Leadership ted talk summaries PDF

Title Leadership ted talk summaries
Author Jose Ramos
Course Fluid Mechanics I
Institution California State University Los Angeles
Pages 6
File Size 102.6 KB
File Type PDF
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This essay allowed me to get good points for ethics studies...


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal: Listen, learn...then lead---(communication and interpersonal interactions) Roselinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader(engagement) David Logan: Tribal leadership(teamwork) Fields Wicker-Miurin: Learning from leadership's missing manual(iniative/confindence) Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action(teamwork) Drew Dudley: Everyday leadership(engagement)

Stanley’s ted talk leadership summary He basically talks about his experience of having to trust his sergeant’s instructions for parachuting off the plane. He really had no other choice because he didn’t want to think of bad outcomes. But it was the fact that he listened to his sergeant that helped him build his leadership skills. He was a 46 y.o general but he had to make changes to his leadership skills compared to his traditional skills. He still believed that some of those traditional skills were useful. He learned a new way of leadership through learning about his failures. “Leaders can let you fail but not let you be a failure.” By learning about his mistakes, he was able to realize that failure is okay as long as you don’t let it control your destiny. The new leadership he learned was having to build faith with the people he worked with. So, the biggest change was the generation difference, it was no longer about who was the best, it was about building trust in the team with ordinary people. Inversion of expertise. How does a leader stay credible and legitimate when they have done what the people your leading is doing? It forces you to be more willing to be reverse mentored. Personal relationship is more important than ever. People you lead will help you out and people who need help need you on your feet.

Roselinde Ted talk leadership Summary She basically quit her job and traveled the world to learn good and bad leadership practices. After a year of research, she started to see the gap in leadership and recognized the better traits for a better 21st century leader. This is what she came up with:  

Relying on traditional development practices will stunt growth as a leader traditional assessments like narrow 360 surveys or outdated performance criteria will give you false positives, lulling you into thinking that you are more prepared than you really are

She says 21st century leadership is defined by 3 questions 1)where are you looking to anticipate the next change to your business mode or your life? Answer: it relies on your schedule and how much time you put for things. Great leaders see around corners, shape their future and not just react to it.

2) what is the diversity measure of your personal and professional stakeholder network? Answer: great leaders understand that having a diverse group of people offer higher levels of solutions.

3) are you courageous enough to abandon a practice that has made you successful in the past? Answer: great leaders take risk and build tolerance towards people who talk down their ideas. This motivates people to follow that leader and take risk with them for the greater good.

David ted talk leadership summary

He talks about tribes and the Superbowl and how in one specific Superbowl that tribes of leaders got together and talk about politics. He said it caused a funnel effect and that influenced people to vote for Obama. He talks about naturally occurring tribes and how effective they are in today’s society. He talks about that tribes are not the same and that culture separates them. He then goes on to talk about 5 stages of tribe which are stage 1(that life in general sucks),stage 2(that your own life sucks),stage 3(I’m great…and you’re not),stage 4(were great) and stage 5(life is great).Leaders are fluent in all 5 stages. Tribes can only hear one stage above or below where they are. Leaders nudge people and the tribe to the next stage.

Fields ted talk leadership summary

She begins with the story of the tribal leader binky and how he went out of his comfort zone to learn new technology and languages in order to help the prosperity of his forest along with the amazon people. She used his act of courage as an illustration of what any person can do in order to be a great leader. Basically, to make us ask ourselves what are we willing to do if were in a situation like that. She says that change is good and necessary for better leadership. Her overall message is that leaders achieve their drive through connections and experiences. It is that drive that helps build the success for those who the leader lead.

Simon ted talk leadership summary

He talks about the pattern that inspirational leaders use to achieve their success. He calls it the golden

circle. . Some know how they do it, very few know why they do it. Great leaders start from the why to the what. (from inside to out). He uses the example of how apple sells computer. They sell their products because their “why” attracts consumers. Anybody is qualified to sell the same technology but apple has the best pitch and persuades people. Basically, if you can get people to believe in your ideas, you are showing an example of leadership. He goes on to talk about the law of diffusion and innovation. He states that to be successful you have to be an innovator/adopter Basically that you have to get people to believe in what you believe so that your design can get to them.

Drew ted talk leadership summary He talks about how he gave a lollypop to a guy and told him to give it to a girl. He then talks about how that moment changed her life. He basically says that if we have “lollipop moments” that it can make a change in someone’s life and that we ourselves can start to see the leader within ourselves though those small impacts....

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