Famous Contemporary Leader (Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor) PDF

Title Famous Contemporary Leader (Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor)
Author Nur Farahin Mohd Sharif
Course Principles and Practice of Management
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 14
File Size 549.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 93
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Submission Date : 10 January 2021

TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 2 PERSONAL BACKGROUND ......................................................................................... 3 LEADERSHIP TRAITS AND SKILLS ............................................................................. 4 Drive Leadership ...................................................................................................... 4 Motivation Leadership............................................................................................... 4 Honesty and Integrity Leadership ............................................................................. 5 Extroversion Leadership ........................................................................................... 5 Self-confidence Leadership ...................................................................................... 5 Conceptual Ability Leadership .................................................................................. 6 LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOUR........................................................................................... 7 Task-orientation Leadership ..................................................................................... 7 Relations-orientation Leadership .............................................................................. 7 LEADERSHIP POWER .................................................................................................. 8 Position Power.......................................................................................................... 8 Personal Power ........................................................................................................ 8 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 9 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 10 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................. 11-12

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to praises to God, Allah SWT that I managed to finished this assignment regarding Famous Contemporary Leader with the given time smoothly. This task has been done by me even if it is a little bit hard because being as a part time student while working is difficult. It put so much effort into it such as sacrifice my free time to study, prepare an assignment and time with my family. Alhamdulillah, I managed to organize everything well. A round of applause to my beloved lecturer, Madam Norhayati Omar for her greatest guidance on how to do the assignment in purpose to produce a good outcomes because without her guide, I may not be able to finished this task. She always gave the best for her students during the lecture time to make sure her students will understand and applied it to their work life. On the other hand, a big thank you to my family for the moral support and understanding during my studies. Not to forget, also thanks to my fellow friends who always stick together, exchange ideas and helping each other through out this journey.


INTRODUCTION This assignment is one (1) of the lesson plan in Principles and Practice of Management course that has to be fulfilled by the students. The students has to choose one (1) of the Famous Contemporary Leader either local or international for their references. I am thrilled to tell that I chose Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor as Famous Contemporary Leader in Malaysia. The purpose of this assignment is to explain about leadership traits and skills such as drive, motivation, honesty and integrity, extroversion, self-confident and conceptual ability of the Famous Contemporary Leader, Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. Also, I need to explain leadership behaviour such as task orientation and relations orientation. Furthermore, I need to explain about leadership power, in example, position power and personal power. During this pandemic Covid-19, the government of Malaysia has announced to do an online class for all level of education due to the rises case of Covid-19 in Malaysia. It is difficult for students and also the lecturers to have an online class. There has many distractions such as the quality of internet streaming, the surrounding conditions and the interaction between the students and lecturers through the video. Hence, the students need to give cooperation and focus during the online class as we cannot meet the lecturer face to face for this semester.



Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha was born in July 27th, 1972 is the first Malaysian astronaut and Malaysian orthopaedic surgeon. He is 49 years old (2021) and was born in Kuala Lumpur. He is married to Datin Dr. Halina binti Mohd Yunos in 2010 and was blessed with six (6) children with two pairs of twins. His first daughter, Sophea Isabella, the second one is Sophea Natasha. His third and fourth son was a twins, Sheikh Adam and Sheikh Noah. Then, his fifth and sixth children is a pair of male and female twins, Sheikh Eusoff and Sophea Emelia. He began his schooling at St Paul’s School in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan from where he completed his primary education. Thereafter, he enrolled at Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) in Muar, Johor where studied from form one to form five. Then, he entered Kasturba Medical College, in Manipal, India in 1990 on full scholarship provided by government of Malaysia. Here, he studied for seven (7) years, first completing his A-level, eventually earning his Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery degree in 1997. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor joined Seremban Hospital in 1998 for his compulsory internship. Thereafter, he moved to Kuala Lumpur General Hospital in 1999. From 2000-2001, he was on staff at Selayang Hospital. He then joined Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (HUKM) in 2002, where he also underwent training for his master’s degree in orthopaedic surgery. He also a part-time model for well-known brands. Sometime now, he also confounded a restaurant called Rebung, which offered authentic Malay cuisine, doing a lot of work with his own hand. In the year of 2008, he was awarded for Knight Companion of The Most Esteemed Order of Loyalty to Negeri Sembilan (DSNS), brings the title of Dato’.


LEADERSHIP TRAITS AND SKILLS 1) Drive Leadership Drive leadership is a high desire for achievement, have a lot of energy and persistent in their activities. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is gifted with natural leadership qualities since from a very young age. He is a highly motivated, having goals in life and knowing how to achieve them, positive at all times, able to work as a team and delegate them. His leadership drive from his dad who raised him up with leadership qualities. When he was a kid, he always worked hard to make sure he will win either in sports or studies to beat his brother because he hate to lose even to his older brother. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor certainly admired his parents because they prepared him physically, mentally, and psychologically to believe in himself and contribute to the nation. The reason why he became a doctor because his parents instil him strong education to help the poor and weak. His humanitarian side can be seen when his undertaking for voluntary services in a war-ravaged Afghanistan of 2002. Thanks to Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor for glorious Malaysia on the world stage because he was the first Malaysian to depart into space. He became an inspiration to many people to achieve their dreams. 2) Motivation Leadership Motivation leadership is a central leadership, which is the ability of an individual to achieve their goals. In living up to his motto “What the mind believes, the body can achieve” Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor consistently pushed himself to excel in various area of interest he sets his mind on. He focused on making his ultimate dream to venture out into space a reality. His leadership motivation that leads him to achieved his 10 years old dream is he develop the mental strength at an early age. He reads lots of self-help and motivational books to stimulate him to think, visualize, act and implement it. This statement can be proved when he said that he always thinking about going to space when he was a kid and visualize it how the space looks like. When he was a Principal Fellow of UKM’s Institute of Space Science (ANGKASA), he did a research about space and implement it when he managed to go into space. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor does not like negative aura around him. He just needs positive people to be with him. As we can see, when he attended to any event of motivational talks or as ambassador to any product, he always gave positive vibes to people around him and people who just watch him from the television or from his social media account. He always trained his mind on how to respond to any circumstances.


3) Honesty and Integrity Leadership Being a leader, he must demonstrate high levels of honesty and integrity. This is to inspiring confidence and trust from employees and other followers. There is rumours when Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor charged higher fees for his presence at events. He stressing that he never demanded any payment for the talks or any invitation events for his presence, instead, he often has to spend his own money when accepting invitations to any motivational talks or astronaut-related programmes either overseas or local, he admits to receiving allowances from the organizers for expenses like accommodation and transport. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor honesty and integrity leadership also can be shown when he sends all the payment that he received from any events to the fund that he raises for his nephew after his brother passed away the day he returning from space. 4) Extroversion Leadership Extrovert is being outgoing, sociable, energetic and talkative. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is an extroversion leader. He loves public speaking so much which build character and fearless. A person who talk more, tend to develop higher number of relationships and being more forceful in expressing opinions. As an example, he always gives an encouragement and inspirational words when he gave the motivational talks. Then, through his social media account, his posting more on something that people can learned from him such as educational activities, parenting skills, healthy lifestyle and responsibility. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is an energetic person. We can see it through his talk videos which him is full of energy during that session, in addition, in videos he played with his children, he never shows that he exhausted even if he just came back from work. 5) Self-Confidence Leadership Self-confidence is being positive about ourself and ability to move forward with clear visions. For instance, the person named Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is full with confidence. It cannot be denied as it shown through the way he walked when he entered to an event and he carries an extraordinary spirit with his presence, so that the people around him can easily absorb his courage naturally and feel comfortable with him around. He never showed his discomfort side in public, in fact, he give the very best of him.


6) Conceptual Ability Leadership Conceptual ability is the ability to work with ideas or mental work and articulates goals and principles well. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor has been an astronaut, a restaurant owner, and now, he become an author. He produce new book “My Way of Parenting” and achieved pre-order sales of 70,000 copies within seven (7) days of its launch on July 15. His supportive fans make the higher demand of his book. He became an inspiration for parents out there through the way he taught his children. All these skills we called it as his conceptual ability which are he always shows good manners in front of his children, he planned his children activities, so that they can explore new things and he rewarding his children. For example, his wife, Datin Dr Halina said that Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor never played with his phone in front of the kids. Then, he planned all the activities for the kids, so that, the kids can explore many things even though they are just stay at home. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor never failed to reward the kids with something they wanted it if they succeed in something they did.


LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOUR 1) Task Oriented Leadership Task-oriented leader often focuses on the tasks that need to be performed in order to achieve a certain performance standard. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is a task-oriented person. He is really strict with his children. He makes his children scheduled full with their studies and activities even during school holidays. His children must follow all the scheduled that be made for them. He wants his children to be a doctor just like him and his wife, so, he planned well for his children education and activities. For this reason, he always exposed his children to a doctoral toys at a young age and good education to become a doctor in future. From the other side, he swapped from spacesuit for a delivery bag and a motorcycle helmet. He is making the rounds as a delivery rider for his restaurant Rebung after the restaurant re-opened during the Movement Control Order (MCO) announced by the government of Malaysia. He willing to be a delivery rider to make sure the restaurant business runs well even if during this pandemic Covid-19. 2) Relationship Oriented Leadership Relationship oriented leadership focused on supporting, motivating and developing individuals and teams to utilise emotional connection. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor has a nice relations-oriented leadership with his staff. As a restaurant owner, he is being very nice to his staff. Even though most of the time he spending his time at home, he trusts his staff in doing their job. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is not a picky boss. As a motivator, he understands his staff very well. He always shows his support and encouragement to his staff. In addition, as a co-partner to Chef Datuk Ismail, he often put his feet on the ground with Chef Ismail to bought cooking utensils and raw foods at Pasar Borong Selayang at 4.00am in the morning each day during the start-up of restaurant Rebung.


LEADERSHIP POWER 1) Position Power Position power is the power that the leader has in an organization. As the co-founder for his restaurant Rebung, Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor has the power to his subordinates and his restaurant service. Even though he not cooking for the food, he just managed the other side such as interior design of the restaurant, the staff personnel and delivery service. The interior design such as the picture frame, paint colour of the wall, the theme of the restaurant are ideas from him. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor also caring about his staff. He never mad at his staff in front of the guests. He always reprimand his staff kindly if they make a mistake. Furthermore, as the first Malaysian Muslim astronaut to fly into space, he has the position power to show how the prayers could be made in space, fasting time in space and celebrating Raya in space. He used the local time of Kazakhstan to perform prayers and time for fasting because the space shuttle was launched from Kazakhstan. In order to pray, he had to turn his face toward the earth in the direction of Mecca. 2) Personal Power Personal power is the power given to an individual based on their authenticity and integrity. Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor has many of personal skills to attract people. For instance, he has great communication skills in public. When he is invited as a motivator for motivational talk, his self-confidence and his speech make people proud of him. Other than that, his parenting skills be an example and guidance for other parents. Hence, he produces new book, title “My Way of Parenting” because he got many requests from parents out there that he write a book of parenting. As a result, his website crashed because of the high demand on the pre-order sales.


CONCLUSION In summation, I learned many of the leadership traits and skills from Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. It is difficult to be a great leader. It takes a huge responsibility and sacrifice to be as great as him. A great leadership is about powerful, dominating and often overwhelming. Each individual should have a leadership skills to gain power and influence people. In writing Famous Contemporary Leader essay, I am now able to know a specific characteristic to be a great leader and how a great leader react to the surrounding either in an organization or in public. Rather than just reading the text book regarding the leadership skills, it may not be as clear when I do the research about leaderships traits. Alhamdulillah, finally I able to finish this report easily and organized in order to fulfil the requirement of this subject. I also gained a wonderful experience in doing the researching about my favourite Famous Contemporary Leader, Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor.


REFERENCES 1) S. Tamarai Chelvi. (5 August 2020). thesundaily.my. Retrieved from https://www.thesundaily.my/style-life/the-right-read/the-astronaut-turned-authorCD3317433 2) Says. (24 April 2020). nst.com.my. Retrieved from https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2020/04/587106/down-earth-astronaut-sheikhmuszaphar-becomes-food-delivery-rider-during 3) Astro Awani. (23 January 2020). astroawani.com. Retrieved from https://www.astroawani.com/berita-hiburan/mahu-cahaya-mata-jadi-doktor-dr-sheikhmuszaphar-bawa-anak-ke-tempat-kerja-228767 4) Anatolia News Agency. (16 February 2012). hurriyetdailynews.com. Retrieved from https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/muslim-astronauts-miracle-call-to-prayer-13831 5) Shahfizal Musa. (26 May 2010). ukm.my. Retrieved from https://www.ukm.my/news/archive/year-2010/may-2010/malaysian-astronaut-revealssecret-to-be-successful-in-any-field/ 6) C.S Nathan. (18 July 2008). thestar.com.my. Retrieved from https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2008/07/18/angkasawan-to-be-conferreddatukship/ 7) Dennis Chua. (27 March 2019). nst.com.my. Retrieved from https://www.nst.com.my/lifestyle/groove/2019/03/473434/showbiz-never-compareyour-children-their-siblings-sheikh-muszaphar 8) Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. (July 2020) My Way of Parenting. Kuala Lumpur. Gatenbej Printworks.



Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor official Instagram account

My Way of Parenting book by Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor


Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor perform prayer in space

Family photo of Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor


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