Author Coralyn Adongay
Pages 8
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GRADING SYSTEM OF K-12 PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Assessment and Rating of Learning Outcomes The assessment process is holistic, with emphasis on the formative or developmental purpose of quality assuring student learning. It is also standards-based as it seeks to ensure that teachers will t...


GRADING SYSTEM OF K-12 PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Assessment and Ratnn of Learninn Outcomes The assessment process is holistcc with emphasis on the formatie or deielopmental purpose of quality assuring student learning. It is also standards-based as it seeks to ensure that teachers will teach to the standards and students will aim to meet or eien to exceed the standards. The students atainment of standards in terms of content and performances thereforec a critcal eiidence of learning. The assessment shall be done at four leiels and shall be weighted as follows: Level of Assessment Percentane Weinht Knowledge 15% Process or Skills 25% Understanding(s) 30% Products/Performances 30% Total 100% The levels are defned as follows: 1. ""Knowledge" refers to the substantie content of the curriculumc the facts and informaton that the students acquires. 2. ""Process" refers to cognitie operatons that the student performs on facts and informaton for the purpose of constructng meanings and understandings. 3. ""Understandings" refers to enduring big ideasc principles and generalizatons inherent to the disciplinec which may be assessed using facets of understanding....

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