Career Talk Proposal PDF

Title Career Talk Proposal
Author Wayne Mcmeling
Course Diploma in Information Management
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 21
File Size 350.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 185
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………………...i INTRODUCTION………………………………………….………………………...1 GOAL............................................................................................................................ 2 TARGET AUDIENCE ...............................................................................................2 OBJECTIVES...............................................................................................................3 DOMAIN.......................................................................................................................3 CONTENT.................................................................................................................... 4 SKILL REQUIRES......................................................................................................5 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL............................................................................... 7 INSRUCTIONAL METHOD......................................................................................8 INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA.................................................................................. 9-10 LENGTH OF TIME ........................................................................................... 11-12 ESTIMATED COST ................................................................................................ 12 IMPLEMENTATION................................................................................................13 EVALUATION: FORMATIVE/SUMMATIVE ................................................... 13 CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................14 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 15

 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As an opening, we would like to thank Allah because allow us to prepare this assignment successfully. We are really grateful that we as a group managed to completed our grouping assignment for subject Development for Instructional Media Application (IMD211) course named Career Talk Proposal. We would like to thank to our lecturer, Madam Nor Rashidah Binti Mohamed because giving us enough time to completely assign and prepared a proper proposal before submission date. Our lecturer also has clearly briefly explain about the assignment to help us more understand about the content that are already given. Without our lecturer guidance and encouragement, we unable to finish this assignment successfully. Our group also would like to express our gratitude to our classmates and respondents for the support and willingness to spend some times with us to completed this assignment. Last but not least, we as a group has doing work together and did our best to make sure our assignment are well managed and completely done without any problem or issue.


 INTRODUCTION Nowadays, career is one of the most important things in our life, because career can show who we are according to our standard of education such as diploma or degree level and every person has their own interests in the field of career. For example, some people are interested in a career as a doctor and some people are also interested in other career which is as engineer, nurse, or technician. Hence, we cannot expect that other persons have the same interests with ourselves. Career will affect our work situation in the future, so we need to choose our career with own interests and most important things is do not follow your friends just because you want to be with your friends. As we know, many fresh graduates are still unemployed after they finished their diploma or degree, because of being too selective in choosing the career, in this context many fresh graduates still struggle looking for work and career. We know that Malaysia also has many people who are still unemployed due to lack of career and jobs, most of them is a fresh graduate in Malaysia University. According statistic from Department of Statistic in Malaysia the unemployment rate in Malaysia increased to 5.3% in May and April 2020 which is recorded 826,100 unemployed. This thing happened because of no jobs are offered in Malaysia. Besides that, there are also some company which does not have interest with fresh graduates as they consider that they have a low experience in jobs that they offered.

In addition, pandemic Covid-19 or Corona virus which is attack Malaysia last year has caused many people lost their jobs due to the company suffered a lot of losses due to the movement control order which started in Mac 2020. At that time, many people struggle with their life because of lost their jobs, they had to do side jobs like dropship, sell food like breakfast, lunch or dessert that can delivered to the customer’s house or cash on delivery (COD) and some people being runners to deliver food. Therefore, due to things that happened such as pandemic covid-19 and fresh graduates who do not have a job, we come out with idea to conduct career talk. Career talks provide information or various occupation within an industry. It introduces audience to the nature and scope of the work done and within an industry. It introduces audience to the nature and scope of the work done and elaborate them on the skills necessary to perform certain job functions. 1

 GOAL The goal of us organizing this Career Talk is to create awareness to the 150 students of final semester in different level including diploma and degree to know the importance in having flexible career after graduate.  TARGET AUDIENCE As the organizer we target that our audience will be about 150 students from the final semester in different level such as diploma and degree at UITM Segamat, Johor. This Career Talk will be held at a small hall in the UITM named Selasih Hall (Dewan Selasih). We as the organizer want them know about the importance of having job after their graduate. Nevertheless, some of them did not know about the skills and tips in answering interviewer’s question. It causes most of the students nowadays are unemployed because most of them are unsuccessful from their interview. In addition, they didn’t have any knowledge about the job that they want or about the company they to apply as their work. So, we plan to do this talk to them before their graduate so that they can get some input or information about the interviewing also about the question that the company always asks while they interview their new workers.


 OBJECTIVES We as the organizer has set up our objectives in order to make sure will give impact to the students. This are few objectives that we have made clearly for our participation:

1. To gain an understanding of student’s interest, abilities, aptitudes and strengths. 2. To develop and individual inventory of valuable career development foundation skills. 3. To gain valuable career information and related job training. 4. To become acquainted with various forms of employment and to develop job acquisition and job retention skills. 5. To experience hands-on activities for self-appraisal purposes and for exploratory career experience. 6. To develop a tentative career and educational plan relevant to their individual interest, abilities, aptitudes and goals.

All the objectives are relevant with our programme which is we giving enlightenment about career for their future. With all the objectives, students or audience can clearly understand and know their path after graduate in studies.  DOMAIN Participants which is fresh graduates and SPM students can get more knowledge from the career talk that organized by the University or parties that involved in this career talk. They can know and understand many things about career and jobs that they can work in the future. As we know, that is important because in career talk, they can know about the salary, the descriptive of the jobs and the other things. To conclude, they will choose the right career and jobs in their future because they can get exposure to the world of work and acquire new skills in their career when they already start do their job.


 CONTENT We as organizer has set up some content of the talk and it has been approved by the speaker. We provide content of the talk to convey the students which our first content is the common of question that will always had been asked in job interview. Furthermore, most of the interviewers will ask them about the question and the reasons why they should hire them to work in their company. It is because they want to know why the interviewers or students last semester are the best option to work in their company. For example, they will as the interviewee about the reasons why they need this work, their experiences and also about the company that they will work and others question that can make sense while they ask the interviewers.

Next, list of top job in Malaysia. There are many jobs that are so popular in Malaysia. There are some jobs that are most demanding around Malaysian people. This job are the most popular and many Malaysian are applying for this jobs to guarantee their life. The first job is working in engineering career. This job is the most demanding job in Malaysia. This including project engineers, mechanical engineers, civil engineers and industrial and production engineers. Engineers from all fields are in demand, particularly by the manufacturing, construction, and scientific and technical sectors. Engineering will also put you in good stead as the nation heads towards Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). With advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and automation, you could be at the forefront as new engineering jobs emerge, such as automation engineer, robotics engineer and AI engineer.

Next, the most demanding job in Malaysia is working in computer science career. This job is very popular because most of the company in Malaysia need people who are very skilled in technology and computer system. In this digital era for the increasing demand of highly-skilled programmers to solve computing problems. And with the complexity of big data, there is a burst of concern about protecting it. Professionals in cyber security are urgently in need to combat belligerent financial crimes. To boot, a variety of industries such as insurance, finance, pharmaceutical and manufacturing also require IT specialists to boost their digital capabilities.


After that, business career is the third most demanding jobs in Malaysia. Despite the many graduates out there, the study of business is still relevant due to the breadth of the field that encompasses finance, accounting, human resource and marketing. For starters, companies are reportedly facing problems hiring sales and marketing managers, especially those with keen product knowledge of the industry, such as in aviation, pharmaceutical and engineering. At the same time, finance managers with the right professional certifications are also in demand.

Next, for the importance of career knowledge for fresh graduate. Employers are recruiting candidates who are well-rounded and can demonstrate competence in soft skills, such as the ability to communicate well with others, show initiative and responsibility, as well as being able to work well in teams. What’s unfortunate in these circumstances, however, is that many fresh graduates who are actively applying for a job may not be successful due to their lack of soft skills. For example, those who wish to pursue a career in business will not only need to have an in-depth understanding of business systems, financial management and be able to analyzing big data. They’ll also need to possess soft-skill competencies too, such as being able to communicate and negotiate complex information, as well as lead and motivate a team.

If students cannot manage a team where team morale and motivation needs to stay high, or effectively communicate a problem or solution with a client, they are going to struggle. The workplace is an interpersonal space where relationships must be built and fostered, perspectives must be exchanged, and occasionally conflicts must be resolved – all of which rely on someone with soft skills to enable them to function and thrive in teams and in organizations as a whole. Soft skills are essentially character traits, and are sometimes referred to as transferable skills, whereas hard skills are easier to define and evaluate, for example, data analysis, or financial management.


 SKILL REQUIRES There are a few skills that requires in the programme especially as the speaker. To make this programme success, we have highlighted a few skill in order to make the audience focus and understand the message in the talk.

a) COMMUNICATION SKILL Instructors need to have a good communication skills. This is important to deliver the content to the students and audience. Of course, speakers or instructor really should be able to talk well. This includes spelling out properly, speaking loudly enough, and using correct language without a lot of oral crutches, such as "um." It helps to be able to speak well in ordinary conversations or giving information. Memorization itself is generally not important, since most people can speak intelligibly to some degree, but speakers or instructors must be so knowledgeable with the content that they should not hesitate unnecessarily, repeat itself, or fall over their words. They also should always be able to organize themself in order to finish on time, rather than early or late.

b) BODY LANGUAGE SKILL This is important especially in demonstrating the students on how to face the interviewer and answering their question with good body language skill. There are many types of body language for example facial expression. The facial expression is universal. Facial expressions of excitement, disappointment, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust are the same across cultures. Next, eye contact the way to look at others will express a variety of things, like desire, love, dislike or attraction. Eye contact is also necessary to sustain the flow of communication and for determining the attention and reaction of the other participant. Lastly, body movement and posture. The impressions of people are influenced by the way they sit, walk, stand or hold their heads. The way the instructor or speaker move and handle will reveals a lot of knowledge to the world. This form of non-verbal contact involves the stance, bearing, posture, and the slight gestures they make.


 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL Self-previewing of the instructional materials is very important. It help us as the organizer to understand the content of the materials and enable us to fully utilize the students and audience. After we had preview our materials, we need to prepare the media and materials to support the talk activity that we had plan to use. We need to gather all the materials and equipment that we and the participant need. We need to plan the sequence might we use the materials. To make our programme more organize, we have decided and plan out all the material that we will use on that day.

a) PRINTED MATERIALS Printed materials are including all the notes and pamphlet that will be provided about Career Talk. Using notes as the material for the students help them to understand about the objective of the talk. The pamphlet will give a list of the programme tentative accordingly for the students to refer.

b) PRESENTATION We will use Microsoft PowerPoint to present information or content about the career importance. In the slide we will provide a simple word or point to make students and audience easily take note all the information. We also provide text explanation will give more details about the career job function elaboration.

c) DIGITAL MEDIA For the digital media, we choose to present a video. The video will show the students or audience about the skills in facing the real interview situation. Then, the speaker will explain about the video after the video finished.

d) QUESTIONAIRE The questionnaire is required to get feedback from the students about the outcome received through the demonstration and contain short answer about career. The speaker and students will have communication among each other to clear about anything that is unclear.


 INSTRUCTIONAL METHOD A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used by speaker to enable students learning. These strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner. There are several method that will be used:

a) PRESENTATION We will use laptop power point slide to give informative slide show to tell the students about the content of the talk deeply and more clear with the explanation by the speaker while presenting this slide.

b) DEMOSTRATION We will show the students of appropriate suit to be wear in the interview and skills in answering question of the interviewer on the stage. This is to give a clearer overview on how to face the real situation in the future.

c) DISCUSSION AND QUESTIONNAIRE Discussion and questionnaire will be done to encourage students actively participate with learning and share new knowledge with entire students so that all of them can get the content clearly.

d) DRILL AND PRACTICE Students will be asked to do demonstration on how to face interview situation as shown by the facilitator. This is to practise and make the students get used to apply the new skills in the future.


 INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA Instructional media encompasses all the materials and physical means an instructor might use to implement instruction and facilitate students’ achievement of instructional objectives. Effective instruction builds bridges between students’ knowledge and the learning objectives of the course. Using media engages students, aids student retention of knowledge, motivates interest in the subject matter, and illustrates the relevance of many concepts. In our talk, we will be using some of the media including:

a) MULTIMEDIA AND SOFTWARE  LAPTOP We will use the laptop as main source for us to access the information that is in digital. For example, slideshow. It can play the slides that has been created by the speaker to be presented to the students. It also has many functions such as play the audio in a video, play the video and many more than can help the instructor to put the information needed in a slide.  LCD PROJECTOR Other than that, we will also use Liquid Crystal Display projector (LCD projector). An LCD projector is a type of video projector for displaying video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface. It is a modern equivalent of the slide projector or overhead projector. It is used to help us deliver the presentation slide on the screen including the video demonstration by connecting the laptop to the LCD projector.  PROJECTION SCREEN A projection screen is an installation consisting of a surface and a support structure used for displaying a projected image for the view of an audience. Projection screens may be permanently installed, as in a movie theater painted on the wall or portable with tripod or floor rising models as in a conference room or other non-dedicated viewing space. As for our programme, we will use the permanently installed projection screen in the university’s ha...

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