CWV 101 301 RS T1Basic Components Of Worldview PDF

Title CWV 101 301 RS T1Basic Components Of Worldview
Author Odalis Castro
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
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Download CWV 101 301 RS T1Basic Components Of Worldview PDF


Basic Components of Worldview Name: Odalis Castro Course: CWV - 101 Date: 10/04/2020 Instructor: Matthew Hampton Be sure you answer both Part 1 and Part 2 of this assignment before submitting.

Part 1: Core Worldview Beliefs Based on the basic components of worldview presented in Chapter 2 and the topic overview, write a response to each of the six questions that form the basic components of your own core worldview beliefs. Respond to the questions about your own beliefs in your own words, and not necessarily what you think the Christian worldview believes. Keep this document intact and only add your answers in the box under each question. 1. What is your belief about the nature of ultimate reality? Why? Your answer in two to three sentences: I believe in an all-powerful supreme God who is separated from humankind and the physical world. God created everything that can and cannot be seen. He is loving, forgiving, and wants a personal relationship with everything and everyone that he created, but also gives us free will. 2. What is your belief about the nature of the universe? Why? Your answer in two to three sentences: I believe that God created the physical world and universe in seven days. The universe is more complex that anyone could detect and there is a physical and spiritual realm. I also believe that our physical life is intended to spread God’s word and to spread goodness. 3. What is your belief about human nature and the afterlife? Why? Your answer in two to three sentences: I believe the human body was created in the image of God with and eternal spirit to spread love, kindness, creativity, and the word of God. He has given us free will to choose between good and evil. What we decide to choose is what determines what happens to us in our afterlife. I believe that whether we believe in God or not, how we live our lives determines on whether we go to heaven or hell.

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4. What are the three worldview (atheism, pantheism, theism) beliefs about the nature of knowledge? Which one best fits your belief? Why? Your answer in two to three sentences: Atheism believes that assumptions do not relate to nature and will of any divine being, but in principle. Pantheism believes the divine being or essence is spiritual force, but there is not relationship. Theism believes that God created human life to be ordered according to the divine will and the creatures owe the creator reverence, respect, and gratitude. The one that fits my belief best is theism because it is what I grew up knowing and it is what has helped me become the best version I am now. 5. What is your basis for determining moral right from moral wrong? Why? Your answer in two to three sentences: My basis for determining right from wrong is what I learned from my family, church, friends. My family and church showed me how to love people and to forgive them not just for them, but for my sake as well. From my friends I learned that we cannot judge people from what you other may think. 6. What is your belief about human purpose? Why? Your answer in two to three sentences: My belief about human purpose is that it is to spread God’s word and his love. My purpose is to spread kindness to everyone around me, not just to those who are kind to me, but to those who are not as well. It is to help as many people as I can, even if it is not to bring them closer to God.

Part 2: Evaluation 1. Your answers to the questions in Part 1 form the basis of your worldview. Now that you have articulated your worldview, evaluate it according to the practical test described in Chapter 2 of the textbook and the topic overview. Which of the three worldviews most closely matches your core beliefs as you answered in Part 1? Does your worldview pass the practical test for livability? Why or why not? Provide a clear explanation of the workability and practical value in the most important areas of life and experience. Your answer in 200-300 words: Having a Christian worldview used to be a little difficult while I was in middle school. And high school because I did not really understand it and it felt like I never had time to be with my school friends because of it. Also, I was very heavily judged because of it since I was almost always there. Now that I am older, I do understand it more, and can live it out in the world. There are many people who see most Christians as judgmental and © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

hypocritical, and there are many Christians like that, but then again you can’t judge someone just by their religion. I live my worldview out in the world because it does not matter where you go, there will always be someone or something trying to change the way you see things. There will always be temptations and obstacles that we have to get through. My worldview with this God that I believe in, has helped me get through so much and it has helped me help others as well. It isn’t what others think of my worldview, as long as I am able to do right from wrong, I can live with it out in this complicated world we are in now. There was a point in my life where I was not as active in my faith and I saw a really big change in myself that I did not like. What helps me might not work for others, but it has made into a person I am not ashamed of being. Yes, I have gone off the path and made some choices that I know I should not have, but that is the wonderful things about God, is that he is all love and forgiveness. I don’t agree with everything that is said when it comes to my worldview because the world. Has changed and there is so much more that is not bad, that some people may see that way. Like I said God is love, he would not create something he would not love. 2. Reflect on your current understanding of the Christian faith. In other words, what is the essence of the Christian worldview? How does one become a Christian? Your response will need to articulate your understanding of Christian beliefs and does not require you to believe it. Your answer in 200-300 words: My understanding of the Christian faith is that God created the universe in seven days, and on the sixth day, the last things he created were humans in his image. God is love, and he made us to spread his word. He made us to spread his love with others. All God wants is for us to love Him and each other, as well as accept Him as our one true God and Savior. One simply becomes a Christian by believing in Christ as your God. After you grow your faith in God, you repent and confess your sins, for God forgives, so we can heal. Lastly, getting baptized to wash away the original sin and to be born again. We may not be able to live a life without sin, but having God’s help. “I can do everything though Him who gives me strength” (Phil 4:13). If we do. End up falling back into sin we can go into confession to be forgiven, but the point of confession is to confess our sins and to try to not repeat them. To strengthen your faith in God, you can read the bible and meditate His word. Also, join a church that you feel comfortable in and do not feel judged in. If you do not feel comfortable in the church you go to, you may believe that the way people are, is the way God is and you will lose faith. It is also important to remember that God does not just give you what you want, He gives you want you need. He also will not do all the work for you. You must put in hard work to get what you want and need. It is also important to pray, not just to ask for what you want, but to give thanks for everything you have, even if it not a lot. God is not just there to give. We were made in God’s image, and he helps us become better.

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