Eddie Hyatt - Cultural Artifact Speech Template Outline PDF

Title Eddie Hyatt - Cultural Artifact Speech Template Outline
Course Introduction To Visual Arts
Institution George Mason University
Pages 3
File Size 64 KB
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Had to write an outline to organize my cultural artifacts points and turn it into a winning paper....


Eddie Hyatt Cultural Artifact Speech Template Outline I. Introduction (Approximately 30 seconds – 1 min.) A. Attention Getter – Have you ever participated in a competitive sport? How did it feel to make that game-winning shot or that game tying kick to send the game into overtime? In America, this sport is very popular and it is a game that teaches teamwork, determination, and resiliency in the face of adversity. B. Revealed Object and Background - My artifact that I am conveying with you today is the basketball. I have played basketball since I was in sixth grade and it has been a game that has allowed me to continue improving in all facets of the game. C. Speaker Credibility – I chose this artifact because basketball relates to me in various aspects of my life. It teaches me how to get along with my teammates, as well as other people I encounter with every day. I have experienced many hardships in my life so far, but because I have played basketball for a while, it has allowed me to look at the bright side of things and focus on moving forward. D. Thesis – Basketball is a sport that teaches a player lessons that they can apply to their everyday life. E. Preview of Main Points – Basketball will teach a player resilience and collaboration; lessons that are critical throughout a person’s life.

II. Body (Approximately 3-4 minutes) - The first point as to why the basketball is an important cultural artifact is because it teaches resilience. Resiliency is a characteristic that everyone should apply to his or her daily life. When resiliency is implemented in the game of basketball, players look at the positives and have the ability to look past their trials and focus on the goal at hand. In real life, resiliency is also critical because a person is a loser if he or she succumbs to defeat and gives up. A similar outcome can occur when there is a lack of collaboration between others. Second Main Point: Collaboration, in the same as resilience, is vital toward making a difference in a person’s daily life. When players in the game of basketball work together, there’s more player involvement and it can produce more points on the board and develop chemistry. In real life, collaboration is essential because people accomplish more when they work together and share each others’ ideas as opposed to working alone. A. Culture Object Represents – The basketball represents teamwork and unity. 1. How the artifact is used in the culture - It is the main artifact that is utilized in an American association known as the National Basketball Association (NBA). It is also played by millions of people in the United States in outdoor basketball courts and fitness gyms.

2. What cultural values the artifact (or its use) represents – Basketball is a very cherished cultural artifact because it is a game of selflessness. Even the greatest of NBA players need others to help them develop space on the floor. Otherwise, five defenders would be defending one player. I enjoy the game of basketball because it has been an important part of my life. Transition (signpost, summary, preview) B. Why I identify with this culture 1. How this culture is an important part of my life It has taught me to value attributes that will bode well for me and it is a game that I enjoy. It is a stress reliever and makes me focus on others than me.

2. Why these values are important to me and seen in my life With these values, I am a better person and I want to live at peace with as many people as I can. Basketball sets that tone for me and I take the values that I obtain from basketball very seriously.

Transition and signal closing III. Conclusion (Approximately 30 seconds – 1 min.) A. Review Thesis – In basketball, there are many lessons that are taught that can be applied not just in a game situation, but in life as well. B. Review Main Points –Resiliency and collaboration are critical characteristics for every individual to thrive on. Without them, society would come to ruin or not be productive and socially grow. C. Memorable Closer – Overall, basketball is a sport unlike no other. It teaches valuable lessons that any person can apply to their everyday lives. When you exhibit a collaborative and resilient spirit, you become a leader and a person that everyone can look to for guidance and encouragement. Basketball is more like an educational Youtube video. It teaches you practical things, as well as skills that

can help you thrive in the real world. The only difference is: Basketball is not as boring....

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