Robber barons worksheet U.S history PDF

Title Robber barons worksheet U.S history
Author Zachary Lorhan
Course History and Theory of Urban Interventions
Institution Harvard University
Pages 5
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Worksheet from class covering the subject of the robber barons of the early industrial revolution in America. The Robber barons list is right here for your use....


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Robber Barons/Captains of Industry Cartoon Analysis Directions: Look at each of the political cartoons below and do your best to analyze their message. Then, answer the questions provided. 5 Main Elements of Political Cartoons 1. Symbolism – using an object to stand for an idea 2. Labeling – used for clarity and emphasis 3. Analogy – a comparison between two unlike things that share some characteristics 4. Irony – the difference between the way things are and the way things should be or the way things are expected to be 5 Exaggeration overstating or magnifying a problem or a physical feature or Cartoon 1: 1. Which of the five (5) main elements of political cartoons are used? Exaggeration – The rich people’s bellies are really fat Analogy – the poor people are holding them up literally in the picture but figuratively in real live Symbolism – the bags of money that they are sitting on shows how they are figuratively sitting on a lot of money 2. What symbols are used in this political cartoon? What do they represent? Money signs and money bags to show how rich these poor people are making the rich business owners

3. What is the message of this political cartoon? The poor people working for the rich people are not making enough money but are still holding up the whole economy for these big businesses

4. What specific details in the cartoon led you to this conclusion? All of the bills in the background and all of the different industries were being held up by the poor and working class people, just to hold up the big business CEO’s

Cartoon 2: 5. Which of the five (5) main elements of political cartoons are used?

Exaggeration – the oil fields are in the white house and he is holding up the white house and taking money out of it symbolism – he is holding the white house with money in it to show that he has a lot of money 6. What symbols are used in this political cartoon? What do they represent? there is a lot of money in his hands that are inside the white house which means that he has the ability to control and manipulate the government to do what he wants them to do

7. What is the message of this political cartoon? Rockefeller is way to power because he owns almost all of the oil industry and he can manipulate the government

8. What specific details in the cartoon led you to this conclusion? he is holding the white house in his hand with money inside the white house showing that he has bribed the white house into doing what the wants them to do

Cartoon 3: 9. Which of the five (5) main elements of political cartoons are used? Exaggeration – This guy is holding a money magnet attracting a bunch of antiques Analogy – he is holding a money magnet showing that his business is so big and he brings in money like he has a money magnet on him symbolism – he has a money magnet which shows how much money he makes

10. What symbols are used in this political cartoon? What do they represent? His money magnet and his American flag on his hat showing that he is taking art from around the world and this shows how he is bringing a bunch of wealth to the united states

11. What is the message of this political cartoon? he is attracting a lot of wealth and art to the united states


What specific details in the cartoon led you to this conclusion?

because he has a flag on his hat and he is taking all of the fine arts from the whole world and is taking it to the united states which will bring him and the united states wealth Cartoon 4: 13. Which of the five (5) main elements of political cartoons are used? Exaggeration – makes the rich look very sloppy, fat, and ugly

Analogy – the senate room in this cartoon makes the senate in real life look like a bunch of small people being run by big business symbolism – makes the big business look like they are running what the senate’s decisions are 14. What symbols are used in this political cartoon? What do they represent? the big business are towering over the senate to make them look like they own and control the senates choices

15. What is the message of this political cartoon? The big business and monopolies are running the government and manipulating the senate’s choices

16. What specific details in the cartoon led you to this conclusion? the monopolist was towering over people and looked menacing to the average person

Cartoon 5: 17. Which of the five (5) main elements of political cartoons are used? Exaggeration – Makes the monopolist look like a sea monster and is holding people in its control symbolism – the arms of the octopus is constricting on people and are making it harder for people to leave the grasp of the octopus analogy – the tentacles of the octopus are constricting on people and business and it is making it harder for them to live or operate their business to destroy the opposition

18. What symbols are used in this political cartoon? What do they represent? the octopus represent the railroad monopoly and anything that gets in the way of the octopus then you will get crushed and loose the battle 19. What is the message of this political cartoon? the railroad monopoly is destroying anything in its way

20. What specific details in the cartoon led you to this conclusion? the octopus was constricting down on everything in its way

Cartoon 6: 21. Which of the five (5) main elements of political cartoons are used? Exaggeration – Large man supposed to be the rich man Symbolism - the child would put the profits into the rich man’s mouth 22.

What symbols are used in this political cartoon? What do they represent?

The profits bag is being used as food for the rich man


What is the message of this political cartoon?

Child labor was feeding the big business and big industry 24.

What specific details in the cartoon led you to this conclusion?

the kids would work 11 hours a day to feed the big business and the children don’t get paid Cartoon 7: 25. Which of the five (5) main elements of political cartoons are used?

exaggeration – The big man is standing over the country of the United States with a bag of money and sprinkling it all over the world symbolism – the size of him means he is in a lot of power because he is towering over the country 26. What symbols are used in this political cartoon? What do they represent? The man with the bag of money is sprinkling his money all around the country to make his own libraries for the people around the country 27.

What is the message of this political cartoon?

Andrew Carnegie would sprinkle a lot of his money and he would build all of these libraries with his own money 28.

What specific details in the cartoon led you to this conclusion?

he has a money bag labeled for all of the money that he donated and he also would build his own libraries around the world and around the country Cartoon 8: 29. Which of the five (5) main elements of political cartoons are used? Exaggeration – the octopus is swinging his arms around and crashing and taking everything in sight symbolism – the big octopus represents the big oil industry 30.

What symbols are used in this political cartoon? What do they represent?

the octopus which represents the oil company and the octopus would destroy everything in and around itself


What is the message of this political cartoon?

The oil industry is running the country because of its huge power and monopoly that it has over the oil industry 32.

What specific details in the cartoon led you to this conclusion?

the mad octopus that destroys everything. As well as the capital building being in the way of it and there is nothing in its way to stop it from taking the capital building

Critical Thinking: 33. How are the Captains of Industry/Robber Barons portrayed in each of these cartoons? Which depiction is the most favorable? Which is the most negative? Use specific details in the images to support your answer.

Many of the robber barons were looked at very poorly by the people who made these illustrations. Many of the pictures and drawings would depict either the owner of a big company, or the big company itself and how they would run their business. Some of the captains of industry were trying to take the capital of the United States. And some were depicted as fat people that were being fed by the people that work for them and the poor working-class citizens. But one person was perceived the worst and that would be Rockefeller in my opinion. I say this because the other people specifically depicted were not so big that they were able to be in control of the country and were destroying the environment as well. The best image of the people that were illustrated was one man named Andrew Carnegie because he was depicted as a major philanthropist and giving back to the poor people. He was not depicted as a fat man or a bad person trying to take control of the entire country. He was depicted as if he was just a powerful person that was giving all of this money to the public and to the poor for their education and to make their lives better....

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