Title ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS (January-February 2015 issue)
Author Dimitris Minatidis
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-NEWS ON MINERALS -1- Vol 30 - 175 - 2015 NEWS ON MINERALS Vol. 30 , No 175 , January-February 2015 30 , 175 , 2015 15€ - Price of each issue 15 € - HELLAS - PIRAEUS ISSN 1011-5870 -NEWS ON MINERALS -2- Vol 30 - 175 - 2015 , – Botryoidal aragonite,Lavrion ,Greece (10 X 7 X 4 cms- .) Alexandra G. Min...




Vol 30 -

175 - 2015

N EWS ON MI N ERALS V ol. 3 0 , No 1 7 5 , J a nua ry-Februa ry 2 0 1 5 30 , 1 75 , 2015 1 5 € - Pric e of e ac h issue 1 5 €

- H ELLAS - PI RAEU S I SSN 1 0 1 1 -58 7 0




Vol 30 -

175 - 2015

– Botryoidal aragonite, Lavrion , Greece (10 X 7 X 4 cms- . )

Alexandra G. Minatidou –NEWS ON MINERALS GeMin . The Inspirer and the Soul of ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA -NEWS ON MINERALS and GeMin Expo in GREECE Die Instigator und die Seele der ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS und GeMin Expo in GRIECHENLAND



ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA NEW S ON MI NERALS I SSN 101 1-58 70 19 86 Established in January 1986) Editor and Ow ner : Dimitris G. Minatidis , M. Sc. , AGCC Geologist-Geochemist Leof. Gr. Lambraki 70 , Piraeus EL- 185 32 , HELLAS Tel Mobile : + 30- 6 97977 1898 Tel. Land : + 30- 213 -025 -8688 FAX :+ 30-210 -413 2-57 0 e-mail : [email protected] , [email protected] Web : w w w .gemin.eu Subscription – : 1 year 90 EURO - 2 years 180 EURO ( ONLY Air Mail Subscriptions) Previous volumes: 1- 14 ( years 1986– 1 999) in paper form , 80 EURO/ volume Vol. 15- 29 ( Years 2000- 2014) , available in CD at 400 Euro/ CD

Vol 30 -

! 2015 MINERALS. ,

, ,

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All advertisements are prepaid. * European Union residents add 23 % V. A .T . on total value. ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS sponsor the GeMin I nt ernational Mineral , Gemstone , Jew ellery and Fossil Exhibition held every year in Hellas since 1987. -




NATI ONAL BANK OF GREECE , Bank Account , I BAN : GR8001101900000019034534057 , Sw ift Code : ETHNGRAA Piraeus , Hellas

– 2nd Page : 500 Euro – Back Cover : 400 Euro

30 -NEWS ON ,

, ,

Payment by W ire transfer to : D. Minatidis Account number :

Circulation in 2 5 Countries around the World. Advertisement* ( Prices per I nsertion per issue) COLOR BLACK & WHI TE Size Prices in EURO A4 300 150 A4/ 2 180 100 A4/ 4 100 75

175 - 2015




, .

Hello! With great pleasure we announce that with January-February 2015 issue we enter in the 30th year of circulation of ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA -NEWS ON MINERALS. Thirty years of searching, adventure, suspense, expectations, happiness, satisfaction ie a mixture of exciting emotions , which gives us the strength to continue. We thank God for giving us the opportunity to reach here, our Parents , but we also thank once again all the Friends Collectors , Partners , Subscribers and Mineralogical magazines around the world who supported the entire effort, cooperated with us to show more on the most exciting Hobby in the world : Collection and study of Minerals and Fossils. The name of GeMin Exhibition is for many years directly related to ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA -NEWS ON MINERALS and we will be happy to give great pleasure for many years to collectors in Greece and abroad.

- NEWS ON MI NERALS Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent opinion of ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS

– Photo in cover

Chrysoprase from Ethiopia

The Historical Team Of ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS Evanghelia G. Minatidou Petros E. Solomonidis Dimitris G. Minatidis



Vol 30 -

175 - 2015

Se m ina r s on M ine ra logy by ORYKTOLOGI KA N EA- N EW S ON M I N ERALS



Vol 30 -

175 - 2015

Seminars on Mineralogy by ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA – NEWS ON MINERALS–Some highlights -NEWS ON MINERALS –

, . Interested people with various educational and professional background attend the Seminars on Mineralogy in a room full of Minerals and Fossils , i. e. in their Natural Environment !



Vol 30 -

175 - 2015

Participant s in t hese Seminars on Mineralogy have the chance t o see IN LIVE actual specimens exhibit ing various propert ies as described in Mineralogy t ext books.



Vol 30 -

175 - 2015

M a m m oth Te e th , M am m al Fossil ,fr om I ce Age , Russia a nd Fossil fishe s fr om Br a zil ! ! For ava ilabilit y an d m ore in for m at ion /


. 6974634649

. The photograph clearly shows from the teeth that the animal was vegetarian. ( 22 X 12 X 8 cms – . , – weight 1732 grams)



Vol 30 -

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Do the teeth just below belong to a mastodon ?

V e r y w e ll pre se rv e d fossil t ee t h s show in g ve ge t ar ian an im a l. (8,5 X 4,5-3,5 X (5-6 )

H u ge fossil t ( 29

2 0 ,5


. – cms – Weight –


– grams

t h of m am m ot h , a ve ge t a r ian a nim a l . , . – cm s / w e igh t : 6 ,5 – k ilos )




Vol 30 -

175 - 2015

Te e t h a r e a n e asy w ay t o de t e rm in e w h e t h er a fossil is a m am m ot h or a m ast odon . Just a bove is a m am m oth t oot h. Not ice t h e fla t su r fa ce w it h r idge s for gr inding vege t a t ion .

Fossil fish e s from Br a zil The Brazilian st at e of Ceará is known f or it s f ossil f ish export s. Especially t he St at e of Ceará is known f or it s f ish f ossils in nodule shape. A nodule is a calcareous deposit in an ovoid shape f ormed around a dead animal, which makes t hat it is preserved in excellent condit ion. The well preserved f ish are f rom t he lower Cret aceous period (Apt ian and Albian), and are about 80 milion years old. The best known f ish f rom t his locat ion is t he Vinct ifer compt onii , an Aspidorhynch species. These f ish are f ound in so called f ish-breads. Concret ions , as said above, wit h t he f ossil f ish inside.

I s th e above fossil fish Rhinobatos beurleni ? Size of calcareous septarium nodule 30 X9,5 X 6,5 cms- . /Size of fossil fish 26 X 5 X 2 cms- ./Weight : 2686 grams


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Vol 30 -

This looks lik e Tharrias araripes. Upper half : 29 X 11,5 X 4,5 cms /Fish size : 27,5 X 4,5 X 4,5 cms / Weight –

: 2105

Lower half : 29,5 X 11 X 3 cms / Fish size : 24 X 4,5 X 3 cms / Weight-

: 1824

Outside view of fossiliferous calcareous nodule enclosing fish fossils.

175 - 2015

- Grams

– grams


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Vol 30 -

175 - 2015

-GEOMARKET-GEOMARKET- MINERAL SPECIMENS - Superb azurite and malachite specimens from Lavrion , Hellas in sizes from T/ N to Museum Specimens in prices from 15 Euro upwards. Nature has created some of the best azurite and malachite specimens on Earth in the classic European localit y , Lavrion in Hellas. - Slag specimens , Lavrion , Hellas. Slag specimens 3000-5000 years old with vugs filled with minerals in small perfect cryst als. 15 EURO each. Minimum 10 slags. * Also nice mineral specimens from Lavrion for collectors from 15 € (T/ N size) each ( baryte, fluorite , smithsonite , malachite. dog-teeth ankerite and other species). * Double terminated black tourmaline and dravite crystals from 5 € each. ** Please add for postage and handling , depending on the weight of the specimens and the way of shipment (Air or Surface Mail) . --- European Union ( ) Residents add 23 % V. A. T. on tot al cost. ( ) -MINERAL POSTCARDS (LAMINATED) set of 12 color high quality mineral postcards depicting the following mineral specimens from various localities around the world : 1. Sapphire 2. Ruby 3. Emerald (Facetted) 4 . Pyromorphite 5. Pyrrhot ite on Calcite 6. Rhodochrosite + aegirine + genthelvite 7. Cubanite xls 8. Pyrite crystals 9. Quartz , variety , amethyst- sceptre habit 10. Serandite 11. Diopside on grossular 12. Amethyst 13. Gypse Price 40 EURO Air Mail post paid. CD-ROMs on Earth Science- CD-ROMs * The Theory of Plat e Tectonics 75 € * Illust rat ed Dictionary of Earth Sciences 50 € * The Wonders of Rocks and Minerals 75 € * The study of minerals 90 € * Plate Tectonics and how the Earth works 75 € * Life in Amber 85 € * The Photo-Atlas of minerals 95 € * Hands-On Mineral Identification 40 € (European Union Residents add 23 % V. A. T. ) GEMSTONES AND MINERALS (T/ N size) (miniat ure size) , . -Ask to see the collections of minerals for Systematic Mineralogy in which every specimen either in T/ N size or in miniature size is in plastic box labeled with name of mineral and its origin. -For fine mineral specimens visit http:/ / www.gemin. eu – http:/ / www. gemin. eu


–SHOWS – 2015

Exploring the w onder of the Earth's mineral treasures through collecting, preparing and sharing of mineral specimens , gemstones and Fossils. USA – Tucson , AZ : Jan. 31 through Feb. 15, 2015 . Info : Jessica Stephens , Director of Public Relations Tel. 800638-8350 ext. 143 , j st ephens@visitt ucson. org

USA Indianapolis , Indiana : 20-22 February 2015: GeoFest . Info : [email protected] Italy – Bologna : 6-8 March 2015 . Info : ht tp:/ / www.bolognamineralshow. com/ USA –Newark , California : 6-8 March 2015 . Info : [email protected] USA – Abilene , Texas : 11-12 April 2015 .Info : [email protected] France – Alsace : 25th June 2015 - 28th June 2015 , Sainte Marie-aux-Mines Mineral show 2015 . Info : Mairie 114 rue de Lattre de Tassigny , Marque Mineral et Gem LOW68160 Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines , France Phone: + 33 3 89 73 53 52 , Fax: + 33 3 89 58 48 57 , info@sainte-marie-mineral. com Germany – Munich , 30 Oct- 1 Nov. 2015 . The Munich Show - Mineralientage München-World of Minerals, Gems, Jewellery and Fossils . Info : [email protected]

Greece - At hens : 29 t h GeMin 2015 , 4-5-6 December 2015 . Information : GeMin, c/ o ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA - NEWS ON MINERALS , Gr. Lambraki 70 , Piraeus, EL-18532, Hellas. Tel+30-213-0258688 , FAX:+30-210-4132-570 , e-mail : info@gemin. eu , ht tp:/ / www. gemin. eu .Tel+30-213-025-8688 , FAX:+30-210-4132-570 . Germany-Munich:30 th October 2015 -1 st November 2015 . Info : +49 (0) 89-613 47 11 ,[email protected] Germany – Hamburg : 4 Dec-6 Dec. Further information: http:/ / www.mineralien-hamburg.de

– Condolence - Kondolenz 6

2015 , . ".


, " "The old Rockhounds never die , t hey j ust slowly pet rif y ".


. - On 6 th February 2015 , the World of Mineral Collectors not only in Greece , but all over the world, became poorer: Our beloved Anastassios-Sotirios Vafidis began his j ourney to the endless infinity. He will be missed by all of us. But remember : "The old Rockhounds never die , t hey j ust slowly pet rify" – «Die alt e Rockhounds

st erben nie, sie nur langsam verst einern»


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Vol 30 -

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2015 -NEWS ON MINERALS 4 , 29

» , GeMin 2015


4-5-6 3 .




2015 . 2015. !




3 -NEWS ON MINERALS , [ ), 185 32

. 2015 ] ,



International Geological Photography Contest 2015 ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS invite all readers and collectors t o get during their vacations a geological , mineralogical phot ograph , print it in A4 size photographic paper wit h descript ion of depicted obj ect , name and full cont act information of phot ographer and send it to ORYKTOLOGIKA NEANEWS ON MINERALS with t he indicat ion “ Geological phot ography Cont est” unt il 5 November 2015 . All submitted photographs will be on display during the 29 t h GeMin 2015 t o be held in At hens , Greece on 4-5-6 December 2015. Visitors will vot e for t he best phot ographs and t he first 3 winners will win Minerals or Gemstones or Fossils. Best of luck t o all of you ! The cont est is heavily relied on mineral specimens , cryst als , fossils but Geowonders are also sought most for. May be submitted up to 3 photos per contestant ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS , [ For t he Phot ography Cont est 2015 ] , Leof. Gr. Lambraki 70 , (Formerly Queen Sofia Avenue), Piraeus , EL-18532 , Greece.

Peculiar Quartz crystal from Brazil –

(8 X 1,5 X 1, 7 cms.


– From the collect ion of K. Gigakis)


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Vol 30 -

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Ge m st one s fr om Et hiopia ETHIOPIA GEMSTONES occur into two main rock assemblages: (1) the Precambrian and (2) Phanerozoic rock types. Precambrian rocks of the country hosted few gem minerals such as, ruby, sapphire, garnet, beryl (aquamarine, emerald), Tourmaline, of sub economic deposit type and many semi precious gemstones. These are well documented in western, southern and eastern Ethiopia closely related to pegmatic-granite rocks and associated metavolcano-sedimentry rocks. From all areas, the Moyle-Aroro-Yavello belt in Oromia National Regional State are known to be sub economical and currently mined by many Artisanal miners and cooperatives. This belt is showing different precious minerals including Beryl chrysoberyl, aquamarine, garnet, corundum (ruby, sapphire), and quartz, and many others, similar to the deposit of Kenya. This belt has also various gemstones, including the Peridot/ olivine (in Mega area), fluorite, Amazonite, probably, increase the economical significant of gemstone of southern Ethiopia, but it requires detailed work to verify those. Other areas also have different quality gems associated with Precambrian rocks of Ethiopia, such as northern, eastern and western Ethiopia but little is known so far on their type, mode of occurrence, quality of gems.

. Va r ious types of Et h iopian Ch rysopr ase a r e see n a bove . – Acknowledgement- Danksagung All specimens in this article are courtesy of Mr. Zelalem Getnet , [email protected] , whom we thank for his cooperation . . Zelalem Getnet .


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– Am a zonit e specim en s fr om Ethiopia

M a p of Ethiopia ( Cou r te sy : Google Ea r th )


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Loca t ion m a p of ge m st on e occu r r e nce in Et h iopia (From –

: Opportunities for Gem resource development in Ethiopia ,Geological Survey of Ethiopia , Addis Ababa , Ethiopia , 2009.

The Phanerozoic related gemstones documented in different parts of the Ethiopian closely associated with sedimentary, volcanic shield and rift related rocks. Huge and numerous type of opal, agate, petrified wood, amber, chalcedony, Amethyst, obsidian, citrine, fluorite, jasper, and many others. The distribution of those gemstone erratic but it show huge nature associated with different gemstones types. The few gemstone like jasper, quartz and agate, chalcedony gem types are located in the thick MesozoicCenozoic sedimentary (Abay, Mekele and Ogaden sedimentary basin) and many others such Peridot/ olivine, opal, jasper, quartz and many others in the volcanic terrain in the central (Ethiopia high land and rift zone) areas. Out of those, gemstone areas, the Mega-Yavello belts in Oromia and Mezezo-Wollo-Gonder in Amhara Regional State are currently mined/under licence by local people, cooperatives and private companies. GEMSTONE BELTS OF ETHIOPIA Gemstones of the country can be grouped into two main belts: (1) the southern and Central north Ethiopia main belts (2) and western and Eastern Ethiopia minor belts. The southern and Central Ethiopia main belts--which are further classified into (1)Moyle-Mega-Yavello/MMY/ gemstone belts and II) Mozozo-Wollo-Gonder gemstone belts. MMY Gemstone belt is underlying by high grade gneissic rocks and unique pyroclastic and dunite assemblage covering wide area extending from Ethio-Kenya boarder to the Arasi-Bale highlands. This belt shows variable gemstone varieties from Beryl, corundum, garnet and quartz groups to tourmaline, fluorite, with minor opal and quartz family gemstones. Besides, it has unique Olivine and peridot/olivine show close relationship accessories minerals of garnet, ilmenite, pyroxenes and carbonatitic bodies associated with basaltic-tracahyte-basalatic with inclusions of peridotite and dunite, having an alkaline affinity. Others , such as Amazonite and different gemstones are believed to exist in different parts of the belts, MozozoWollo-Gonder gemstone belts/MWG belts/ and occur in central north Ethiopia covering parts of the rift margin extending from North Showa the Debere Berhan to north Wollo and parts of Gonder, within the Amahara National Regional State. The belts have huge gemstone varieties from opal-amber to agate, petrified wood and others semiprecious gemstones, with minor variation in type and nature.


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1. Citrine –

6 , 2 -8 Green Tourmaline – ) , 4-5 6


7 , 3-7 Peridot (Gem Olivine) – - Almandine garnet , – Rhodolite garnet



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Unique Opal-amber gemstone variety (with highly prized iridescence play of colour or the fire opal type), is found at Mezezo in Amhara Regional State (Debre Berhan-Mehal Meda) within the Menz & Gishe, Tegulet and Bulga zones, within the locality of Yita, Kosta Amaba, Gift, Bahir, Gift Gaymeda, Lay Beret, Wenze Midire, Gorat and Wedera Kables/ Wereda. Similar but most precious, black and colored opal with play of color is found in WagenTana, Tasih Moucha, Geshin Mariam (South Wollo and Faeta (south Gonder) in many others and Afar areas (not mapped). Most Opal bearing belts are related to in welded lapilla rhyolite-ignimbrite rocks and tuff rocks. OTHER GEMSTONE SHOWING AREAS Few areas, in Tigray, Southern Nation Nationality People (SNNP) and, eastern Oromia, also show some opal, Jasper, Chalcedony, agate, amber, quartz, near the contact of the volcanic and Mesozoic sediments in Hierna area and in the Abay canyon. Similar gem varieties of Chalcedony, Amethyst, Agate, petrified Wood, documented and associated volcanic rocks in Tigary (Adwa and Axum), northern Showa and Wollol (Mehale Meda Ankober, Sela Dinga , Jehur, Debre libanose Yita Mechael), Kutaber. Occurrences of precious opal are reported in Gonder (Nefase Moucha?), Warder, Ogaden, and Dire Dawa. TYPE AND CHARACTERISTICS’ OF ETHIOPIA’S GEMSTONES The gemstones of the country classify into 9 main group; starting from most precious and dominant sequence of : Opal , Corundum , Beryl , Garnet , Peridot , Quartz species and Tourmaline, Amber and others; (a)Petrified wood, ( (b) Obsidian, (c)Feldspar, (d) Apatite, (e)Fluorite, (f) Kyanite, (g) Zircon and (h) Topaz , Phenakite, Scapolite, Sphene, , lolite of less precious gemstones types. Addressing the characteristic, type, mode of occurrence, geological setting, nature of gemstone deposit of the country will improve both the understanding and increase the awareness of the resource usage and promote growth of mineral subsector of the country. Bibliography : Opportunities for Gem resource development in Ethiopia ,Geological Survey of Ethiopia , Addis Ababa , Ethiopia , 2009.


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