ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS ,issn 1011-5870 , January -February 2013 PDF

Title ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS ,issn 1011-5870 , January -February 2013
Author Dimitris Minatidis
Pages 32
File Size 21 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 588
Total Views 731


-NEWS ON MINERALS -1- Vol 28 - 163 - 2013 NEWS ON MINERALS Vol. 28 , No 163 , January - February 2013 28 , 163 , - 2013 15€ - Price of each issue 15 € - HELLAS - PIRAEUS ISSN 1011-5870 -NEWS ON MINERALS -2- Vol 28 - 163 - 2013 – Gemstones from Kriti Island , Agean Sea , Greece - Konstantinos Gikakis...






Vol 28 -

163 - 2013

" N EWS ON MI N ERALS V ol. 2 8 , No 1 6 3 , J a nua ry - Fe brua ry 28 , 1 63 , "

2013 2013

1 5 € - Pric e of e ac h issue 1 5 €

- H ELLAS - PI RAEU S I SSN 1 0 1 1 -58 7 0





Vol 28 -

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– Gemstones from Kriti Island , Agean Sea , Greece

- Konstantinos Gikakis , Gemstone Cutter [email protected]


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- ORPIMENT specimen , Shimen Hunan Province,China 6,5 X 3,0 X 2,0 - 58 grams

Pyrite from Navajún, La Rioja, Spain – " jkg "j h ヾ k "jk "ヾ k g, Navajún, La Rioja, jヾg g 6 i .-cms (Big crystal 2 X 2 X 2 cms , smaller crystal 1,2 X 1,2 X 1,2 cms)

Alexandra G. Minatidou –NEWS ON MINERALS GeMin Inspirer and the Soul of ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA -NEWS ON MINERALS and GeMin Expo in GREECE





ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA NEW S ON MI NERALS I SSN 101 1-58 70 * h i"k " g 19 86 Established in January 1986) Editor and Ow ner : Dimitris G. Minatidis , M. Sc. , AGCC Geologist-Geochemist Leof. Gr. Lambraki 70 , Piraeus EL- 185 32 , HELLAS Tel Mobile : + 30- 6 97977 1898 Tel. Land : + 30- 213 -025 -8688 FAX :+ 30-210 -413 2-57 0 e-mail : [email protected] , [email protected] Web : w w w .gemin.eu Subscription – h : 1 year 90 EURO - 2 years 180 EURO ( ONLY Air Mail Subscriptions) Previous volumes: 1- 14 ( years 1986– 1 999) in paper form , 80 EURO/ volume Vol. 15- 27 ( Years 2000- 2012) , available in CD at 400 Euro/ CD Payment by W ire transfer to : D. Minatidis Account number : I BAN GR840 8 40 1050 0000 05505505486 CI TI BANK , Sw ift Code : CI TI GRAA Piraeus Branch , Dimotiko Theatro , Korai Square , Piraeus , Hellas

Circulation in 2 5 Countries around the World. Advertisement* ( Prices per I nsertion per issue) COLOR BLACK & WHI TE Size Prices in EURO A4 300 150 A4/ 2 180 100 A4/ 4 100 75 4

i hg – 2nd Page : 500 Euro l – Back Cover : 400 Euro - "h gl ji " kg All advertisements are prepaid. * European Union residents add 23 % V. A .T . on total value. j

ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS sponsor the GeMin I nt ernational Mineral , Gemstone , Jew ellery and Fossil Exhibition held every year in Hellas since 1987. "j gl "hi "j i ikg " g "g kg d " NEWS ON MI NERALS - Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent opinion of ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS -




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– Photo in cover


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A product based on cooperation of GEOLOGY and BI OLOGY Ruby gemst one and Ruby Grenage Rouge w ine.


Vol 28 -

163 - 2013

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We have noticed that the last 25-30 years there was an increasing interest in minerals and fossils from Greece.This phenomenon is due to an increasing number of mineral and fossil passionists who are looking for specimens both in the Greek mainland and the Greek Islands surrounding the Country. We have also noticed that beside for well crystallized mineral specimens and well preserved fossils , there is a great interest for cutting material suitable for making jewellery. So the hobby is advancing ahead ! In fact we have a “restart” , as it is well and widely known that the Ancient Greeks has a considerable knowledge on minerals , rocks and precious metals ahead in their Time ( See “Peri Lithon” , by Theophrastos – On mining complex at Lavrion and so on) as well as on their uses , cut and polishing as it is witnessed by the Ancient Greek findings all over the area centered in Greece (e.g. Statues and other Sculpture Art , microglyptography , painting , Gold and Silver jewellery , gold and silver coins ) which enrich not only Museums in Greece but also Museums in various Countries around the World. Happy collecting Year 2013 ! Dimitris G. Minatidis





Vol 28 -

163 - 2013

A “must” for every Mineral and Gem Collector : The facetted gemstone ruby + unique ruby wine

A fine product resulted from the harmonic cooperation of Mineralogy and Enology : The best propably wine in the World « » ( “ruby wine”) along with a facetted gemstone ruby which can be set into a ring and/ or pendant. This is the wine primarily for mineral collectors but access to this product have all people who want for themselves or want to offer . There is limited supply of this excellent product and its price is 55 € plus shipping – : 55 € . - If you wish to order you can address to : [email protected] or FAX : +30 -210-4132-570






Vol 28 -

2013 ,

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. , Ph.D. , ON MINERALS , , M.Sc. «Äソ­チニヒヌサキスネ-Design» www.smartartdesign.gr

-NEWS . , ,

«ヲチツヌオネ" サスモノスチネ»

. . .

, . On 27th February 2013 the official presentation of “ ” took place in Piraeus , Greece. It is a bottle of excellent quality Greek wine (Grenage Rouge) called “ ” (ruby) offered along with a ruby facetted gemstone in a black velvet pough. The “ ” is the result of team work based on Geology (Mineralogy) and Biology (Enology) , work done by Prof. Elias Nerantzis , Industry Microbiologist, Ph.D. , Athens Technical Institute , Department of Enology and Dimitris G. Minatidis , M.Sc. , GeologistGeochemist , Editor of ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS . Many thanks to «Äソ­チニヒヌサキスネ-Design» Company of Evanghelia Minatidou for part sponsorship , Giota Karadima for designing the various labels , Spyros Tritsarolis for technical support and Venue «ヲチツヌオネ"サスモノスチネ» and all staff there. The original thought was that everything man uses nowadays either is mined or is clultivated and hence we combined knowledge to make a product that is the combination of GEOLOGY (Mineralogy) (exploring and mining the Earth ) and BIOLOGY (Enology) (Cultivation ) . “ ” was warmly accepted in the Market as a valuable and pleasant gift. We owe a lasting debt of gratitude to Mother Earth who create the rubies and provide the vineyards and the grapes. What we simply did was just to apply our knowledge and create a product coming directly from the Earth.





Vol 28 -

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Professor Elias Nerantzis addressing to the audience the History of wine since the Antiquity , the secrets in making wines and explaining step-by- step the process followed in making the “ ” wine. , ”.


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” . The Editor of -NEWS ON MINERALS Dimitris Minatidis addressing to the audience with plentity of information on ruby gemstone , followed by Prof. Elias Nerantzis on wine “ ”.





- From Australia :

Vol 28 -

163 - 2013

– Opal Book

A lovely book on Opal, South Australia s Gemstone is available for 22 Australian dollars , plus postage and handling costs (around 10 AUS $ per book for Sea Mail or AUS $ 16 per book for Economy Air Mail). This is a publication of the South Australian Department of Mines and Energy. Size of the book 15 cms X 21 cms, 177 pages full of color photos and maps. (Edition 1992) This is a book written by people who live and work in the heart of the largest Opal Fields in the world , “speaks” to you and tells you all about Opal : What is Opal ? Geology of Opal , mining methods in the Opal Fields of Andamooka , Coober Pedy Mintabie ,The Opal Industry , Opal mining and the Law, Glossary of Opal , mining terms , selected bibliography and much more. This is some of the information inside this book on one of the most beautiful gemstones : O p a l How to order in Europe: ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS have been assigned as Official Distributor in Europe for the book : Opal, South Australia s Gemstone. European orders will be forwarded to : Dimitris G. Minatidis, c/o ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS , 70 Gr. Lambraki Av. (Formerly Queen Sofia Avenue ) , Piraeus EL-185 32 , Hellas. Tel. Intern. : +30-213-025-8688, FAX : +30-210- 4132-570 , E-mail : [email protected]. Payment will be sent-on receipt of Pro-Forma Invoice directly to: Department of Mines and Energy ( Attention : The Editor , P. O. Box 151 , Eastwood , South Australia 5063 , Australia . Tel (08)-274-7500 , FAX : (08)-2727-597. [email protected]. gov.au



, 1995

, 1998

-NEWS ON MINERALS : . 16 : 185 32 ,



+ 10

. - NEWS ON MINERALS , . 70 , (213)-025-8688 , FAX: (210)- 4132-570 e-mail : [email protected] . – : Department of Mines and Energy , P. O. Box 151 , Eastwood , South Australia 5063 , Australia (Attention: The Editor). Tel. (08)-274-7500 , FAX: (08)-2727-597 . [email protected]. gov.au -GEOMARKET-GEOMARKETモ - MINERAL SPECIMENS - Superb azurite and malachite specimens from Lavrion , Hellas in sizes from T/ N to Museum Specimens in prices from 15 Euro upwards. Nature has created some of the best azurite and malachite specimens on Earth in the classic European locality , Lavrion in Hellas. - Slag specimens , Lavrion , Hellas. Slag specimens 3000-5000 years old with vugs filled with minerals in small perfect crystals. 15 EURO each. Minimum 10 slags. * Also nice mineral specimens from Lavrion for collectors from 15 € (T/ N size) each ( baryte, fluorite , smithsonite , malachite. dog-teeth ankerite and other species). * Double terminated black tourmaline and dravite crystals from 5 € each. ** Please add for postage and handling , depending on the weight of the specimens and the way of shipment (Air or Surface Mail) . --- European Union ( ) Residents add 23 % V.A.T. on total cost.





Vol 28 -

163 - 2013

モ ( ) -MINERAL POSTCARDS (LAMINATED) set of 12 color high quality mineral postcards depicting the following mineral specimens from various localities around the world : 1. Sapphire 2. Ruby 3. Emerald (Facetted) 4 . Pyromorphite 5. Pyrrhotite on Calcite 6. Rhodochrosite + aegirine + genthelvite 7. Cubanite xls 8. Pyrite crystals 9. Quartz , variety , amethyst- sceptre habit 10. Serandite 11. Diopside on grossular 12. Amethyst 13. Gypse Price 40 EURO Air Mail post paid. モ CD-ROMs on Earth Science- CD-ROMs * The Theory of Plate Tectonics 75 € * Illustrated Dictionary of Earth Sciences 50 € * The Wonders of Rocks and Minerals 75 € * The study of minerals 90 € * Plate Tectonics and how the Earth works 75 € * Life in Amber 85 € * The Photo-Atlas of minerals 95 € * Hands-On Mineral Identification 40 € (European Union Residents add 23 % V.A.T.) GEMSTONES AND MINERALS (T/ N size) (miniature size) , . -Ask to see the collections of minerals for Systematic Mineralogy in which every specimen either in T/ N size or in miniature size is in plastic box labeled with name of mineral and its origin. -For fine mineral specimens visit http:/ /www.gemin.eu – http:/ /www.gemin.eu


–SHOWS – 2013

Exploring the wonder of the Earth's mineral treasures through collecting, preparing and sharing of mineral specimens , gemstones and Fossils. France- MULHOUSE , 12 January 2013 . Parc des Expositions, rue Lefebvre 120. [email protected] , www.mineralexpo-mulhouse.fr Germany - BERLIN. 12-13 January 2013 , Gemeinschaftshaus in der Gropiusstadt, Lipschitzallee 66. [email protected] Germany - ERLANGEN. 20 January 2013 , Kongresszentrum, Rathausplatz. 10-17 h. Information: [email protected] France- DRANCY , 25-27 January 2013 . Espace Culturel du Parc, place Maurice Niles. Information : [email protected] France- NÎMES , 26-27 January 2013. Stade des Costières, avenue de la Bouvine. Info : [email protected] , www.expomineraux-nimes.fr Germany - BAMBERG. 3 February 2013 . Kongresszentrum, Hegelsaal, Mußstraße 1. [email protected] Holland - HENGELO. 17 February 2013 . Hotel van der Valk Hengelo, Bornsestraat 400.Information : [email protected] France - ANCENIS-LA CHARBONNIERE , 16-17 February 2013. Espace Edouard Landrain. Info: [email protected] USA – Tucson : 31 January - 17 February 2013: Tucson 22nd St reet Show - Tucson, Arizona , USA . Information : http:/ /www.22ndstreetshow.com/ Belgium - ANTWERPEN : 23-24 February 2013 . Metropolis, Groenendaallaan 394. Info : Ronny Serraris , [email protected] , www.acam.be/ fairs/ index.html Bologna Mineral Show , Italy : 8-10 March 2013 . Information :http:/ / www.bolognamineralshow.com/ indexeng. php Greece - Athens : 27th GeMin 2013 , 22-23-24 November 2013 . Information : GeMin, c/ o ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA - NEWS ON MINERALS ,Gr. Lambraki 70 , Piraeus, EL-18532, Hellas. Tel+30-213-025-8688 , FAX:+30-210-4132-570 , e-mail : info@gemin. eu , http:/ / www.gemin.eu







Vol 28 -

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Katlang , A selection of topaz crystals from Katlang area in Pakistan





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Katlang , A selection of topaz crystals from Katlang area in Pakistan


Katlang ( Katlung) . In the photo below the Katlang (or Katlung) area in Pakistan can be seen where the above topaz specimens come from.

Courtesy : http://www.google.com/earth/index.html




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Hellas + South Africa + Germany : (International Association of Collectors of Slag Minerals - IACSM - Founded in 1986 by NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS). + + : Join the International Association of Collectors of Slag Minerals and keep informed with Slag Mineralogy , Slag Minerals and Collectors of Slag minerals from around the World. You can write either: ฀ - NEWS ON MINERALS , Leof. Gr. Lambraki 70 , Piraeus EL -185 32 , Hellas. Telefone International : +30-213025-8688 , FAX:+30-210-4132-570 e-mail : [email protected] , http:/ / www.gemin.eu ฀ ARGE Schlackenneubildung , c/ o Mr. Elmar Nieding , Konstantine - Noppel Strasse 25 , D -7760, Radolfzell –Germany Exchange of Minerals ,Gemstones and Fossils -


- From Hellas (Greece) : O , 23 EL-17673 . - Michalis Samouhos , Meghistis 23 , Kallithea , EL-17673, HELLAS, wishes to exchange minerals with collectors from all over the World. -From Italy : Fabio Bigazzi ,Via dell'Acqua Ghiaccia, 4 - Fontana - 53038 Staggia Senese - Si - Italy [email protected] , exchanges minerals with collectors around the World. . – From France : COUREAU Jean-Vincent , 5 Bis rue de la Grenette , F- 17880 LES PORTES EN RE FRANCE [ e-mail : j [email protected] ] is a collector of micros for 15 years . E . –Interested to exchange minerals (micromounts) with collectors from Greece and other Countries. – From Greece (Hellas) : CHRISTOS MAROULIS , PLOUTARCHOU 84 , EL- 12137 NEA ZOI , PERISTERI , GREECE , PHONES : 210-5760361, 694-7723908 , E-mail : [email protected] is interested to exchange minerals with collectors from other Countries. – From Germany : Gunnar Färber Minerals [http:/ / www. seltene-mineralien. de or http:/ / www. mineralsworld.com ] has let us know on his new findings : From the Santorini Archipelago in the Aegean Sea, come spectacular new finds of rarities such as Giorgiosite (TYP),[ Mg5(CO3 ) 4(OH) 2 . 5H2 O ] Ferribarroisite [CaNaFe2+2. 25Mg0. 75 Fe3+2 ( Si 7AlO22 )(OH) 2] and Majorite [ Mg3(Fe, Al, Si) 2(SiO4) 3 ] in crystals, together with some unique Zeolites. For inquiries and orders, my email address is [email protected] , and I can also be reached by phone +49 39202 61193 or fax at +49 39202 66892). – From Greece : I am interested to communicate with collectors on Lavrion minerals and other localities in Greece. Remy bouzard , 23,Vas Georgiou,15232 Halandri , telefone +302106839454 ext 126 , Mob +33668191216, e-mail [email protected] . . Remy Bouzard , . 23 , 152 32 , . 210-6839454 , : 0033-668191216 , : [email protected]

: - NEWS ON MINERALS. Use the friendly phrase : I found you in ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS ____________________________________________________________________________


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g - ORPIMENT specimen , Shimen Hunan Province,China 6,5 X 2,8 X 2,0 - 54 grams




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2013 -NEWS ON MINERALS 4 , 27

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2013 . 22-23-24 3

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International Geological Photography Contest 2013 ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS invite all readers and collectors to get during their vacations a geological , mineralogical photograph , print it in A4 size photographic paper with description of depicted object , name and full contact information of photographer and send it to ORYKTOLOGIKA NEANEWS ON MINERALS with the indication “Geological photography Contest” until 20 October 2013 . All submitted photographs will be on display during the 27 th GeMin 2013 to be held in Athens , Greece on 22-23-24 November 2013. Visitors will vote for the best photographs and the first 3 winners will win Minerals or Gemstones or Fossils. Best of luck to all of you ! The contest is heavily relied on mineral specimens , crystals , fossils but Geowonders are also sought most for. ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS , [ For the Photography Contest 2013 ] , 70 Gr. Lambraki Avenue (Formerly Queen Sofia Avenue), Piraeus , EL-18532 , Greece.

- ORPIMENT specimen , Shimen Hunan Province,China 6,0 X 3,0 X 3,0 - 122 grams




22 – 23 – 24

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, , GeMin 27 GeMin 2013 2013 , Athens , Greece

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Stay tunned with ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS and GeMin Expo Your Mineral ,Gemstone , Jewellery and Fossil Passports in the Market of Southeastern Europe An advertisement with ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS will make your products , services and your Company known to 25 Countries around the World !


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