Lernzettel ITa LE PDF

Title Lernzettel ITa LE
Author der janni
Course Introduction to Teaching and Learning English at Primary Level
Institution Universität Koblenz-Landau
Pages 40
File Size 576.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 51
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Zusammenfassung von der Vorlesung zu ITaLE (wichtigste Punkte)...


Lernzettel ITaLE 1. Vorlesung - Introduction

Didactics & Methodology

Didactics of the primary school – what does that mean?


Theory of teaching and learning in primary school


Influenced by Wolfgang Klafki o Education in general = self-determination, co-determination and solidarity geared to the typical problems of our time  Translation: The student should know about himself and others in the here and now and in the future and be able to act accordingly

Allgemeine Didaktik nach Wolfgang Klafki:


Bildung ist für Klafki eine Allgemeinbildung in einem dreifachen Sinn o Für alle: Chancengleichheit o Allseitig: Ziel ist eine vielseitige Interessen- und Kompetenzentwicklung ; nicht nur der klassische Bildungskanon, sondern auch moderne Themen im Interesse von Kindern und Jugendlichen ( Alltagsweltbezug) o Allgemeinbildung (drei Aspekte): 




o Grundfähigkeiten einer Person mit Allgemeinbildung (Kompetenzen): 

Kritikbereitschaft und – fähigkeit / Selbstkritik

Argumentationsbereitschaft und – fähigkeit

Empathie: also die Fähigkeit, die Sichtweisen und Perspektiven anderer zu erfassen und adäquat auf diese einzugehen

Denken in Zusammenhängen oder „vernetztes Denken“

What is the „Didactics of the subjects“?


What is the content of our subject, what should the children learn?


Why should they learn this?


Do we have to prepare the contents for the students (e.g. make it easier)?


What are our goals?


Why do we have these goals?


What methods are useful?

What is „Methodology“?


How do I introduce the lesson?


What do I need?


Which media do I use?


What do the students need?


How do I make them understand?


Do they work alone, in pairs, in group

Schulgesetz: §1 - Auftrag der Schule (1) Der Auftrag der Schule bestimmt sich aus dem Recht des jungen Menschen auf FBrderung seiner Anlagen und Erweiterung seiner Fähigkeiten, unabhängig von seiner Religion, Weltanschauung, Rasse oder ethnischen Herkunft, einer Behinderung, seinem Geschlecht oder seiner sexuellen Identität sowie aus dem Anspruch von Staat und Gesellschaft an Bürgerinnen und Bürger zur Wahrnehmung von Rechten und Dbernahme von Pflichten hinreichend vorbereitet zu sein.

(2) In Erfüllung ihres Auftrags erzieht die Schule zur Selbstbestimmung in Verantwortung vor Gott und den Mitmenschen, zur Anerkennung ethischer Normen, zur Gleichberechtigung von Frau und Mann, zur Gleichstellung von behinderten und nicht behinderten Menschen, zur Achtung vor der Dberzeugung anderer, zur Bereitschaft, Ehrenämter und die sozialen und politischen Aufgaben im freiheitlich-demokratischen und sozialen Rechtsstaat zu übernehmen, zum gewaltfreien Zusammenleben und zur verpflichtenden Idee der VBlkergemeinschaft. Sie führt zu selbständigem Urteil, zu eigenverantwortlichem Handeln und zur Leistungsbereitschaft; sie vermittelt Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten mit dem Ziel, die freie Entfaltung der PersBnlichkeit und die Orientierung in der modernen Welt zu ermBglichen, Verantwortungsbewusstsein für Natur und Umwelt zu fBrdern sowie zur Erfüllung der Aufgaben in Staat, Gesellschaft und Beruf zu befähigen. Sie leistet einen Beitrag zur Integration von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Migrationshintergrund. Alle Schulen wirken bei der Integration von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit sonderpädagogischem FBrderbedarf mit.

The special nature of language

Why is learning a foreign language different?


use the natural capacities of the children


positive mind-set to learn a new language (attidue goal, emotive goal)


make children like the foreign language and the things they learn (content goal, cognitive goal)


set up various forms of real language use, and not just reproducing language (pragmatic goal)

Natural capacities?


Ability to grasp meaning (Sinnerfassung) o Interpret intonation, gestures  by understanding the core, by understanding the message, they start to understand language


Use their language resources in a very creative way o Play with words o Make up words o Test what works and what does not work  getting feedback


Great capacity for indirect learning o The things you pick up whilte learning something else o Less language learning, more language acquisition


Instinct for play and fun o Take games very seriously o Playing can function as a pseudo-reality


Great imagination o Big part of children’s reality o Storytelling, picture books, glove puppet


Instinct for interaction and speaking o Only way to learn a language is to use it



Content (cognitive) goals o Sort by structures (grammatical structures, vocabulary, function words, etc.) o Sort by topics and situations o Sort by functions (expressing likes/dislikes, introducing yourself,etc.)  all of them are concerned with the language itself


Attitude (emotive) goals o Pleasure and confidence in exploring a language o The children should want to dare to communicate


Pragmatical goal (real language use) o How do we set up real communication in a classroom? 

Communication needs a good reason

We need activities which provide a useful and relevant framework for communication

Principles of the EFL (English as a foreign language)


Principle of recurrent learning (spiralfBrmiges Lernen)


Principle of intercultural learning


Principle of exemplary learning


Principle of authentic learning


Principle of communicative learning


Principle of playful learning


Principle of learning through movement


Principle of integrated learning

Objectives of the EFL


Cultural awareness o There are other people in Europe and the rest of the world


Language awareness o Existence of other languages in Europe and the rest of the world

o Foreign language is also nothing to be afraid of o Get familiar with the sound, its melody and with some words of the language -

Language skills o How well you master the target language o Primary school: words, chunks, auditory understanding or basic grammar


Intercultural learning o Competence to communicate with people of other cultures o Know how a person of the other culture feels, thinks, acts o Learn about the meaning of the words, not one-to-one-translation 


Breakfast is not “Frühstück”

Self-development o In interaction and comparing with other people you learn about yourself o Intercultural learning leads to a better understanding of one’s own culture

2. Vorlesung – Learning Environment

The ideal foreign language classroom

EVA ( Eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten und Lernen)




Pupil as active agent of his or her learning


Pupils have to learn to work independently


Pupils have to manage, organise and reflect their learning process

Differentiation and Scaffolding


Differentiation (innere Differenzierung) o Everybody works at his/her own speed o Pupils chose what they work on according to their needs o Tasks are provided on different levels o Very different role of the teacher (not “lecturer”)


Scaffolding o A “scaffold” gives the pupils structures which help the child understand and manage the different learning situations o Later, the scaffold (the structures that help the pupil) can be reduced so that the child does not need it any more

Differentiation and Scaffolding – Questions for the teacher: -

How can I give every student the individual help he or she needs?


How can I organise the learning environments in such a way that my pupils can organise major parts of their learning individually?


How can I structure space, time and tasks in my classroom in such a way that it supports the children?

o Space: 

Try to find different places in the classroom for different subjects (Deutschecke, Matheecke)

Places for books, computers, etc.

Put important thins whining the visual field of the pupils (e.g. words to learn)

Put non-relevant thins somewhere else

o Time: 

Give the students a clear structure for what they should do in which time

Provide time for the pupils for working on their own (Tagesplanarbeit, Freiarbeit, Wochenplanarbeit)

o Tasks: 

Different levels of difficulty

Comprehensible tasks

Indicate the purpose of a task

Indicate what you expect

Provide help that students can use on their own (books, internet, materials)

EVA in the foreign language lesson? In foreign language teaching, the teacher is highly involved – he or she: - Is the only input-provider (besides CDs,DVDs) - Has to check and correct the students constantly - Support pupils - Has to praise everything that is correct immediately  the students cannot learn something new without the teacher, but they can practise what they have already learned Scaffolding in the foreign language classroom ( media / Hilfsmittel) -

Computers with sound devices for listening, play games, hear songs


Computers or tape decks to practise speaking by recording oneself


English games that the students know by hear (memory,etc.)


English picture books and CDs  Only in the “Freiarbeit” – not in the English lesson

Managing the classroom

Body language -

Children grasp a big part of meaning though the melody of the tone of your language


it is possible and necessary to organise many think without saying anything at all


and added foreign languages is 100% language learning

Rituals in the foreign language classroom -

saying hello and goodbye (song, etc.)


make a circle / half circle


social form for storytelling (cinema)


get your books and binders


find a partner


English lessons in English or in German? -

Children are capable of understanding the meaning without understanding every word you say


It encourages the children to trust their instincts to predict and guess meaning


Provides an element of indirect learning


In confirms that language is something you can actually use “for real”

Motherese speech (Babysprache) -

Clear and accentuated pronunciation and intonation


Adequate tempo


Fairly long pauses between sentences


Simple lexis


Appropriate complexity of sentences


Checking understanding


Many repetitions

The ideal foreign language teacher -

Speaks correct and authentic English


Is able to talk (in English) spontaneously for 50 minutes without breathing


Is able to vary the tone and melody of his or her language


Is able to explain things in different ways and on different levels


Supportive and understanding


Emotional backbone for every student


Great actor and not afraid of being the clown

Language -

English sounds that do not exist in German: o Unvoiced and voiced 

Th  thing / there

A  black

W  where

R  rain / scar

o No devoicing (“An- und Auslautverhärtung) Emotional backbone -

The most important feelings the teacher has to create: o English is fun! o There is nothing to be afraid of! o I am allowed to make mistakes! o Trial and error is fun! o I can rely on my teacher, he/she will help me!


The teacher can make students feel safe by: o His or her position in the classroom o Being close to the pupil o Positive feedback o Help out by whispering o Not forcing someone to talk alone without preparation


If you correct errors: o Always be positive o Praise the pupils who dares to say something in English o Make him or her aware of the correct version o Give him or her the chance to present the correct version


How to correct different types of errors: o Pupils uses wrong words  task to the class o Pupils uses wrong pronunciation 

Make the pupil repeat the word with the correct pronunciation

Otherwise: leave it and correct again some other time to keep up the positive feeling  corrective feedback

o Pupil does not know the word  -

I can see a Baum  Oh yes, right! A tree!  supportive feedback

How to make pupils feel safe in speaking: o Echoing (Chorsprechen) 

Start with the whole group, then make the group smaller 




3. Vorlesung – Linguistic Aspects What are our objectives and where do they come from? -

1949 the Council of Europe (Europarat) was founded


1957 some European states unified on the economic level – the European Economic Community (EEC) (Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft) was born  later became the European Community (EC) and the the European Union (EU)


Already in the 60s the Council of Europe concluded that the future Europe needed European citizens


Therefore every European citizen should speak at least one foreign language fluently. At that time our parents started to learn a foreign language in school (apart from Latin or Greek) – usually that was English or French.


It took very long to establish the foreign language in primary schools in Germany – it was not before 2006 when all 16 German federal states started teaching foreign languages at primary level.


The Council of Europe decided that all European citizens should speak at least one foreign language.

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages -

1989: Language learning for European citizenship


Common European Framework of Reference of Languages (CEFR) (Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen GER)


Six levels of language mastery: o A1(breakthrough) o A2 (waystage) o B1 (threshold) o B2 (vantage) o C1 (Effective operational profiency) o C2 (mastery)  every level defines competences for the four aspects of language: reading, listening, speaking and writing

CEFR and the Teilrahmenplan Fremdsprache (RLP): -

Our children are supposed to have reached A1 after class 4. That means, that the child: o Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type o Can introduce him/herself o Can answer questions (person details: home, people he/she knows, things she/he has) o Can interact in a simple way

Damit leistet die Fremdsprachenarbeit der Grundschule zur Wissens- und Kompetenzentwicklung der Kinder folgende Beiträge: Anwendungsfähiges Wissen: -

Einfache Dialoge führen


Fragen stellen und Antworten geben


Dinge benennen


Dinge und Sachverhalten umschreiben


Verstehen und Nichtverstehen signalisieren


Hilfestellungen erbitten


Zustimmung und Ablehnung äußern


Sprache gezielt einsetzen (Betonung)


Sprachbegeleitende Handlungen gezielt einsetzen (auf etwas zeigen, etwas demonstrieren)


KBrpersprache gezielt einsetzen


Einfache Texte hBrend verstehen


Lessen und schreiben


Paratextuelle Mittel erkennen und nutzen (Fotos, Zeichnungen,etc.)


Sprachen und Kulturen erforschen

Anschlussfähiges Wissen: -

Grundlegende Kenntnisse der Kultur eines Sprachraumes

o Lebensgewohnheiten o Landestypische Feste und Bräuche o Lieder, Reime, Kinderliteratur o Kulturelle Besonderheiten (Begrüßung,etc.) o Bekleidungsgewohnheiten o Essgewohnheiten o Lage, Klima Grundlegendes Kenntnisse der zielsprachlichen LEXIS -

Wortfelder zu kindorientierten Lebens- und Erfahrungsbereichen


Zahlen, Farben und Formen


Raum und Zeit



Grundlegende Kenntnisse zur zielsprachlichen PHONETIK -

Aussprache und Intonation



Grundlegende Kenntnisse der zielsprachlichen SYNTAX -

Fragesätze, Aufforderungssätze


Aussagesätze und Verneinungen

The four skills – listening, reading, writing, speaking

Listening: -

Listening skills are developed long before children start developing their speaking skills


Listening is never a passive activity


Teachers need to provide plenty of opportunities to listen to a foreign language that is a little ahead of their competences


Supporting pupils understanding by using visuals, your voice, mime and gestures


Give the children confidence: They are not expected to always understand every word.


Create a clear context.


Explain why the children have to listen: Establish a reason and a purpose for listening.


Introduce / pre-teach new language or vocabulary.


Help children develop specific strategies for listening (predicting/guessing, working out the meaning from a context, recognising discourse patterns / markers in stories / instructions)


Listen and repeat / colour / draw/ do/ match


Identify/ group


Perform actions / follow instructions

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