TED TALK MK - ingles PDF

Title TED TALK MK - ingles
Course Matemáticas Empresariales
Institution Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Pages 4
File Size 59.2 KB
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We have chosen this topic because we firmly believe that is necessary to fight for equally between women and men. This issue applies to everyone, it doesn´t matter the gender, because inequality is detrimental to everybody. From the beginning of the history, women have been underestimated by the society giving us fewer opportunities just for having born girls. Nowadays, our society is undeniably a world´s men. We live in a patriarchy where women are still legally and socially discriminated because of their gender in many places of the world. And even in the countries where the legal equality exists, where we have the same civil rights, we don´t have the same real rights: we earn less money, we have worse working and familiar conditions, it´s more difficult for us to be empowered, etcetera. We are more than a half of the planet, however our work and, in many places, our own existence is less valued. And this is a problem that we need to solve all together because, as I´ve said, we constitute the half of the total population, but we will only be able to end with this unfair situation if the 100% of the population join their strengths to finish with gender inequality. BEGINNIG QUESTIONS 1. What is gender equality? 2. Do you think we have gender equality right now? 3. Who thinks gender equality is good for men? Why? VIDEO -24 segundos – 2.51. -3.09 – 4.11 -5-5.41 -7.44-8.11 SUMMARY This video is about gender equality and how it is good for everyone, men included. This talk is given by Michael Kimmel, a sociologist. He starts with a joke about “recruiting men” into gender equality and begins stating his position as a middle class white man followed by an example of how he understood how privileged he was, not only for being men, but also for being white, since when he was in university he

participated in a study group with 11 women. One day, Kimmel overheard a white woman and a black woman discussion about how privileged white women were just by being white even though she was as oppressed as the black woman. After this, he continues and talks about gender inequality in the work area. He puts himself as an example, because he being a teacher had to face it when a colleague and him were given lectures in each other classes. When her colleague gave class all students could see was a woman and a double-opinion person; however, when he gave class students see a teacher and an “objective” opinion. He continues by explaining how some men “understand” and support gender equality, but they do it by mansplaining women. Mansplain happens when women state their oppression and tell men what they are doing and, instead of owning up for their mistakes, they tell women how things are as if they (we) didn’t know how we are being oppressed, all of this, of course, while acting superior and with a condescending voice. Summing up, is the masculine behaviour of explaining things to women in a condescending and parental voice because, as we are a women, our comprehension is inferior. Followed by this, Kimmel explains his book “Angry White Men” based on his experience on a TV Show with 4 white men complaining about how reverse racism affected them when they tried to get a job and black women took what they define as “their” job. He tells this to explain how men think all women end up achieving is theirs because we live in a world and we are part of a society where men think everything is theirs and every little thing done in the world that goes against that machismo thinking of men, is reverse racism against them. And this is how some part of men think sadly. Then, he proceeds to explain why men should support gender equality. First, because it is right and fair and is also what everybody wants and how they want to live. Secondly, it is good for countries as a recent study shows how countries that are most gender equal are happier, not only in their works, but also in their family. It is also good for companies as it increases the rate in productivity, in job satisfaction and their labour force is happier. And in fact it is not as expensive as gender inequality already is. And is what this new generation wants, to have their partners to be as committed to work as they are.

To follow up, he reminds everyone one of many riddles he remembers when he was younger. Kimmel remembers how he couldn’t figure this out as a kid and he decided to show the riddle to his 16-year old son and some of his friends that quickly figured out the answer and that explains how thus new generation works, they know that is possible to balance work and family, it isn’t something impossible. That shows how the more equalitarian the relationships are, the happier. Data shows that when everything is balanced, not only parents win, but daughters and sons do as well: absenteeism decreases while achievement and happiness increases, children are less likely to end up going to a psychiatrist or having ADHD or being put on medication, and that is something women and men want. But gender equality isn’t something that you just get over night. It is a process over a period of time, months, even years. But as we have said, this is something we as women want, men want, companies, countries and it´s a win-win. For us women we cannot achieve our freedom without men helping us.

FINAL QUESTIONS 1. Ask for volunteers, choose six people (3 boys and 3girls if it´s possible), tell them to write the answer in a paper, 10 seconds to write it. Riddle: “A man and his son are driving on the freeway, and they have a terrible accident where the father is killed. The son is brought to the hospital emergency room, and as they're bringing the son into the hospital emergency room, the doctor sees the boy and says, "Oh, I can't treat him, that's my son." How is this possible?” This simple riddle was told to adults and, most of them, didn´t know what to say, they were perplexed and went blank. This happens because that´s what we are taught in the school and what we learnt from the society, those stereotypes. We are going to show a video that perfectly reflects this situation. After the Video: Education is a key role to get gender equality, we are taught since we are young to think in a certain way and make specific assumptions about gender roles like this video shows. 4. What can we do to get gender equality?...

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