Persuasive Speech - Comm 101 PDF

Title Persuasive Speech - Comm 101
Author Gabriella Croghan
Course Speaking Evaluation
Institution University of Northern Colorado
Pages 4
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A persuasive speech on volunteering with the proper outline for a persuasive speech in Comm 101...


Persuasion: Volunteering can help both you and those in need. Name: Gabby Croghan Purpose of speech: I want to motivate people to find volunteer opportunities near them or with something they are passionate about. Time: 6-7 minute I.


Introduction: A. Attention getting device: 1. I have this bracelet that I got as a gift from my cousin who had volunteered at an orphanage in Ghana, Africa in 2009. In 2017 I went and volunteered at the same orphanage. This was an experience I will not forget, not only because I got to help these wonderful kids but I also got to travel and learn a lot about another culture. B. Thesis: 1. I want to tell all of you why you should get out in the world and support a cause that you have a strong belief in. 2. By volunteering either in your local community or overseas in a foreign country, you will gain new experiences, learn about yourself and benefit a cause that you have a passion to help with. You will also find a sense of pride by helping others who may not have as much as you or supporting a forgotten cause. 3. Helping others can actually help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. ( C. Justification: 1. I have learned from personal experience that helping others can also help you. You come back from volunteering having a whole new appreciation for things that you used to not think twice about. D. Credibility: 1. I went to Ghana, Africa when I was 16 years old to volunteer at a small orphanage. 2. While there I experienced a new culture, meet some amazing kids and those who support the children, I found a sense of confidence (because being in a group of 5 white women in a majority black third world country is very different from being 5 white women in the US). 3. I came home with a new view and appreciation for the things I have and the resources I can access on a daily basis. Body: A. Need: 1. There are so many people in the world that are living in a world complete opposite of the one we live everyday. We care so much more about our cell phones and posting about the issues around the globe but many of us don't actually do anything about it. 2. Weather it is with the starving children in africa that we see

commercials for, homeless dogs, no funding to help save the quickly dying planet and many many more issues. 3. Our initial reaction is to avoid things that make us sad, so we don't like to think about these awful things happening., describes how we avoid or disguise emotions. 4. Those constant ads we see on tv and our social media are always telling us how we need to help to save the planet or how 10 cents a day can save a starving child. B. Satisfaction: 1. Trust me I know how hard it is and time consuming it is to volunteer, but I can also say how beneficial it is. So what i'm saying is it's worth it. 2. According to, volunteering can have a dramatic impact on your overall well being, as well as your relationships with others and career prospects. I know it sounds cheesy but, Whatever it is that tugs on your heartstrings, deserves your drive. It needs your voice. When you feel passionate about a cause, you owe it to the cause, and yourself, to get involved and make an impact in your life by making an impact in others. C. Visualization: 1. These are some of the kids I meet when I volunteered in Ghana. All happy, to us they have nothing but to them, they have each other and someone they can look up to, the man and his family who run the orphanage, they call them father and mother. These incredible kids also get so much support from those who volunteers to come visit them and support them. 2. The volunteers work directly with the owners of the orphanage to help the children buy food, produce clean water, mattresses and medicine. Do Something! ~For Africa~ is the non-profit organization that I volunteer, it is run by my cousin and one of her college friends. They were the ones who took me to ghana. 3. Visiting here was a mind blowing experience for me and you too can find your mind blowing experience while also doing a little bit of good. D. Action: 1. I have a challenge for all of you. Find a cause, it can be anything, just a cause that you are passionate about helping and do some research on what you can do to volunteer for that cause. 2. says that over the last decade volunteer rates have been steadily dropping by roughly 2% every few years. Volunteer rates are falling because we as a nation don’t invest enough resources into the nonprofit sector. Without resources, nonprofits simply don’t have the capacity to effectively engage volunteers in their programs to help. 3. So lookup a local non-profit organization is looking for volunteers to


help them. For me I went through someone I knew personally, my cousin, who had a non-profit. You can find many organizations through basic research, any form of social media and so many more ways. So if you have any questions about my experience and my resources feel free to ask me, because it's not what you know, it's who you know. 4. Volunteering for a needed cause can make your heart grow up to three sizes larger just like the grinch when he saved christmas. Conclusion: A. Signal conclusion: 1. Is there a cause that you can think of that you want to help with? Tell me (ask around and get an example), now find a way to help that, you’ll help someone else and you will feel better about yourself and create a new experience. B. Re-justify purpose: 1. Volunteering leads to endless opportunities, experiences, mental/physical benefits for you and in the end helping others or a cause that needs that extra help. C. Ending clincher: 1. Find a cause, a passion, a way to impact your life while impacting others. I want to leave you with this quote.

Resources “11 Life-Changing Benefits of Volunteering That May Not Be so Obvious.” Build Abroad, 27 Sept. 2017, Bowles, Annette, et al. “The U.S. Volunteer Rate Is Still Dropping. Why?” Engaging

Volunteers, “Home.” Dosomethingafrica, “Volunteering and Its Surprising Benefits.”, 16 July 2019, “The Common Ways People Avoid Emotions.” Hilary,

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