GMFT-7574 March 18th, 20201 PDF

Title GMFT-7574 March 18th, 20201
Course Family Therapy Research Methods
Institution University of Winnipeg
Pages 4
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GMFT-7574 March 18th, 20201...


GMFT-7574 March 18th, 2021

Housekeeping ● We will have a small class today. Check-in ● S1: I am doing well. The extra light is always nice to notice. Have been doing a lot of seeds for my garden. Our living room is quickly filling up with seeds and grow lights. I feel like most of the work is behind me for my classes. Feels good, like spring. ● S2: I am doing well and enjoying the sun and weather. ● S3: I agree with everyone else. My family and I went out to Hecla to try and get a good sighting of the Northern Lights. We decided to take down our massive garden and do garden boxes. ● S4: I am super tired today, but I am enjoying the nice weather. I think I am going to spend my weekend buying seeds and getting ready to plant. I am happy to get to spend some time outside. ● S5: I am probably the busiest I have ever been in the program because it is all coming to an end so I haven’t had a chance to enjoy the nice weather yet. Another one done, just keep going. ● S6: I hear you, I am super thrown off by the time change, but I feel so confused for a week and out of it. I feel really tired after the time changes. Yeah, I feel like most of the work in this class is done at this point because it is very busy and hectic at work. ● S7: I am doing okay. I am super busy. I didn’t have a chance to enjoy the weather, but hopefully this weekend. ● S8: I had a rough week. I had to put my dog down and so I am kind of reconstructing myself from the puddle I was and trying to get back to my life. School has been a good distraction so I am glad to be here. ● S9: I am alright. I agree with a lot of what people have said, I have a double practicum so I am busy. ● S10: I am also enjoying the longer days. The sun makes me feel more energetic. My day was a lot of meetings so I have been on my computer a lot lately so I am feeling antsy. The joint paper experience was good. I am looking forward to hearing about the proposal. ● S11: I too am really enjoying this spring weather. Thrown off by the hour by staying up too late. Trying to find a balance between all the things right now. I was really surprised by co-writing a paper and co-writing a paper made me chip away at it compared to keeping it in my head and writing it all out. It was a good process and it is nearing the end so that is exciting. I am glad to be here though and finish. ● S12: Sorry I am late. Things have been going long. I enjoy the experience of working with other people. I am not a group person and I am aware that I can take up too much

space, but I enjoyed it. I am also enjoying the spring weather. ● P: It is good to see you all! You brighten my day. I was going to start opening up the floor to discuss the data analysis experience. I hope you have received and read my feedback. Open discussion on Data Analysis papers process ● S: I went with a student who currently isn’t here. I can’t really speak for it, but it went really smoothly. It did start very choppy as we couldn’t figure out how to do it together but once we did it went smoothly. ○ Most interesting was how our different life situations affected how we looked at the material. The biggest thing was one of us being a parent and one of us not. I am a parent. ○ P: This speaks to our first class and I showed a small portion of a picture and if you are not familiarized with it, you would not have guessed that. Your background directs how you see and do the work ● S2: I really enjoyed working with my students. It helped that we are in the same place for our practicum and you could see that when we were brainstorming up the same things. I always get nervous with papers, but my partner was calm and I was less anxious and able to think. I did enjoy brainstorming with someone and realizing we were on the same stage in the program and how we saw that I interview ○ P: I usually work really fast and write one in one week. There are some papers I have worked on for months and I think, “Eee, I just want to get it done.” It is a struggle and it is hard not working at your own pace, but when you have no other option, you can get things out of this discomfort ● S3: I don’t love group projects a lot of the time. My partner and I worked well together and it was nice to have someone to experience the troubles with. Doing the process and having them have their own way of doing things and me having my own, it was nice to experience the perspectives. We do have a lot of the same experiences so we did find a lot of the same themes. The first time I was irritated at the consultant. We flipped how we viewed and read the interview after we collaborated. ○ P: Some of you mentioned that you observed how you were angered or anxious about what was happening while you were reading. Of course, because that is something very close to what you do. That speaks to the danger of reading a transcript that is very close to something you do. It’s hard not to let your emotions and thoughts go through. It’s important you’re able to observe how you felt and think about how you would have done it differently. I sometimes wish the person would think differently, but there’s only so much you can do. The purpose is not to listen to what you want to listen to, but to what is happening there and then go from there. ● S4: I agree with what almost everyone has said about the benefits. When we started I wondered what this bizarre exercise was. But being able to find our path together was really nice. Being able to read the transcript out loud with someone, rather than reading it

alone, had a different impact on me, that I don’t think would have happened on my own. It added other layers in how I hear things, which I really appreciated. There’s a lot I definitely appreciated. I felt I had more confidence when we worked together on certain elements on this, just to have someone else saying “yes, this is good”. So that was really great as well. It went far more smoothly than I anticipated it would. ○ P: something almost all of you pointed out is that you don’t know where you’re going, the research question, the context, or anything, and there are at least 2 reasons for wanting you to experience that. 1) the importance of knowing what you’re looking for in the transcript. This is why it is so important for the researcher to know clearly what their research question is. 2) being able to merge aspects that you didn’t anticipate. Knowing what you came looking for, and being sensitive to what you didn’t expect to find. It’s not surprising that almost all of you categorized the emerging themes, which were associated with theory techniques, processes, etc. I didn’t see that coming but I appreciate it. It shows how your eyes were directed to that. ○ One thing I called to your attention was the importance of not looking at the ‘process’ or ‘mechanisms’ that were happening, like the tone of voice or focusing on someone, but actually the ‘content’. I appreciate how some of you clarified what your theoretical framework was that you were coming from. That is so important. That went beyond my expectations. ○ Another thing I wanted to mention was how well you wrote collaboratively. It was very harmonious. The quality of your writing was also very good, both in terms of APA and grammatically speaking. ○ Leading me to another point, as a teacher, the biggest struggle is grading, as it causes anxiety, either when it goes very well or very poorly. Giving A’s to everyone isn’t the way to go. When it goes really badly for a student, I go through it many times to ensure I’m very fair. But the same can be said when it goes very well. I honestly was very surprised, not that I didn’t expect it to go very well, but I dwelt on it and thought about it, and you all did a very good job. You deserve the excellent grade that you all got. Everybody got either total marks or very close to total marks. I highlighted some ways you could improve. ■ When you present your findings, for the sake of the reader, create subheadings for each point. Some of you did this, some of you didn’t. It’s important to do that so your reader knows how you structured your paper. ○ You did a very good job in resorting to literature and those of you who went beyond the course readings. ○ It’s okay that you related themes according to theory. But be alerted to the dangers of analyzing the transcript in terms of the theory. ● When doing research itself, you have some demographics you can ask, as that can inform your analysis. But not necessarily the background of the family.

● You’re not doing theory, you’re analyzing something, just as you would analyze a conversation between me and someone here. ● Some of you showed me this tendency of trying to “do theory”. ● So be attentive if you ever engage in research, to be able to separate things. ○ No doubt, your therapeutic skills are very helpful in creating awareness. ● Another point: some things are not as relevant as others. I didn’t put this in your feedback. But one thing I noted was in the first part of the assignment, everyone did very well, describing challenges you faced, how you went about it, the steps, etc. ○ Some people pointed out things that you wouldn’t normally point out: ■ Like the days of the week that you met ■ That you met on google documents (only software analysis is important) ○ So know what information is important for the reader. ○ Be attentive that some things are not as relevant for an external reader. ● Final point: I would like to thank you for your questions. ○ This is obviously the first time I’m teaching this course and what seems clear to me may not be clear to you. ○ Never apologize for asking me questions. ○ When I see recurring questions, I know that next time I have to explain it better. ○ You’re doing me and future students a big favor to ask questions.

(Class discussion: Creswell, Tracy’s article, William’s book) Topics: Validity, reliability, and quality of research...

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