PSY111 Chap 1 - Dr. Mashhadi PDF

Title PSY111 Chap 1 - Dr. Mashhadi
Author Carissa Fumarola
Course Introduction To Psychology
Institution Miami University
Pages 3
File Size 74.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 12
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Dr. Mashhadi...


Chapter 1: Psychology; Evolution of a Science

Psychology: The scientific study of mind and behavior o Mind: private inner experience of perceptions, thoughts, memories, and feelings o Behavior: observable actions of human beings and nonhuman animals

Psychology’s Ancestors o Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) 

Opened the first psychological laboratory in Germany in 1879

Believed that scientific psychology should focus on analyzing consciousness 

A person subjective experience of the world and the mind

Important because psychology was beginning to transition to a more experimental phase

How can one study consciousness? 

Break it down to basic elements

Structuralism- the analysis of the basic elements that constitute the mind

Introspection- the subjective observation of one’s own experiences

o William James (1842-1910) 

First to take scientific approach to study psychology

Brought his approach from Europe to America

Functionalism- study of the purpose mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt to their environment

o G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924) 

Set up first psychological laboratory in North America; focused on development and education

Founded the American Journal of Psychology

Development of Clinical Psychology

Freud Develops Psychoanalytic Theory o Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Psychoanalytic theory- An approach to human behavior that emphasizes the importance of unconscious mental processes in shaping feelings, thoughts, and behaviors

Unconscious- part of the mind that operates outside of awareness but influences conscious life

Psychoanalysis- Therapeutic approach that focuses on bringing unconscious material into conscious awareness to better understand psychological disorders

Behaviorists pissed because they cannot test his theory

Behaviorism o Psychologists must restrict themselves to the study of objectively observable behavior o Mind = Black Box o All about stimulus and response o Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) 

Studied the physiology of digestion and founded classical conditioning

Classical conditioning- pairing a neutral stimulus with a response-evoking stimulus to create a response to the neutral stimulus

o John B. Watson (1878-1958) 

Influenced by Pavlov; goal was to predict and control behavior through the study of observable behavior

o B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)

Developed the “Skinner Box”, or conditioning chamber

Founded operant conditioning

Reinforcement increases behavior and punishment decreases it

Humanistic Psychology o Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)

Cognitive Neuroscience o An attempt to understand the links between cognitive processes and brain activity 

In the late 1980’s, technological breakthroughs led to the development of noninvasive brain scanning techniques

Cultural Psychology o Study of how cultures reflect and shape the psychological processes of their members


o Studied by psychologists and anthropologists o Absolutism- culture makes little difference for most psychological phenomena o Relativism- psychological phenomena are likely to vary considerably across cultures


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