Author Dimitris Minatidis
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ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS -1- Vol 35- No 209 - 2020 NEWS ON MINERALS Vol. 35 , No 209 , September-October 2020 35 , 209 , 2020 15€ - Price of each issue 15 € ((Zn,Cu)5Al3(SO4)1.5(OH)16•9(H2O) , , (5,5 X 3 X 0,5 .) Glaucokerinite , Kamareza mine , Lavrion , Greece - From the collection of Nik...




Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

N EWS ON MI N ERALS V ol. 3 5 , No 2 0 9 , Se pt e m be r-Oc t obe r 2 0 2 0 35 , 2 09 , 2020 1 5 € - Pric e of e a c h issue 1 5 €

( ( Zn,Cu) 5 Al3 ( SO4) 1.5 ( OH) 16 • 9(H 2 O) ,


( 5,5 X 3 X 0,5


Glaucokerinite , Kamareza mine , Lavrion , Greece - From the collection of Nikos Barbis,Athens,Greece)

- H ELLAS - PI RAEU S I SSN 1 0 11 -58 7 0



Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

– (9 9, 5 5 .) Azourite –malachite specimen from Lavrion, Christiana mine, Lavrion, Greece , Greece ( 9 X 9. 5 X 5 cms)

Cluster of pyrite crystal from Peru (13 X 9 X 10 cms) ( 13




Alexandra G. Minatidou –NEWS ON MINERALS GeMin . The Inspirer and the Soul of ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA -NEWS ON MINERALS and GeMin Expo in GREECE Die Instigator und die Seele der ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS und GeMin Expo in GRIECHENLAND



ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA NEW S ON MI NERALS I SSN 101 1-58 70 19 86 Established in January 1986) Editor and Ow ner : Dimitris G. Minatidis , M. Sc. , AGCC Geologist-Geochemist Leof. I roon Polytechneiou 55-5 7 , Commercial Center “TERPSI THEA” Piraeus EL- 185 32 , HELLAS Tel Mobile : + 30- 6 97977 1898 Tel. Land : + 30- 213 -025 -8688 FAX :+ 30-210 -413 2-57 0 e-mail : [email protected] , [email protected] Web : w w w .gemin.eu Subscription – :To 1 year 90 EURO - 2 years 180 EURO ( ONLY Air Mail Subscriptions) Previous volumes: 1- 34 ( years 1986– 2019) in paper form , 80 EURO/ volume All volumes ( Years 1986- 2019) , available in CD at 400 Euro/ CD

Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

, , . 2020, Covid-19 , " : «No volveremos a la normalidad porque la normalidad era el problema» , « , », . , " . , "

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NATI ONAL BANK OF GREECE , Bank Account , I BAN : GR8001101900000019034534057 , Sw ift Code : ETHNGRAA Piraeus , Hellas

– 2nd Page : 500 Euro – Back Cover : 400 Euro All advertisements are prepaid. * European Union residents add 24 % V. A .T . on total value. ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS sponsor the GeMin I nternational Mineral , Gemstone , Jew ellery and Fossil Exhibition held every year in Hellas since 1987. - NEWS ON MI NERALS Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent opinion of ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS

– Photo in cover Glaucokerinite,

( ( Zn,Cu) 5 Al3 ( SO4) 1.5 ( OH) 16• 9( H 2 O) , Kamareza mine , Lavrion,Greece.

From the collection of Nikos Barbis, Athens,Greece

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Payment by W ire transfer to : D. Minatidis Account number :

Advertisement* ( Prices per I nsertion per issue) COLOR BLACK & WHI TE Size Prices in EURO A4 300 150 A4/ 2 180 100 A4/ 4 100 75



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Knowledge and adaptability We deal with issues of Geology, Mineralogy and related sciences, but we monitor the reactions of the Society, since we are part of it. By the beginning of 2020, before the rapid spread of the coronavirus or Covid-19, a "revolutionary" phrase was very often posted internationally on Social Media: This “revolutionary phrase was: «No volveremos a la normalidad porque la normalidad era el problema» that is, "We will not return to normality, because normality is the problem". This "revolutionary phrase" was proudly uttered by the followers of this movement. After the advent of the coronavirus and the ongoing pandemia, this "revolutionary" phrase slowly began to disappear, confusing the followers of this movement who are confused and they want the precoronavirus normality that they were insulting. And while everyone is looking for what happened and how long the coronavirus pandemia will last and because everything is judged by the result, many think that the coronavirus was "sent by a Third" to remind people that they need to assess their senses, their vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste. The magic when they see a sunrise, a sunset, when they hear music or the waves of the sea, the feeling and confidence that a small child feels when his mother holds it with her hands , the smell of a flower, to tell the difference between the sweet and bitter and finally show how valuable is Health and how weak and fragile are weapons systems, stock markets, borders, etc. Obviously it was not the pre-coronovirus normality , with the

tremendous degree of freedom , to be blamed , but the lack of adaptability and/or normality in all those individuals who do not have the ability to adapt themselves in different situations and appreciate the freedom. For this reason it is important that along with knowledge to coexist adaptability , which has the same power as knowledge. Dimitris Minatidis



Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

St a y t u n ne d w it h t h e on ly M a ga z in e for M in e r a l ,Ge m a nd Fossil Colle ct or s in Gr e e ce



Use the friendly phrase : We found you in ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERAL



Vol 35- No 209 - 2020


Notice : Dear Friends ,as you know us very w ell , w e w ish t o be more specific w ith 34 rth GeMin 2020 in Athens ,Greece. You are fully aw are that almost all 2020 Exhibitions and Symposia have been cancelled or postponed for next year 2021 .I n our case in Greece , despite our Country w as extremely good on global scale in handling the situation w ith Covid-19 ,w e have in progress the second w ave October and –w ho know s- November December and ...... as no one can predict t he situation w e have to postpone 34 rth GeMin 2020 for next year,God w illing. How ever, w e w ould like t o add that 33 consecutive GeMin exhibitions since 1987 , in addition t o the large sums of money required to organize such an exhibition in five- star hotels, spearheaded by ROYAL OLYMPI C, have left their mark on the « Minerals and Fossils Collection» hobby in Greece. As w e are reporting on the cost of the event, w e should emphasize that the unique sponsor of the exhibition these 33 years w as the ORYKTOLOGI KA NEWS - NEW S ON MI NERALS and t he oxygen of the exhibition w ere the exhibit ors w ho participated and the visit ors w ho honored w ith their presence Exhibition. We also ow e a lasting debt of gratitude to Hellenic Red Cross w ho covered the GeMin from First Aid point of view . So w e arrived here and in conditions of health uncertainty it w as not possible to proceed further in the organization of the 34 th GeMin 202 0 w ith the Sw ord of Damocles hanging over our head. Kind Regards, The GeMin Team .

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. 2021.


GeMin 2020


, GeMin 2020

, Covid-1 9, …..

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GeMin 2020

. GeMin.

Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment of the University of Athens that due to the outbreak and the rapid spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) we have made the difficult decision to postpone the ”37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission“ for September 2021.



Vol 35- No 209 - 2020



A Geol ogical t our in Milos Island and Tinos Islands , Aegean Sea , Greece , August 2020 by Tsit enidis Evaggelos, f irst year St udent of Geology at t he Arist ot le Universit y of Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece

E-mail : evant sit en@gmail. com ,

. In t he summer I visit ed t he islands of Milos and Tinos, as it is known t hat all t he Greek islands in t he Aegean Sea combine int erest ing geology and wonderf ul holidays. There are many published scient if ic papers about t hese t wo islands and what is report ed here are what I have seen wit h my own eyes and wit h t he experience of a f irst -year st udent of Geology at t he Arist ot le Universit y of Thessaloniki,Macedonia, Greece.

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( ) ( ) Fig. 1 Locat ion of t he islands of Milos ( bold black arrow ) and Tinos ( blue arrow) in Greece. ,



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Milos, as a volcanic island, is locat ed wit hin t he volcanic arc of t he Sout h Aegean, while Tinos is locat ed out side t he arc and wit hin t he At t icokycladic Mass.



Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

Fig. – . 2 Map court esy : Google Eart h 2 Figure 2 shows t he locat ions ment ioned in t he t ext



- Nychia



Kleftiko -Sarakiniko : 1) 2)

฀ 1. 700

220 140



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. Fyriplaka Volcano: 1) diamet er ฀ 1, 700 met ers 2) Height ฀ about 220 met ers The volcano last erupt ed in 140 AD. Today, t he crat er is a huge area, around which one can see loose andesit ic mat erial and ash deposit s t o a large ext ent (large quant it ies). In addit ion, t he magma t hat cooled immediat ely, creat ed an obsidian and can be f ound eit her near t he port of Adamas or in Nychia. Today in Milos, t here are t wo volcanoes Fyriplaka and Trachilas, which are inact ive.

Landscape from Fyriplaka

(See Fig. 2 above)


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Vol 35- No 209 - 2020




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. 7)

Glaronissia: The Glaronissia are rocky islet s, which at f irst do not "f ill" t he eye. However, f rom a geological point of view, t hey are very import ant , as columns have been creat ed by t he act ivit y of l ava and have acquired geomet ric shapes and mainly hexagonal columnar st ruct ures. They consist mainly of andesit ic mat erial and a cave is creat ed under t hese columns. In general, it is a complex of small volcanic islands. (See Fig. 2 ,page 7)

2 , 1979. ( . . 2 , . 7) The Glaronissia on a 2 drachma stamp of the Hellenic Post, 1979. (See fig. 2 , page 7)




Vol 35- No 209 - 2020 ,



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. Klef t iko - Sarakiniko: It is a beaut if ul dest inat ion, which has many caves t o explore. Many beaut if ul f ormat ions have been creat ed on t he rocks, as it has t uf f ridges and t he volcanic ash has subsided and wit h t he air and wat er, t he rocks have been eroded result ing in beaut if ul caves wit h t he whit e color, t o be what prevails. Somet hing similar has happened in Sarakiniko, where t he rocks have t aken on a special shape. According t o t he myt hs, in Klef t iko, t he pirat es were hiding f rom t he Turks and t his owes it s name. Sarakiniko owes it t o t he Saracen pirat es, but t here are no inscript ions t o prove such a t hing.


Kleftiko, Milos Isl. Aegean Sea, Greece (See Map 2 , page 7 for location of Kleftiko


Sarakiniko,Milos Isl. Aegean Sea,Greece


Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

(See Map 2 , page 7 f or locat ion of Sarakiniko)



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Vol 35- No 209 - 2020


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4x4 . Vani: It is t he nort hernmost part , in t he west ern Milos, where t here are large colored rocks (rocks). There is an abandoned manganese mine t here. One can visit it by 4x4 vehicle or by boat f rom t he port of Adamas.

(See Map 2 , page 7 f or locat ion of Vani)

Obviously t his reddish color of rock is due t o manganese

(All phot ographs in t his art icle have been t aken by t he aut hor)



Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

Map of Milos Island showing mineral localit ies (Map court esy MILOS MINING MUSEUM) ) ,

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Milos is an island creat ed by t he erupt ion of a volcano and f or t his reason t here is a unique beaut y, creat ed by it , (t he erupt ion). In addit ion, t here are many minerals and rocks t hat can be f ound. –Minerals : 1) : , 12 . , , : , , . , . Manganese: Fragile met al, 12t h in abundance in t he eart h's crust . We do not f ind it f ree in nat ure, but in compounds along wit h ot her minerals, such as: pyrolusit e, rhodonit e, psilomelane and ot hers. It is used in iron met allurgy f rom ancient Greece and wit h iron oxides, as a pigment .

Mn ore

5 2, 2 2, 5 2)


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1 , , , CO2, ( ). Nat ural sulf ur: It is f ound in volcanic areas and is creat ed by gaseous or hot liquid solut ions. It is used as a raw mat erial f or t he chemical indust ry, has healing propert ies and is used as a disinf ect ant , as it s combust ion produces CO2 (carbon dioxide).

– Nat ive sulphur on rock mat rix (9 X 7 X 4, 5

. – cms)



Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

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800 C – 900 C


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. : . . Perlit e: Also called volcanic glass and is creat ed by t he sudden cooling of magma, by st oring wat er in it s mass. It swells t o 800 C - 900 C and it s volume can be increased, f rom 10 t o 20 t imes, wit h a corresponding reduct ion of it s specif ic weight . Used in cement , hydroponic crops and roof t iles f or special insulat ion. We can meet him in t he places: Trachila and Tsigrado. Where small mining t akes place.

– Perlit e (5, 1 X 3, 3 X 2, 8 . - cms) : 5) , Al 2Si 2O5 (OH) 4. , , . , , . 4) Kaolin: Kaolin is a clay mineral, part of t he group of indust rial minerals wit h t he chemical composit ion Al 2Si 2O5 (OH) 4. In ancient t imes, it was used by paint ers t o achieve t he color whit e. Today, it is used in t he cement indust ry, f or t he product ion of whit e cement s. 4)



- Kaolin, raw mat erial and product s on display (Court esy : Milos Mining Museum)

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, , . 6) Baryt e: It is a mineral wit h high specif ic weight and is st able and inert . Used in glassmaking, t ires, paper, f or t he manuf act ure and dilut ion of paint s. Flares, f ireworks and medicine can also be made, as it is given in t he f orm of a solut ion, t o pat ient s, t o X-rays.



Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

Baryte specimen from Milos Island

(Courtesy Milos Mining Museum)



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. 7) Obsidian: It is also called volcanic glass and is creat ed aft er t he erupt ion of t he vol cano, as air is released f rom t he magma and cools sharply, creat ing t he obsidian. It is very hard and is current ly used in j ewelry and f or surgical blades. Today, t he obsidian of Milos is considered a prot ect ed rock by archaeologist s, as it is a prehist oric f ind.


– Obsidian f indings f rom Milos Island , Aegean Sea , Greece . . , , , . .

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. , , .. 8) Bent onit e: It is a plast ic clay f rom volcanic ash. It belongs t o t he group of spect it es, wit h t he main mat erial being t he Mont morillonit e mineral. It t akes it s name f rom t he Fort Pent on area in America. It is light ly mined and af t er processing, it is export ed t o various count ries. It has absorbent capacit y, high plast icit y, act s as a binder, et c. Init ially it was used f or t he ext ract ion of oil and t hen proved t o be a special mat erial f or t he manuf act ure of cast met als in f oundries. Finally, it is used in t he paint indust ry, in t he f ood indust ry, in t he paper indust ry, et c ,

Raw Bentonite

(Courtesy : Internet)



Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

Some more sel f -coll ect ed specimens Spilite-


Rhyolite-Spilit e (12, 3 10, 5 5,5 . -cms)


, Rhyolit e overyling spilit e . Small black cryst als are t he mineral, osumilit e »

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The t rip t o Milos "ends" here. Just was not enough t ime t o scan t he island and present you wit h more dat a. I reserve t he right t o do so in t he f ut ure. Af t er Milos I t raveled t o Tinos Island, anot her island wit h great geology, but even here t ime was pressing me. But I present t o you t he area of Volakas wit h an int erest ing geological phenomenon in t his area.


- Volakas , Tinos Island , Aegean Sea , Greece. , , ,




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It is one of t he oldest villages of Tinos, where we encount er t he phenomenon of spheroidal weat hering. The magma of t he eart h rises solidif ied on it s surf ace, in t he f orm of granit e and undergoes chemical weat hering, i. e. it s original chemical t ypes change. Then, t he air and t he wat er, lead t o t he spheroidal weat hering, t hat is, shells are creat ed in t he rocks and t hey t ake a spherical shape, hence it s name, " spheroidal weat hering". A similar phenomenon is f ound in Calif ornia, but it is done in a dif f erent way, due t o t he dif f erence in soil composit ion, in Tinos it is granit ic, while in California t here is desert and sandy soil.


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Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

– Volakas area , Tinos Island ,Aegean Sea , Greece :






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. . 32 , No 192 ,



(2017) , – « -NEWS ON MINERALS , To . 32 , No 191 , (2018) NEWS ON MINERALS , . 33 , 196,

» . 20-25 . 20-25




Vol 35- No 209 - 2020

[ N ot e by t he Edit or of t he m a ga zine : ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS encourage and support st udent s on Geology who wish t o writ e art icles and in t his way helps t hem t o "open t heir wings" , e. g. a very good geological t our in Milos Island had been published in ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS in 2017 by t he undergraduat e (t hen) st udent of t he Facult y of Geology and Geoenvironment , Nat...

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