Kinesiology 100 Interview Assignment PDF

Title Kinesiology 100 Interview Assignment
Course Orientation to Kinesiology
Institution The University of Tennessee
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Kinesiology 100 Interview Assignment...


Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies

Kinesiology 100: Orientation to Kinesiology Fall 2018

Professional Interview Assignment Template Please interview your person, then summarize their answers on this sheet. Interview should be conducted in-person or by Skype or FaceTime for full credit; email or phone interviews will lose 10 points off the top. Please attach “proof” of your in-person interview—a signed business card, note from the person you interviewed, email confirming the interview was in person, etc.

Part A: Margy’s Questions (you will lose points for missing information in this section) 1. Your Name: 2. Date of Interview: 11/12/18 3. Location where interview was conducted: (put “phone” or “by email” if interview was not done in person) FaceTime 4. Name of Person interviewed: 5. Title or Position of Person interviewed: Doctor of Pharmacy 6. Employer & Workplace of Person interviewed: Kroger Community Pharmacy 7. List all degree(s) held by Person interviewed: Degree Type Bachelors of Science

Major or Focus Kinesiology

School University of Tennessee Knoxville

in Education Doctorate in


Mercer University College of

Pharmacy (PharmD)


2 8. List any certification(s) & license(s) held by person interviewed, if any: Certification or License Immunization

Certifying or Licensing Agency APHA Pharmacy Based Immunization

Blood Pressure

Delivery Mercer University


Mercer University

BLS (Basic Life Support)

American Heart Association

Part B: Your Questions—Type your questions and the answers in this space. You should ask AT LEAST 10 questions. Please make the format clear & easy to read. Fix any spacing issues. (You will lose 5 points for each missing question or duplicate of my questions above) 1. What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is working well in teams. Being in the pharmacy healthcare setting, it is important to learn how to work well together. Communication is a really big key in order to have a successful running pharmacy. I am seen more so as a leader in my pharmacy. So I have to make sure everything is running smoothly. I have learned to better organize the work area to better aid patients with their medications. 2. Why did you choose pharmacy? I chose pharmacy because every since I was in high school I had volunteered at my local hospital pharmacy. Then, I started working as a pharmacy technician at Kroger. Though it was hard at times, I really liked learning about how the pharmacy really works. 3. How can you make a difference in your community? I can make a difference in the community by better educating patients on the proper techniques and steps needed to live a healthy lifestyle. There are numerous people that come to the pharmacy throughout the day seeking my professional advice on medications whether they have a burn they need to treat, allergies, or need certain pain medications. 4. What is the biggest misconception that people have about you and how do you overcome it? The biggest misconception about pharmacists is that they just take medications, put them in a bottle, and put a label on it. This is highly untrue. The amount of detail it takes for the pharmacists to check all these medications is not seen by patients outside the pharmacy. It is the pharmacists job to make sure all the prescriptions are written properly, the appropriate medication has been filled for the patient, and checking the patients profile to make sure there are no drug interactions, just to name a few. 5. What are your biggest weaknesses professionally and what did you do to overcome them? My biggest weakness would probably have to be time management. There are so many things that go on in a pharmacy that it is sometimes hard to manage everything accordingly.

3 Whether prescriptions need approving, the medication shipments need to be checked off, or a patient needs help picking up/dropping off medications. 6. How do you deal with difficult customers? Difficult customers come to the pharmacy all the time, especially if insurance is not covering their medications. The easiest way to deal with customers like this is to calming talk to them and explain the situation, this way they understand what is going on with their insurance. Also depending on what their medication is, the pharmacy is able to loan a 3 days supply of the medication so the patient still is on the scheduled dose. We do not want the patient to feel as though the insurance is holding them back from getting their medication and disabling their health. 7. What is your biggest accomplishment and why are those accomplishments a big deal for you? My biggest accomplishment is becoming Kroger Pharmacy Manager. This means that I have a little more responsibility than the other pharmacists in the pharmacy. I have paperwork that needs to filled out and also have to oversee all the employees in the pharmacy. If something were to go wrong, I have to submit the paperwork to corporate. I also have the responsibility to make sure the pharmacy technicians and interns have the appropriate modules (almost like an information on the new updates in pharmacy) done to keep working. 8. Two of your technicians aren’t getting along, and customers are starting to notice. How do you handle the situation? This is actually a scenario that has happened in my pharmacy. First it is important to apologize to the patient because they look up to pharmacy staff to help them with their medications. Then, the two technicians need to be taken to a secluded area to talk about how they were not being professional and try and be civil throughout the day. Then by the end of the day, it is important to regroup and talk through what the issue is and how to handle the situation. 9. What do you think is the most important business aspect of being a pharmacist? The most important business aspect is making sure all paperwork and deliveries get sent out at the appropriate time. When the pharmacy runs out of medication, there has to be a delivery for that medication that needs to be put in place, if not then the patient will come to the pharmacy and be turned down because we do not have it in stock. 10. What are three qualities a professional pharmacist should have? Three qualities a professional pharmacist should have would be good communications skills because pharmacists are always talking to patients, having empathy for the patient because these people have been going through a lot and it is important to take their feelings into consideration, and lastly being well educated because if you do not know what a medication does it does not help the patient. 11. What do you think pharmacy’s greatest challenges are in the future? Pharmacies greatest challenges in the future is the job outlook. Mostly everyone knows that pharmacy is becoming extremely oversaturated. This is especially hard for students who are trying to pursue a career in pharmacy right now. 12. Tell me how your education has prepared you for this role? I believe that attending pharmacy school has better helped me learn about the interactions of drugs on the body. Along with school, doing my rotations has also helped me apply my knowledge to real life scenarios.


Part C: Summary of Interview—Below, write at least two paragraphs of commentary about the interview, the career, and how you think this applies to you and your current direction. In the interview I interviewed my local pharmacist and she gave me some valuable tips and honest answers about her career. For one of the questions the reason I asked her is because many workers do not like talking about themselves negatively at their workplace. The question is what is the biggest challenge is about being a pharmacist and she replied with some honest answers about how she is not perfect and owned up to her imperfections. When I asked her about the career in general she replied with it is a great career that will provide optimal management of medication for chronic diseases. This applies to me because one of my options are to be a pharmacist and I wanted to understand from a pharmacist’s point of view what the career is like. I am always wanting to learn about all of the different careers and what they do. This applies to my current decision because I want to be a pharmacist so interviewing one will help me gain some knowledge about my future career. It is important to know and understand the career before it is chosen so I pick the right path. Pharmacy is a challenging and hard job but with the right passion I believe I will be able to pursue this career....

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