke up? What do you think the man actually does? Tell a partner and watch to check if you were right. If I were the man I´ll confuse about what happened and give him the thanks for take care of me. The man will be confused about who are they and give them the thanks 6. Imagine that you’re Phoebe or Monica and you decide to take care of a stranger like they did. What would you do? Make sure you use the future tense, will or be going to for this composition.

To begin, if I were one of them I´ll call the nurse and tell him about what happened to take care of him and of course I´ll visit him because I call him to start. Cavalcante, H. (2013, May 11). Friends- Grammar - Making Predictions [Web log post]. Retrieved July 15, 2019, from

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