Author Dimitris Minatidis
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-NEWS ON MINERALS -1- Vol 29 - 171 - 2014 NEWS ON MINERALS Vol. 29 , No 171 , May - June 2014 29 , 171 , - 2014 15€ - Price of each issue 15 € - HELLAS - PIRAEUS ISSN 1011-5870 -NEWS ON MINERALS -2- Vol 29 - 171 - 2014 Gem Smithsonite from Lavrion , Attiki Co. , Hellas A rare ,unique , gem bluegreen...






Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

" N EWS ON MI N ERALS V ol. 2 9 , No 1 7 1 , Ma y - J une 29 , 1 71 , "

2 0 14 2014

1 5 € - Pric e of e ac h issue 1 5 €

- H ELLAS - PI RAEU S I SSN 1 0 1 1 -58 7 0





Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

Gem Smithsonite from Lavrion , Attiki Co. , Hellas

A rare ,unique , gem bluegreen Smithsonite from the Mining Complex of Lavrion ,Greece. / 6.5 X 4 X 4 cms , 208 grams , transluscent , collected 70 years ago. There are no more specimens available nowadays. Excellent color either in incident or in penetrating light.


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k "hi g ヾ gj g " j k "gヾ "k " g / 6,5 4 4 i ., 208 "ヾ "gヾ 70 g. g ik " g jk "ヾ jヾ ヾk ji"h i i "l . " gj "d g i - From the collection of Vasilis Giarenakis)

Alexandra G. Minatidou

}­ テシハネノオヌ"チクタ"ーハフオ"ノホテ"ィェュ」ャィ、ィ│「」µヲ"ヲ}µヲ –NEWS ON MINERALS チクタ"ノセヌ"}チソエネシホヌ GeMin ネノセテ"}ツツウサク. The Inspirer and the Soul of ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA -NEWS ON MINERALS and GeMin Expo in GREECE Die Instigator und die Seele der ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS und GeMin Expo in GRIECHENLAND




ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA NEW S ON MI NERALS I SSN 101 1-58 70 * h i"k " g 19 86 Established in January 1986) Editor and Ow ner : Dimitris G. Minatidis , M. Sc. , AGCC Geologist-Geochemist Leof. Gr. Lambraki 70 , Piraeus EL- 185 32 , HELLAS Tel Mobile : + 30- 6 97977 1898 Tel. Land : + 30- 213 -025 -8688 FAX :+ 30-210 -413 2-57 0 e-mail : [email protected] , [email protected] Web : w w w .gemin.eu Subscription – h : 1 year 90 EURO - 2 years 180 EURO ( ONLY Air Mail Subscriptions) Previous volumes: 1- 14 ( years 1986– 1 999) in paper form , 80 EURO/ volume Vol. 15- 27 ( Years 2000- 2012) , available in CD at 400 Euro/ CD Payment by W ire transfer to : D. Minatidis Account number : e " " " NATI ONAL BANK OF GREECE , Bank Account , I BAN : GR8001101900000019034534057 , Sw ift Code : ETHNGRAA Piraeus , Hellas

Circulation in 2 5 Countries around the World. Advertisement* ( Prices per I nsertion per issue) COLOR BLACK & WHI TE Size Prices in EURO A4 300 150 A4/ 2 180 100 A4/ 4 100 75 4

i hg – 2nd Page : 500 Euro l – Back Cover : 400 Euro - "h gl ji " kg All advertisements are prepaid. * European Union residents add 23 % V. A .T . on total value. j

ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS sponsor the GeMin I nt ernational Mineral , Gemstone , Jew ellery and Fossil Exhibition held every year in Hellas since 1987. "j gl "hi "j i ikg " g "g kg d " NEWS ON MI NERALS - Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent opinion of ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS -




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– Photo in cover


gh k "g "k " ghg gj Labradorite from Madagascar 16 X 9 X 4,5 i .- cms ( Specimen from the collection of Alexandra G. Minatidou) i – Design» , Commercial Center TERPSI THEA , 1 rst floor , Piraeus 1 8535 , Greece ]

[ Courtesy : «


Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

i "k , ヾ jki "k , ヾ g gk ヾ j "k ! g" gkg" g" g i "kg" i "j "ヾ g gk k kg. ヾ "k " g" i i ki " " g ヾ jk i "ji" k " ヾg i " " g g" i g k kg "gヾ "ij g. ヾ k " g" ヾ jk i " ji" k " " k " k " ヾ g gk ヾ ji " ヾg i iヾ j " , g " i ikg ig, ヾ " g "k ,h k" k " ki " ヾ g gk ヾ j " k " i " hi " i g k kg " g" gヾ ij g. k "kg"k g" gkg"i g "ヾ gヾg k i g" g" .k "iヾ i i " g i" " ヾ "i ki"ji"gk "i ki"ji"j "iヾ ヾih . " kg " i " l ji " jk " ヾ g gk ヾ j " k " i , h " jk h " ヾ k " ヾ g gk ヾ j , i " gヾ k ji " j " g i ヾi g , g " g " " gヾ k j " j " hi " jkg gk . g" g " h " g" k " – g" g" i" g " k " h jj g"gヾ " k " g- g " kg " l ji , i jg " ヾ " g " i"ヾi jj ki " j . ヾ "k "j i "g k " i " k" : g ikgh ji " k " j " ji" . g kg " k " g "g k " i"j k " " g "iヾ i ji i i "k " i "k " g g g j " kg"jk h g"ヾ " ヾ gjg " gヾ " k " i " jk " iヾ k g – g" j " g g" ヾ k g . kg i " i ji " gヾ " k " h " jg j k " g " i " g g g j i – i" k " g" k " g g j k "j "j jg " g" kg" jk h g" g " k " ヾi ヾ ki i ヾ ji g " ヾ " gヾ ki " g gヾ i "g g ji . k "k " i i ヾ jヾg i " g" ヾ g ji " ヾ j " j g k " i g " " j i jl "k ヾi "di iヾ jk , j i k "jk " i ki i " i " g "ヾ j jヾ hg "i g " g" ヾ "i ji " k " g "gヾ k ,g " gヾ i jk " g" ヾg h , g "k jk " g" "k " g i g "ヾ "g k "k " gki j . i " i kg « i g"ヾ gkg» , g " " g" ヾ k . k " i jg i" gヾ " k 1986 i" k ヾi h " g " i" k 1 GeMin k 1987. g " k ki" ki " ヾ " i g Mi g" i g" g " g ik " ヾ jki g " g ヾ g gk ヾ jg " kg" i " k " ヾ " li " k " h " g " k di iヾ jk . k "d. gk h Dream it , believe it , achieve it ! Three steps to make your dreams reality. From dreaming to believing may take sometime and everything depends on you . From believing until achieving it may take time and also you need health , luck and patience until the destination which is the success. This is the way things work in any effort made by man either in individual or collective level. When you achieve a dream then you have already learnt a lot of experience and knowledge on the way , although getting knowledge never stops . It is a “long way to Ithaki” – to remember also Ulysses from Greek Mythology - but when finally arrived there , then you are more integrated and more knowldegeable. Another new thing starts now : To pass the obtained knowledge to other people. Going over these lines above , every Geoscientist or mineral collector or even Companies active on Minerals , Gemstones , Fossils will recognise , by doing a play-back , the steps they passed through until they achieved what they have achieved , at least some of them. When you create something from the none such as a mineral collection and you have upgraded accordingly , you remember all steps , adventures as fond memories in your life. All this editorial wants to emphasize how important is the contribution of experienced Geoscientists and mineral collectors to Children and Junior Collectors and how important are Mineral and Fossil shows – if not exclusively for kids - when they include programms for the younger generation. Things have not to be in quantity but small and in quality . That is something we have started back in 1986 with this Magazine and are trying to do all the years through by promoting activities related with Earth Sciences and Kids. During 1rst GeMin back in 1987 I had met with some Little Mineral Collectors but with Big dreams. Since then quite a few of them who had dreamt and believed could also achieve for their own benefit and benefit of Earth Sciences. Dimitris G. Minatidis

(Dream it – Believe it – Achieve it !!! As simple as that !)





Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

、クケニクサナニカノセヌ [(Ca,Na)(Si,Al)4O8 ] ク ム"ノセテ"・クサクコクネチウニセ Labradorite from Madagascar ィ" ツクケニクサナニカノセヌ" クテオチシタ" ネノク" ツクコタムチツクネノク" ノセヌ" ナ­ウサクヌ" ノホテ" クネノニカホテ. ャナ" ムテナ­ウ" ノナハ" ニナエニフシノクタ" ク ム"ノセテ フシニネムテセネナ"ノナハ"、ク­ ニクテノムニ"ノナハ"」クテクサウ, ム ナハ" ニホノナケニエソセチシ. Labradorite is a feldspar mineral, is an intermediate to calcic member of the plagioclase series.

、クケニクサナニカノセヌ"ク ム"ノセテ"・クサクコクネチウニセ - Labradorite from Madagascar 16 X 9 X 4,5 シチ.- cms (Specimen from the collection of Alexandra G. Minatidou Äシカコ­ク"ク ム"ノセテ"ネハツツナコオ"ノセヌ"zツシトウテサニクヌ"│. ・セテクノカサナハ) Courtesy : «Äセ­タナハニコカシヌ – Design» , Commercial Center TERPSITHEA , 1rst floor , Piraeus 18535 , Greece





Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

」ク テカクヌ"ックツクスカクヌ"ネシ"クツケカノセ"­タチニナチツタテオ – Smoky Quartz in albite microcline Lake George Co. John Hiller Bridgtpt . Ct , USA 3,8 X 3 X 2,3 cms – シチ.

Azurite in the form of crystals and in impregnated form in rock matrix , Lavrion , Greece zスナハニカノセヌ"ハ ム"­ナニヒオ"チニハネノウツツホテ"チクタ"ハ ム"­ナニヒオ"シ­ ナノタネ­ナメ"ネノナ"­セノニタチム" エノニホ­ク , 、クメニタナ. 5 X 3 X 3 シチ. - cms





Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

"z ム"ノセテ"zハネノニクツカク - From Australia : {タケツカナ"コタク"ノナテ"ィ ウツタナ – Opal Book A lovely book on Opal, Sout h Aust raliaps Gemstone is available in Europe for 30 Euro , plus postage and handling costs ( 5 € per book for Economy Air Mail). This is a publication of the Department for Manufacturing Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy , Resources and Energy Group . This is a book written by people who live and work in the heart of the largest Opal Fields in the world , “speaks” to you and tells you all about Opal : What is Opal ? Geology of Opal , mining methods in the Opal Fields of Andamooka , Coober Pedy Mintabie ,The Opal Industry , Opal mining and the Law, Glossary of Opal , mining terms , selected bibliography and much more. This is some of the information inside this book on one of the most beautiful gemstones : O p a l How to order in Europe: European orders will be forwarded to : Dimitris G. Minatidis, c/ o ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS , Gr. Lambraki Av No 70. (Formerly Queen Sofia Avenue ) , Piraeus EL-185 32 , Hellas. Tel. Intern. : +30-213-025-8688, FAX : +30-210- 4132-570 , E-mail : [email protected]. In Australia : Department for Manufacturing Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy ,Resources and Energy Group Customer Services , GPO Box 1264 , Adelaide , South Australia ,5001 , Email : resources.customer [email protected]

OPAL IN STAMPS –ィゥz、「ィォ"ォ}"│ェz・・zャィォ ・z


zュォャェz、「z , 1995

」}ヲャェ「」 "zョェ「」 , 1998

zテクチナカテホネセ"コタク"{タケツカナ" シニカ"ィ クツカナハ ャク"ィェュ」ャィ、ィ│「」z"ヲ}z-NEWS ON MINERALS サタクソエノナハテ シタヌ"ノセテ"}ハニモ セ ノナ"{タケツカナ : ィ ウツタナヌ, ナ"ゥナツメノタ­ナヌ"、カソナヌ"ノセヌ ヲムノタクヌ"zハネノニクツカクヌ. "ノタ­オ"ノナハ"{タケツカナハ"シカテクタ 30 }ハニモ + 5 € コタク"ノクフハサニナ­タチウ"エトナサク"クシニナ ナニタチモヌ. ゥクニクココシツカク" ノナハ" {タケツカナハ : " クニクココシツカク" ネクヌ" サカサシノクタ" シタヌ" ノク" ィェュ」ャィ、ィ│「」z" ヲ}z - NEWS ON MINERALS , │ニセコ. 、ク­ ニウチセ 70 , ゥシタニクタシメヌ 185 32 ,ノセツエヒホテナ (213)-025-8688 , FAX: (210)- 4132-570 チクタ e-mail : [email protected]

/ャナ" ケタケツカナ" ク ナチノウ ナ クツカナハ.

シテサタクヒエニナテ" ­シノウ" ノナテ" シテノナ タネ­ム" ネノセテ" zノノタチオ" ツシハチナメ , ­クメニナハ" チクタ" チクヒエ" ネチナメニナハ

│}µz│ィェz-GEOMARKET-│}µz│ィェz-GEOMARKET-│}µz│ィェz モィェュ」ャz- MINERAL SPECIMENS - Superb azurite and malachite specimens from Lavrion , Hellas in sizes from T/ N to Museum Specimens in prices from 15 Euro upwards. Nature has created some of the best azurite and malachite specimens on Earth in the classic European locality , Lavrion in Hellas. - Slag specimens , Lavrion , Hellas. Slag specimens 3000-5000 years old with vugs filled with minerals in small perfect crystals. 15 EURO each. Minimum 10 slags. * Also nice mineral specimens from Lavrion for collectors from 15 € (T/ N size) each ( baryte, fluorite , smithsonite , malachite. dog-teeth ankerite and other species). * Double terminated black tourmaline and dravite crystals from 5 € each. ** Please add for postage and handling , depending on the weight of the specimens and the way of shipment (Air or Surface Mail) . --- European Union (}}) Residents add 23 % V.A.T. on total cost.





Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

モョµャィ│ェzョ「}ォ"・}"ィェュ」ャz (ゥ、zォャ「」ィゥィ「 ・}ヲ}ォ) -MINERAL POSTCARDS (LAMINATED) z set of 12 color high quality mineral postcards depicting the following mineral specimens from various localities around the world : 1. Sapphire 2. Ruby 3. Emerald (Facetted) 4 . Pyromorphite 5. Pyrrhotite on Calcite 6. Rhodochrosite + aegirine + genthelvite 7. Cubanite xls 8. Pyrite crystals 9. Quartz , variety , amethyst- sceptre habit 10. Serandite 11. Diopside on grossular 12. Amethyst 13. Gypse Price 40 EURO Air Mail post paid. モ CD-ROMs on Earth Science- CD-ROMs ネノセテ"│シホツナコカク * The Theory of Plate Tectonics 75 € * Illustrated Dictionary of Earth Sciences 50 € * The Wonders of Rocks and Minerals 75 € * The study of minerals 90 € * Plate Tectonics and how the Earth works 75 € * Life in Amber 85 € * The Photo-Atlas of minerals 95 € * Hands-On Mineral Identification 40 € (European Union Residents add 23 % V.A.T.) GEMSTONES AND MINERALS - ィェュ」ャz"」z「"ゥィ、ュャ「・ィ「"」z「" ・「ゥィ、ュャ「・ィ「"、「。ィ「 /‾セノシカネノシ"テク"サシカノシ"ノタヌ"ネハツツナコエヌ"ナニハチノモテ"ォハネノセ­クノタチオヌ"ィニハチノナツナコカクヌ"ネシ"­シコエソセ"クテノカフシタニク (T/ N size) チクタ"­タテタクノナメニシヌ (miniature size) , ム ナハ"ノナ"チウソシ"ナニハチノム"シカテクタ"シテノムヌ" ツクネノタチナメ"チナハノタナメ"­シ"ノナ"ムテナ­ウ"ノナハ"チクタ"ノセテ" ニナエツシハネオ"ノナハ. -Ask to see the collections of minerals for Systematic Mineralogy in which every specimen either in T/ N size or in miniature size is in plastic box labeled with name of mineral and its origin. -For fine mineral specimens visit http:/ /www.gemin.eu – │タク"シトクタニシノタチウ"ナニハチノウ"ネシ" ニナネタノエヌ"ノタ­エヌ"シ タネチシヒソシカノシ"ノセテ タネノナネシツカサク http:/ /www.gemin.eu

}」。}ォ}「ォ- SHOWS –}」。}ォ}「ォ –SHOWS – }」。}ォ}「ォ 2014 Exploring the wonder of the Earth's mineral treasures through collecting, preparing and sharing of mineral specimens , gemstones and Fossils. Madagascar : 28 May 2014 – 13 June 2014 , Mindat.org Conference 2014 Madagascar. Info : [email protected] Belgium - Antwerpen (BE), 10-11 May 2014, Antwerp Expo, Jan Van Rijswij cklaan 191, B-2020 Antwerpen Info: Paul Bender, Pieter Van den Bemdenlaan 107, B-2650 Edegem. [email protected], www.minerant.org France - Sainte Marie-aux-Mines : 26-29 June 2014 . Info : City of Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ,114 Rue de Lattre de Tassigny , F-68160 Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, France , Tel: +33 (0)3 89735352 , Fax: +33 (0)3 89584857. [email protected] , www.sainte-marie-mineral.com Helvet ia – Binnt al : 16 July 2014 : Info : Mineralienbörse Binntal, c/ o Binntal Tourismus Dorfstrasse 31 , 3996 Binn. Tel.: +41 (0)27 971 45 47 , Fax: +41 (0)27 971 45 78 , [email protected] USA- Michigan : 8-10 August 2014 . Copper Country Gem and Mineral Show . Info : [email protected] USA- Colorado : 14-17 August 2014 . Lake George (CO) Gem & Mineral Show. Info : [email protected] USA – Denver : 6-14 September 2014 . Info : Steve Jorgensen - (Questions & Answers) , Tel. 001-720-865-2477 e-mail : [email protected] Germany – Munich Show : 24. - 26. Oktober 2014 . Info : Aussteller-Hotline: +49 (0) 89-6134711 (Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 17:00 Uhr) Herr Steffen Waris: exhibitor@munichshow. com USA – Rochester : 25-26 October 2014 . Info : hector@rochesterlapidary. org New Zealand : 31 Oct ober – 1 rst November 2014 . 37t h Combined Mineralogical Societ ies of Aust ralasia Seminar. Info : [email protected] China –Beij ing : 13-17 November 2014 . Beij ing Mineral and Gem Show . Info : [email protected] Greece - Athens : 28th GeMin 2014 , 28-29-30 November 2014 . Information : GeMin, c/ o ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA - NEWS ON MINERALS ,Gr. Lambraki 70 , Piraeus, EL-18532, Hellas. Tel+30-213-0258688 , FAX:+30-210-4132-570 , e-mail : [email protected] , http:/ / www.gemin.eu .Tel+30-213-025-8688 , FAX:+30-210-4132-570 .





Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

Äタシソテオヌ"サタクコホテタネ­ムヌ"│シホツナコタチオヌ"ヒホノナコニクヒカクヌ 2014

ャク" ィェュ」ャィ、ィ│「」z" ヲ}z-NEWS ON MINERALS ニナノシカテナハテ" ネシ" ムツナハヌ" ノナハヌ" ネハツツエチノシヌ" テク" ウニナハテ" ­カク ヒホノナコニクヒカク コシホツナコタチナメ" シニタシフナ­エテナハ チクタ" テク" ノセテ" ネノシカツナハテ" ノハ ホ­エテセ" ネシ" ヒホノナコニクヒタチム" フクニノカ" ネシ ­エコシソナヌ" z4 ­シ" シニタコニクヒオ" ノナハ" クテノタチシタ­エテナハ" ナハ" ク シタチナテカスシノクタ ネノセテ" ヒホノナコニクヒカク" チクタ" ノナ" ムテナ­ク" チクタ" ノセテ サタシメソハテネセ" ノナハ" ヒホノナコニウヒナハ" ネノセテ" サタシメソハテネセ" ノナハ" シニタナサタチナメ , ­シ" ノセテ" エテサシタトセ «│タク" ノナテ" サタクコホテタネ­ム" ノセヌ ョホノナコニクヒカクヌ» , ­エフニタ 5 ヲナシ­ケニカナハ 2014 . oィツシヌ"ナタ"ヒホノナコニクヒカシヌ"ソク"クテクニノセソナメテ"チクノウ"ノセテ"サタウニチシタク"ノセヌ 28 セヌ GeMin 2014 ナハ" ソク" コカテシタ" ネノセテ" zソオテク 28-29-30 ヲナシ­ケニカナハ 2014. ィタ" シ タネチエ ノシヌ" ノセヌ" シチソエネシホヌ" ソク ヘセヒカネナハテ"コタク ノタヌ"チクツメノシニシヌ"ヒホノナコニクヒカシヌ"チクタ"ナタ 3 チクツメノシニシヌ"ヒホノナコニクヒカシヌ"ソク"ケニクケシハソナメテ"­シ"ナニハチノウ"オ ナツハノカ­ナハヌ"ツカソナハヌ"オ"ク ナツタソモ­クノク. 」クツオ"シ タノハフカク"ネシ"ムツナハヌ! ィ"Äタクコホテタネ­ムヌ"ケクネカスシノクタ"チハニカホヌ"ネシ"ナニハチノウ , チニハネノウツツナハヌ ,ク ナツタソモ­クノク , クツツウ"チクタ"クトタナソクメ­クネノク"│シホツナコタチウ"ヒクタテム­シテク"シカテクタ" シニタスオノセノク. ・ ナニナメテ"テク"ハ ナケツセソナメテ"­エフニタ 3 ヒホノナコニクヒカシヌ クテウ"サタクコホテタスム­シテナ. ィェュ」ャィ、ィ│「」z"ヲ}z-NEWS ON MINERALS , [│タク"ノナテ"サタクコホテタネ­ム"ヒホノナコニクヒカクヌ 2014 ] , │ニセコ. 、ク­ ニウチセ 70 * ニモセテ"{クネ. ォナヒカクヌ) , ゥシタニクタシメヌ 185 32

International Geological Photography Contest 2014 ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS invite all readers and collectors to get during their vacations a geological , mineralogical photograph , print it in A4 size photographic paper with description of depicted object , name and full contact information of photographer and send it to ORYKTOLOGIKA NEANEWS ON MINERALS with the indication “Geological photography Contest” until 5 November 2014 . All submitted photographs will be on display during the 28 th GeMin 2014 to be held in Athens , Greece on 28-29-30 November 2014. Visitors will vote for the best photographs and the first 3 winners will win Minerals or Gemstones or Fossils. Best of luck to all of you ! The contest is heavily relied on mineral specimens , crystals , fossils but Geowonders are also sought most for. May be submitted up to 3 photos per contestant ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS , [ For the Photography Contest 2014 ] , Leof. Gr. Lambraki 70 , (Formerly Queen Sofia Avenue), Piraeus , EL-18532 , Greece.


Chrome Ores Vourinos Mantle Rocks , Vourinos Ophiolite Complex , Greece ッニホ­タナメフナ"­シノウツツシハ­ク"ネシ" シノニモ­クノク"ノナハ"・クテサメク , ィヒシタナツタソタチム"ォメ­ ツシコ­ク"{ナメニタテナハ ,}ツツウヌ. ( ョホノナコニクヒカク – Photograph courtesy Dr. Annie Rassios , IGMEM)


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Vol 29 -

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171 - 2014

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" g" " – , 13 & 14

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Vol 29 -

171 - 2014


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ャナ" }ソテタチム" 」エテノニナ" {タモネタ­セヌ" チクタ" zシタヒムニナハ" zテウ ノハトセヌ (}」{zz) & ノナ" 「テネノタノナメノナ" │シホツナコタチモテ" チクタ" ・シノクツツシハノタチモテ }ニシハテモテ"チクタ"・シツシノモテ (「│・}・) ネクヌ" ニナネチクツナメテ"ネノセテ" ­シニカサク" ナハ"サタナニコクテモテナハテ"­シ"ソエ­ク:

Å│}µゥzェ」ィ"ィェ、「z」z: vニク­ク"コタク"Äタシソテオ"│シホノナハニタネ­ム». " セ­シニカサク" ソク" ニクコ­クノナ ナタセソシカ" ノセテ" ゥクニクネチシハオ 13 「ナハテカナハ 2014 チクタ" モニク 11:00 ­ – 17:00 ­­" ネノセテ" クカソナハネク ナツツク ツモテ"フニオネシホテ «ゥエノニナヌ"ォタナメツセヌ» ネノナ"Äタナタチセノオニタナ"│ニシケシテモテ"チクタ"セ"シカネナサナヌ"ソク"シカテクタ"シツシメソシニセ"コタク"ノナ"チナタテム.




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Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

i " ki " k d " – NEWS ON MINERALS , 29 , 170 , k ヾ 2014 , i g i" g gl i - i" gl k "h ji j gli "gヾ "k " -k ki jk g" j " k " di k j " jk g ヾk "k " g . g i" iヾ i k ji k " ヾ j " jk " gkgj i " h k ヾgk " ji g ik " j " k " h i"j ヾ "k "ヾi ヾ i ( trekking – trecken hiking – Das Wandern) . " hg" "k ヾ ヾ " di g "k , k " k g " gkg l "h g i j ,k " h j " i g " gヾ " " k " g di Å jg » g" " . i " g "k g g" k « jg » g k " hi " k " i j i h k ヾ ji "ji" "k "k " kgj . g ヾ i" " g" g" i " gh i " gヾ k k "ヾ i , " "f j " kg " g "i g ヾ " i g h " i" k " g" g . g i g k " ヾ ヾ i " g" ヾ k j i jl " k " di k j jk g ヾk "k " g h i" i hg" jkg d i i " g " i g jk i" k " l " g j hi l " g" g" jj g"k "i i j ik k , k " ji " k , k h gjk k k " k " jk " g hi " k " gk , k " ヾ l j " g" k ヾ j j , g " g" " j "j g g jk " j "g k "k " i hg .




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Vol 29 -

171 - 2014

Location of Grevena map sheet 1:100.000 。エネセ"ノナハ"ョメツツナハ │ェ}{}ヲz , 1:100.000

Map showing the sheet GREVENA , where the Geopark of ORLIAKAS is located. Neotectonic map of Greece . Arrow shows the area centered on Grevena. *ャナ­エクヌ"Äハテク­タチオヌ"ャシチノナテタチオヌ"チクタ"シヒクニ­ナネ­エテセヌ"│シホツナコカクヌ ,ャ­オ­ク"│シホツナコカクヌ , ゥクテシ タネノオ­タナ"zソセテモテ , zソオテク 1999 Department of Geology , University ...

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