CWV 101 301 RS T3Conseq Of The Fall Contemporary Response PDF

Title CWV 101 301 RS T3Conseq Of The Fall Contemporary Response
Course Christian World View
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Essay worksheet assignment regarding the Fall. Grade A....


Consequences of the Fall and Contemporary Response Name: Ivan Bird Course: CWV-101 Date: 10/25/2020 Instructor: Dr. David Farbishel Be sure you answer Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and the Reference page of this assignment before submitting.

Part One: Human Nature in Genesis 1-3 Use and cite at least two of the following topic study materials: textbook Chapter 4, Topic 3 Overview, "The Mystery of Original Sin" article, and Bible passages. Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. These should be included on a reference page at the end of this document. Based on at least two of the listed topic study materials, type your answer to the following questions in the box beneath each question. 1. What is revealed about human nature (from Genesis 1-2)? Cite and reference the textbook. Your answer in 100-150 words: Prior to the fall of Adam, human nature was harmonious with both God and the natural world. This is because both Man, meaning both Adam and Eve and the natural world were created by God. The first two chapters of Genesis show us that the world exists as part of a plan. Man is created last because all of the other things were needed by man. Genesis Chapter 1 verse 31 says that everything is “very good” (KJV). Man’s nature at this stage is meekness and innocence. Adam and Eve’s relationship was pure, which made their relationship with the natural world right. This allowed their human natural state or human nature to be right with God (Diffey, D., 2019). 2. What are the consequences of the fall for human nature (from Genesis 3)? Your answer in 100-150 words: When it comes to the fall, there is more that happened than what we usually think happened. Yes Adam and Eve fell; but, if you pay attention to what is said in chapter 3 of Genesis, you will also notice that the Earth was also placed into a fallen state. God told Adam that the ground is cursed for his sake, and it’s nature will be changed and it will now naturally produce thorns and thistles (Genesis 3:17,18). Human nature, like a domino, also fell. After Adam and Eve ate the fruit, and were eventually confronted by God, the new

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human nature took over and the practice of blaming others began. God asks Adam about eating the fruit and in verse 12, although Adam admits some responsibility, he says that he only ate it because Eve gave it to him. Eve then in turn passes the blame on to the serpent (Satan) in verse 13. Human nature after the fall, causes us to impulsively pass blame onto others, even when we know it’s our own fault (Shuster, M., 2013). 3. What is revealed about human purpose? What does it mean for humans to flourish, in other words, to achieve spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being? Cite and reference "The Mystery of Original Sin" article. Your answer in 100-150 words: There is a difference between our human nature and our human purpose. What has been revealed about human purpose after the fall, is that it pretty much stands in opposition to our human nature. Human nature or the natural man has enmity for the will of God. But our human purpose is to use one of the greatest gifts given us by God; our agency or free will, to align ourselves with the will of God (Shuster, M., 2013). Because our purpose is to willingly submit ourselves to God, Satan does whatever he can to appeal to our human nature. Our choices in these matters will affect our mortality, whether it is in an emotional or mental way, we are able to have knowledge which can lead to wisdom. Keeping God central to our daily existence is what will help us flourish and grow. 4. How would pantheism or atheism (choose one) view human nature, human purpose, and human flourishing? Your answer in 100-150 words: Because it seems to be a growing trend in society, I think that atheism would view human nature with a “this is me, deal with it” attitude. Atheism places human nature at our core, it is viewed as what makes us human in the first place. Human nature is viewed as a reason or an excuse for our actions and is used to rationalize away bad actions. Atheism, I believe, views human purpose to directly intertwined with human flourishing. When there is no God, you can claim credit for all of your growth and flourishing, while taking no blame for any of the bad things that happen, because those are just part of human nature. Atheism views standards and laws given by a loving God to be restrictions and punishments, while theists are able to see them as safeguards and a guide to human purpose. 5. The question, "How can an all-powerful, all knowing, and all good God allow suffering?" is called the problem of evil and suffering. Briefly summarize the Christian worldview's response to the problem of evil and suffering. Cite and reference the topic overview and/or the textbook. Your answer in 100-150 words:

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The Christian worldview has a much different explanation for evil and suffering in the world than does either pantheism or atheism. The question of why doesn’t stop all of the bad stuff to happen is constantly brought up to Christians. While other worldviews would view evil and suffering as someone else’s fault, the Christian worldview explains that we (mankind) are responsible for it because God also gave us free will. This means that even though we all will all experience suffering, evil and death, we can choose how we react to it. The Christian worldview shows us that we are able to act and not just be acted upon. God greatly desires that we love him, but he knew that we would have be able to choose to love him in order for it to be true love (CWV-101 Topic 3 Overview, 2020., para 9).

Part Two: Consequence of the Fall Today Select a Christian organization from the "Christian Organizations That Address a Consequence of the Fall" list provided in the topic study materials. Based upon your selection, research the issue that organization addresses. Use and cite at least two academic resources from the GCU Library. Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. These resources should also be included on a reference page at the end of this document. 1. Based on your research, address the following: highlight how the consequences of the fall are evident in the issue(s) that the organization addresses; include statistics, causes, and impact on people (victim, perpetrator, others as appropriate). Your answer in 75-100 words: StreetlightUSA provides Christian based services for young women and girls who have either been victims of sex trafficking, were suspected of, or are at risk of being sex trafficked; either in the victim’s home, group home, or as counseling. Sex trafficking of young girls, the average age being 13 years old, is a 9.8-Billion-dollar industry, with over 100,000 children a year being exploited from the United States alone (, 2020). Satan continues to dangle the tempting fruit in front of our faces and for some it is the trafficking of our brothers and sisters. Though this is a big topic now, the first international movement to fight sex trafficking began over a century ago (Hodge, D., 2012, Limoncelli, S., 2010). 2. Describe how this issue creates dehumanization and diminishes human dignity. Include statistics, causes, and impact on people (victim, perpetrator, others as appropriate). Your answer in 75-100 words: The greatest gift given to us by God; is life, joining with God in perpetuating life is sacred. Human trafficking, and sex trafficking demoralizes the victims and diminishes the

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value of the creation of life. The demoralization of the victims of sex trafficking leads to depression, and about 77 percent of females trafficked as children, engage in prostitution in adulthood (Perdue, T., Prior, M., Williamson, C., Sherman, S., 2012). Sex Trafficking has become one of Satan’s best tools, causing victims to be dehumanized into a product for sale in the world’s third largest business for organized crime; following behind drugs and guns (Operation Underground Railroad, 2020).

Part Three: Analysis of a Christian Organization's Solution Use and cite the organization's website, in addition to the topic study materials. Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. These should also be included on a reference page at the end of this document. Write how the Christian worldview ministry that you selected is combatting the consequence of the fall. 1. What organizational statement reveals that this organization is operating from a Christian worldview? Your answer in 250-300 words: StreetlightUSA provides information regarding their mission and vision on the very first page of their website. Their mission statement says that they are “anchored in a Christ driven desire to shine light, show love, and encourage young girls as they walk the path of healing.” They also provide clinical treatment that is Christ-centered. StreetlightUSA’s strives to provide healing to girls who have been victimized by sex trafficking through a variety of different options which are referred to as, The lighted Path. By the use of pastoral care, StreetlightUSA gives year-round support and invites both the victims and their parents to participate in church services, bible studies, and group activities. The Lighted Path has five core components which are designed to aid in the healing and recovery of victims. These components are to restore the victim’s sense of safety and self-worth. It allows the victim to regain self-regulation so that they can know how to cope with life and gain the skills to help them solve their problems. They are able to understand that they were victims and they can have healthy relationships with others. Because of the severe trauma to the victim’s cognitive learning and development, the victim is able to receive treatment to their nervous system. This is all done in conjunction with Christian-centered pastoral services. StreetlightUSA understands that to fully heal, our body, mind, and spirit need to get healthy. They also understand that family is an essential part of the healing process, and that family members have also been traumatized by what has happened to these victims. Streetlight USA shows Christ like love which is in harmony with the Christian worldview (StreetlightUSA, 2020).

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2. Explain how the organization uses a God-centered worldview (as defined in the "The Mystery of Original Sin" article) to address dehumanization and restore human dignity. Your answer in 250-300 words: When Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden, they were told that they could eat of every tree except for the tree if knowledge of good and evil; which was placed right in the center of the garden. The Christian worldview wants us to understand that within ourselves, we need to replace the tree with God, and make our lives God-centered (Shuster, M., 2013). StreetlightUSA understands this God-centered Christian worldview. This helps them with providing the services which are necessary when dealing with victims of sex trafficking. By utilizing this worldview, StreetlightUSA promotes healing that also promotes self-worth. In normal society, where individuals perceive themselves as victims of everyday life, they go about with a “its not my fault” attitude. Victims of sex trafficking are actual victims who through no fault of their own, somehow found themselves thrust into a life of torcher, humiliation, and mentally debilitating events. They are demoralized and dehumanized, bought, sold, and traded like products. But unlike everyone else, they end up not seeing themselves as victims, and continually blame themselves instead of the actual criminals. The lighted path program presented by StreetlightUSA helps these victims realize that they are not at fault, and the majority of their suffering was perpetrated by a person who has evil in their heart and has turned away from God. They have left the tree at their center instead of replacing it. StreetlightUSA helps victims understand that they are important, and they are seen as people and children of God. In Genesis chapter 3 verse 9, God calls out to Adam asking him where he is. God as not misplaced Adam but is asking him why he is not where he is supposed to be (CWV-101 Topic 3 Overview, 2020., para 5). This organization tells every victim that God always knows where they are, even when they are not where they should be, whether it is by their own doing or the fault of someone else.

References: Shuster, M. (2013). The mystery of original sin: we don’t know why God permitted the Fall, but we know all too well the evil and sin that still plague us. Christianity Today, 57(3), 3841. Diffey, D. (2019). The Beginning of Wisdom: An Introduction to Christian Thought and Life. Chapter 4: Departure from Wisdom.

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Topic 3 Overview (2020). CWV-101: Christian Worldview. Phoenix, AZ: Grand Canyon University. Hodge, D. (2012). The Politics of Trafficking: The First International Movement to Combat the Sexual Exploitation of Women (Limoncelli, S., 2010). Social Work & Christianity, 39(4), 490. Perdue, T., Prior, M., Williamson, C., Sherman, S. (2012). Social Justice and Spiritual Healing: Using Micro and Macro Social Work Practice to Reduce Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. Social Work & Christianity, 39(4), 450. Operation Underground Railroad (2019). Human Trafficking infographic.

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