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-NEWS ON MINERALS -1- Vol 31 - 182 - 2016 N EWS ON MI N ERALS V ol. 3 1 , No 1 8 2 , Ma rch - April 2 0 16 31 , 1 82 , - 2 0 16 1 5 € - Pric e of e a c h issue 1 5 € - H ELLAS - PI RAEU S I SSN 1 0 11 -58 7 0 -NEWS ON MINERALS -2- Vol 31 - 182 - 2016 Gem Fluorit e from Xianghuapu Mine, Linwu Co. , C...




Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

N EWS ON MI N ERALS V ol. 3 1 , No 1 8 2 , Ma rch - April 2 0 16 31 , 1 82 , 2 0 16 1 5 € - Pric e of e a c h issue 1 5 €

- H ELLAS - PI RAEU S I SSN 1 0 11 -58 7 0



Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

Gem Fluorit e from Xianghuapu Mine, Linwu Co. , Chenzou Prov. , Hunan, China Xianghuapu , Linwu Co. , Chenzou Prov. , Hunan,

Fluorite , gem quality , VVS – (


, (17 8 6 .) - From the collection of Giorgos Giarenakis )

Alexandra G. Minatidou –NEWS ON MINERALS GeMin . The Inspirer and the Soul of ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA -NEWS ON MINERALS and GeMin Expo in GREECE Die Instigator und die Seele der ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS und GeMin Expo in GRIECHENLAND



ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA NEW S ON MI NERALS I SSN 101 1-58 70 19 86 Established in January 1986)


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– Photo in cover

. : 30 GeMin

, 2016, 2-3-4

2016. , keep in touch and

let me know!!!» .

( 8 X 7 X 6 cms )





Bicolored Fluorite with aragonite from Lavrion , Greece

, -


– 2nd Page : 500 Euro – Back Cover : 400 Euro

Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent opinion of ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS

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NATI ONAL BANK OF GREECE , Bank Account , I BAN : GR8001101900000019034534057 , Sw ift Code : ETHNGRAA Piraeus , Hellas




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Subscription – : 1 year 90 EURO - 2 years 180 EURO ( ONLY Air Mail Subscriptions) Previous volumes: 1- 14 ( years 1986– 1999) in paper form , 80 EURO/ volume Vol. 15- 30 ( Years 2000- 2015) , available in CD at 400 Euro/ CD

ORYKTOLOGI KA NEA - NEWS ON MI NERALS sponsor the GeMin I nt ernational Mineral , Gemstone , Jew ellery and Fossil Exhibition held every year in Hellas since 1987.

182 - 2016


Editor and Ow ner : Dimitris G. Minatidis , M. Sc. , AGCC Geologist-Geochemist Leof. Gr. Lambraki 70 , Piraeus EL- 185 32 , HELLAS Tel Mobile : + 30- 6 97977 1898 Tel. Land : + 30- 213 -025 -8688 FAX :+ 30-210 -413 2-57 0 e-mail : [email protected] , [email protected] Web : w w w .gemin.eu

Circulation in 2 5 Countries around the World. Advertisement* ( Prices per I nsertion per issue) COLOR BLACK & WHI TE Size Prices in EURO A4 300 150 A4/ 2 180 100 A4/ 4 100 75

Vol 31 -



Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

(333 ,4,5 3,2 1,5 .) ( 128 , 3,1 1,4 .) Andhra Pradesh , . Natural Hexagonal Ruby crystal (333 cts ,4.5 3.2 1.5 cms.) and round cabochon ( 128 cts , 3.1 1.4 cms.) from Andhra Pradesh , India.

(258 , 3 2,2 2 .) ( 81,5 , 3,5 2,3 0,8 .) Andhra Pradesh , Natural Hexagonal Ruby crystal (258 cts , 3 2.2 2 cms.) and oval cabochon ( 81.5 cts , 3.5 2.3 X 0.8 cms.) from Andhra Pradesh , India.

(171 , 2,8 2,4 2 .) « » ( 42 , 2 1,7 0,8 .) Andhra Pradesh , Natural Ruby crystal (171 cts , 2.8 2.4 2 cms.) and cabochon cushion cut ( 42 cts , 2 1.7 X 0.8 cms.) from Andhra Pradesh , India. (Cut by Konstantinos Gikakis , Greece – ,






Vol 31 -

– Fantastic Museum size specimen of Azurite and Malachite from Lavrion ,Greece ( 21


, Labradorite with blue and goldengreen internal light reflections , Madagascar.

182 - 2016



- Gem Olivine (peridot) cabochons (oval shaped 25 carats-2X1,4X0,8 cms) , (pear shaped 38 carats-2,3X1,6X0,95 cms) from Suppat , Pakistan .In the middle slice of Hexagonal ruby crystal from Andhra Pradesh , India : 30 carats-2,5 X2,4 X0,3 cms . Photographs under Natural Incident light. ( ) Suppat : 25 -2X1,4X0,8 .) , ( " " 38 -2,3X1,6X0,95 .) . : Andhra Pradesh , 30 -2,5 X2,4 X0,3 . [ ].



Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

Peculiar rock type texture in Kynosoura , Salamina Island , Greece A whole outcrop with a fantastic texture in a heavily faulted part in Kynosoura , Salamina Island , Greece , gives excellent specimens and shows trapped xenoliths of basic and ultrabasic material inside this “desert rose”- like material. The specimens and the area provide an excellent opportunity to students of structural geology to describe the succession of geological events in a particular scale . The area has brought to our attention by Georgios Istirantzalis , Collector and Naturalist.

. The outcrop is in Kynosoura in Salamis Island and the area is an excellent environment for Geology students who would like to do thesis in Structural Geology. :




Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

Above) : Blue arrows show the rim of a round basic xenolith inside the rock with peculiar texture while below one can clearly see whole basic xenolith partly weathered and assimilated by rock matrix.

(32 25



(Acknowledgement : We thank Georgios Istirantzalis for making known the location in Salamina Island , Saronikos Gulf , Greece)



Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

Fin e m ine r al spe cim e n s from va riou s a re a s of t he W or ld



Lepidolite and fuchsite mica from Brazil ) (



– Crocoite , Tasmania , Australia




Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

Lapis 4/2016 Produktbeschreibung INHALT / Jg.41, Nr.4 Steckbrief Gormanit Rupert Hochleitner und Stefan Weiß Xanthi – Epidot und Japanerzwillinge aus dem Norden Griechenlands Berthold Ottens Glaskopf! Neue Goethitfunde in der Slowakei Albert Russ und Marek Timko Fluorit aus der „echten“ Mongolei Matthias Benz Fichtelgebirge: Große Orthoklase aus dem Redwitzit Eigenfund: Azurit aus Neubulach, Schwarzwald Neue Mineralien

Some interesting information on Gemmology – Mit hochlichtbrechendem Glas gefüllte Korunde In den letzten Jahren häuft sich das Angebot an behandelten Rubinen im unteren Preissegment. Es handelt sich dabei um ursprünglich undurchsichtige bis leicht durchscheinende Steine, die durch das Ausfüllen von Rissen mit hochlichtbrechendem Glas in der Transparenz deutlich verbessert werden. Geschliffen Steine sind meist zwischen 2,5 und 20 Karat schwer, aber auch kleinere und auch deutlich größere Steine bis über 100 Karat sind erhältlich. Corundun filled with highly light-refracting glass In recent years, there is supply of treated rubies in lower price. It involves initially opaque to slightly translucent stones which have markedly improved their transparency by filling cracks with highly light-refracting glass. Polished stones are usually 2.5 to 20 carats, but also smaller and significantly larger stones to over 100 carats are available.

Quarz - Kunststoff - Dublette mit Katzenaugeneffekt Auf der internationalen Messe Mineral & Gem in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 2015 wurden chatoyierende, violette Steine angeboten und als „Amethyst CE treated“ bezeichnet. Es handelt sich dabei um zusammengesetzte Steine (Dubletten), mit einem Oberteil aus Amethyst und einem Unterteil aus Kunststoff. Quartz - plastic - with doublet Cat's eye effect At the International Fair Mineral & Gem in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines in 2015 , chatoyan, violet stones were offered and called "Amethyst CE treated". It involves composite stones (duplicates), with a shell made of amethyst and a lower part made of plastic.

Acknowledgement : Published by permission of GERMAN GEMMOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (DGemG) -DSEF GERMAN GEM LAB , Prof.-Schlossmacher-Strasse 1,55743 Idar-Oberstein,Germany .Phone:+49-6781-5084-0 +49-6781-5084-14 fax: +49-6781-5084-19 . www.dgemg.com www.dsef.de [email protected] [email protected]


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Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

Som e in t e r e st in g scie n t ific p u blica t ion s Se le ct ive r e cover y of r ar e e a r t hs fr om ba u x it e r e sidu e by com bin a t ion of su lfa t ion, r oast ing a n d le a ch ing Or igin al Rese ar ch Ar t icle M in e r als Engine e r ing, Volu m e 9 2 , Jun e 2 0 1 6 , Pages 1 5 1 - 1 5 9 Chenna Ra o Borr a , Jaspe r M er m a ns, Ba r t Bla npa in, Yiannis Pont ik e s, Koe n Binne m a ns, Tom Van Ge r ve n Ge oche m ical invest iga t ion of Gabbr oic Xe nolit hs fr om Hua lala i Volcano: I m plica t ions for low e r ocea n ic cr ust a ccre t ion an d Hu a lala i Volcan o m agm a st or a ge syst e m Ea r t h a nd Pla n e t ar y Scien ce Le t t e rs, Volum e 4 4 2 , 1 5 M ay 2 0 1 6 , Pa ges 1 6 2 - 1 7 2 Ruoha n Ga o, John C. Lassit e r, Ja im e D . Ba r nes, D a vid A. Clague, W e ndy A. Bohrson Br ucit e as an im por t a nt p hase of the sha llow m a nt le w edg e: Ev id ence fr om t he Shir ag a unit of t h e Sanbaga w a subdu ct ion zon e , SW Japa n Or igin a l Rese ar ch Ar t icle Lit h os, Available on line 1 9 M a r ch 2 0 1 6 , Pages H ir ok azu Kaw a ha r a, Shu nsu k e En do, Sim on R. W a llis, Tak a yosh i N aga ya, Hir osh i M or i, Yosh ih ir o Asa ha r a M odeling m agm a t ic a ccu m u la t ions in t he u pper cr ust : M e t a m or ph ic im plica t ions for t h e cou n tr y r ock Origina l Rese a r ch Ar t icle Jou r n al of Volca nology a nd Geot h erm al Rese a r ch , Available on lin e 1 5 M a r ch 2 0 1 6 , Pages M a dison M. D ouglas, Ad elin a Geye r , An t onio M. Álvar ez- Va ler o, Joan M ar t í Evolu tion of th e lit h osph e ric m an t le dur ing passive r ift ing: I n fer e n ces fr om t h e a lpine Ape n nin e or oge n ic per idot it es Or igin a l Rese ar ch Ar t icle Gondw a n a Rese ar ch , Ava ilable on lin e 1 4 M ar ch 2 0 1 6 , Pa ges Giova n n i B. Piccar do Or g a nic pe tr ology a nd ge oche m ist ry of Eocene Suza k bit um inous m ar l, nor t h- ce nt ra l Afgh a nist a n : D eposit ion a l e nvir on m e n t an d sou rce r ock pot e n t ia l Origin al Rese a r ch Ar t icle M a r in e a nd Pe tr ole um Ge ology, Ava ilable on lin e 2 5 M ar ch 2 0 1 6 , Pa ges Pa u l C. H a ck ley, John R. San Filipo Th e com posit ion of m a nt le plu m es an d t h e dee p Ear t h Ea r t h a nd Pla n et ar y Scien ce Le t t e rs, Volum e 4 4 4 , 1 5 Jun e 2 0 1 6 , Pages 1 3 - 2 5 Ala n R. H ast ie , J. Godfr ey Fit t on, Andr ew C. Ke rr , I ain M cD on ald, Ant j e Sch w indr ofsk a , Ka j H oe rn le Sh a le ga s in Ch in a : Ch a r a ct er istics, ch alle nges a nd pr ospe cts ( I I ) Origina l Rese a r ch Ar t icle Pe t r oleu m Ex plor a t ion a nd D eve lopm e n t , Volum e 4 3 , I ssu e 2 , Apr il 2 0 1 6 , Pages 1 8 2 - 1 9 6 Ca in en g ZOU, D azh on g D ONG, Yu m an W AN G, Xin j ing LI , Jin lia ng HUAN G, Shu fa ng W ANG, Quanzhong GUAN , Chenchen ZHAN G, H ongya n W AN G, Honglin LI U, W e nhua BAI , Fe ng LI AN G, W e n LI N , Qun ZHAO, D e x un LI U, Zh i YAN G, Pingping LI AN G, Sh ash a SUN, Zh en QI U Tu rk ish ge oth e r m al fields a s n a t ur a l a n alogu es of CO 2 st or age sit e s: Gas geoche m istr y and im plicat ions for CO 2 t r apping m e ch an ism s Or igin a l Re se ar ch Ar t icle Ge ot h er m ics, Volu m e 6 4 , N ove m be r 2 0 1 6 , Pages 9 6 - 1 1 0 N ilgü n Gü le ç, D a vid R. Hilt on Using ge oin form at ics a n d ge om orphom e t r ics t o qu a n t ify t h e g eodiver sit y of Cr e t e, Gr e ece Or igin a l Rese a r ch Ar t icle I n t e r n ation a l Jour n a l of Applie d Ear th Obse rva t ion and Ge oinform at ion, Volu m e 5 1 , Sept em be r 2 0 1 6 , Pa ges 4 7 - 5 9 At h a n asios V. Ar gyriou, Apostolos Sar r is, Rich a rd M. Te e uw Ar chaeodiet in t he Gr e ek W or ld: D iet ary Re constr uct ion fr om St able I sot ope Ana lysis, A. Pa pa t h an a siou, M .P. Rich a rds, S.C. Fox ( eds.) . H espe ria Supp le m en t 4 9 ; Occasion al W ie ne r Labor a tory Se rie s ( OW LS) 2 , x ii. Am e r ican Sch ool of Classical Stu die s a t At h en s, Pr in ce ton ( 2 0 1 5 ) . 2 1 1 pp., $ 7 5 .0 0 ( pb) , I SBN : 9 7 8 0 8 7 6 6 1 5 4 9 2 Ar ch aeodie t in t h e Gre e k W orld: D ie t ar y Re const ru ct ion from St able I sot ope An aly sis, A. Papa t h an asiou, M .P. Rich ards, S.C. Fox ( e ds.) . H e sper ia Supple m en t 4 9 ; Occa sion a l W ie n e r Labor a tor y Se r ies ( OW LS) 2 , x ii. Am e r ica n Sch ool of Classical Stu die s at At h e ns, Prin cet on ( 2 0 1 5 ) . 2 1 1 pp., $ 7 5 .0 0 ( pb) , I SBN : 9 7 8 0 8 7 6 6 1 5 4 9 2 I n t e r n ation a l Jour n a l of Pa le opa t h ology, Volu m e 1 4 , Sept e m be r 2 0 1 6 , Pages 5 7 - 5 8 Ca rr ie L. Sulosk y W eave r


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Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

St a y t u n ne d w it h t h e on ly M a ga z in e for M in e r a l ,Ge m a n d Fossil Colle ct or s in Gr e e ce

Use the friendly phrase : We found you in ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS


Burra ,

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Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

– Burra mine , South Australia

Latitude & Longitude (WGS84): 33° 40' 41'' South , 138° 5 5' 35'' East Latitude & Longitude (decimal): -33. 6780555556, 138. 926388889

A copper mine located about 1 km W of Burra township, which yielded 10,000 tons of malachite in earlier workings. Started September, 1845. Secondary copper sulphides, mostly chalcocite, developed from the primary sulphides in an epigenetic environment. Primary and secondary sulphides are now scarce in the open cut, but chalcocite, bornite, covellite and chalcopyrite were present at the bottom of the pit. Supergene enrichment developed the main copper minerals that have been mined — malachite, azurite, chrysocolla and cuprite, with lesser native copper and libethenite. These developed as fracture fills and veins in a relatively open-space environment. Gem-quality botryoidal malachite made the mine world renowned during the 1845–77 mining period. Drexel, J.F., (2009), REVIEW OF THE BURRA MINE PROJECT, 1980–2008: A PROGRESS REPORT,South Australian Dept. of Mines & Energy, Adelaide, South Australia. Report Book 2008/16

1995 150 Burra. A rare collectible commemorative copper medal anniversary of Burra mine.

was issued in Australia in 1995 for the 150th


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Vol 31 -

182 - 2016


In our shop “

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Visit our Mineral shop downtown Piraeus – « , « « ,


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We cont inue t he tradition : “ Qualit y is more important t han quantit y” ! Visit our shop downt own Piraeus and choose Natural Genuine Eart h Treasures from around t he World ! - Design» along wit h ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS shop


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Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

Possibly your best JEWELLERY connection with India


- 15 -

Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

Keep in t ouch with one of the best magazines in Gem and Jewellery Industry

Bleiben Sie in Kontakt mit einem der besten Zeitschriften in Edelstein und Schmuckindustrie


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Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

Do not miss t he most popular Mineral , Gemst one and Fossil Show in Greece ! Be part of it !


- 17 -

Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

LEARN ON THE MINERAL WEALTH OF THE COUNTRIES VIA MINERAL POSTAGE STAMPS , , . The best gift for the students and the newcomer in the collection of mineral, gemstone and fossil postage stamps . , . -Another way to att ract t he int erest of j unior and senior Mineral,Gem and Fossil Collectors is t he collect ion of postage stamps depicting Minerals, Gems and Fossils

** Mineral Wealth of Hellas , Mint Set , 7 stamps (1980) 10 EURO ppd

** First Day Cover (F D C) 12 EURO ppd. ** Maximum Cards on the same topic 75 EURO ppd (Total number of sets in circulation 500-Limited offer).




GeMin. -NEWS ON MINERALS . 5€. - On the occasion of 20 years of GeMin Exhibition in Athens , Hellas , ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS have released a Geophilotelic Document cancelled at the National Philotelic Museum. The commemorative cover will be available by this publication until end of stock. Price 5 €.


Your best source on Geophilotelism in Hellas -


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Vol 31 -

182 - 2016

–SHOWS – 2016

Exploring the w onder of the Earth's mineral treasures through collecting, preparing and sharing of mineral specimens , gemstones and Fossils. Italy-Bologna : 4-6 March 2016 , Bologna Mineral Show & Bijoux Expo . Info : [email protected] USA – Albuquerque, New Mexico : 18-20 March 2016 . Info: [email protected] Hong Kong : 25-26 March 2016 , Hong Kong Mineral Fair . Info : [email protected] USA-Edison ,New Jersey : April 8-10, 2016 . Info : [email protected] Belgium – Antwerp : 30 April – 1 May 2016 , Minerant . Info : [email protected] China – Shanghai : 4-9 May 2016,Shanghai Mineral & Gem Show .Info : [email protected] , [email protected] Belgium – Antwerp : April 30 - May 1, 2016 . Info : [email protected] Germany – Idar Oberstein : May 28-29, 2016. Info : [email protected] USA – Las Vegas , Nevada : June 2-4, 2016 . Info : [email protected] France - Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines Mineral & Gem Show : June 23-26, 2016 . Info : [email protected] USA – Denver,Colorado : 9-16 September , 2016. Info : [email protected] Italy – Turin : September 30 - October 2, 2016 . Info : [email protected] Germany – Munich : 28-30 October, 2016 . Info : [email protected] th Greece – Athens : 30 GeMin 2016 , 2 - 3- 4 December 2016 . Information : GeMin, c/o ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA - NEWS ON MINERALS ,Gr. Lambraki 70 , Piraeus, EL-18532, Hellas. Tel+30-213-025-8688 , FAX:+30210-4132-570 , e-mail : [email protected] , h...

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