PSY 211 Project 2 PDF

Title PSY 211 Project 2
Author Jessica Maples
Course Lifespan Development
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
File Size 85.5 KB
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PSY 211 Project Two Template Use this template to complete your life-span theory exploration paper. Answer each question with a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Support your answers with credible sources when appropriate. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. 1. Identify a theorist, summarize their theory, and explain the aspects of that theory that relate to the biological perspective. The theorist that I chose is John Watson. He focused on the behaviors of a person on the outside. “He believed that a person’s physical responses provided the only insight into internal actions.”[ CITATION Goo15 \l 1033 ] He believed that behaviors are learned, as with the rat white and “Albert”. He taught “Albert” to fear the rat by making a sound any time the rat was shown. “Through learning, an initially neutral stimulus, the white rat, had become a stimulus for fear.”[CITATION Car17 \p 41 \l 1033 ] 2. Provide an example of how this biological perspective of life-span development applies to your lived experience. When I was ten years old, I was diagnosed with depression, bipolar one, as well as anxiety disorder. The biological perspective applies because it is the study of the brain. “According to the biological perspective, there are three basic conditions which elicit anxiety: overstimulation, cognitive incongruity, and response unavailability.”[ CITATION Car97 \l 1033 ] “The biological perspective states that all thoughts, feeling & behavior ultimately have a biological cause. It is one of the major perspectives in psychology and involves such things as studying the brain, genetics, hormones, and the immune and nervous systems.”[ CITATION Sau13 \l 1033 ] 3. Identify a theorist, summarize their theory, and explain the aspects of that theory that relate to the psychological perspective. The theorist that comes to mind would be Sigmund Freud. He studied how things that happened in childhood affected people in their adulthood. He believed in the ‘id’, ‘superego’, and ‘ego’. “Freud strongly believed in unconscious motivation—the power of instincts and other inner forces to influence our behavior without our awareness.”[CITATION Car17 \p 36 \l 1033 ] “The id communicates its basic needs, the ego restrains the impulsive id long enough to find realistic ways to satisfy these needs, and the superego decides whether the ego’s problem- solving strategies are morally acceptable (Freud, 1940/1964).”[CITATION Car17 \p 36 \l 1033 ] 4. Provide an example of how this psychological perspective of life-span development applies to your lived experience. The thought that comes to mind of an example of how psychological perspective would apply would be the fact that I have abandonment issues. That could possibly stem off the fact that my


mother abandoned all five of her kids, me included. So, people could assume that the two of them are related. It is stated that a psychological perspective could be an interpretation of what guided someone’s behavior. 5. Identify a theorist, summarize their theory, and explain the aspects of that theory that relate to the social perspective. Albert Bandura believed that people were more advanced than that of rats. “Bandura argues that human learning is very different from rat learning because humans have far more sophisticated cognitive capabilities.” [CITATION Car17 \p 43 \l 1033 ] There is mention of observational learning which basically stated that people had to pay attention and remember and retrieve later. He viewed that an individual had a choice on his behaviors, that the environment itself did not control that. 6. Provide an example of how this social perspective of life-span development applies to your lived experience. Going along with Bandura’s theory I am who I am because I chose to be. “For example, individuals develop a high or low sense of self-efficacy, or belief that they can effectively produce a particular desired outcome.”[CITATION Car17 \p 44 \l 1033 ] I grew up in a very bad environment; my mom was never home and left an eleven-year-old to watch us. The oldest of her children was five. There was substance abuse, neglect, and abuse. If I had chosen to allow my environment to affect my life, I would not be where I am. I have three beautiful children, that I raise alone. I am clean from drugs and alcohol, and I choose to work to support them. 7. Describe why analyzing the life span from a combined biological, psychological, and social perspective is important. Every one of these perspectives intertwine. “Only with all the different types of psychology, which sometimes contradict one another (nature-nurture debate), overlap with each other (e.g. psychoanalysis and child psychology) or build upon one another (biological and health psychologist) can we understand and create effective solutions when problems arise, so we have a healthy body and a healthy mind.”[ CITATION Sau13 \l 1033 ] So according to that without one of them it could cause issues. As stated in the feedback “In contrast, when one of the factors have be impacted negatively it will impact one or both of the other factors.”



GoodTherapy. (2015, July 13). John Watson (1878-1958). From GoodTherapy:,John%20Watson%20(1878%2D1958),the %20psychological%20field%20of%20behaviorism. Kelvens, C. (1997). Fear and Anxiety. From California State University : McLeod, S. (2013). Psychology Perspectives. From SimplyPsychology : Sigelman, C. K., & Rider, E. A. (2017). Life-Span Human Development. Cengage Learning.


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