Phstat faq PDF

Title Phstat faq
Course Science
Institution University of Sydney
Pages 5
File Size 216 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 135




PHStatFAQs What is PHStat? How do I obtain PHStat? Which versions of Excel are compatible with PHStat? What are the technical requirements for using PHStat? How do I set up and start using PHStat? How do I prepare data for analysis with PHStat? Troubleshooting FAQs What do I do when I get an "Unexpected error" message when attempting to use a PHStat procedure? What do I do when I get a "Compile error in hidden module" message? What do I do when the PHStat menu fails to open or fails to appear? Technical FAQs How do I check for updates to Microsoft Excel? How do I check for updates to PHStat? Where can I get technical assistance about using PHStat?

WhatisPHStat? PHStat is software that you use with Microsoft Excel to help build solutions to statistical problems. With PHStat, you fill in simple-to-use dialog boxes and watch as PHStat creates a worksheet solution for you. PHStat allows you to use the Microsoft Excel statistical functions without having to first learn advanced Excel techniques or worrying about building worksheets from scratch. As a student studying statistics, you can focus mainly on learning statistics and not worry about having to fully master Excel as well. PHStat executes for you the low-level menu selection and worksheet entry tasks that are associated with implementing statistical analysis in Excel. You use PHStat to perform a particular analysis by first selecting choices from the PHStat menu and completing entries in a dialog box. PHStat generates new worksheets and chart sheets to hold the results of an analysis. Many of these sheets contain formulas that will allow you to change the underlying data and see new results without having to rerun a procedure. From these sheets, you can learn real Excel techniques at your leisure and give yourself the ability to use Excel effectively outside your introductory statistics course. Return to top

HowdoIobtainPHStat? Downloading PHStat requires an access code. If your book was packaged with an access code, then visit the PHStat home page at and click the Download PHStat link. On the next web page displayed, follow the instructions for entering the access

code. If your book was not packaged with an access code, the PHStat home page contains instructions for obtaining an access code. Return to top

WhichversionsofExcelarecompatiblewithPHStat? PHStat works with all current versions of Microsoft Windows and OS X Excel. At the time of publication, these versions were Microsoft Windows Excel 2013, OS X Excel 2011, and Office 365 Excel (for Microsoft Windows or OS X). PHStat is also compatible with Microsoft Windows Excels 2007 and 2010. PHStat is not compatible with Office Online Excel, although worksheets created by PHStat can be used in Office Online Excel. Return to top

WhatarethetechnicalrequirementsforusingPHStat? To use PHStat, first apply all Microsoft-supplied updates to Excel version you use. If you plan to use the Logistic Regression procedure, you will also need to install the solver add-in (solver.xlam) that Microsoft supplies. If you are using Microsoft Windows Excel, you may need to configure the Microsoft Excel security as explained in the PHStat Readme file. Return to top

HowdoIsetupandstartusingPHStat? PHStat takes the form of what Excel calls a “macro-enabled workbook,” a standard Excel file that includes programming. The macro-enabled workbook, PHStat.xlam, is one of several files in the PHStat zip archive that you download and expand to the folder of your choice. (The other files in the archive are the PHStat readme PDF file and the PHStat help system in several formats.) Double-click the zip archive and expand and place the files in the same directory. At this time, you can optionally create a “shortcut” to the PHStat.xlam file for later, easier access to the files. You use PHStat by double-clicking the icon or folder listing (or shortcut) for PHStat.xlam. If you prefer, you can use the Excel (File) Open dialog box to open the PHStat.xlam file directly. As PHStat begins to load, you will see a security dialog box similar to one of the two shown below. Should this dialog box appear, click Enable Macros to allow PHStat to be opened. (If you are using Microsoft Windows and “nothing” happens when you attempt to open PHStat.xlam, review Configuring Microsoft Windows Excel Security in the PHStat readme to make sure your system contains the correct security settings.) If PHStat loads properly, a PHStat menu will appear in the Add-Ins tab of Microsoft Windows Excels or in the Apple menu of OS X Excel. If PHStat fails to start properly, see FAQs and Troubleshooting PHStat below.

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HowdoIpreparedataforanalysiswithPHStat? Enter your data for analysis in columns on a new worksheet beginning with column A and row 1. Generally, you should use row 1 to enter a label for a column’s data. Due to technical limitations of Excel, avoid using numbers as row 1 labels. If you must enter a number, enter the number preceded by an apostrophe. For example enter '2014. If you are using only part of a column of previously entered data, copy that part to a new column or worksheet. This good practice will allow you to easily verify your data later as well as avoid some common types of user errors. Make the worksheet that contains the data to be analyzed the currently active worksheet before you select a PHStat procedure. (Clicking a worksheet’s sheet tab, the operation you do to view the contents of a sheet, makes a worksheet the currently active sheet.) If you forget to make the data worksheet the currently active worksheet, you may encounter an error message that refers to an unexpected error or an error in handling a cell range. For procedures that require two or more cell ranges, such as the regression procedures, make sure that all of your cell ranges are from the same worksheet. Save your workbook data using the .xlsx format, not the older .xls format. When using a workbook that was saved in the older format, save the workbook in the newer .xlsx format and then close and reopen the workbook. Return to top

TroubleshootingFAQs WhatdoIdowhenIgetan"Unexpectederror"messagewhen attemptingtouseaPHStatprocedure? Verify that the any data required for the procedure that generated this message has been organized according to best practices. (Generally, data should be placed on its own worksheet, starting in column A and row 1. See the answer to How do I prepare data for analysis with PHStat?) Column headings that are excessively long or that were entered as numbers may also be a source of this message. (Edit the column headings as necessary). When an “unexpected error” message appears, any worksheets created by PHStat should be ignored and deleted. Return to top

WhatdoIdowhenIgeta"Compileerrorinhiddenmodule"message? If you get this or a similar error message when you start PHStat, your copy of Excel may not be properly updated. If you get this message with a properly up-to-date copy of OS X Excel 2011 or OS X Office 365 Excel, try opening the PHStat.xlam using a method different from the one you chose first. Return to top

WhatdoIdowhenthePHStatmenufailstoopenorfailstoappear? If you are using Microsoft Windows Excel, first review “Configuring Microsoft Windows Excel Security” in the PHStat readme. If the problem persists, turn off other third-party Office or Excel macros or add-ins to see if they conflict with PHStat. Return to top

TechnicalFAQs HowdoIcheckforupdatestoMicrosoftExcel? Microsoft Excel updates require Internet access, and the process to check for and apply updates differs among Excel versions. If you use a Microsoft Windows version of Excel and use Windows 7 or 8, checking for updates is done by the Windows Update service. In OS X Excel 2011, you manually check for updates. Select Help ➔ Check for Updates and in the dialog box, click Check for Updates. Return to top

HowdoIcheckforupdatestoPHStat? When enhancements and updates are made, a new PHStat zip archive is posted on the PHStat home page at If you hold a valid access code, you can

download that new archive and overwrite your older version. To discover the version number of your copy of PHStat, select About PHStat from the PHStat menu. Return to top

WherecanIgettechnicalassistanceaboutusingPHStat? Visit the PHStat home page at and click the link for Pearson 24/7 Technical Support. Pearson technical support can only answer questions about technical issues such as setting up PHStat or configuring Excel security. Return to top...

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